The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 5 The Big People of Huangling Village

There are no programs on TV until 06:30, first there are children's programs, then there are news broadcasts, and then there are some special programs, and it is after eight o'clock that it is time for TV dramas.

Now is the day when the Hong Kong TV drama "Huo Dongge" is broadcast, and everyone is waiting to watch this TV series.

Today, a big man unexpectedly appeared in Yang Wan's family, An Minghai, the director of the Commune Machinery Factory.

An Minghai can be said to be the most prestigious person in Huangling Village since the 70s.

His family doesn't live in Donggou, Huangling Village, but in the north, and he also has a TV at home. God knows he wandered over to Yang Wan's house tonight because of Mao Hui.

When he came, he naturally took the seat, and he occupied the best place on the kang outside the Yang family.

After Jiang Yu entered the room, he saw An Minghai hesitated: "Hello, third uncle!"

When An Minghai saw Jiang Yu, he also had a question mark in his head: "Whose family do you belong to? Why don't I have any impression?"

"The boss of Jiang Dongsheng's family." Yang Wan answered first.

"Is that the kid who has been in the army for three years and hasn't come home?"

"That's right! He's the only one! He just came back from demobilization."

"Come here! Sit next to Uncle San, Uncle San will ask you something."

Jiang Yu sat on the edge of the Kang next to An Minghai with some embarrassment.

"I heard that you were a scout in the army. Have you ever been to the front line?" An Minghai also joined the army when he was young, and he was very interested in the affairs of the army.

Jiang Yu shook his head: "I haven't been there, our troops didn't catch up, and it was almost our turn to go up and train, and we all got on the train and came back."

"Hey! Just like the third uncle back then, the army where the third uncle was in also got on the train when they received the order. Not far away, they received an order saying that the battle over there was over. What the hell, I can't believe that the other side's army is shit. Before they could get there, the border guards almost reached their capital, or Third Uncle might be able to get a first-class merit medal."

An Minghai had a look of regret.

His regret is justified. As far as Jiang Yu knows, if they went up at that time, it would be a first-class merit for being alive.

"Third uncle! Everything is contracted now, isn't your machinery factory contracted?"

"Contracting? The Commune Machinery Factory is almost ruined, who is blind to contract it?"

"Oh! Isn't the benefit of the machinery factory not good?" The Commune Machinery Factory mainly produces that kind of hammer mill. Wasn't he still doing well before he joined the army?

"Oh! Don't mention it! Since last year, product sales have fallen off a cliff, and this year is even worse. Employees only get basic wages, and next year's basic wages will not be paid out."

"Third uncle! What does your machinery factory produce now?"

"It's still a pulverizer! It has been producing it since the establishment of the factory."

"It's still the same old grinder? Hasn't it changed at all?"

"It sold well in the past, who would change it in their spare time."

Jiang Yu understood that in his last life, he was a small boss of a small private machining company, and he still had a good understanding of some industrial products.

"Third Uncle! Is this the reason why your factory's pulverizer is unsalable? The machine itself is heavy, consumes a lot of power, and the grains are uneven when processing grains. Finally, the price is high."

An Minghai pondered for a while, then looked at Jiang Yu in surprise: "How do you feel like you are from our factory? How do you know? That's really the case."

"Third uncle! I am not only a soldier in the army, I also teach some techniques in my spare time. I am good at some less complicated industrial products. Since I am right, do you want to change the status quo?"

"I want to change, but how?"

"The product is updated to adapt to the new market!"

"Speaking lightly, how can I upgrade the product?"

"At present, the land in the rural areas is contracted, and every family will need a miniaturized grinder in the future. If you improve and miniaturize the grinder, it will be over."

"It's easy to say! Do you know how much it costs to buy a blueprint for a new model? With the blueprint, you need to make molds and so on. Besides, there are no miniaturized pulverizers on the market?"

There are no miniaturized household shredders on the market because the demand has not yet emerged.

Land contracting started only last year, and the emergence of these needs still requires a development process.

Jiang Yu thought for a while and said slowly: "What a coincidence, when I was learning technology in the army, I actually disassembled a new type of small pulverizer, which is very advanced, at least 15 years more advanced than your product, I can draw the blueprints for you."

"Really? That would be great! Maybe our machinery factory will come back to life."

"Don't get too excited, this blueprint is not for nothing. You go back to the factory and study it with the cadres of your factory. I want money. If this factory belongs to Uncle San, can I offer it to you with both hands?" , but the factory is owned by the public, so this cannot be given away for nothing.”

At this moment, Jiang Yu suddenly felt that the bullpen he had boasted at home might be realized.

"Then how much do you want?"

"Don't rush to discuss this. Give me three days. I will draw the blueprint and let the technicians of your factory study it. If you think we can study the money issue."

"Okay! If it's really possible, we'll discuss it later." An Minghai readily agreed first.

Jiang Yu chatted with them outside for a while, and then came to the inside.

I go!The kang in the inner room was full of people, and even two benches were placed on the ground.

"Brother Jiang Yu! Come and sit on the kang, I have space here." Just as Jiang Yu was about to stand on the ground for a while, Bai Feng called him from the kang.

"I won't go up, I'll stand on the ground for a while and then go home." The people on the kang are all girls, so it's nothing for him to run away on the kang.

"Brother Jiang Yu! Are you afraid that these girls on the kang will take advantage of you? Are you a soldier afraid of this?" Bai Wuxin is really not afraid of big troubles.

"Yes, yes! We don't eat people, what are you afraid of?"

The other girls booed.

No matter how the other party made a fuss, Jiang Yu didn't go to the kang, and after the news broadcast was over, he went home alone.

Jiang Bin didn't know where he went, and he probably wouldn't be able to come back until the performance of "Huo Dongge" was over.

Jiang Yu took it off and got into bed. It was a habit he developed in the army to sleep at some point.

December 23, the twelfth day of the winter month in the lunar calendar.

The second and seventh days of the lunar calendar are the days of the market in Jianshan Commune.

After breakfast, Jiang Yu rolled out the dilapidated Baishan bicycle at home.

He is going to go to the commune, go to the market to have a look and buy something by the way.

As soon as she reached the gate of Baifeng's house, this heartless woman also ran out pushing a bicycle, and her mother was behind her with a broom.

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