It only took half an hour for Jiang Yu and Baifeng to complete the road section, and Baifeng was showing off like a magpie.

Jiang Yu carried a shovel and walked from one end of the road to the other, patrolling along the way.

Although the other teams have not completed the work, they have basically completed more than half of it. There will be another morning tomorrow, and this half of the road has also been dug.

On the road section of Hexi Village, several village officials Jiang Yu and Li Jinyou met, and gave some pointers on the planning of the road.

After work was over at four o'clock in the afternoon, they arranged for people to install roadblocks at both ends of the road, wrote eye-catching reminder signs, and turned on the lights to prevent any guy who didn't have eyesight walking at night from falling into the ditch at night.

Young people are always full of energy. The exhaustion from working during the day can't stop them from scurrying around like mice at night. After dinner, they all ran to the team headquarters as soon as they threw away their rice bowls.

Now the recreational activities at the team headquarters are not limited to chatting, but have developed poker, chess, military flag and Krona chess.

That's right, it's Krona Chess!

Jiang Yu bought all the chess, military flag and poker with money, and he made Klang chess.

He can't do billiards now, and he doesn't have much effort, but making krona chess is not a problem. Anyway, chess pieces and krona chess pieces are similar, and he only needs to make a billiard table to finish the job.

There is no standard for carat chess tables, they can be of any size.

A few days ago, he asked a carpenter in the village to make a 1.2-meter-square wooden billiard table, and four chess sticks about one meter long.

This thing is placed in the big house specially used for meetings at the team headquarters.

As soon as this thing appeared, it was loved by the grandparents in Huangling Village. Everyone rushed to the stage first, blushing and thick neck.

A single chess table obviously cannot meet the needs of these young people in Huangling Village. After the road is completed, a few more chess tables will be built to save them from scrambling for it.

If possible, make another set of billiards and a pool table, these guys are not crazy about playing.

The raw material for making billiards is phenolic resin, which is called bakelite in rural areas. This thing is not uncommon, and it seems that it is not too difficult to make a pair of billiards through processing.

The girls huddled on the kang at the team headquarters, beating Jiang Yu to teach them to fight the landlord and roll.

The stinky hand Baifeng is no longer rejected, on the contrary, many people are vying to take her to play.

Jiang Yu chatted with a few people who were not interested in having fun.

After three or two discussions, it came to An Minghai.

"The great eunuch An Dehai next to Cixi, don't say that he is just a word away from An Minghai, are they a family?"

Some people really couldn't resist talking about it. An Minghai, who had been eunuched once during the day, came to the team headquarters when all the tits in the team headquarters were making noise.

Everyone who saw him wanted to laugh, but they were too embarrassed to laugh and could only suppress it, which made An Minghai a little puzzled.

"Did these guys take the wrong medicine? Why are they so crazy?"

"Second Uncle An! Why are you here?"

"Can't I come?"

"Of course, you usually go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do. You must have something to do when you come here."

"That's what I said, I don't want to come if I have nothing to do, but I really have something to do today. I contacted you about the color TV. The local miscellaneous company in Zhuanggang has a project to sell electrical appliances, and I am worried that I can't get it. As for the goods, the manager of the other party will come to talk to you in the next two days."

This is good news.

"When he comes, you inform me, and I will go to the commune to talk to him."

Of course, he can't let the other party come to Huangling Village. With his family's current environment, people won't have much confidence at first glance, and they will definitely think him a charlatan.

"How has the machinery factory sold in recent days?"

"Very good! All the more than 400 units in stock have gone out. We have worked overtime to produce more than 300 units these days, and they have all been sold." An Minghai was in high spirits.

"They're all from this county?"

"In the beginning, all the orders were from the county. In addition to the [-] units in Zhuanggang Tuza, there are now many orders from neighboring counties. I still have [-] to [-] orders from other places. Can't finish it."

In other words, the machinery factory has now been laid out, and An Minghai completes the orders at hand, and the profit he earns is enough for him to pay the contracted machinery factory.

Another three hundred and five hundred workers will be paid a year's wages.

"Old nephew! I admire you very much now, but I have also thought about it. The pulverizer is not a high-tech thing. Seeing that we have done it well, other manufacturers will definitely follow suit. Maybe in a few days Sales will be affected, do you think I should find some way out?"

what!This product has just started selling, why do you want to retreat?

"Do you want to start looking for other projects now, ready to switch projects if the shredder fails?"

An Minghai nodded: "That's the idea."

The sense of worry is very strong.

Household shredders really won't be booming for too long.

In another ten or eight years, Jiang Yu dare not say that in other places, the livestock in the north has basically been replaced by machinery. Many families have walking tractors to plow the land, and diesel tricycles to pull the mountains when harvesting.

Without livestock and fodder, the function of the grinder is greatly reduced, and its use is limited to the family's own crushing of grain.

Then all kinds of beautifully packaged commodity grains crowded the shelves of supermarkets. They were of high quality and low price, and they were not much more expensive than processing grain by ourselves. The most important thing was to save trouble.

As a result, even the rations do not need to be processed by themselves, and the pulverizers are basically extinct in ordinary rural areas except for special-purpose mining machinery.

An Minghai's sense of urgency cannot be said to be incorrect, it's just that he was worried a little earlier.

"It's not impossible. You want to plan ahead and prepare for the future. I can provide you with two projects. You can organize some people to conduct research now."

"What project?" An Minghai's brain began to glow.

"One project is to make steel pipes. The demand for steel pipes in the future market is beyond your imagination. Whether it is seamless or seamed, the equipment for making steel pipes is huge and expensive. There are such equipment factories in this province that sell equipment."

An Minghai quickly took out his notebook and wrote it down.

"What about the other one?"

"The other is to make paper cutters, which can guarantee that your factory manager will have a prosperous period of ten years."

The paper cutter should have been popular since [-] and lasted until [-]. During this period, the sales of paper cutters and printing machines were the most prosperous.

Jiang Yu clearly remembered that advertisements for this kind of machinery were often seen on TV during this period.

"I provided the project, but it's none of my business how you learn and who to learn from. I can draw a shredder and you can understand it, but I don't understand the paper cutter. .”

Although the paper cutter is not a high-tech machine, it is much more complicated than fans, and I really can't draw it myself.

"Okay! It's enough to have these two projects, and we will study and consider them carefully."

After An Minghai finished his business, he got up and left.

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