Jiang Bin's eyeballs won't turn anymore, what the hell?gun!

At this time, Jiang Xue opened the paper bag, revealing a black iron pistol.

At this time, a match gun imitating the Desert Eagle looks exactly like a real gun. Even if you hold it to go out to rob, it can be confused with the real one.

It is the same as the firing principle of the match gun made of the car chain, except that Jiang Yu replaced the car chain with drilling holes, and the tension rubber as the elastic force was also replaced by a spring.

It can be fired with a whole match, or it can be fired with gunpowder in the bolt like a starting pistol.

When Jiang Bin saw it, fire ignited in his eyes, and he snatched it away, holding it in his arms without letting go.

"Brother didn't lie to you, isn't brother amazing?"

Jiang Bin was already in high spirits at this moment, although he didn't know how effective the match gun was, but with the domineering appearance of this gun, it was enough to show off in front of his friends.

"Cut! You are a soldier, what's so great about making a gun! If you have the ability, make another gun."

Originally, he wanted to say thank you, but that's what happened as soon as the words came out.

"What! You still want a gun when you have a gun? Get out!"

Jiang Bin turned around and rushed out of the house.

This good-for-nothing thing, let's just say thank you without saying it, and still have to make progress.

After dinner, Jiang Xue went back to her room to study, and soon they had their winter exams.

Jiang Yu didn't ask Jiang Xue to clean up the dining table. He finished cleaning the table and washing the dishes by himself, and took a [-]-degree light bulb to Jiang Xue's room to change it.

"The brightness of the 25-degree bulb is too low. Don't tire your eyes. In our family, you have the hope of being admitted to university in the future. You must protect your eyes."

In her previous life, this younger sister had good academic performance, but she dropped out of school due to family reasons before finishing junior high school. It should be the beginning of next spring.

This is a pity.

In this life, he will not let this kind of regret repeat itself. If his younger sister can be admitted to university, he will definitely let her continue her studies.

"Don't you have a New Year's gift from me?" Seeing that the little brother had a match gun, Jiang Xue was a little envious and asked, stopping writing.

"New Year's gift? What kind of New Year's gift is that gun? I'll buy you new clothes in a few days."

"Really!" Jiang Xue was elated again.

She hasn't bought new clothes for two years, she is considered a big girl after all, why go out in old clothes for the New Year!

Now that I have money, the family's clothes are the first thing to be solved. If I don't buy fabrics, it will be too late.

It takes time to buy fabrics to make clothes. As for why not buy ready-made clothes, there were a lot of finished trousers and shoes in the market in [-], but there were not many ready-made clothes, most of them were cloth.

People choose their own fabrics and then go to tailors to cut and sew them, which can save one or two yuan compared to the ready-made clothes sold in stores.

Clothes making in the 80s was a promising business, and this situation lasted until the mid-90s, when ready-to-wear shops gradually disappeared on the street.

In [-], there were no ready-made garments sold in the market of Jianshan Commune, but there were still ready-made garments sold in the light industry market in the city.

But the city was too chaotic in the 80s, and it was even more chaotic years ago. If there is no need, it is better not to go.

Jiang Yu plans to let the girl choose the fabric by herself in two days, and then go to the tailor shop to sew.

After exhorting his sister, Jiang Yu returned to his room, took out the money, and locked it in his small box.

He didn't let his parents know about the money. In their eyes, it was a huge amount of money, something they had never seen in their entire lives, and they were worried that their hearts would not be able to bear it.

Parents must have never seen so much money, but the money did not make him feel rich to Jiang Yu.

Just over 4000 yuan.

Jiang Yu lay face up on the kang, planning how to spend the money.

He didn't plan to keep the money, he planned to spend it all after this year, isn't it just over 4000 yuan, and he can earn whatever he wants next year.

Although it is basically impossible for this place to get rich overnight and earn money for financial freedom in this day and age, it is not a big problem to make a small amount of money.

If he had known that the machinery factory was so happy with the money, he would have stopped tinkering with lucky characters. Even if he sold all his more than 6000 lucky characters, he would only earn 300 yuan.

300 yuan is a bit too thin.

But since everything is done, it is not a good habit to take it to the market to test the water in a few days.

In the next few days, Jiang Yu did one thing, which was to get a comprehensive understanding of the operation of the quarry.

Through channels such as visiting stonemasons door to door and chatting with Li Jinyu, I have mastered the first-hand information on the operation of the quarry.

It took him more than a week to do this.

In a blink of an eye, it was January tenth.

Tomorrow is the second day of the twelfth lunar month, and it is time to start taking action on some things.He found a clean woven bag and filled it with five hundred blessings.

These blessing characters have been printed, and it is time to pull the mules or horses to the market for a stroll.

"Tomorrow is the market day of our commune. I will take you to the market to sell lucky characters and buy you something casually, but I can't carry you on your back. You can find someone to carry you in the last episode... let Baifeng carry you there, When the time comes, see what you like, and I will buy it for you."

Jiang Xue originally planned to go down to find Bai Feng after studying, and then go to Yang Wan's house to watch TV.

But before she could act, Bai Feng came to the door first, and her plan was to continue rubbing against Jiang Yu's car tomorrow.

This is not enough, Jiang Yu will be carrying goods tomorrow, and he didn't plan to take his own sister, how could he take her.

"It seems that I can only ride my own car, and my mother may break my leg again." Bai Feng pretended to be pitiful.

"Pull it down! Your mother breaks your legs every day, and your legs are growing well! You will carry my sister to the market tomorrow, and you won't need to carry it when you come back."

"Ah! Then she walked back by herself?" Bai Feng's question was always so strange.

"You'll know then."

"Then what's in it for me?"

"Two candied haws."

"That `s a deal."

You see, how simple people are at this time, and two candied haws are enough.

NO.11 in January [-], the second day of the twelfth lunar month.

At a little past seven in the morning, Jiang Yu set off from home on a bicycle. There were a lot of people going to the market today. There were more than a dozen people from Huangling Village alone.

Men and women of all ages.

After arriving at the market, Jiang Yu took up a place by the side of the road, took out a torn quilt sheet he brought from home, and spread it on the ground.

This place is his.

His neighbors are all selling chickens, ducks, geese and dogs, and they are still alive, very lively.

Isn't it the Chinese New Year soon? Some people take their extra chickens, ducks, geese, etc. to the market to sell in exchange for some Chinese New Year money.

Jiang Yu copied it in the sleeves of his military coat with both hands, a typical image of a farmer chatting with these people selling chickens, ducks, geese and dogs.

As soon as his sister Jiang Xue, Bai Feng and others arrived at the market, they went to the supply and marketing cooperative to keep warm.

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