Jiang Yu's house was overcrowded and bustling like yesterday.

The ten bundles of red paper he bought back from the Jianshan market yesterday almost all turned into blessing characters.

It is estimated that selling blessing characters can earn a small five hundred yuan, and the money will not be used to buy firecrackers.

Jiang Yu threw two packs of cigarettes to Zhang Shanpao and Li Qingxian, and each of the girls got a bottle of facial cleanser.

Employers can't use them in vain, and a facial cleanser worth one or two dollars can make them happy.

"Bai Feng came late this afternoon, she must dig out some of her bottle!" Lin Jing suggested.

"But where do you put it when you take it out?" Some people expressed concern.

"Wipe it on your face, it can't be ruined anyway, so why not wipe it on your butt?" Li Qingxian, a bitch, uttered a sentence without making a sound.

Immediately by the collective attack of female compatriots.

"How dare you! Have you eaten enough food for three days and don't know how many catties you have?" Bai Feng snatched his facial cleanser, his eyes almost stood on his forehead, with the roar of a river east lion The posture made everyone laugh.

"Mountain Pao! Your father is going to let you learn tractors, what about you Qingxian?" After laughing, Jiang Yu brought the topic back to the right track.

"Me? I haven't told my family yet."

"You are a bad person. You are always procrastinating in doing things. You have never had a good time."

"Why worry, the year hasn't passed yet!"

Li Qingxian has a listless temper, the kind of person who can still walk around when the house is on fire.

"A person like you should actually find a wife like Bai Feng, and you can make up for each other!"

Jiang Yu's casual remark caused a trouble unexpectedly.

"What! Let me and this wilting soil turtle? I can't give it to him even if I fall into the cesspit, Li Tubie! I warn you, don't make up my mind!"

There was another burst of laughter.

Li Qingxian didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Who wants to get your idea? We don't dare to have a woman like you, and it's not like we don't have a daughter-in-law."

After Baifeng bombarded Li Qingxian with firepower, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Yu with malicious intentions.

"I'm just making an analogy, there's no other meaning." Jiang Yu explained.

"Use me as an example in the future, I will never end with you."

In this atmosphere, work is the easiest, and the work is done before you know it.

These people all went home, and when his mother and younger sister started making dinner, Jiang Yu went around his yard to see if there were any Chinese New Year things he hadn't prepared.

Food for cooking, clothing, and food... The food is still lacking in fine grains. I bought this at the bargaining grain store, and I didn’t buy the firecrackers that were set off. There is really nothing missing.

It cost a total of 400 yuan to buy TV sets, bicycles and clothes, and [-] yuan to buy meat.

The 500 yuan for selling technology left [-] yuan.

In the past few days, more than 300 lucky characters have been sold, but one third of them have been spent.

He still has 3000 yuan on him.

He didn't give the money to his mother to save for him to marry a wife, because he didn't know when it would be used.

On the 22nd, 22th, and [-]nd days of the twelfth lunar month, Jiang Yu went to the Shatu Market, Hongdao Market and Jianshan Market respectively.

After these three markets, he basically pushed out all the lucky characters in his hand, and there were [-] cards left in his hand, which were distributed to those who helped him work and several related households.

So far, he has made a total of [-] blessings, which brought him a small income of [-] yuan.

Twelfth lunar month 23, a small year in the north.

Jiang Yu reappeared in Sun Mingli's office with a plan on his bicycle.

If it is not sent to the township government, it will be a holiday. If the things of the previous year are postponed to the next year, the effect will definitely be different.

Facing Sun Mingli's excited face, Jiang Yu was a little puzzled, you are the boss of Jianshan Commune, why are you so excited to see such a small person as me!

"That's great! Every word and every word makes sense. With your plan, why don't our Jianshan Commune's economy take off?"

"Secretary Sun! This is just a plan, please don't treat it as a panacea, maybe..."

"Maybe it's not. You really have a lot of work in your stomach. In just a few days, you can see the truth through the fog and see the advantages and disadvantages of our Jianshan Commune so clearly. What a talent!"

what!Am I that good?

Some of the things he wrote happened in the land of Jianshan Commune, but it was only two or three decades later, not so miraculous.

"With your plan, our work..."

"Secretary Sun! You made a mistake, this is your plan!"

Sun Mingli glanced at Jiang Yu unexpectedly again: "I didn't expect you to be so smooth, you don't need to be like this, what's yours is yours."

Sun Mingli is not greedy for merit, which shows that he is indeed an official who wants to do something practical for the farmers, and hopes that his judgment will not make mistakes.

The more Sun Mingli watched, the more excited he became, and he was already dancing.

"Hey! Why are there only a few words about the transportation industry and light industry?"

"I didn't write down these things in detail, because I was suspected of bragging about drawing big cakes. This can only be planned well when it is actually done."

Sun Mingli nodded in agreement.

"Xiao Jiang! In any case, with your plan, the government's work will be reduced a lot, otherwise we would be crossing the river by feeling the stones and don't know where to start."

Sun Mingli's words are true. In the early days of rural reform, except for contracting production to go outdoors, other government officials and farmers themselves were all blindsided, and they were indeed crossing the river by feeling the stones.

"After the next year, we will conduct careful discussions and studies, and then start to implement it. We will try to change our Jianshan Commune in three years."

Seeing Sun Mingli's high-spirited look, Jiang Yu decided to give him a cold shot.

"Secretary Sun! I've already handed over the plan to you, you can look at my business..."

"Ah! Your business? What's your business?"

Hold the grass!Is this old thief going to turn his back on him?

"It's about my loan."

"Ah! This matter! I'll hand it over to the people below, and I'll ask you."

Sun Mingli picked up the phone and spoke in a nonchalant manner.

"It's been done, the government will guarantee you, and the loan will be released after the year."

"Government guarantee? Can the government provide another guarantee and give me a loan of 200 million!"

"What! 200 million? What are you going to do, kid?"

"Just kidding, Secretary Sun! When will I get the money in the next year?"

"No matter what, the credit union will go to work after the new year, and it will be February [-]th or [-]th. Don't worry."

It will take more than 20 days before and after, so there is really no rush.

Jiang Yu said goodbye to Secretary Sun, and walked out of the township government to the supply and marketing cooperative.

Then it's time to buy firecrackers.

Ever since he saw the samples of fireworks sold this year at the soil miscellaneous company, Jiang Yu gave up the idea of ​​buying firecrackers and fireworks in the county.

Basically, it is confirmed that the fireworks and firecrackers sold by the rural supply and marketing cooperatives are the same. Since they are all these things, he will go to the county to buy them. Isn't it full?

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