The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 72 Holding a Village Meeting

After Jiang Yu got off the car, he went to the machinery factory to launch the bicycle, and went to the rural credit union to ask him about the loan.

The person in charge of the credit union told him that the loan would arrive tomorrow morning, and jokingly asked him to prepare the sack.

This put Jiang Yu in a good mood, and he rode his bicycle home humming a meow song.

Not far from the commune, I saw a bald head standing lonely by the side of the road, as if waiting for someone.

"Isn't this Brother Guang? Why are you planning to block the road again?" Jiang Yu squeaked in front of the bald head and stopped the bicycle.

The bald head looked at Jiang Yu with a half-smile: "So it's you bastard."

"Not bad, not bad! There is progress, at least no gang crimes, so even if you are caught for highway robbery, you will be sentenced to many years less."

The bald man was depressed: "Don't be complacent, you kid. Someone is going to deal with you. I really want to see how you look with a bruised nose and swollen face after being beaten. Will you still be so arrogant?"

"Oh! If there is such a thing, tell me who is going to deal with me?"

The bald head raised his face 45 degrees, like a rooster that has won a victory.

"If I don't tell you, why should I tell you?"

"You really don't tell me?"

"Of course I won't tell you!"

Jiang Yu took out a pack of Da Chong Jiu from his pocket. These were the cigarettes he smoked during the banquet today. There were two packs in total.

One pack was smoked, and the remaining few were taken by Korean Xiangmixi.

This bag was still in Jiang Yu's pocket when it didn't come in handy.

Jiang Yu snapped his fingers: "See? Big Nine! Three yuan a pack, have you seen it? Have you smoked it? Tell the secret in your heart, it is yours."

There was a greedy look in the bald eyes.

The best cigarettes he has ever smoked are five golden flowers with filter tips for a pack of two, and the local cigarette Daqingshan for a pack of one dollar.

Usually he can only smoke a fifty-five-cent pack of Xiaoqingshan or plain cigarettes without filters.

He must have seen Da Chongjiu before, but he certainly hadn't smoked it.

He felt that the addiction to cigarettes came up all at once, and his whole body was itchy and unbearably itchy like countless bugs were crawling.

It's just that he didn't make a statement. He surrendered as soon as someone took out a cigarette. This is too weak, so he must pretend.

"Don't tell me? Really don't tell me? If you pass this village, there will be no such shop. I'll ask you one last time. If you don't tell me, I'll go home."

"It's a member of your brigade."

Then ruffian Pan is the only one left. Jiang Yu has no one in Fengwobao village who has any grudges.

"How did you know?"

"He came to Fifth Brother to deal with you, but Fifth Brother didn't agree."

Yang Wu still has his own judgment criteria in his heart.

Jiang Yu opened the cigarette case and took out two cigarettes and threw them to the bald head.

"Ah! Two!" The bastard only gave him two cigarettes!

"That's right! I didn't even say I'd give you a box!"

The bald head was angry: "Jiang, what you say doesn't count, you will have a son who will have no asshole!"

Jiang Yu chuckled, what would the police do if swearing is useful?

"Listen! Report any news about me in time, and I promise I won't treat you badly."

Later?This time you don't keep your word, you have no future.

Pan ruffian wants to deal with him, did he know that he blew up his lantern?

Jiang Yu pondered while riding.

If Pan ruffian had enough brains, it would not be difficult to figure out that he blew up his lantern, and he could get clues from the marlezi.

But it is only limited to judgment. It is absolutely impossible to prove that Jiang Yu did it.

But even if it's true, what can you do?Report to the police and the police will not care.

Will the police take care of you with a broken lantern?

Although he couldn't get it right, and the police wouldn't care, they couldn't stop ruffian Pan from making trouble for him. Should he act preemptively and break his calf?

Just do it!

When he arrived at Fengwobao Village, Jiang Yu didn't go back to Huangling Village by the shortest way, but took a detour to Houxiao Village. He was going to take the initiative to talk to Pan Pizi, and if he couldn't, he would break his calf and let him Go to the hospital and let him know that I am more arrogant than him.

It's a pity that this guy's life should not die. I don't know where to go, and he's not at home at all.

Unable to find ruffian Pan, Jiang Yu went home depressed. When passing by Hexi Village, Li Jinyou also happened to push the cart out from the team headquarters.

The two were riding while chatting, and the content of the chat was all about strawberries.

Strawberry has become the first project to be promoted in Fengwobao Village.

When other places were still doing small things, Li Jinyou was going to make his strawberry business bigger.

When I heard Jiang Yu say that although there are many families in Huangling Village who grow strawberries, they are basically on the scale of growing strawberries for themselves, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"It's the same in other villages. They don't have confidence that strawberries can make them rich. There are still many difficulties in promoting this project!"

"This is normal. The birth of a new thing is always accompanied by doubts. When they taste the sweetness or see others taste the sweetness, the natural enthusiasm will come out."

"How can you let them taste the sweetness, or see others taste the sweetness?"

"Support a typical example. I have supported a typical example in Huangling Village, and the effect will be seen by June or July this year."

The growth cycle of strawberries is very short, only one month, but the interval from seed to fruit is a bit long, two to three months.

If Nian Wancang starts seedling planting in mid-March, strawberries will come down in May and June.

But if it is ready-made strawberry seedlings, supplemented by plastic film cultivation, this cycle will be greatly shortened, and it may be on the market by the end of April.

If it goes on the market at the end of April, it can really sell for a good price.

It's a pity that strawberries are cyclical for three years, and the fruit in the second year is the best, but the fruit in the first year is not large, and it is still small, but even if it can only sell for 700 yuan, it will serve as a model.

"That's right! Each team supports two role models. The power of role models is infinite."

"The current main strawberry varieties are Xingxiang and Dana, both of which come from Japan. I have to say that devils are still very good at cultivating strawberries. In the future, we will also breed varieties suitable for local growth if conditions permit."

Li Jinyou is depressed. Now that he doesn't fully understand how to grow strawberries, this guy has already started thinking about cultivating varieties by himself.

Although they all grew up eating corn noodles, there is a big gap between being human.

"What have you been working on these two days, kid?"

"Run for a loan, and then buy some mining equipment."

Li Jinyou shook his head: "I really don't understand what kind of medicine you sell in your gourd, you still buy mining equipment? I'll see how you make money then?"

"Haha! If you can see, I'm not working in vain. I'm planning to hold a meeting for the stonemasons in the quarry these two days...then why not just call the whole team for a meeting and talk about some things."

Now that he has taken office, it is indeed time to hold a meeting in Huangling Village.

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