village pigwoman

472 Meet the Parents

Zhao Yuan, Kang Xiu'er, who were alone for a while, looked at each other embarrassedly, and then looked away instantly.

Zhao Yuankang felt that he was a boy after all, so he coughed and spoke first.

"You, you promise?"

Xiu'er nodded shyly.


Zhao Yuankang: "Why?"

Xiu'er was serious: "Because you are good, you are good-looking, you can read and write, your family is good, and you are good to me."

Speaking of being nice to her, Zhao Yuankang actually felt very embarrassed and a little bit sorry.

He really didn't feel how good he was to Xiu'er, he just did some things he should have done out of taking care of the little girl, who knew that Xiu'er felt that way.

He couldn't help but ask again: "Am I so good?"

Xiu'er: "Okay, you are so kind.

Since I was a child, my mother told me to take good care of my younger sister and younger brother, to help the family with work, to help others when I see them working, and to keep doing things.

Just before, when I went to help you get the corn, it was the time when I was the laziest in doing things. Later, when I ate, you helped me serve the rice and brought me vegetables. "

Zhao Yuankang scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I see that it's not easy for you to come out, so I thought I'd serve you a bowl with vegetables. I thought you were embarrassed and only ate green vegetables, so I wanted to get you some meat and vegetables."

Xiu'er showed a slight smile.

"It's so kind of you."

Zhao Yuankang: "Actually, this is what it should be."

Hearing what Zhao Yuankang said, Xiu'er hesitated a little, and asked in a low voice, "Then, brother Kangkang, are you unhappy?"

Zhao Yuankang paused.

Xiu'er lowered her head again and whispered: "I know, I have nothing good, and my family has nothing good. I don't understand anything, so I can work, and it's not good-looking..."

Zhao Yuankang hurriedly stopped, and hurriedly said: "You look good, you are so pretty."

Although it is not as good as his sister, but she is also good-looking, the little girl's eyes are bright.

Seeing that Xiu'er didn't seem to believe it, Zhao Yuankang said again: "Besides, you are so sensible and have a good temper.

You can also see what happened before, and you have courage.

It's great to be capable, diligent, and sensible. "

Xiu'er lowered her eyebrows, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. Then she couldn't help raising her eyes to look at Zhao Yuankang, and asked in a low voice, "Really?"

Zhao Yuankang: "Really, I think you are pretty good."

Xiu'er felt as if she had drunk honey, and her face turned red.

At such a big age, she has never been praised so much.

Zhao Yuankang couldn't help but follow the simple and honest smile. After laughing, he also remembered important things.

"Well, Xiu'er, let me tell you something."

Xiu'er blinked her bright innocent eyes and nodded: "What?"

Zhao Yuankang was silent for a moment, thought carefully and said, "I think, you are a little young."

Xiu'er hurriedly said, "I'm not young anymore, I, I'm already fifteen years old."

Zhao Yuankang chuckled lightly.

"What's Mao Shiwu, you're even smaller than Lele." You're not as good as Lele, and you're so small, you haven't even grown up yet.

and so…

Zhao Yuankang said seriously: "What I think is that we can get married first and wait for two years, at least two years, before getting married."

Xiu'er couldn't help frowning, she didn't seem to want it very much.

Zhao Yuankang: "What's wrong? Can't you?"

Xiu'er cautiously said, "Brother Kangkang, you won't run away."

She felt that two years was a long time, what if something changed after that.

When Zhao Yuankang heard this, he clicked his tongue.

"How is it possible? I'm not a child anymore. I keep my word, and it's for your own good. Usually, when people get engaged, there are two

We're getting married three years later. "

"But..." Xiu'er lowered her head, her voice was as low as a mosquito's: "But after you're engaged, you have to avoid suspicion..."

Zhao Yuankang tried to get closer to hear clearly. After understanding Xiuer's thoughts, the corners of his mouth turned up immediately, and then explained: "That doesn't count, it's not like this now, anyway, there are still some courtesy, as usual Talking and eating, it must be the same, maybe I will hide from now on.

Don't worry, it's not like that. "

Hearing this, Xiu'er was relieved.

At this time, He Ju and Xiu Erniang who were in the room had almost discussed, and they also came out.

The wrinkles on Xiuer's mother's smile deepened a lot, she was quite satisfied looking at Zhao Yuankang.

She hugged her son and called out to her daughter.

"Xiu'er, let's go home first."

He Ju also smiled and said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Xiu Erniang left Zhao's house with a smile, and Xiu Er obediently followed behind.

As soon as Zhao Yuankang saw the money bag, he couldn't help picking it up, and was about to yell, and He Ju quickly gave it to him.

Zhao Yuankang turned around in confusion: "What's wrong, Sanniang."

He Ju was annoyed: "Are you really a prodigal? What about twenty silver dollars? I bought two good paddy fields, and you will give them all?"

Zhao Yuankang: "I didn't bring anything, just..."

He Ju took the money bag and said, "I'll put it away for you first. When your parents come back tomorrow, if what you say is not true, then you can make the three engagements, and you can get the money. It will be on the booklet."

Zhao Yuankang didn't understand these things very well, and seeing what He Ju said, he didn't have anything to refute.

With two grunts, Zhao Yuankang's stomach groaned.

He looked at He Ju and smiled embarrassedly.

He Ju: "Okay, there is still food, take Lele and the others, eh... Where is Lele and the others?"

With that said, she walked to the door and roared loudly.

Zhao Yuanle pulled Zhao Yuanlan and Yao'er to feed the mosquitoes here, and now they heard He Ju's voice, they hurried back together.

Zhao Yuanlan couldn't help complaining: "You don't even choose a good place, there are a lot of mosquitoes."

Zhao Yuanle: "Hey, anyway, mosquitoes can't bite me."

Her pigskin is thick.

When the three of them returned home, He Ju saw Yao'er with a swollen face at a glance, and stretched out his hand in distress.

"Oh my little one, where did you go?"

Yao'er: "Go feed the mosquitoes."

Zhao Yuanle was also amazed when he saw Yao'er's full face.

"How come you have been bitten so many bags in such a short time."

At this time, Wu Lin, who came out of the room with a fan, heard it, and interjected: "There is a lot of sugar in the blood, which attracts mosquitoes."

Zhao Yuanle came to a conclusion.

"It's all because you are too sweet."

Yao'er frowned and sighed.

"I will suffer a little bit in my next life."

He Ju couldn't help but roll her eyes at Zhao Yuanle.

"What nonsense are you talking to a child?"

Zhao Yuanle smiled, walked over to talk to Chen Lin.

Wu Lin held the fan, and seemed to be going to power it up now.

Zhao Yuanle grabbed the fan.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. When my aunt and uncle come back tomorrow, I'll show them together."

Wu Lin glanced at Zhao Yuanle quietly and sighed.

He will endure another night.

But this night was not long.

At present, the night is not long at all, and it is not long after dark, and it is bright early.

Zhao Yuanle got up early in the morning, picked up the wires, grabbed Wu Lin and started tossing.

Fans, one on the side of the pig farm, one in the main room at home, and one in each room.

and two

There are two freezers, one for the house and the other for the pig farm.

He Ju didn't understand this.

"What are you doing in the pig farm? Those pigs are so edible, where are the leftovers?"

Zhao Yuanle smiled: "It will be useful in the future."

Pig milk must be preserved in this way so that it will not deteriorate.

But Tang Siwen and Zhao Dacheng, who got the message in the city, were surprised and rushed back with Zhao Yuanxi.

When the three of them arrived, they hadn't had lunch yet.

Seeing this, Liu Xiaohong specially took a big tripod pot to cook the rice.

Tang Siwen and Zhao Dacheng arrived, so naturally Xiu'er's mother and Xiu'er's father would also come.

As the protagonist, Xiu'er was taken out alone by her parents for the first time.

Her mother also held her hand on the road rarely.

With her other hand, she couldn't help touching her braid.

Xiu Erniang: "Look, we, Xiu Er, can still dress up."

Xiu'er looked at the red string at the end of the twisted braid, and she was also happy. Today's clothes are still unpatched, and the shoes are also new, not black, but reddish.

When the three of them arrived at Zhao's house, they saw Tang Siwen and Zhao Dacheng waiting there.

Zhao Dacheng smiled kindly at Xiu'er's parents.

The two adults sat on both sides of a table.

They are all acquaintances, so there is no need to ask too many things.

Tang Siwen mainly wanted to take a good look at Xiu'er.

She is rarely in the village, and she is not very familiar with these children who change every year.

Xiu'er Niang smiled and pulled Xiu'er over, and said in a low voice, "Be generous."

Xiu'er held back her anxiety, smiled, and looked at Tang Siwen.

Tang Siwen quickly took a look at Xiu'er's appearance and figure, and with the bottom line in his heart, he asked with a smile: "Why do you think our family is not good enough?"

Xiu'er hurriedly said, "No, Brother Kangkang is very capable."

Zhao Yuankang, who seemed not to be listening, snorted triumphantly.

Tang Siwen also snorted.

"Where can I do it?"

Xiu'er said seriously: "He is kind, polite, good at dealing with people, and looks decent."

Tang Siwen couldn't help laughing out loud.

"This kid, you're lucky if you step on dog shit."

It was so embarrassing before, but now it is still regarded as a treasure.

Zhao Yuankang couldn't help but call mother.

Tang Siwen stopped joking, let go of Xiu'er's hand, and nodded to Xiu'er's mother.

"We are all acquaintances and know everything. I also know Xiu'er. Anyway, I don't have any objections."

Zhao Dacheng also hurriedly said: "I have no objection either."

Since neither of them have an opinion...

Xiuerniang was excited, knowing that today's matter was settled.

Tang Siwen: "Since we have no objection, and the two young people have no objection, then this matter can be settled first."

Zhao Dacheng continued: "It can be settled, but ah, I mean, you keep her for two years first, I think it's better."

Xiuerniang can't wait.

There are many younger ones in the family. If Xiu'er gets married soon, she will still be busy.

Seeing this, she quickly pinched her own hole.

Xiu'er's father, who has always been like a saw-mouthed gourd, hastily smiled and nodded.

"it is good."

Tang Siwen: "In that case, just find a date, call a matchmaker, and then check your birthday and so on.

This day, the wine for engagement, just look at the almanac and choose a good day. "

Xiuerniang smiled: "We have no objections."

With a big belly, He Ju smiled and said, "Then let's stay and have a meal together first."

Xiuerniang just wanted to say

There are still children at home, so I heard Tang Siwen say: "Bring those children to eat together, and I will take a look too."

Seeing that Tang Siwen was still smiling, Xiu Erniang nodded along, although she felt uneasy.

"it is good."

She has to greet these children well this time, and she must be obedient and not make trouble.

This is a good marriage, don't get dirty.

When Xiu'er went home with her parents to pick up her younger siblings, the Zhao family was left with her own family.

Tang Siwen looked at Zhao Yuankang meaningfully and hummed twice.

Zhao Yuanxi, Zhao Yuanle and Zhao Yuanlan sat eating melon seeds together, and the three melon-eating sisters sat on the same bench.

Zhao Dacheng walked over directly and patted Zhao Yuankang on the shoulder.

"You can do it, kid. Come back, and I will find the daughter-in-law for your father."

Tang Siwen: "I'm still looking for a little girl, maybe even the big girls look down on you?"

Zhao Yuankang was not convinced.

"Mother, how can I be so bad at your son?"

Tang Siwen laughed out loud.

"Yes, you are not bad, you found this by yourself, mother has no objection, neither does your father.

You have to treat people well in the future, such a young girl was deceived by you. "

He Ju was at the side, hearing this, couldn't help but said: "Sister-in-law, Xiu'er's family is indeed a bit difficult now, the main thing is that there are many children, and when the daughter grows up, his family will be fine."

Tang Siwen waved his hand and shook his head.

"I don't care about this, when I married Dacheng, what were the conditions in the family?

There is no money, not a big problem, the main thing is people.

When two people live together, their hearts are together, their strengths are put together, and they are harmonious and diligent, there is nothing they can't live with. "

Zhao Dacheng laughed.

"The main thing is that I look decent."

Tang Siwen was angry: "It's really shameless."

Zhao Yuanle couldn't help but said: "Uncle is not good-looking, but he is upright and decent at first glance."

Tang Siwen agrees.

Zhao Yuanle: "Actually, my father looks better."

Zhao Yuanlan was not convinced anymore.

"My father is also good-looking, and so is my uncle."

Zhao Dacheng: "..." Well, yes, he is the only one who is not good-looking.

Wu Lin passing by: "Cut..."

Tang Siwen: "Whether it's good-looking or not, character is the most important thing. It's the same thing after watching it for a long time. Okay, come here and help cook."

It's a big day anyway, she wants to cook by herself.

After a while, Xiu'er's parents also brought all the children in the family.

Xiuerniang told the child to be obedient all the way to the door, not to snatch the food, and not to babble.

Looking at so many children, Tang Siwen only felt admiration in his heart.

And Zhao Dacheng nodded silently.

He knew that if a mother can give birth, the probability of a daughter is not far behind.

That's great, Kangkang's generation is not very prosperous, but his grandchildren must be prosperous.

Today's meal was quite lively. The younger sister and the younger brother of Xiu'er's family all performed very well, because they didn't want to spoil the big sister's affairs.

After the meal, the two families discussed something together for a long time.

When Xiu'er's family finally came home, Zhao Yuanle's eyes fell on the electric fan and freezer.

Now, it's time to start using "high technology"!


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