The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 57 The New Village Committee

Every time the Chinese New Year comes, the supply and marketing cooperatives change the original counters for buying production materials into special counters for fireworks and firecrackers to meet the needs of farmers.

Once the [-]th of the twelfth lunar month passed, the place was overcrowded almost every day, and there were not too few people today.

Jiang Yu brought a cardboard box and a large woven bag. It took an hour and sweated profusely to pack a cardboard box of firecrackers. He bought a woven bag of various small fireworks and spent 200 yuan. How much money.

What's the matter, I spent so much money, but I didn't enjoy any VIP treatment. I won't come here to buy it next year. I must let them deliver it to my door.

Tie up the cardboard box and the woven bag, and return home smoothly.

The two happiest people in the family after buying the firecrackers are my father Jiang Dongsheng and his younger brother Jiang Bin.

Holding a steamed bun in one hand and a small salted fish in the other, Heibuliuqiu's little claw rushed out of the house in a hurry.

"Brother! You're back!" A gust of wind was about to pass by Jiang Yu.

"Brother bought firecrackers back!"

Jiang Bin slammed on the brakes, but unfortunately the brakes failed, and he crashed into a tree trunk in front of Jiang's house.

The steamed buns also flew, and the salted fish also fell.

The little black dog of the Jiang family was very discerning, he took the steamed bun with one mouthful, ran into the kennel like the wind, and then turned around and took the salted fish away.

It's early Chinese New Year.

Jiang Bin no longer cared about the steamed buns and salted fish, and followed the yard by grabbing the bicycle shelf.

"Brother! Did you buy any firecrackers? Did you buy small fireworks?"

"Stop rambling, can this box be hugged?"

Jiang Bin made a gesture. The box felt like it weighed dozens of kilograms, and he couldn't hold it.

Jiang Dongsheng came out of the house at this time and carried the box into the house.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" Jiang Bin exclaimed every time he took something out of the cardboard box and weaving.

Jiang Yu slapped him on the back of the head: "Don't act like you haven't seen the market, put away your match gun."

Jiang Bin's attention was mainly focused on those port whips. Seeing that all the old brother bought were more than a thousand port whips, he immediately had an opinion.

"Ah! They're all whips with thousands of heads. I didn't buy a plate of [-] heads. Why should I put them?"

Jiang Yu casually threw a plate of [-] rings of Gangtou: "Look at your worthless appearance, you still put one hundred and two hundred heads. Doesn't it smell good after putting this in? Take this and take it apart and put it away!"

Jiang Bin was overjoyed when he heard the words, holding the grass!Now that it's issued, I ran out with firecrackers.

Mother chased it out from the house: "Save it for the Chinese New Year!"

"My brother asked me to let it go, so I won't keep it for the Chinese New Year!"

"Let him let it go, there are some, but if you light up other people's haystacks, don't even think about letting them go during the Chinese New Year."

Li Qin looked at the firecrackers on the kang, and said distressedly: "How much is this, it's not a pity."

Jiang Dong gave his wife a white look: "My son is capable of buying, so don't meddle along with you."

In fact, Jiang Dongsheng also likes to set off firecrackers, but his family used to be poor and had no money to buy them, so he could only watch them set off.

This year my son bought a lot of firecrackers, and this time it may be enjoyable.

"Dad! I will leave these things to you for safekeeping, and you will be responsible for any accidents."

"I promise it will be fine!" Jiang Dongsheng packed the firecrackers into the mansion like treasures.

Although the sale of the word "Fu" was over, the Donggou youths who had formed a habit still gathered in Jiang Yu's room after lunch. Men and women built a room on the kang.

Jiang Yu took out a few cards and threw them on the kang to teach them to fight the landlord and play sticks.

Bai Feng insisted on playing a game with Jiang Yu, but Jiang Yu ruthlessly refused. He was worried that he would suffer from cerebral hemorrhage due to Bai Feng's random beating style of playing.

In the past, the young people in the village could only play four-on-one and push poker.

This time I learned a new poker method, and I became addicted to playing it, especially playing with sticks.

Playing sticks is a kind of playing upgrade in disguise. Upgrading is playing with a deck of cards, playing sticks is playing with two decks of poker, and rolling with three decks of poker.

These guys are so obsessed, they ran to Jiang Yu's house early in the morning to wait in line, didn't eat lunch, and didn't watch TV at night.

For example, on the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, when Jiang Yu pushed his bicycle to the brigade supply and marketing cooperative in the morning, two poker games had already been formed on the kang in his room.

Bai Feng was very depressed, she was excluded, without him, the beating was too stinky.

"Where are you going, can you carry me there? They don't take me to play."

"I'm going to the brigade cooperative to buy bag noodles. It's okay for me to carry you there, but what about coming back? Put you in my pocket?"

"I have a bike, I'm just going to ride my own bike and it's over."

This guy went home, and followed Jiang Yu to the brigade supply and marketing cooperative on his family's bicycle.

The Brigade Supply and Marketing Cooperative has already pasted up the couplets and blessings, and they will go home for the New Year holiday in the afternoon.

Jiang Yu bought a bag of noodles and a bag of rice, and Bai Feng just helped carry a bag back.

"Why do I feel like I'm at a disadvantage? Am I just looking for something to do? Why don't I stay at home and take care of it, and come with you to carry the rice."

Bai Feng complained.

"What are you complaining about? I'll buy you two sticks of candied haws when the new year's festival opens."

Bai Feng's eyes sparkled, but he immediately started bargaining.

"That won't work, who are you sending two sticks of candied haws? It must be five sticks... no no no eight sticks, ten sticks."

"Aren't you afraid of dying from acid? Wait for me here for a while." Jiang Yu leaned his bicycle against the wall of the supply and marketing cooperative and walked up to the brigade's office.

On the second day after Li Jinyou accepted Sun Mingli's assessment, that is, on the 21st of the twelfth lunar month, the appointment of the commune came down, and Li Jinyou became the village party secretary of this session of Fengwobao Village.

He had a handover with the previous village committee the day before yesterday, so he stopped by to have a look.

Li Jinyou was the secretary of the branch and the head of the village. At that time, a guy who lived in Beiliangzi Village became the security director. Bai Feng's old man Bai Lianjie became the accountant of the brigade. Know which team it is.

The handover was completed yesterday, and all old accounts were closed, waiting for the commune's investigation.

The new ledger of this session of the village committee has been rolled out, waiting for the writing of the new leader.

Li Jinyou looked smug.

"Second Uncle! It seems that your spirit is quite good, what new instructions are you going to issue?"

"We just took over, there are any instructions to issue, still thinking!"

"I think you should check to see if the previous village committee signed any unreasonable agreements. If there are unreasonable ones, they should be corrected. Once the agreement takes effect, it will be troublesome to revise it."

What Jiang Yu was referring to was naturally about the contracting of the quarry, and of course Tang Chengshan could not be allowed to contract it.

If he contracts, where will he find his first pot of gold?

Li Jinyou naturally knew what Jiang Yu was referring to.

"I saw the contract agreement for the quarry in Huangling Village. The original village committee and the contractor seemed to have a disagreement on the contract amount, and they did not sign it."

Oh!There is such a good thing!

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