"Secretary Pan! Why did you ask such a question? Could it be that you were taken down? You were taken down? You were taken down!" Jiang Yu repeated in feigned surprise that you were taken down. Character.

Don't important things have to be said three times!

Pan Chunqiu did not answer.

"Secretary Pan! See what I'm talking about? I said your branch is not going to last long. Am I talking nonsense? Cadres who don't think about their own villagers should be thrown into the trash."

"Who do you say is garbage?" They were all swept into the garbage dump, so naturally they are garbage.

"Hey! Secretary Pan! You are not young and I am not a child. There is no need to pick words, but your book has been taken down. I don’t know what others think. I must be elated. I’m sorry! Sometimes I speak so bluntly. , don't mind, I will definitely set off a few more firecrackers during the Chinese New Year, maybe I will go to your door and set up two for your house for free, wishing you happiness."

Pan Chunqiu looked at Jiang Yu uneasily.

"Secretary Pan! I won't mess with you anymore. The road leads to the sky. Take it easy on yourself. Be careful of the ditch on the side of the road. Don't fall into the ditch!"

After speaking, Jiang Yu smiled slightly, and waved goodbye to Pan Chunqiu.

Looking at Jiang Yu's back in the distance, Pan Chunqiu was very angry.

When my son comes back at the end of the year, tell him to show this kid some flair, not everyone can bully me in Fengwopu.

Jiang Yu rushed all the way back to the village. Instead of going home, he came to Li Jinyou's house first.

Li Jinyou's sleeping on the kang is very peaceful.

"It is a kind of happiness to drive the crane west so peacefully, Second Uncle! I hope you will live in our hearts forever..."

"Get out! I haven't lived enough yet!" Li Jinyou got up from the kang, smoking from his seven orifices.

"Hey! Second Uncle Li! Seeing that you are so calm, I guess the result of talking with Secretary Sun is good. Tell me and let me share your joy."

When it was time to get down to business, Li Jinyou immediately smiled.

"You prepared well for me. Secretary Sun basically asked what you said. I think I performed quite well."

"Don't be complacent! I have prepared so well for you. If you don't perform well, won't you be a stick?"

"You guys are teaching less and less, hehe! Judging from Secretary Sun's expression, it's pretty good overall."

"I am relieved. If you are really optimistic, it is estimated that it will not exceed the [-]th of the twelfth lunar month. The appointment should come down. Form your leadership team and lead us forward."

"Xiao Jiang! Do you want to join this team?"

"I don't like to go. I want to go to your team to listen to your blind instructions. It's better to be the party secretary myself. It's not that I can't be the party secretary. I also want to ask you something. Our team has no reservations. Do you want to keep the land?"

"A little bit, not a lot, just tens of acres."

"It's indeed a little less, but it's okay, then you go on sleeping, I'm going home."

Jiang Yu came out of Li Jinyou's house, and when passing by Zhang Shanbo's house, Zhang Shanbo's father, Zhang Mingtang, happened to come out of the yard.

"Fourth Uncle finished eating?"

Zhang Mingtang was amused: "What time is it and don't you eat?"

"I'm asking about dinner." Jiang Yu and Zhang Shanbo grew up wearing a pair of trousers. When they were young, they often ate, drank, and slept at Zhang Shanbo's house, so there was no burden to make a small joke with Zhang Mingtang.

"You boy! Bozi said that you let him learn to drag the plane ticket. I thought you boy would not lie to him, and I was going to take it seriously, but I figured out what happened."

"It's like this. After the Chinese New Year, our generation will have a big project that will require a lot of transportation tools. Let your family learn how to use a tractor ticket. When the time comes to buy a tractor for transportation, I can guarantee that you can draw [-] yuan a year. Eight thousand."

"How much? Thousands of children, true or false?"

In 86, earning [-] a year, this is an unimaginable figure.

"When you get back to work, if you two can be wild and willing to endure hardships, you can earn more than this amount in a year."

"How much is it to learn how to drag a ticket?"

"200 yuan for three months, and the school starts on March 3 of the Chinese New Year. I will finish my studies by the end of May, and I should get up by then."

"200 yuan is not much, but you don't have a tractor when you learn to tow the plane ticket?"

"You don't have to worry about the tractor problem. I will solve it for you then."

The tractors are already in place now, and what is lacking now is money, and they can be driven back if they have money.

The key is where is the money?

All idiots know that money is in the bank, and the legal way to turn the money in the bank into their own is to borrow money.

Sun Mingli promised to solve the loan problem for himself, and he will follow up when the proposal is sent, and try to implement the loan matter years ago.

"How much does that tractor cost?"

"Let's not count on new tractors. A new tractor head costs more than 1 yuan, plus the truck body. Don't even think about it without 3000 yuan."

Zhang Mingtang immediately withered.

"However, we can buy a second-hand tractor. Five to six thousand yuan for the headband is enough."

"Five or six thousand is not a small sum, is it?"

"Live well, if there is no problem with the car, you can earn back the cost of the car in a year. Five or six thousand is nothing."

"I have to think about this."

"Don't worry, just think about it slowly."

Zhang Mingtang walked towards Mizoguchi, thinking while walking.

Jiang Yu walked towards the end of the ditch, and at the gate of Baifeng's house, he saw Bai Fengfei running out again, with her mother holding a fire stick in her hand.

"Little devil! If you are capable, you will never come back."

This kind of scene is already common in Huangling Village, even Jiang Yu, who came back not long ago, has seen it many times.

"If I don't come back, I won't come back. I'll live at Brother Jiang Yu's house."

Jiang Yu was stunned on the spot, who gave you the courage to say such a thing?

Didn't I get shot while lying down?

"Jiang Yu! Take this dead girl to your house and don't let her come back."

At the wrong place at the wrong time, Jiang Yu appeared in the wrong place and unfortunately became the background wall.

"I said, why did you make your mother angry?"

"Who made her angry? You don't know my mother's temper. She insists on one thing at home, and my father is under her control. She always wants to control me. Am I so easy to control?"

Of course not!

With Bai Feng's temper, he would listen to her mother. Isn't that a ghost?

The two of their wives may have been enemies in the previous life, but in this life they are considered to be together.

"Brother Jiang Yu! You let Zhang Shanpao and Li Tubie learn tractors, why don't you let me learn?"

"You want to learn tractors? Do you know what a tractor is? Not to mention anything else, a woman who drives a tractor can easily experience menstrual disorders, and even a heavy child can fall over!"

"Bah! You just knocked the baby off!"

"I'm a man with a fart child!"

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