The next step is to sign the contract and pay the money.

This link took a total of 15 minutes before and after.

The drafting of the contract has obvious characteristics of the times, and it is far less detailed than those of later generations. Compared with the seamless contracts of later generations, the contract at this time is a rough outline.

Jiang Yu signed the contract after reading it, then counted the money and put it in his pocket.

In the years when there were no hundred-yuan bills, four thousand five hundred yuan was not a small number, and it would be bulging in the pocket of the clothes. Fortunately, there was a military coat outside to cover it.

"Does your factory have any lathes that are idle now? I want to process something."

"Just follow me for whatever you want to process. The beds in the workshop are more than half empty."

Director Tang of the mechanical processing workshop took Jiang Yu into the processing workshop.

It's not that no one is working in the workshop, but few machine tools are ringing. Almost all workers, men and women, gather around the stove converted from oil drums in the workshop to warm up.

This shows the current operating conditions of the machinery factory.

"What do you want to process? How much material do you want?"

"I just want to make a small toy for my brother. If there are leftover materials, I don't need to deliberately look for materials."

"The leftovers are everywhere in the workshop, you can look for them yourself."

Jiang Yu found a piece of scrap iron that was two centimeters thick, fifteen centimeters long and ten centimeters wide in the place where scraps were piled up in the workshop.

In the next hour or so, Jiang Yu played with everything from the planer to the lathe to the drill.

Director Tang looked at Jiang Yu's final product and was full of praise.

"I didn't expect you to be so familiar with these machine tools at such a young age, and your skills are still very high. It shouldn't be a big problem for you to be rated as a sixth-level craftsman at your level."

After Jiang Yu was demobilized in his last life, he joined this machinery factory as an apprentice for three years, and after leaving his apprenticeship in [-], he worked here for another five years.

Around [-], the factory finally couldn't support it anymore, and he was laid off. He bought an old machine tool to process some screws and bolts for others, and finally evolved into a small processing factory.

He is really good at technology.

Jiang Yu stuffed a box of [-] cents Caohaiyan into Director Tang's pocket.

In the future, maybe I will often come to the machinery factory to process some messy things, and the relationship with Lala, the director of the processing workshop, is not a bad thing.

After Jiang Yu and An Minghai bid farewell, they left the machinery factory.

It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

In winter, the days are short and the nights are long, and it’s only an hour before dark, and there’s no time to go shopping, so it’s better to go home quickly.

Jiang Yu rode his bicycle out of the commune and turned on the way home.

This time he didn't plan to take the road between Jianshan and Hongdao Commune, but took the national highway and went straight to Shatu Commune in the other direction, and then crossed Yanshui River from Liangshuiwan Village of Shatu Commune to Huangling directly. village.

Although the roads are similar, this route is about five miles long on the national road and only three miles on the dirt road, which is obviously flat and easy to walk.

Even if it is a national road, it is still a sandy road, only wider and smoother than the rural road.

There were very few vehicles on the avenue in [-], and it took half a day to see a car.

Jiang Yu originally thought that he could ride a bicycle to do whatever he wanted on the avenue, but when he reached Zhao's shop, he was blocked by a group of young people.

Different from Jiang Yu's arrogance while riding his bicycle, these more than a dozen young people formed a long snake formation on the avenue, blocking the national road more than ten meters wide.

This is much more arrogant than him riding a bicycle.

Jiang Yu slammed the car bell.

I don't want to press the car bell to cause trouble.

A young man walked to the middle of the national road, after looking at Jiang Yu for a few times, he suddenly reached out and pointed at Jiang Yu: "Come down!"

Jiang Yu got out of the car with a dazed expression on his face. He couldn't do it unless he got off.

"Brother! It's not good for you to block the road like this."

The young man who asked Jiang Yu to come down came to Jiang Yu, smiling sinisterly.

This person should have met not long ago, this Jiang Yu can be sure, but he didn't remember who the other person was.

After all, he was demobilized, and his mental state was very different from that in the army. If he was in the army, he could clearly remember everyone and things he had seen in half a month.

"Aren't you Jiang Yu from Huangling Village?"

Jiang Yu was a little surprised: "You know me?"

"Of course I do, why don't you know me?"

Jiang Yu shook his head: "I have a little impression, but I can't remember who you are."

The man took off the hat on his head, revealing a shiny bald head.

Seeing the bald head, Jiang Yu immediately thought of him, isn't this the idiot!

Jiang Yu's mouth curved into a smile.

"Don't laugh!" Seeing that Jiang Yu wanted to laugh, Sha Que shouted immediately.

"Okay, I don't laugh! Brother bald! What do you think about shaving your head this winter? Your idea is really unique and very novel."

The bald head is also full of grievances, he is willing to shave his head in winter!Don't you lose your bet!

"Brother Bald! It's almost dark today, and I'm still in a hurry, can you give me a way?"

"Get out of the way! That's fine, leave the money for the road!"

Hold the grass!This is still out to block the way and ask for money!

"Brother Bald! Your slogan is wrong! You should say this: I opened this road, and I planted this tree. If you want to pass by, leave money to buy roads, so that the robbery will appear more formal."

"Stop talking nonsense and get the money quickly."

"This is a national road, and you didn't drive it. Asking for money is equivalent to robbery."

"Hmph! I was very upset with you at the market that day. If Fifth Brother didn't say anything, I would have slapped you long ago. Leave ten yuan and get out!"

Now Jiang Yu has a huge sum of money on him, but it is absolutely impossible to give them ten yuan.

Why is it bad for me to leave ten yuan, why should I give it to you?

"That's right! It's not ten yuan in total, it's ten yuan per person."

The bald head is getting bigger.

"What if I have no money?"

"Then beat you!"

In the eighties and 90s, young people in society almost didn't need any reason to beat people, they could do it if they didn't like you.

Even if there is a crackdown, it will still happen.

Jiang Yu is no stranger to this phenomenon. In his last life, he also had several conflicts with the gangsters in the society after he was demobilized, but no one bothered him in the later period.

Without him, no one could have done him.

His fists and feet are not his opponents, and they are not even the ones who move. The most important thing is that he basically paralyzes the opponent with a single blow. Several people are knocked down in a blink of an eye.

It seems that this trouble is inevitable now.

"Then what do you want? I don't have any money, so hurry up if you want to do it. I'm still in a hurry to go home."

Since it was definitely going to be a move, Jiang Yu didn't have the mind to be modest and tactful, so let's do it quickly so that he can hurry.

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