Idle is also idle, Jiang Yu asked a middle-aged chicken seller on his right: "Uncle! How much is a chicken?"

The subject of Jiang Yu's questioning folded his hands and shrank his neck: "Two yuan and five pieces."

"Are there two yuan and five pieces, regardless of size?"

"It's about the same size as it is."

The roosters sold by this uncle are not small in size, and the size is relatively uniform. It is really hard to tell who is big and who is small.

"Uncle! What do you think of this? You bring six chickens, and I'll cover one for two yuan."

The chickens that this uncle brought to the market were all big chickens weighing about five catties. If you can buy them for two yuan, you can eat them at home.

He also wants to give two to An Minghai.

An Minghai gave himself so much money, so he had to express something during the Chinese New Year.

Of course, it is not enough to just send two chickens, plus two bottles of wine and two cigarettes, the estimated cost is 20 yuan.

"Young man! Two dollars is not for sale."

"Uncle! In fact, you only sold it for three yuan less. It's frozen here haha. You will pay another fifty cents in tax later. Now you can sell it to me and make a clean profit."

The uncle thought for a while and felt that it made sense: "Well, let's add one yuan to the price you said, and these chicken belts and this idiot bag are all yours."

He carried the chickens in the kind of small-eyed straw bales that hold the grass.

This means that you can buy six chickens for 13 yuan.

Jiang Yu counted out 13 yuan without any hesitation, and the uncle left cheerfully.

After careful calculation, he only sold one yuan and five less. Later, when the market manager came, he would have to pay fifty cents in tax. Now the fifty cents are saved.

People who come to the market in winter come late, and there are more people in the market after eight o'clock.

Jiang Yu also started to set up a stall. He spread the two versions of the word "Fu" all over the stall, and it was very conspicuous to see the bright red.

"Hold the grass! Why is this still selling blessing characters?"

"Now the market sells more and more tricks, but this lucky character is very beautiful, much better than when we find someone to write it by hand in the village."

"Boy! How much is your blessing?"

"Two for a dime."

The cost of these blessing characters is [-] cents a piece, and it costs [-] cents a piece.

Jiang Yu thought that his business would be as prosperous as the sun at noon, and he calculated that the five hundred copies of blessings he brought would be sold out in a short time.

But it turns out that he was thinking too much.

Although there are many people who ask, there are also many people who read it, but no one pays for it.

Is the price high?

People spend four cents in the store to buy a piece of red paper that can write six characters of blessing, but it costs [-] cents to buy six sheets of blessing from him, which is really outrageously expensive in terms of price.

But can it feel the same?

There are horizontal inscriptions on his lucky character that attract wealth and treasure, there are gold ingots and a cornucopia at the bottom of the fortune, and there is a pair of fishes on the left and right.

This is completely the standard version more than ten years later. Except that the paper is not as thick as the blessing characters bought by later generations, it is not bad at all.

Isn't it just a matter of good luck for the Chinese New Year!Even if it is more expensive, it is only three cents or two cents.

But why don't the hairy people buy it?

"Whose chicken is it? How much is it?"

Jiang Yu was depressed, when a questioning voice suddenly came from his ear.

After the chicken seller left, those chicken Jiangyu were only dragged back a little bit, and they were still placed in the original place. Some people thought they were for sale.

"Three yuan and five pieces!" Jiang Yu, who was upset, replied without raising his head.

"Hold the grass! The big chicken is three yuan, and the small chicken is two and five yuan. You sell it for three yuan and five yuan?"

"My chickens are all five catties or more. What's wrong with selling them for three yuan? Do you want to buy them or not?"

Jiang Yu didn't intend to sell at all, so naturally he didn't act towards God with a smile on his face.

"20 yuan! I want it all."

During the conversation, two ten-yuan bills fell like snowflakes in front of Jiang Yu, and then the two guys immediately carried the straw bag away.


Jiang Yu stared blankly at the three people walking away, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

That's what Lao Tzu kept for beating favors and eating for himself. Why did he sell it?

Even if I earned seven yuan, I didn't want to sell it!

This world is a little bit magical. I didn't sell one of the lucky characters I wanted to sell, and someone bought the chicken I didn't want to sell. What's the matter?

"Brother! Doesn't my lucky character look good?" Jiang Yu asked a pigskin seller on the left.

"It's beautiful! You look happy when you look at this blessing."

"But why is no one buying it?"

"Haha! Boy! What day is the lunar calendar today?"

"It's the second day of the twelfth lunar month!"

"It's too early for you to sell this thing now. If you sell it after the fifteenth day, you must pay attention to it. Even if you want to buy it now, you have to wait for a few days."

A word to awaken the dreamer.

It's true that it came out early, who would buy this thing on the second day of the twelfth lunar month.

Jiang Yu scratched his head and looked at the time. It is now ten past nine.

Just pack it up and not sell it. Since the word "Fu" can't be sold too early, then I won't be frozen here, and I can save fifty cents when the tax collectors don't come.

Jiang Yu started to tidy up the stall, but unfortunately, the tax collector came after less than one-third of the collection.

A small pink ticket the size of a matchbox floated to Jiang Yu's stall like a snowflake.

"Five cents!"

The guy who collects taxes has a voice as cold as ice.

It's just that after the guy tore up the ticket, he made a move that surprised Jiang Yu.

Two guys followed behind him, and one of them put his mouth close to his ear, muttering something for some unknown reason.

The guy lowered his head and picked up the pink ticket, then tore off another yellow ticket.


Jiang Yu looked at the two people behind the tax collector.

"I said big brother! Are you kidding me! What did I sell that is worth tearing up a dollar tax stamp? Besides, didn't you see that I have closed the stall?"

"It doesn't matter to me whether you accept the stall or not, one piece!"

Although Jiang Yu was angry, he didn't express it.

In [-], the land tax had not yet appeared, and there was only one type of tax, the national tax, and the tax collectors were still serious tax collectors.

This kind of person is not easy to offend, and he doesn't care much about a dollar.

Jiang Yu took out a dollar and gave it to the tax collector.

The tax collector collected the money and went to the next stall, but the two people behind him did not follow.

"Yang Wu! I haven't seen you for a few days. Is this considered to be in the revolutionary ranks?"

The two guys who followed the tax collector, one of them was Yang Wu, and the other was the bald head.

The victim Jiang Yu was overcharged by fifty cents was the one with a bald head, who was wearing a hat askew and looked at Jiang Yu provocatively.

"Your name is Jiang..."

"Jiang Yu!"

"Jiang Yu! My brother said that you beat my brother yesterday. I will look for you in exactly two days. Since I met you today, I will talk about it."

"This is what the bald brother behind you said? Yang Wu! These brothers of yours should be taken care of. They dare to block the road and rob on the national highway. Do you know how many years they will be sentenced if they are arrested for this crime? You also asked me." Said, you should thank me, if I go to the police station and sue you for blocking the road and robbery, you brothers will have to go in and squat for a few years."

Jiang Yu said calmly.

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