"You little devil is going to the market today, don't come back!"

Bai Feng laughed and ran out of the yard, not taking her mother's threats seriously at all.

If it worked, she would have died at least a thousand times in her mother's mouth, but now she is still alive and kicking.

As soon as Bai Feng ran out of the yard, she happened to meet Jiang Yu passing by her house on a bicycle, and almost had a car accident.

"Brother Bai Yu! Are you going to the market too?"


"Then you carry me on your back. My mother won't let me ride a bicycle, for fear that I will fall into the ditch."

Regardless of Jiang Yu's answer or not, this girl turned around and pushed the bicycle back home, then ran out like the wind and jumped onto the rack of Jiang Yu's bicycle regardless of Jiang Yu's willingness or not.

Jiang Yu was a little dumbfounded.

"Bai Wuxin! When will you be able to correct this madness?"

"Who are you calling mad? Can you tell me again?"

Are you mad at first, so let’s not talk about it.

Jiang Yu rode his bike down to Mizoguchi, and met Zhang Shanbo, Li Qingxian and Song Meilinjing, who were also on the episode.

So, a group of six people set off to the market on three bicycles.

The worst thing Jiang Yu did today was to meet Bai Feng when he came down.

From Huangling Village to Balidi of the commune, the woman didn't have a minute to rest in the back, and she often twisted and turned.

"I said, do you have a monkey butt? It's not honest to ride a car. Don't blame me if you move around and fall into the ditch!"

"That's because your skills are not good, or you sit behind me and I will ride!"

"Pull it down! You will have to fall into the ditch at least five times when you ride this road. I'll ride it myself. You sit down honestly. If you are not honest, I will throw you into the ditch."

"How dare you! Believe it or not, I'll lie on the window of your room at night and scare you to death!"

"Hehe! I was born as a scout, and even ghosts are afraid of me."

Although Bai Feng was still stubborn in his mouth, his body was much more honest, and he put his arms around Jiang Yu's waist without treating himself as an outsider.

Jiang Yu is tired, she is a crazy woman after all, she doesn't think about the consequences at all when she does something, it's nothing to let others see it.

"Baifeng! I remember you and my sister are classmates, why don't you go to school?"

When she left as a soldier, she still carried her schoolbag to school every day, and now she has dropped out of school for two years.

"It's not material for studying. I really can't read any more. I just need to write my own name when I graduate from primary school."

This is the current situation in the rural areas of the 80s, not to mention a girl, even a boy who refuses to read it.

If he hadn't sent a letter asking his parents to let Jiang Xue and Jiangbin continue to study no matter how difficult the family was, Jiang Xue would probably have come down early.

Talking and laughing all the way up and down, the group arrived at the commune half an hour later.

Although it has not yet reached the peak of the market, the market is already crowded with people.

Jiang Yu pushed the bicycle into the yard of the supply and marketing cooperative and locked it.

"Let's go back at ten o'clock, and we'll gather here. If you encounter any rotten people in the market, try to avoid them as much as possible. If you really can't avoid them, come to me. Can you hear me? Especially you Bai Wuxin, you You are beautiful, maybe someone will flirt with you, and your bad temper may be able to start a relationship with someone in a few words, so you must pay more attention to it."

In this era, no matter in the countryside or in the city, the most indispensable thing is the hooligans. Even if there was a crackdown two years ago, there are still many people who want to make a name for themselves and make their way into the world.

In Jiang Yu's memory, there are no fewer than a dozen such people who are well-known in the commune in Jianshan Commune alone.

This time, Bai Feng didn't argue with Jiang Yu because Jiang Yu called her Bai Wuxin, on the contrary, she blushed a little, feeling very flattered.

When a girl of her age is praised for being beautiful by a man, her heart will naturally burst into bloom.

"Then where are you going? You don't go to the market?"

"I'll go to the supply and marketing cooperative to check the prices of some things first, and I'll know what to buy for the New Year when the time comes."

"Let's go to the supply and marketing cooperative first, and then enter the market later." Bai Feng suggested.

So, a group of people walked into Jianshan Township Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

Although there are still nearly [-] days until the Chinese New Year, all the New Year pictures in the supply and marketing cooperative have been hung up.

A rope is pulled on the roof, and samples of New Year pictures are hung on the rope one by one, and numbers are pasted on the bottom for people to choose.

More than [-] New Year pictures are hung in the air, colorfully and colorfully giving people a feeling of being decorated with lanterns and festoons, which also brings the atmosphere of the New Year.

People look up one by one, write down the number on the one they like, and then go to the stationery department to make a ticket.

"This one looks good! That one looks good too, oops! They all look good." As soon as he entered the supply and marketing cooperative, Baifeng was elated, and he liked these paintings from time to time while looking at them.

There are a lot of people in the stationery group, some buy New Year pictures, and there are children who read comic books.

Bai He came to the place where the paper was sold, and he wanted to buy a few sheets of A0 paper for drawing to draw the drawings of the shredder.

The branch of the brigade supply and marketing cooperative will never sell this kind of paper.

But to his disappointment, there was no A0 paper sold in the supply and marketing cooperative of the commune. The salesperson told him that there was only big white paper, and straw paper.

You can buy big white paper at the brigade supply and marketing cooperative, so why did he come here!

"How much is one? I'll buy five."

"Three points."

The clerk at the counter had a cold face, as if someone owed her money.

"How much is the red paper next to the white paper?"

"Four points!"

Jiang Yu suddenly fell into deep thought.

"How many sheets of red paper are there in a bundle?"

The salesman rolled up the white paper he wanted and tied it with a straw rope, Jiang Yu asked again.

"A bundle of [-] sheets, go to the payment office to pay." The salesperson quickly issued a receipt.

Jiang Yu didn't move while holding the receipt, but his mind wandered for a while.

"Comrade! Is there a discount for buying a bundle of red paper?"

The salesperson looked at Jiang Yu like a fool.

Forget, supply and marketing cooperatives will never bargain when buying things.

"Open me another bundle of red paper."

The salesperson looked at Jiang Yu strangely.

Buying red paper nowadays is basically prepared for writing Spring Festival couplets during the Chinese New Year. Usually, every family buys three or five sheets, but this young man bought a bundle of red paper...

"What? You bought a bundle of red paper? Why did you buy so much red paper?" Ma Daha Baifeng also saw that something was wrong.

"Of course I use it, why don't I buy it?"

"Isn't it just to write couplets, but if you buy a bundle, the whole team is enough, you can just buy red paper, then what are you doing with white paper, maybe your relatives still have white..."

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Jiang Yu covered Bai Feng's mouth, don't listen, there must be nothing good to say next, and it must have something to do with Bai Feng.

"Shut up! Don't tell me nonsense, I bought blank paper to draw pictures."

Bai Feng pulled Jiang Yu's hand covering her mouth away. This guy had learned badly in the army and dared to touch her.

He probably didn't know the consequences of touching her.

Is he interested in himself?Does this mean you like it?

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