"Since you are not up to the mark, buddy! Do it!" As soon as the bald head made a move, the other people surrounded Jiang Yu aggressively.

The bald head took the lead and rushed towards Jiang Yu, and rushed to Jiang Yu in the blink of an eye.

"Hey! Bald old bright! Your shoelaces are untied." Under such circumstances, Jiang Yu still kept silent.

When the bald head was less than two meters away from him, Jiang Yu slapped the bicycle rack with one hand.

Affected by the force of this beat, the front wheel of the bicycle lifted off the ground and stood up.

The suspended front wheel happened to be on the bald and bright chest. Jiang Yu grabbed the rear rack of the bicycle and shook it left and right. Forced to take five or six steps back, he fell to the ground.

The bald head was forced back by Jiang Yu, but the others surrounded him with their arms and sleeves rolled up.

Jiang Yu scanned the people around him, and suddenly smiled.

He held the handlebar with his left hand and the bicycle shelf with his right hand, turning his body 360 degrees.

The bicycle turned 360 degrees around him like a whirlwind.

Where the bicycle passed, those surrounding Jiang Yu were swept away by the bicycle like fallen leaves swept by the autumn wind.

Jiang Yu shook his head: "Just these two times, let's go home and farm the land well, don't come out to make people embarrassed, I won't play with you if I have something to do."

Jiang Yu pushed the bicycle forward hard, and the bicycle rushed out by itself, and rushed straight to the bald Laoliang who had just stood up in front of him.

The bald head flicked to the side in panic, and the bicycle whizzed past him.

Jiang Yu stepped forward and caught up with the bicycle in a few steps. His body flew into the air and landed directly on the moving bicycle.


When these little bastards got up one after another, Jiang Yu was already a hundred meters away, and he turned his head with one hand and made a goodbye gesture to them.

For these rural bastards, the reborn Jiang Yu has no intention of entangled with them. If he has the time to gossip with them, he might as well go home and sleep. It is a waste of time.

Besides, he had a huge sum of money on him, and he would fight them for three hundred rounds only if he was full.

But if these ruffians go too far, he doesn't mind teaching them a lesson.

After passing Zhaojiadian is the Yanshui River Bridge completed in [-]. This big river is the dividing line between Shatu Commune and Jianshan Commune.

After crossing Liangshuiwan Village of Shatu Commune, stepping on the ice and crossing the Yanshui River, you will arrive at the quarry in Huangling Village.

From the Yanshui River to the mouth of Donggougou, the length of the quarry is more than 300 meters. Calculated according to the space of [-] meters for each mason, this quarry can lay [-] pits.

Calculated according to the fact that one pit produces ten square stones a day, if this quarry is fully utilized, it can produce three hundred square stones per day.

Of course, there are not so many stonemasons to hammer stones, and at most seven or eight pits are used, because there is not such a large demand.

Basically, a 32-square-foot pit is used for building a house, and these pits can basically meet the needs.

It should be booming here next year.

Turn a corner at the east end of the stone field, and the first family is Yang Wan's family.

The foundation of Yang Wan's mansion has been dug out, and a small pile of stones has been brought in. It looks like four or five squares. It seems that Yang Wan himself drove the carriage back.

Yang Wan and the village bricklayer were standing at the edge of the foundation, gesticulating, not knowing what to say.

Jiang Yu didn't even get out of the car, and entered Donggou after saying hello.

"Brother! Where did you go this afternoon? How many people came to look for you?" As soon as Jiang Yu entered the yard, Jiang Xue ran out like a happy bird.

"Who is coming to find me?"

"Zhang Shanbo, Ma Guoguang and Lu Changhe came once, Li Qingxian and Bai Ming also came, Bai Feng and Song Mei also came to look for you."

The first few people came to him in a normal manner, everyone was young and played with him since childhood, but why did Bai Feng and Song Mei come to him?

"Is the meal ready? I'm a little hungry."

"It's done, I'll wait for you to come back for dinner."

After Jiang Yu entered the room, he saw that the food on the kang table was set up. Today is not sauerkraut stewed potatoes, but the dish that appeared most frequently in winter in Northeast China at that time: potatoes stewed cabbage.

Anyway, in winter, it is either sauerkraut or cabbage and potatoes, and there is nothing else to eat.

The staple food has not changed a bit, corn tortillas.

Jiang Bin's face twitched again, and he seemed ready to drop the bowl and chopsticks and lift the pole again.

"You have a good meal tonight, and I'll give you something good after eating."

This guy ran all over the mountain with wild cats and beasts all day long. This old man can't do without eating. It's time to grow his body.

Even if there is no delicious food, you have to eat enough, otherwise you will be miserable if you don't grow up.

"What good things can you have?" Jiang Bin had an expression of I believe you.

"If I have something good, I will definitely not tell you now. If you don't want it, I will give it to someone else. I guarantee that all the children in Huangling Village will rush to ask for it. I guarantee that it will count, and you will regret it to death when the time comes. No one cares." You! If you want, just give me this pancake and this bowl of food and eat it whole."

Jiang Bin is a stubborn guy, he really didn't take it seriously, so he was ready to leave.

But looking at the serious expression on my brother's face, calculations began to appear in my heart.

In fact, he respects his brother very much in his heart, and he often thinks about it when he is not at home, but he can't help but talk to him as soon as he comes back.

Is there really anything good to give yourself?

Jiang Bin looked at Jiang Yu suspiciously, Jiang Yu had a faint smile on his face, looking unfathomable.

After some hesitation, Jiang Bin didn't abandon the bowl, but ate the pancake and a small bowl of vegetables like taking medicine.

"Okay, I'm done eating, where's the food?"

Jiang Yu smiled: "With your IQ, you dare to compete with me all day long. If I fool you, you can be fooled."

Jiang Bin became angry when he heard this: "Ah! How can a man be like this? Talking doesn't count, and he is an uncle of the People's Liberation Army... Oh no, it's the brother of the People's Liberation Army."

The whole family was laughed out loud.

"What do you want?"

"I'm ignoring you! I'll talk to you later, I'm just a puppy." Angrily, Jiang Bin was about to slam the door and leave.

Jiang Yu smiled and took out a palm-sized paper bag from his pocket: "If you leave this door now, I will give this to Bai Yang immediately."

Jiang Bin's eyes swept away and he stopped in his tracks.

"What the hell?"

"You can see for yourself if you don't know, take it and get out!"

"No! Nothing!"

"Are you sure?"

"That's right! Don't!" Jiang Bin frowned, his face full of righteousness.

"I spent an hour making a gun at the machinery factory, but no one wanted it! Jiang Xue! You will give this gun to Bai Yang later."

Bai Yang is Bai Feng's younger brother, the same age as Jiang Bin.

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