The two rooms on the east side of Yang Wan's house are connected. Except for the wall on the kang, there is no partition between the two rooms on the ground.

The TV in his house is placed on a large cabinet in the middle of the two rooms, so there is no delay in watching TV inside or outside.

There were no TV programs at this time, and Yang Wanjia's [-]-inch black and white TV was just a decoration with a cloth cover.

Yang Wan always had a smile on his face, as everyone did when he came, but when he saw Jiang Yu coming, he still warmly greeted Jiang Yu and asked Jiang Yu to sit on the kang outside.

Jiang Yu sat sideways on the edge of the Kang and chatted with Yang Wan.

"Uncle! How much land was allocated to your family?" Yang Wan was the eldest in the Yang family, but he was not promoted by Jiang Dong.

"Including paddy fields and dry fields, a total of fifteen acres of land."

"so little?"

Fengwopu Village has eight mountains, one river and one sub-field. The land itself is small or there are many hills, and it is pitifully small for everyone.

"Hey! Our team has more than 1000 mu of land, and more than 70 families are divided into more than ten mu of land."

"A dozen mu of land is not enough to plant! Didn't you start any sideline business after planting the land?"

The biggest advantage after contracting is that people are free.

In the past, in the production team, from one Chinese New Year to the next, the commune members basically had no free time, and they didn't know where there was so much unfinished work.

After contracting, the land is still the same, but the work is not the same. People are surprised to find that the work that used to be endless for a year is now done in a few months, and the rest is half a year of doing nothing.

If these free time are not utilized, it can only be wasted.

It is the best choice for farmers to do some sideline business and earn some money to subsidize their families.

"A side job? What side job? I just sit at home after I'm busy in the field. Next year, I plan to go out with the bricklayer class to earn a little money in my free time."

"You didn't realize that your house actually occupies the best terrain in Huangling Village, but you didn't take advantage of it."

Yang Wan's eyes clicked several times: "What is the best terrain? I don't know why."

"Come on! Let's go out and talk."

Yang Wan is a good person. In his last life, Jiang Yu's family was in the most difficult time, Yang Wan extended a helping hand, and almost gave Jiang Yu his eldest daughter as his wife.

If it weren't for the big age difference between the two parties, maybe he would have called Yang Wan his father-in-law in his last life.

Yang Wan has one son and two daughters, the son is the eldest, two years younger than Jiang Yu, and his eldest daughter is only 14 years old this year.

Jiang Yu always believes that good people are rewarded with good rewards, so he is going to give Yang Wan a gift.

There are many people talking in the room, but it is relatively quiet outside.

The two went out of the house and went outside.

Jiang Yu walked out of the yard of Yang Wan's house all the way to the village-level dirt road north of his house that connected the various teams in Fengwopu Village.

Yang Wan followed to the dirt road with a blank expression.

"See, your family lives on the only dirt road connecting the teams in our brigade."

"What's this?"

"This is the location, haven't you considered how to use it?"

"I said, old nephew, don't talk in a cloud, and if you have any suggestions, just say it."

"The mansion to the north of your house is next to the road. You should use it for something. Have you ever thought about opening a small shop?"

In [-], small shops sprung up all over the country like mushrooms after a spring rain, but there was not a single shop in Huangling Village. If villagers wanted to buy something, they had to walk two miles or so to the brigade supply and marketing cooperative to buy it, which was unscientific.

"Open a small shop? How much money can I make by opening that donkey grass?"

This is a typical farmer's consciousness, they don't realize how much money a small shop can make.

"How much money did you earn from the ten acres of land you contracted last year?"

"More than 400 yuan, to be specific, 430 yuan and [-] cents." Yang Wan looked proud.

There are more than 400 yuan left in a year, which is not too small.

"Then let me tell you that if you open a small shop in your home, you can earn at least 1000 yuan a year, not including your own household, do you believe it?"

"What? Can I earn 1000 yuan? Doesn't include my household? Old nephew! Aren't you fooling me?" Yang Wan didn't believe it at all.

"Am I fooling you when I'm full? Let's settle the score! The main income of small shops in rural areas is selling cigarettes, which can basically account for half of the annual income of small shops. Let's not use expensive cigarettes as an example. Use the analogy of twenty-five cents to thirty cents for cigarettes."

The cheapest cigarettes in the shops these days are some black-stem cigars, and then there are flats without filters.

Most of the black cigarettes cost [-] to [-] cents, and the local white cigarettes without filters cost [-] to [-] cents a box.

"Selling a box of this kind of black cigarettes makes a profit of about three cents for a small shop, and white cigarettes without mouthpieces can earn an extra penny. A smoker is calculated on the average of one box of cigarettes per person per day, which is 360 yuan a year. A box of cigarettes earns three cents, which means that a small shop can earn ten yuan a year from this person. There are 76 households in our village, and none of them has two adult men. Even if half of them smoke, there are nearly 80 people, and each person costs [-] yuan, and the income from selling cigarettes alone is [-] yuan a year, and if you add oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and wine, it will be [-] yuan."

"No!" Yang Wan expressed a different opinion: "That's not how the accounts are calculated. There are still quite a few smokers who smoke dry tobacco. Who will earn the money?"

"That's you old men who smoke dry tobacco. How can young people smoke dry tobacco? Isn't it shameful?"

Those who smoke pipes and roll tobacco are basically elderly people, and young people really don't roll that.

"Why don't you do such a good thing?"

"Cut! If my family lived at your location, do you think I would still talk nonsense to you? I have already done it myself. If you want to exchange your house with mine, I will give you 1000 yuan."

Jiang Yu's family lives at the southernmost end of Donggou, and further south is Nanshan. Who will open the shop and sell it to?

"Get out! Who will replace your house that is about to collapse, and you can come up with 1000 yuan? If you can come up with 1000 yuan now, my eldest daughter Yang Cao will be your wife."

"Pull it down! Your Yangcao is only 14 years old, and I will be a child bride to support her!"

"Hey hey! But what you said seems to be the same, old nephew! You said that opening a small shop can really earn 1000 yuan a year?"

"I'm speaking conservatively. You can earn at least 1000 yuan. Adding your family's annual expenses, [-] to [-] yuan is no problem."

Yang Wan squatted on the ground, took out a dry cigarette from his pocket, rolled a cigarette, lit it with a match, and smoked it, looking back at his mansion from time to time.

"I think opening a small shop is a business, but my house is too small."

"You can apply for it next spring, renovate it, and add two rooms will not be enough."

"I'm going to think about it."

The two chatted for a while, more than half an hour passed, and when they entered the house again, there were no less than 20 people from Yang Wan's family.

Young people are crowded in the back room, while some adults are on the kang outside.

It gets dark earlier in winter, and it was already dark at six o'clock.

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