"Xiao Jiang! What you said is very reasonable. Look at it like this. Let's go back and discuss it. I will give you an accurate answer tomorrow, okay?"

Jiang Yu thought for a while and nodded: "No problem, I will bring the check tomorrow and pay on the spot if it is appropriate."

Negotiations can be done slowly but not in a hurry, work slowly and carefully.

At the end of the banquet, the hotel waiter brought four convenient pockets.

Jiang Yu gave each of the four convenience pockets to each other.

"A little meaning is not a respect, I hope everyone will accept it."

There are two bottles of Xifeng wine and two Dunhill cigarettes bought on the black market in the convenience pocket.

This was prepared by the hotel owner Jiang Yutuo.

In the era when high-end cigarettes were not open, there were indeed all kinds of cigarettes on the black market, both domestic and foreign, and it was not difficult to get them with money.

"Xiaojiang! How can you be so mean?" Secretary Liu pretended to evade.

"Secretary Liu! This has nothing to do with business. It's completely private. You don't have to think about it. Even if we fail to make a deal this time, I will definitely use your team in the future. I hope you can make it easier on that day."

"No problem, we promise to give you the fastest service and the best price when you use the car."

After the two sides shook hands again, Secretary Liu and others waved away with gifts.

I'm afraid that if they don't accept the gift, as long as they accept the gift, there will be room for relaxation. At that time, the other party's pen will be slightly crooked, and everything will come out.

Jiang Yu spent more than 600 yuan on meals and gifts today, and this amount of money will leave him several [-] yuan by then.

Han Guoxiang didn't go with Secretary Liu. When he saw the things in his pocket, he smiled like an idiot.

He simply picked up a bargain.

"Why don't you follow your leader back, what are you doing with me?"

"Aren't you a guest when you come to Donghe? There is no guest who leaves before the master."

Han Guoxiang also came up with a set of fallacies.

"Then I'm going to the passenger station to go back by car now, you don't have to follow me."

Han Hanxiang patted his chest: "Just because we are drivers in the convoy, aren't you ashamed of me? You wait for me to drive."

After finishing speaking, he was about to run, but was pulled back by Jiang Yu.

"You're so drunk, you're still driving, beware of the police arresting you for drunk driving."

"Drunk driving! It means drinking and driving. Why do the police arrest drunk driving? Isn't it normal for a driver to drink and drive?"

At that time, the management of drunk driving was very loose. Although the publicity of the traffic team included the propaganda of drinking and not driving, there were no effective punishment methods.

"You don't have to mess around. I'll take the bus from the passenger station to our commune for [-] cents, and then I'll go home by bicycle. You don't need to see me off."

He didn't dare to let this guy who was shaking in the aisle drive him.

I was born again after drinking and driving, so I must learn the lesson.

Saying goodbye to Han Guoxiang, Jiang Yu did not go to the passenger station to buy a ticket to go home, but stopped an empty human front three wheels.

"Brother! Do you have a three-wheel taxi? I ​​want to go to the Agricultural Machinery School. How about giving you a dollar to take me there?"

It is about two or three miles from here to the Agricultural Machinery School, and he is not going to use his feet to measure it.

The person riding the three wheels was a worker in a small factory on the street. He went out to deliver the goods and returned to the factory. He did not expect to encounter such a situation.

"This is the official car."

"I know you are a public car. You can just turn east and it won't be a big deal. You can earn a dollar for yourself. Although the money is not much, it is still enough to buy two packs of cigarettes."

The three-wheeler considered for three seconds: "Get in the car!"

He thinks what Jiang Yu said makes sense.

"Sigh! Our small county town of Donghe doesn't even have a taxi. It's really inconvenient to go where to do business in the county town."

Jiang Yu started complaining after taking three rounds.

"Haha! Our county is small, so we don't need a taxi. We can just walk by foot. Who would spend that much money?" the three-wheeler continued.

"It's okay to walk on the street when you are free, but if you are in a hurry or you don't want to walk on your feet, you need a paid service. Even if you wait for me for three rounds, there will be It’s not a small market, and a person like you can buy a tricycle by himself, earn some pocket money by soliciting customers on the street after get off work, and maybe earn more than your salary a month.”

Jiang Yu was grinding his teeth with the idea that being idle is also being idle, but the eyes of the person who pedaled three rounds brightened.

The Agricultural Machinery School is located next to the national road leading to the county seat in the direction of Jianshan Commune.

A row of small bungalows along the road is where the Agricultural Machinery Supervision Office is located.

Behind the Agricultural Machinery Supervision Office is a very huge yard, which extends along a somewhat long hillside to the top of the hill.

Donghe Agricultural Machinery School is located in the yard behind the Agricultural Machinery Supervision Office.

After Jiang Yu gave Master Desanluner a dollar, he walked into the Agricultural Machinery Supervision Office.

Although the Agricultural Machinery School is in the back yard, it is in the Agricultural Machinery Supervision Office in front to apply for a tractor driver's license.

"Who are you looking for?" The uncle in the reception room of the Agricultural Machinery Supervision Office looks like an old man who sings Peking Opera. He sits majestically on a stool. If he puts a big knife in his hand, he will be the old Huang Zhong on Dingjin Mountain.

Jiang Yu smiled: "Master! I'm here to inquire about learning a tractor driver's license."

"It's still half a month before I leave the class, it's too early to come now."

"I know this. I just want to ask how much it costs to learn a driver's license this year? Are there any discounts?"

"Boy, if you want to learn, hurry up and learn. This year's first class is still 6 yuan per card. According to gossip, the second class in June will increase the price."

"There are estimated to be a dozen people in our village who want to learn a driver's license. With so many people coming, doesn't the Agricultural Machinery School offer any discounts?"

The uncle in the reception room smiled: "There is also a bargain."

It seems that it is impossible to get some discounts.

Jiang Yu also inquired about some matters, such as registration date, payment method, study schedule and content, etc.

Since you are here to inquire about something, it is natural to ask clearly.

The study of tractor drivers lasts for three months. The first one and a half months are mainly theoretical studies, that is, learning the composition and working principles of tractors and various agricultural implements.

The next one and a half months is the actual operation, including farming with farmland machinery and equipment, and road transportation.

At the end of the three-month study, there are two subjects, theoretical and practical, to be assessed. Only those who pass the test can obtain a white-skinned driver's license.

It is a piece of paper folded in half, with a photo of the individual's name and the stamp of the agricultural machinery management department on it.

This is the probationary driver's license, which can be used in this area.

After half a year with a probationary driver's license, as long as there are no major accidents, it will be replaced with a small red leather book, which is an official driver's license, which can be used throughout the country.

After asking all the questions, Jiang Yu stood on the side of the road and waited for the bus. After more than ten minutes, an individual bus passed by and took him to Jianshan Commune.

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