Before eleven o'clock at noon, all the [-] blessings Jiang Yu brought were sold out.

This greatly exceeded Jiang Yu's expectations. He thought it would be good to sell a thousand or eight copies.

"Please go to the restaurant, both of you."

You can earn three-five cents for a piece of blessing, and you can earn 70 yuan for two thousand pieces. Spending ten or eight yuan to treat two greedy cats is nothing.

"Forget about the meal, just buy some candied haws for us."

Jiang Yu became more and more convinced that Bai Feng was greedy, why did he like candied haws.

A few sticks of candied haws are only a few dollars.

After Jiang Yu bought five sticks of candied haws each, he brought the two girls who had candied haws in both hands and gnawed while walking into the supply and marketing cooperative.

Come to the cosmetics counter, each person has a bottle of violet facial cleanser and a bottle of friendship cream.

This made the two chicks very happy.

Half an hour later, the three returned to Huangling Village.

After lunch, Jiang Yu arranged for Bai Feng and Jiang Xue to continue printing blessings, while he came to Li Jinyou's house.

Li Jinyou had just finished eating, and was about to lie down on the kang for a cat's sleep, when Jiang Yu opened the door and came in before closing his eyes.

"You boy won't come later, can't you come after I sleep?" Although he said so, Li Jinyou still sat up.

"I'm here to send you a Wusha hat, and it's too late for family fun, and you're still kicking out, who the hell!"

"What black hat?"

"Are you interested in being the village party secretary?"

"As the village party secretary? Which village's party secretary?"

"Just the secretary of our village, do you want to be the secretary?"

"Are you playing with me? Can you be one if you want?"

"With me here, maybe you will be the one."

"See what you can, as if you were the secretary of the commune."

Jiang Yu smiled slightly: "I dare not say that you can become one if you want to, but at least there is an opportunity in front of you now. If you want to be one, go to the commune government to find Secretary Sun tomorrow morning, and he will talk to you. A little explanation is that he wants to see if your stomach is filled with grass or feed."

Li Jinyou looked at Jiang Yu with strange eyes.

What's happening here?Why do I feel more and more weird about this kid, even the branch secretary has come out.

"If you want to be a party secretary, lie down on the kang in the afternoon and think about it. You will have something to say to the commune secretary tomorrow, and try to make him feel that you have something in your stomach. Then, the black hat of the village party secretary will be on your head." Come on, anyway, I told you, think about it for yourself, I still have a lot of things to do at home, so I'll go back."

After saying that, he turned to leave.

"Don't go, don't go! Sit for a while, in your words, it's another five dollars."

"Hey! Then give me five yuan!"

"If I go to see Secretary Sun tomorrow, what should I say?"

"There's a lot to say about this, it depends on what you want to say?"

"Don't play tricks on me, kid, give me an idea."

"What Secretary Sun wants to ask is nothing more than how you will lead the development of Fengwobao Village after you become the village party secretary. You just need to tell us your plans and how to realize them."

"The point is that I don't have a plan!"

"You didn't have a plan, didn't I? You just say that when the time comes, if I become the village party secretary, I promise to increase the income of farmers in Fengwobao Village by three to five times during my term of office."

"How much! Isn't this bragging?"

"Bragging is also a strategy. If you don't even have the courage to brag, why would people appoint you as the village party secretary? Besides, the per capita income of our village was less than 1000 yuan last year, and it would only be more than [-] yuan if it was tripled to five times. How big is it? thing!"

Li Jinyou thinks that Jiang Yu is fighting to talk without pain in his back. From [-] yuan to [-] yuan, this is not an increase of [-] yuan, this increase is quite amazing.

Next, Jiang Yu began to teach Li Jinyou face-to-face instructions, describing all the development plans from the fruit industry to the breeding industry to the transportation industry.

Li Jinyou took a pen and wrote down all Jiang Yu's words.

"These things are not memorized by rote. You have to combine the actual situation of our Fengwobao, apply what you have learned, and strive to impress Secretary Sun. Then you will succeed. I can only help you here. The rest It’s up to you to do it yourself.”

After teaching Li Jinyou, Jiang Yu returned home.

As soon as I entered the door of my room, the house was lively.

Zhang Shanbo, Li Qingxian, and Lin Jingbaimei were all helping, and there were people on and off the kang, and the scene was full of enthusiasm.

Since there were so many people helping, Jiang Yu stopped doing anything. He came to the main house and lay down on the kang to start writing a plan for Sun Mingli.

The plan he wrote was not much different from what he taught Li Jinyou, but it was very detailed.

For example, in the fruit industry, he suggested that the commune take the lead in introducing advanced varieties from other places, such as Red Fuji, Qiao Najin, Hongyu and other apple varieties with high yield and good color.

Now the local apples are almost Guoguang. This kind of apples are small in size and low in yield, so they cannot be sold at a high price.

There is also the development of the yellow peach industry. Yellow peaches are the main raw material for canned food no matter what generation they are in. As long as canned food exists, it will always have its value.

As for Li Jiangyu, he didn't mention a word. Compared with apples and yellow peaches, the value of pears can only be described as hehe.

Then came the promotion of greenhouse planting of strawberries.

The famous Dandong Strawberry in the previous life was not far away from them. At this time, he planned to change the name to Donghe Strawberry.

Below the fruit industry is the planting industry.

They are rich in rice here, and the annual rice production in Donghe County is hundreds of thousands of tons.

Wuchang rice can start, and as a high-latitude region, Donghe rice should also become a business card.

When it comes to the planting industry, it is natural to mention vegetable greenhouses. Fengwobao is not too far from the county seat, and this industry can definitely be developed.

Next to the planting industry, there is naturally the breeding industry, which can be developed by raising chickens, pigs, or even meat dogs and sheep.

Strictly speaking, these industries have no gold content. If the Jianshan Commune starts, it will be nothing more than an opportunity.

But even taking this opportunity is enough for the farmers to get a considerable income.

Further down is the transportation industry and light industry.

Jiang Yu didn't write much about the transportation industry. After all, Donghe's transportation industry is still in the stage of horoscopes, and it won't be too late to talk about it when it starts to thrive.

He didn't write much about light industry, but only roughly listed a few projects that could be developed.

If this stuff is written too much, it will be suspected of talking on paper, and I will talk about it when I do it in the future.

He wrote these things for more than three hours, and wrote five sheets of eight-page paper.

After writing and checking it again, I feel quite satisfied.

He was going to hand in the plan around the new year, so that Sun Mingli would have a headache during the Chinese New Year.

It was already cloudy outside.

Bai Feng and the others had a considerable workload this afternoon. He cut and printed one-third of the ten bundles of paper he bought, enough for him to go to the city to sell tomorrow.

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