village pigwoman

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The two were walking on the road, the moonlight was shining high, and the night breeze was blowing.

Zhao Yuanle counted the money on his body, took out twenty silver dollars and gave it to Zhao Yuankang.

Zhao Yuankang was very surprised.

"Why so much money?"

Zhao Yuanle: "If you earn two hundred, you should get twenty, but it's a pity that you didn't ask about rubber here.

At that time, we have to go to other places to see. "

Looking at the heavy bag of money in his arms, Zhao Yuankang felt complicated for a moment.

Zhao Yuanle: "Why, are you dumbfounded?"

Zhao Yuankang nodded slowly, with an expression of disbelief still on his face.

"So much, just some things burned with mud, can sell so much money.

If we do this business, it must be very useful in the future, right? "

Zhao Yuanle looked at his remaining thirty silver dollars and smiled.

"Forget it, this thing is not too difficult, and everyone else has seen it, and it will definitely work out after a little thought."

Zhao Yuankang sighed, a little annoyed.

"If we had known earlier, we wouldn't have publicized it."

Zhao Yuanle: "If you don't publicize it, why would people buy our things just to watch the excitement?"

Zhao Yuankang: "Actually, it's in our county, and it should be sold. Don't you know the nobles in our county very well?"

Zhao Yuanle quickly shook his head.

"Let's forget it, and we can't bother people all the time."

As she spoke, she speeded up and let the bullock cart pull a pile of fan freezers to run faster.

Not long after, the two rested at the nearest station.

Because it was night, the two of them packed up and went to sleep, woke up early the next day, and continued on their way after breakfast.

The bright morning was not as refreshing as imagined, but rather sweltering.

Zhao Yuankang touched his injured foot, looked at the sky, and pulled out a rain canopy.

"Cover this up, I'm afraid it's going to rain later."

Zhao Yuanle stopped, covered the things tightly and tied the sides with ropes before going up.

Sure enough, after a while, the wind began to blow, and after the gust of wind, it was raindrops.

Zhao Yuanle took a look, but found that there was no coir raincoat in the pocket behind the straw hat, so the two wore straw hats to find a place to stop.

Accompanied by a whistling sound, Zhao Yuanle watched the dark clouds drifting over with rain.

Zhao Yuankang was a little anxious.

"Lele, are you afraid of water with these things?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I'm afraid, electrical appliances are afraid of water."

Things at this time are rarely usable after being wet.

Zhao Yuankang looked around anxiously, pointing to a big tree: "Where shall we go to hide from the rain!"

Zhao Yuanle: "Don't, it's easy to be struck by lightning wherever you go."

As soon as the words fell, a thunderbolt struck.

Zhao Yuankang: "..."

Zhao Yuanle was silent for a moment, saw a small ruined temple not far away, and went down, separated the ox from the cart, and pulled Zhao Yuankang and a lot of things along the muddy ground.

Zhao Yuankang hadn't reacted much yet, he only felt the rain hitting his eyes, and the rain was passing by his ears with the sound of wind. In the blink of an eye, he arrived in the small ruined temple.

Just as Zhao Yuanle stopped, he turned around again, picked up the cow that was grazing peacefully in the rain, and ran to the ruined temple.

Zhao Yuankang, who had witnessed everything, didn't know what to say for a while.

He looked at Zhao Yuanle's dirty clothes, and finally choked out a word.

"Why don't you wipe the mud off your body?"

Zhao Yuanle patted the mud off his body, tied up the cow, and then came in to rest.

Sitting on the broken haystack, she first fixed the awning for her fan freezer before looking at Zhao Yuankang.

"Let's wait until

Let's go when the rain stops. "

Zhao Yuankang nodded quickly: "It's okay, don't worry."

The cow at the door didn't even eat the grass, and tilted its head to look at Zhao Yuanle for a long time, until he saw Zhao Yuanle walking past, then he lowered his head and ate grass again.

But when Zhao Yuanle walked back, the cow took a mouthful of grass and continued to tilt its head to look at Zhao Yuanle.

Zhao Yuankang couldn't help laughing.

"It never dreamed that the person it had pulled all its life was now being carried by someone else."

Zhao Yuanle also smiled.

"Just get used to it."

Zhao Yuankang was curious: "Lele, how strong are you now?"

It feels much bigger than a cow, and it will soon catch up with two cows.

Zhao Yuanle clenched his fist casually, then shook his head.

"I don't know very well now, I haven't tried it for a long time, because I don't seem to have encountered anything I can't move now."

Zhao Yuankang: "This cow, let alone eight hundred catties, and Uncle Niu'er has raised the cow well, maybe a thousand catties."

Zhao Yuanle: "A thousand catties is of course no problem."

Zhao Yuankang: "Second uncle is only five hundred catties."

Zhao Yuanle shrugged: "I don't think two thousand catties is a problem, but ah, brother, it's better not to talk about it."

Zhao Yuankang nodded knowingly.

"I know."

His younger sister finally has a sense of purpose and knows how to hide her hand.

And in this dilapidated small temple, under the eaves, raindrops lined up and fell along the thatch of the eaves.

Zhao Yuanle was bored, so he began to ask about Zhao Yuankang's relationship.

For example, what kind of girl does he like, what expectations does he have for getting married, and so on.

As a result, Zhao Yuankang had a responsible attitude, and only felt that Xiu'er was honest and should not be bullied, and should be taken good care of.

After talking for a long time, Zhao Yuanle could only look at the rain outside and sigh.

These two people probably don't have any concerns about love anymore.

For most people here, rules and traditions, as well as responsibilities, are more important things.

Amid Zhao Yuanle's faint emotion, the rain outside slowly stopped.

The two packed their things and set off again.

Because of the delay on the road, when the two of them returned to the village, it was already late.

Zhao Yuanle drove the cattle to the entrance of the village, and saw that the lights on the side of the pig farm were turned on, and a group of people including his own family were surrounding there.

Erlangshen ran over to greet him first, and the rest of the people became excited after seeing it.

Zhao Yuanle was a little surprised by this.

She went out a lot before, and it was rare for everyone to wait for her.

Just when she was about to smile and say something to her family, she saw everyone surrounded Zhao Yuankang.

He Ju glanced at Zhao Yuankang's feet, even with tears in the corners of his eyes.

"This is how to do ah…"

Zhao Yuankang was stunned.

He's fine.

At this moment, Xiu'er squeezed out from behind the Zhao family and looked at Zhao Yuankang with tears in her eyes.

"Brother Kangkang, I don't despise you."

Zhao Yuankang: "What?"

What do you despise him for?

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

She was a little puzzled, what happened.

Here, Xiuerniang sighed, hugged her son, looked at her daughter, and nodded to He Ju.

Zhao Yuanlan looked at Zhao Yuankang and comforted him.

"It's okay, don't you still have a foot, just use a cane."

Zhao Yuanle hurriedly stopped.

"Wait, what are you trying to say?"

Yao'er raised his head and looked at Zhao Yuanle: "Isn't brother's foot useless, did you say that the hamstring is broken?"

Zhao Yuanle: "What? Who said that?"

Yao'er: "Wang Hai said, he said he saw it with his own eyes."

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

Zhao Yuankang couldn't bear it anymore.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's just a hole. It's fine when it's healed. It's been much better these days. What is that Wang Hai talking nonsense!"

He Ju was stunned when she heard this, and confirmed it again and again.


Zhao Yuanle couldn't understand: "So why do you all believe it? If my brother's feet were like this, we would have come back then!"

Zhao Yuanlan: "Wang Hai said that you asked him to bring the letter, and said that you still want to sell things, so you can find someone to look over there."

Zhao Yuanle was even more speechless.

"Our family is a doctor, why ask others to look at it?"

He Ju said: "If you go to the next county, there is a miracle doctor who treats bones, so you should go there."

Zhao Yuanle frowned: "How can you believe this?"

He Ju: "That's what they all say."

Zhao Yuanle: "Everyone says that?"

He Ju nodded: "Yes, he also said that you killed Kangkang because you wanted to pick the lotus leaves, so he didn't dare to come back."

Zhao Yuanlan also echoed.

"We didn't believe it at first, but what they said later seemed to be true, and you kept not coming back, so we panicked."

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

Zhao Yuanlan: "We thought something really happened to our eldest brother, so we asked my father to find you."

Zhao Yuanle was startled.

"Third uncle, he doesn't know the way."

Zhao Yuanlan spread her hands: "I'm with Uncle Niu'er. I just left today. Did you meet me on the way?"

Zhao Yuanle: "No!"

He Ju was not very worried.

"Someone is there, they can't find it, they must be back."

After she finished speaking, she checked carefully to make sure that Kangkang's feet were fine before she was relieved.

"God bless."

She was scared to death by what Wang Hai said.

At that time, many people in the village followed suit. She didn't believe it at first, but she believed it after being told a lot.

Zhao Yuanle laughed angrily.

She never thought that this rumor could still be spread like this, she was only injured, and as a result, among these people, she became disabled.

Zhao Yuankang's focus was not on this, he blushed and looked at Xiu'er.

The two looked at each other, then quickly looked away.

Only then did Zhao Yuanle come to his senses, recalling Xiu'er's words.

He Ju also reacted, she coughed.

"Oh, don't be here anymore, let's go home first."

Along with the Zhao family, Xiu'er and Xiu'er's mother went home.

Zhao Yuanlan took Zhao Yuanle's hand and winked at her.

The cow had already been taken away by Zhao Niu'er's wife, Zhao Yuanle only had to put down the things, and then got together with Zhao Yuanlan.

Zhao Yuanle: "Tell me, what's going on."

Zhao Yuanlan chuckled.

"You don't know, I didn't believe it at first, but people say too much, so I believe it, especially if you don't come back today."

Zhao Yuanle: "Picking the key points, what is going on with Xiu'er?"

Zhao Yuanlan: "At that time, it was said that my elder brother's legs were useless, and I was afraid that he would become lame in the future. A bunch of people gloated over other people's misfortunes, so it was certain that our elder brother would become lame."

Zhao Yuanle snorted coldly.

"These people..."

Zhao Yuanlan: "Then, Xiu'er suddenly came to me crying, and her mother followed her, and they arrived at our house."

As she spoke, Zhao Yuanlan began to imitate Xiu'er's tone and words.

"She cried and said to her mother, mother, lame

It doesn't matter if you are a good person, I can do it, and I will do more in the future.

Xiuerniang also sighed, and she said, you don't know how much ridicule and grievance the cripple will suffer in the future, and his temper will change in the future.

My mother was right next to me, and she suddenly understood.

Then Xiu'er kept crying, saying that our eldest brother is a good person, and she would be willing to be lame or something. "

There was a little confusion in Zhao Yuanle's eyes.

"Why does it suddenly have to be our elder brother? I don't think the two of them get along very well."

Zhao Yuanlan spread her hands: "I also asked her, she said that our brother took care of her, covered her from the sun, gave her water first, and helped her carry things.

She said that no one has ever taken care of her first, and since she was a child, she has always taken care of others first.

She cried as she spoke, saying that no one had ever been so kind to her. "

Zhao Yuanle listened and remained silent for a while.

She swore that if she had children in the future, she would never develop such a child.

What a lack of love, Zhao Yuankang moved Xiu'er like this just out of politeness to take care of his little sister.

Zhao Yuanle sighed, and when he heard the conversation inside, he brought Zhao Yuanlan closer again.

Inside the house, He Ju also understood what Xiu'er's family meant.

At first, she didn't think about it, but after thinking about it, she felt that although Xiu Erniang and her had a good relationship, there was some gap between the two families.

Out of selfishness, she still thought that her eldest nephew could be matched with a girl who had studied, or better in the family.


Xiu'er's reaction today surprised her, she thought Xiu'er was either honest or bored, but she didn't expect to have such courage.

While everyone in the village was gloating, this girl spoke her mind firmly.

However, she still cast her eyes on Zhao Yuankang now.

"Kangkang, what do you mean?"

Zhao Yuankang's face was always red. After knowing everything just now, he was still a little moved.

The little girl is so courageous, he can't be cowardly.

Ever since, Zhao Yuankang took out the silver dollar from his arms.

"Originally, I should have said this first, and this money should be regarded as the gift money I earned myself.

If you have time to buy something, just accept the money first. "

He Ju couldn't help but took a look at it, and seeing the silver dollars inside, the word "prodigal" stuck in her throat in her heart.

Why is her big nephew so upright...

Ah this...

Xiu Erniang was also shocked, and she saw it too.

However, Xiu'er didn't care about these things. When she heard Zhao Yuankang agreed, she was stunned, as if she couldn't believe it.

Zhao Yuankang coughed and looked at Xiu'er.

"I mean, you're fine, and my feet are fine.

You should wait, I was thinking about coming back this time, so I just came to tell you.

Look at you little girl, that's what I'm supposed to say. "

Xiu'er blushed, lowered her head, and hid behind her mother.

Xiuerniang and He Ju looked at each other, and the two who came over laughed heartily.

He Ju: "I don't have any objections, but I have to tell my elder brother and sister-in-law about this matter, why don't we discuss life together."

Xiuerniang hugged her son, nodded with a smile, and the two walked into another room.

Now, only Xiu'er and Zhao Yuankang were left facing each other.

Yao'er was listening to the excitement, and just wanted to go over to ask, but was grabbed by her sister.

Zhao Yuanle held Zhao Yuanlan with one hand and Yao'er with the other.

"Go, catch fireflies."


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