village pigwoman

473 One cool day

Following Zhao Yuanle's gaze, the gazes of the rest of the Zhao family also fell on the freezer and the fan.

Zhao Dacheng took the lead to touch it.

"Why is this made of steel? Why are the leaves so twisted?"

Zhao Yuanle: "It's better to fan the wind with leaves of this shape."

Zhao Dacheng: "Then let's try?"

Tang Siwen stood aside holding a folding fan, also very curious.

"Try it and see what makes the wind different."

At this time, only He Ju suddenly remembered the man from her family.

"This won't work. Thirty percent hasn't come back yet. Oh, why hasn't this person come back yet?"

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived, as soon as the words fell, Zhao Sancheng's voice sounded outside, followed by Zhao Ercheng's voice.

The two walked in side by side. They were surprised and pleasantly surprised to see this family.

Zhao Ercheng was very happy: "Is it to welcome me?"

Yao'er nodded, smiled and ran over to Zhao Ercheng.

"Yes, it is to welcome you."

Zhao Yuanlan laughed at the side: "That's not it, it's because the eldest brother is going to talk about his wife."

Zhao Ercheng: "Hey, is there such a good thing?"

Zhao Yuankang coughed and gave Zhao Yuanlan a slight look, and quickly brought the topic to the fan.

"Let's take a look at this fan."

Zhao Yuanle looked at Wu Lin, Wu Lin nodded: "Everything has been checked."

Zhao Yuanle reached out his hand to signal.

"Come on, you were bought with the money you earned."

Wu Lin walked over, and under the gaze of everyone, turned on the switch of the electric fan.

He Ju hid behind Zhao Sancheng in fright when he heard a bang, and hurriedly covered his stomach.

Immediately afterwards, there was a bang bang bang sound, and under the frowned eyes of everyone, the fan blades turned faster and faster, gradually, afterimages appeared, and the existence of the fan blades could not be seen clearly at the back.

A cool and strong wind blew out from here, standing in front of Wu Lin, his hair was flying and his clothes were fluttering.

His brows instantly relaxed, revealing a satisfied smile.

With this thing, he no longer has to worry about what to do during the day, which will make him sweat profusely.

Everyone was a little scared at first, but when they saw the wind coming out, they couldn't help but squeeze into the middle, and stretched out their hands to feel the cool wind.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yuanle sighed, "It would be great if there was a ceiling fan."

Yao'er probed: "Ceiling fan, is it the kind with big leaves that blow on top of the head?"

Tang Siwen on the side nodded: "Yes, that's the one, that one is not good, it looks scary, if it falls, it will blow people's heads off.

It should be this good, it's cooler, it looks much more comfortable, and it's convenient. "

After hearing this, Yao'er nodded in agreement, and then walked to the front of the fan to observe carefully.

This frightened He Ju, and quickly stretched out her hand to pull Yao'er back.

"Oh, don't go there."

In case of accidental injury, the fan spins so fast.

Zhao Yuanle walked over with a smile, and patted the head of the fan.

"Did you see, my sister can't break it even with all her strength, but you can see it when you go over and see it? Don't worry, it's safe."

At this time, Yao'er's eyes lit up, and he ran over again, pointing at the fan blade and jumping.

"Sister, listen!"

Zhao Yuanle: "Huh?"

Yao'er leaned over to face the fan and suddenly wowed, and heard the echo inside.

Zhao Yuanlan also ran over with a wow, talking to the fan foolishly, and then admired her undulating tone.

When Zhao Dacheng and others saw it, they also laughed out loud.

Zhao Yuanle smiled lightly,

Introduce to family members.

"This is a small wind, there is a strong wind, a stroke, and this one. Press this one, and the fan will shake its head."

This time, the whole family was even more surprised.

Zhao Dacheng: "I can still shake my head!"

Everyone gathered around the fan, looked and looked, Yao'er started to operate the fan, adjusted the wind, then turned to the back, stood on tiptoe, and let the fan shake its head.

When the fan blows one, he presses his head down, and after blowing it, he asks whether it is cool or not.

The person who was blown nodded and said it was cool.

Just like that, everyone got blown away.

Liu Xiaohong stood aside, watching Yao'er standing on tiptoe, stretching out her little hand to press back and forth, with a smile, her eyes full of envy.

She was wondering if she could go to the hospital to have a look, in case the hospital really had a solution.

So many people have been there, so it's okay for her to go, she shouldn't run into anything.

After everyone admired the fan, Zhao Yuanle cast his eyes on the freezer.

At this time, the freezer only had simple cooling, without the option of insurance, and there was no vertical door with lights.

So, it can be used to freeze things.

Zhao Yuanle turned on the freezer, took out all the cups at home, filled them with water, and put a chopstick in them.

After getting some pure water, Zhao Yuanle found sugar, soft white sugar, brown sugar, and honey, and added a little sour preserved fruit.

Zhao Yuanxi followed Zhao Yuanle to do it together.

Zhao Yuanle looked at Zhao Yuanlan and Yao'er with a smile.

"Want to eat ice cream, my sister will make it for you."

Yao'er bit a finger and squatted aside to watch obediently.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuanlan dug out the candies she treasured from the house and put them in one by one.

"This is for you."

Zhao Dacheng couldn't help talking when he saw a few children about to freeze.

"Eat less ice, you'll have diarrhea."

Zhao Yuanle: "I'm not afraid."

Zhao Dacheng: "Don't be afraid of Yao'er. He is still young and his stomach is not as good as yours. He can eat at most one piece. If he really pulls it up, he will break everyone."

He Ju also looked cautious.

"Don't eat a piece, just half a piece."

Tang Siwen: "That's right, Yao'er eat less of this."

When she was in the pharmacy every year, she saw a lot of children who died because of diarrhea.

Yaoer: "Ah..."

He could only sit aside in disappointment, sighing helplessly.

After filling the water, Zhao Yuanle clapped his hands and closed the freezer.

"Wait for a while, maybe half an hour, if you are worried, you can wait an hour."

Zhao Yuanlan? "Half an hour, we only wait for half an hour."

During this half hour, everyone gathered around the fan and started blowing.

Seeing so many people surrounded by a fan, Zhao Yuanle couldn't help but start to look around, thinking about where to pull another wire and get a socket.

Zhao Yuanlan and Yao'er felt that half an hour today was particularly sad, and felt like they had waited for a long time before it finally arrived.

Zhao Yuanle opened the freezer door, looked at the frozen ice, took them out one by one, and distributed them to everyone.

When it was Yao'er's turn, she used a kitchen knife to cut slightly off the side, so that Yao'er could eat more.

Yao'er happily took half of the ice, and just as he licked it, he frowned.

"It smells like garlic."

Liu Xiaohong smiled embarrassedly: "Oh, it's me. I patted the garlic and didn't wash it for a while. I thought, save some water."

Zhao Yuanle laughed out loud.

"Yao'er, lick the one that smells of garlic, it will be sweet after you lick it."

Yao'er pouted her mouth and licked it for a while, but sadly found that the ice cube was already very small


"Ah, I want everything."

Zhao Yuanle: "Ah... put it in your mouth and eat."

Yao'er stuffed it into his mouth in one gulp, and just after a few clicks, the ice water mixed with sweetness went down his throat.


Yaoer: "..."

At this time, everyone was still eating, and Zhao Yuanlan even ate two of them by himself, licking each and taking turns.

Zhao Yuanlan ate happily, and said with emotion: "Next time, I will get watermelon and eat it frozen."

Yaoer: "..."

Next time, next time he wished the ice he ate didn't taste like garlic.

With a thought, Zhao Yuankang found an insulated bucket, filled it with ice cubes, and sent it to Xiu'er's house.

Zhao Dacheng saw it, and when Zhao Yuankang was about to leave, he gave a warning.

"Ask her younger sisters to only eat half of one, don't eat that little boy."

Zhao Yuankang's face turned red immediately, he trotted away and disappeared, leaving only laughter in the room.

A cool afternoon passed like this.

This night, it was even cooler.

Everyone has a fan in the house.

Zhao Yuanle and Zhao Yuanxi slept on the same bed, with the fan turned on and shaking their heads, blowing from head to toe.

Zhao Yuanxi covered his stomach with the quilt a little more, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect that there would be a quilt in summer."

Zhao Yuanle: "How do you feel?"

The corner of Zhao Yuanxi's mouth turned up: "It feels really comfortable to blow the fan under the quilt."

Zhao Yuanle lay on his back, resting his hands on his head, looking up.

"Starting tomorrow, I will start to look around to see if there is any meat that can't be sold out. I can buy it cheap and freeze it in the freezer."

Zhao Yuanxi: "It's enough to eat fresh meat every day."

Zhao Yuanle: "That won't work, the family eats a lot of meat, especially Sanniang and Yaoer Xiaolan, who are growing up and eat a lot of meat every day.

How troublesome it would be if I went to buy it every day. It would be nice to keep some in the freezer and have them when I want to eat. "

Zhao Yuanxi nodded in agreement.

At this time, Zhao Yuanle suddenly remembered Zhao Yuanxi's divorce, and couldn't help joking: "When did you and the landlord's son?"

Zhao Yuanxi just smiled lightly.

"Look at my mother and the others."

Zhao Yuanle sensed that something was wrong, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, I think you were quite happy before."

Zhao Yuanxi let out a long sigh.

"I have to marry someone. Anyway, this person will pay me back, and the family is good. My parents also think it's good, so that's fine."

Zhao Yuanle turned around and looked at Zhao Yuanxi: "Sister, you still have a chance to regret it now. If you don't want to marry, don't marry. If you are unhappy, just say it. Sister, I have money, and you can raise it if you don't marry." rise."

Zhao Yuanxi laughed out loud.

"Which one wants to be raised by his own sister? Actually, that person is pretty good. I just really know that I want to marry this person, and I know the future, so I feel reluctant.

I will go from my own home to someone else's home, and I will definitely have children and raise children in the future.

I feel... a little scared, and I feel that I know everything in the future.

They said that they have been settled for a lifetime. "

Zhao Yuanle probably knew what Zhao Yuanxi was thinking.

But Zhao Yuanxi is a person who has her own ideas, so she doesn't want to say anything more.

She only had one sentence: "Anyway, I will definitely support you. As long as you don't do anything illegal, I will support you."

Zhao Yuanxi: "Okay, go to sleep."

With the cool wind blowing, the two fell asleep quickly.

Early the next morning, Tang Siwen and Zhao Dacheng began to get busy with Zhao Yuankang's affairs.

people in the village

They are all good at spreading gossip, and they all know it all at once.

Zhao Yuanle was cleaning the pig hair with Widow Yu at the pig farm, when he saw Jin Feng rushing over excitedly.

Jin Feng asked loudly: "Kangkang really likes Xiu'er!"

Zhao Yuanle nodded: "Yes."

Jin Feng: "Then your uncle and aunt don't have any objections?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Can I have any comments?"

Jin Feng was speechless: "It's really lucky, Xiu'er is really lucky, to find such a good marriage, I didn't expect it.

Very young, luck is good. "

Zhao Yuanle: "Xiu'er is pretty good, otherwise my brother wouldn't be able to take a fancy to her."

Upon hearing this, Jin Feng waved her hands in disgust.

"Come on, I know everything about your brother."

Zhao Yuanle coughed: "The whole village knows about it. They are all adults with relatives. Don't talk about it in the future."

Jinfeng hummed twice, walked over to the freezer with a smile.

"Is this something that can be frozen?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Yes, today I will freeze a sorbet for you to eat. You can freeze any fruit you have at home."

Jinfeng opened it and saw that there were some bacon sausages inside, and a gust of cold air rushed over her face.

"Wow... so cool."

Zhao Yuanle quickly closed it.

"Don't keep opening it, it wastes electricity."

Jin Feng: "Tell me, if you turn this on, can you keep blowing the air conditioner?"

Zhao Yuan gave her a white look: "You have a good idea, don't you want electricity?"

Jinfeng: "Don't you have a generator yourself?"

Zhao Yuanle: "You don't need coal for power generation, and you don't need money to buy coal? You want me to pick it up from the mountains."

Jin Feng: "Okay, I see. Then, this freezer will really freeze meat for me in the future?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Yes."

Jinfeng was very happy.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll go to my brother and the others early and let them do pork business for me."

After speaking, Jin Feng saw the fan over there, ran over again, and sat with a bunch of children.

Yao'er was standing in front telling a story, seeing Jinfeng Dacici sitting in the front, couldn't help frowning.

"Auntie, you are the tallest, sit in the back."

It blocked the wind of a bunch of children behind the house.

Jin Feng sat down embarrassedly.

And because of the example of Jin Feng, the rest of the old ladies couldn't help coming over.

In fact, the fan can't blow them too much, but they feel that sitting here and facing the fan makes them feel cool for no reason.

Yao'er couldn't help feeling tense when he saw so many adults, but he continued to tell the story calmly.

Zhao Yuanle and Widow Yu were fiddling with pig hair, and looked over from time to time.

Widow Yu said with a smile: "Your brother is really good at it. He is courageous and generous. He will definitely succeed in the future."

Zhao Yuanle: "This is something that needs to be practiced. There are only a few people now. If they can really become a master, they must be eloquent and calm in front of thousands of people."

Widow Yu: "Where are there so many people? Besides, there are so many people around, and there is no one who can see the speaker."

Zhao Yuanle smiled: "It will be possible in the future."


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