The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 54 Meeting in a narrow road

January 26th, the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Jiang Yu and Li Jinyou set off from home together and arrived at the commune at 07:30.

Li Jinyou went to the township government to accept the test of Sun Mingli, while Jiang Yu continued to ride to the county seat.

It was after eight o'clock when he arrived at the light industry market, and it was still the place where he sold blessing characters two days ago.

As soon as he set up his stall today, Jiang Yu tried his best to sell his blessings, trying to get back to Jianshan Township before noon, so as to know the results of Li Jinyou's test as soon as possible.

It's just that people are not as good as heaven. Although he has a lot of words and a lot of tongue, the people in the county today seem to be extraordinarily stingy with their wallets. There are many people watching, but they are not enthusiastic about buying. It is only around ten o'clock. More than 1000 copies were sold.

It seems that the plan to rush back to Jianshan before noon will not be realized.

"Hey! Brother Xiaojiang! You are here again!"

A somewhat familiar voice came, and Han Hanxiang's slightly wretched face emerged from the crowd, followed by a girl who seemed to be deceived.

"Today isn't Sunday, are you not at work?"

Yesterday was Sunday.

"Didn't I leave the car yesterday? I'm taking a break today to go shopping with my partner."

"What I asked you to inquire about yesterday, have you inquired about it?"

"I inquired as soon as I came back in the afternoon. The leader said that the car can't be processed for the time being. The country has a recycling index, but the tractor can be processed."

"What about the price?"

Han Hanxiang shook his head: "The leader didn't say anything, he just said that it will be a matter of the next year, and there is no time to deal with these problems in the first year."

"Do you have time this afternoon?"


"Take me to see those tractors."

"I can't do that. It's so easy for me to take a day off and have fun with my partner."

"At noon, I'll invite you and your partner to go to the restaurant as compensation. It's all right."

"Is this...can be considered."

Jiang Yu could tell that Han Guoxiang was a shameless guy.

"Then you should go to the market and go for a stroll. Just come out around eleven o'clock. I'm here."

Han Guoxiang took his girlfriend to the market for a stroll, and Jiang Yu continued to sell his blessings.

Jiang Yu's sales of Fu characters were not going well today. By eleven o'clock, they hadn't sold out the Fu characters, and there were more than 400 copies left.

Han Guoxiang and his girlfriend forgot the time because they didn't go shopping, and came out of the market at five minutes past eleven.

The reason why he was able to come out on time, Jiang Yu thought that the meal must have played a role.

Opposite Jiang Yu's location, there is an individual restaurant that has just opened, and the service attitude is that of a home away from home.

Jiang Yu ordered four dishes, which made Han Guoxiang almost unable to walk.

After dinner, Han Guoxiang sent his girlfriend home, and rode a bicycle with Jiang Yu all the way west to the foot of a hill west of the city.

There is a yard surrounded by stones by the mountains, with an area of ​​about tens of acres.

The yard is full of old Jiefang, Linghe, GAZ and other obsolete vehicles.

There are about 20 various tractors parked in a corner of the yard.

The people working here looked at Jiang Yu and Han Guoxiang as if they were thieves. If Jiang Yu hadn't thrown two packs of cigarettes in the past, they wouldn't have been able to get in at all.

"In the past, the cars allocated by the state were not enough, so some tractors were brought in to fill them up. My master said that no one likes to drive these tractors, not to mention their buttocks, so there are many tractors here that have not exerted much force."

Jiang Yu watched and listened to Han Hanxiang's rambling.

There are eighteen tractors in total, including one Tieniu 55, five Dongfanghong 28, seven 518-60, five old-fashioned Shanghai 50,

Due to the long period of time, the tires of the tractor were in a state of lack of air or air, and the trailers were also rusty.

Among the eighteen tractors, that Tie Niu 55 is destined to be useless. Not only does it have high fuel consumption, but it is also troublesome to start because it uses a small gasoline starter. It is destined that no one will want it.

If the other tractors are taken back and tidied up, it will be no problem to do a good job for a few years.

Just don't know how much these tractors will sell for.

If the average price does not exceed 4000 yuan, it is fine, and it is a bit inappropriate if it exceeds [-] yuan.

If the 4000 yuan is taken down, the engine overhaul of each car will cost 1000 yuan. To repair these rusty carts and change the tires, it is conservatively estimated that a car will cost [-] yuan. Such a car will cost [-] yuan. Five, this is not a small number.

After looking at all these cars in detail, Jiang Yu and Han Guoxiang said goodbye and returned...

Pan Chunqiu has been restless for the past few days. Under normal circumstances, it has been almost a month since the new secretary took office, and the appointment of the village party secretary should have come down long ago, but it is the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and his appointment has not yet come.

Unfortunately, the telephone line of the brigade was cut off by the snow a few days ago, and those bastards at the post office didn't come to fix it, leaving him in an environment where he didn't know anything.

Today, like ants on a hot pot, he finally couldn't sit still, and came to the adjacent Caijia brigade after lunch.

"What? No appointment from you? That's not right. The commune's appointment came down two days ago. You should go to the commune and ask." Caijia Village Party Secretary was a little puzzled.

Hearing that he had received the appointment notice two days ago, Pan Chunqiu's heart sank, and he faintly felt that he was in danger.

After leaving the Caijia Brigade, Pan Chunqiu came to the township government.

The new Secretary Sun is not here.

But Pan Chunqiu also has acquaintances in the township government.

"The party secretaries of all villages have been appointed, only your village has been suppressed. It seems that someone has reported that your village committee has serious economic problems. It is estimated that there is no hope of re-election. Go back and wipe your ass and don't be arrested. handle."

Pan Chunqiu stepped on the way home with an infinite sense of loss.

Who went to the commune to sue him?

In the past, going to the commune to file a complaint happened from time to time, and it was nothing unusual, and he wasn't afraid of the villagers to file a complaint, anyway, they didn't know anything.

But this time there seems to be a problem. The fact that the Party Secretary of Fengwobao Village has not been appointed shows that things are not easy this time.

Who sued him?

Could it be that stunned young man?

A figure of a young man appeared in Pan Chunqiu's mind.

"Oh! Isn't this Pan Zhishu, what a coincidence!"

A bicycle swished up from behind, and when it was about to overtake him, it suddenly slowed down.

Pan Chunqiu turned his head and saw that he really missed Cao Cao and Cao Cao was here.

"Pan Zhishu is very upbeat. It's a good spirit to cycle around the streets in this cold weather."

Pan Chunqiu looked at Jiang Yu's playful smile, and felt more and more that he was the one who sued him, and he looked like him no matter how he looked.

"Let me ask you! Did you go to the commune to sue the brigade?"

"What? Secretary Pan! You can't talk nonsense, do you know that your behavior is slander?"

Is a branch secretary so useless?Can this kind of thing be said in the open?

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