Han Guoxiang left for more than ten minutes, and ran back panting.

"Our leadership agreed to talk."

"How many people can come over there, so I can arrange it."

"Just write down yourself!"

This answer was somewhat beyond Jiang Yu's expectations. Can this person's negotiation count?

"Only one! Just the secretary? Where's your captain?"

"He is also the captain! He alone has the final say on our team's big and small affairs."

Transporting the first team turned out to be a word of speech.

"He came alone? How can we talk about it?"

"Isn't there still me?"

"You? Asking for help alone-how old are you?"

"Cut! Who do you look down on? Don't look down on me, but I'm thick!"

"Your father is Li Gang?" Jiang Yu blurted out.

"Who is Li Gang?"

"Where are your roots thick?" Of course, Jiang Yu couldn't tell Han Hanxiang who Li Gang was.

"My dad is in construction." South Korea Xiang complacently.

"Contractor? No! If your father was a contractor, you wouldn't come here to drive."

"Your dad is only a contractor, my dad..."

Han Hanxiang lowered his voice: "It's planning."

This guy talks about everything, and he builds and plans for a while.

"From the Planning Bureau?"

Han Hanxiang nodded: "What about architectural and garden planning?"

Planning Bureau?It seems to be useful, but not too much.

"Are you accompanying your leaders at noon?"

"Hey! There are others, count me as a total of four people."

This guy will really filter the water when he talks in the future, how can he be upside down.

Two more people emerged.

The welcome restaurant is about 300 meters away from the first transportation team. It is an individual restaurant that has just opened.

Jiang Yu chose this place because it has cubicles.

Unlike other hotels that operate in a lobby style, it has two private rooms.

Obviously, the owner of this hotel has seen the world outside.

Jiang Yu booked a private room, and Han Guoxiang came here with three people at eleven o'clock at noon.

"This is Secretary Liu of our team! This is Mr. Jiang Yu."

Jiang Yu shook hands with each other one by one, and said greetings such as long-awaited meeting.

Once everyone is here, the next step is to order food.

As the host, Jiang Yu first ordered a braised prawn and steamed pork knuckle.

Then the guests order, one person orders two, a total of eight dishes, and the wine is one of the top ten famous wines in the 80s: Xifeng.

While waiting for the food, Jiang Yu didn't say a word about the tractor, but told some jokes about meat and vegetables, which made the people at the table lean back and forth.

When the food and wine were served, Jiang Yu picked up the wine glass.

"Meeting is a fate, and the gathering of people who don't know each other today is also a fate in this life. The bosses will come together for our acquaintance!"

All of you present here are veterans of the alcohol battlefield, and with less than one or two small wine cups, there is no pressure at all.

After the bottom of the cup was lit, Jiang Yu filled it up one by one, and the hot money gave way to the dishes.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, it's time for the main topic to appear.

"Xiao Jiang! How did you meet Han Guoxiang?"

"Brother Han and I? We met by chance a year ago, and we got to know each other very well. During the chat, he said that your fleet had some scrapped tractors lying around, and I took that to heart. "

"That's right! In the past, when cars were not enough, the upper management allocated some tractors in batches. Tractors are a waste of time for short-distance travel. Long-distance travel is too time-consuming, and they will all be phased out gradually. Do you plan to buy two to go back?"

"I'll listen to your price. If it suits me, I'll buy a few more. If it doesn't suit me, I'll buy a few less."

"Why do you buy so many tractors?"

"To tell you the truth, I have hired a quarry and a sand field in the countryside. If I have a car, I can earn shipping fees."

"Awesome! At such a young age, he can be regarded as a man of the hour under the tide of reform."

"Haha! What kind of person am I? I'm just an ordinary farmer, Secretary Liu! Closer to home, what are you going to do with these tractors?"

Jiang Yu unpacked a box of Dazhong Nine and made one for everyone.

"What price do you want to give?"

"Me? Of course I won't bid too high. I can only give a slightly higher price than scrap steel."

Of course, the bid cannot be too high, and then the two sides will see-saw.

At that time, the purchase price of steel scrap was more than 200 yuan per ton, and a wheeled tractor usually cost two to four tons.

Calculated according to the price of scrap steel, each car shall not exceed [-] yuan.

This price is definitely not available.


"Haha! Xiao Jiang! This price is not good. There is no room for negotiation. The minimum price of each tractor cannot be less than 4000 yuan."

This price was somewhat unexpected to Jiang Yu, not more but less.

He thought that the other party's first bid would not be less than [-] yuan.

"Secretary Liu! The price I offered is indeed low, but your asking price is too high. These tractors of yours are all scrapped cars, not worth the price."

"Although it is a scrap car in name, those tractors can run when they are sealed."

"This may be true, but it was able to run at the beginning, and now after so many years of wind, frost, snow and rain, under the erosion of severe cold and heat, it is not a matter of whether it can run now. When I buy these cars back, I will send them to the agricultural machinery repair factory for overhaul. , and those tires are probably already dried, and these tires are worth old money, so these cars are not worth 4000 yuan at all."

Everything Jiang Yu said makes sense, and it is completely an expert's statement.

Secretary Liu and the other two who came with him looked at each other.

"Then it's up to you..."

"Two thousand one, I bought all of your tractors!"

Secretary Liu pondered for a while: "Xiao Jiang! Although everything you said is reasonable, the price you offered is still not good. You can't and dare not sell it at this price."

Jiang Yu has already heard the meaning of looseness from Secretary Liu's words. Could it be that these tractors can be won at a price that surprises him?

Two thousand is too low, can we negotiate again?

"How about it, Secretary Liu! Don't make it difficult for you. I will add another three hundred for each tractor. You don't have to make it difficult this time."

Secretary Liu was laughed at: "It's no different from two thousand. We researched it in the company. If you take it away together, the lowest price is three thousand five!"

Jiang Yu shook his head quickly: "I'm sure I can't afford this price. The minimum budget for a tractor engine overhaul is 6000, with eight front and rear legs, one-to-one front steering about one hundred and fifty, one-to-one thousand and three on average for the driving wheels, and four trailers. The wheels add up to 7000 yuan. In this way, a car costs more than 1 yuan. If other parts are sewed and repaired, it may cost more than 6000 yuan. A new Shanghai [-] front is only [-] yuan, and I will match it with an old one. The stroller is only [-] yuan, and I spent more than [-] yuan to buy an old car, so I might as well buy a new one.”

A new tractor can do a good job for three years, and there will be basically no damage in the first three years, which is completely incomparable with the old tractor.

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