village pigwoman

470 big fish

Anything that is related to health preservation and filial piety, then there is no need to worry about selling it.

Sure enough, after Zhao Yuanle bragged, and then talked about shopping and the direction that is good for middle-aged and elderly people.

The woman in blue began to ask the price.

"I see that you have two kinds. What are the prices?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Ten silver dollars for white ones, and four silver dollars for clay porcelain ones, but it only costs ten silver dollars to buy three."

The woman in blue thought for a while, and considering her usual pocket money, decided to buy a white one.

"Then I want a white one."

The woman who was disdainful at the beginning, looked at each one who asked the price with disdain on her face, but she was a little worried in her heart.

If others have them, they would have bought them for their parents, but she didn't...

After thinking about it, she gave the servant girl a look. The servant girl understood and walked over to ask the price.

But at this time, there is only one that has already been bought, and the buddies outside the door still want to buy.

Zhao Yuanle looked at the remaining three clay porcelain ones and one white porcelain one, and said with a smile, "There is only one."

The woman in the goose yellow clothes snorted coldly.

"I want it."

Others were upset too.

"Why, I want it."

Zhao Yuanle stood aside watching the show, and seeing the two arguing, he couldn't help but say, "In that case, you guys cast lots."

Unexpectedly, the woman raised the price directly.

"I want this, fifteen silver dollars, you sell it to me."

Zhao Yuanle was happy in his heart, he never thought that he would meet the rich second idiot today, it's really nice.

The people over there were obviously not convinced, and they also raised the price.

"I'm eighteen!"

The woman smiled dismissively.

"It's only three yuan, hum, I'll pay 25."

Zhao Yuanle was silent at the side, seeing the reaction of the people over there, they really hesitated.

Others bought this thing for ten yuan, and he didn't want to buy it too expensive, because he felt like he was being taken advantage of.

But... Looking at the face of the person in front of him, he began to be unconvinced.

"I pay thirty."

The woman took a deep breath and slapped the table.

"I pay fifty!"

Let's see who dares to rob her.

Zhao Yuanle stood aside, almost laughing out loud.

Now, the person on the opposite side stopped arguing, scolded an idiot in a low voice, and left angrily.

Zhao Yuanle looked at the woman slowly, and saw the woman wave her hand, and the maid next to her came forward with the money bag.

But the servant girl's complexion was not good-looking, and she moved closer to her lady and said something.

Zhao Yuanle could hear clearly that this maid didn't bring that much money, so she had to go home to get it.

The woman's face was awkward, she gave the woman a look, then quickly regained her composure, and said to Zhao Yuanle: "Follow me home to get the money."

Of course Zhao Yuanle didn't want to go home with this person.

"However, my brother has a handicap and is still waiting for me at the edge of the city."

The woman in blue echoed: "That's true. After going here, after a lot of tossing, and then going to the edge of the city, there may be no people on the road. It's not safe for you to be a girl."

Zhao Yuanle pursed his lips and nodded.

"Yeah yeah."

Under the gaze of everyone, the woman in yellow saw what Zhao Yuanle had left.

"Isn't there still three unsold ones? Don't you still have to keep selling them."

Zhao Yuanle smiled: "Give this to Miss, my brother is still waiting for me."

The woman in blue: "It seems that I am really anxious, this thing will be given to you."

Everyone agreed, and then they all looked at the woman in yellow as if they were watching a play.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuanle knew that the woman in yellow was willing to

Ding's popularity is not very good on weekdays, and, besides, a thief loves face.

Sure enough, the woman in yellow didn't hesitate much, and directly pulled out a pair of gold bracelets from her wrists, and handed them to the maid beside her.

The maid put the gold bracelet in front of Zhao Yuanle again.

"This is a reward from the lady."

Zhao Yuanle took the gold bracelet, weighed it to confirm the weight, pinched it lightly to confirm the quality, and quickly nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, miss." Thank you, the second idiot.

After saluting to everyone, Zhao Yuanle turned and left. When walking on the road, touching his pocket of money made him feel happy.

At this time, it was already dark, and the road was dark beyond the street lights.

Zhao Yuanle was walking on the road, taking advantage of the moonlight, running smoothly and fast, even a small stone on the road could be seen very clearly.

When she returned to the place where the ox cart was, she saw Zhao Yuankang sitting on the ox cart, looking eager to see through it.

Zhao Yuanle swooped over and patted Zhao Yuankang on the shoulder.

"Are you hungry, let's go eat."

Zhao Yuanlan was very pleasantly surprised when she saw Zhao Yuanle who was in a light suit: "All sold?"

Zhao Yuanle smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, and it sold for a high price, let's go eat something good."

Zhao Yuankang smiled and moved Zhao Yuanle's place on the bullock cart, feeling: "You are really amazing."

Zhao Yuanle directly led the ox cart to find a place, smelled the smell and found a tavern where he could live, asked the owner to tie up the cow, fed the hay, washed his hands, and then went to have dinner with Zhao Yuankang.

The two sat by the cool window, looking at the cutting board given by Xiao Er.

Zhao Yuankang: "Have you finished eating? There are three hard dishes here, steamed pork with flour, big elbow, and roasted chicken with taro, just the two of us."

Zhao Yuanle ordered another stir-fried vegetables and meatball tofu soup, and then looked at Zhao Yuankang: "I'm so tired today, I want to eat more, don't worry, I've finished eating."

Zhao Yuankang smiled, his eyes flicked over Zhao Yuanle's purse, he thought for a while, and then he still spoke out his thoughts.

"Lele, you see, I didn't help you this time. I still have to follow you to take care of me, and I eat and drink for free. Let's forget about the stock draw."

Zhao Yuanle hastily denied it.

"That can't be done. I agreed to it. Why, you are not responsible. Maybe Xiu'er will continue to wait for you."

Zhao Yuankang blushed and coughed as he choked on the tea.

Zhao Yuanle smiled and said: "I will give it as I say, [-]%, don't worry, our family, there is no need to do this."

Zhao Yuankang stopped coughing, and explained again: "Brothers will settle accounts, I thought we two, you are in charge of delivery, and I am in charge of selling.

It's not me who sells it now, and I'm embarrassed to ask for the money. "

Zhao Yuanle: "But you came with me, if you're really embarrassed, just take [-]%.

If I don't give you anything, I will be the one who is embarrassed, and I will be the one who will be scolded afterwards. "

Zhao Yuankang couldn't help but patted his chest.

"I will never complain."

Zhao Yuanle snorted and added some tea for him: "Forget it, I thought Xiu'er meant that, and I wanted to help her, so don't argue."

Zhao Yuanle was very persistent, Zhao Yuankang talked for a long time, until the food was served, Zhao Yuanle ate the food directly, and added food to Zhao Yuankang crazily, and then blocked someone's mouth.

After eating, Zhao Yuanle wanted to rest and asked for two rooms.

When Xiaoer brought water and she washed up and poured out the money she earned today, she really refreshed immediately and didn't feel sleepy at all.

Ten white porcelain and 21 earth porcelain.

Ninety silver dollars, plus sixty silver dollars.

A total of one hundred and fifty, with a pair of gold bracelets.

Zhao Yuanle picked up the gold bracelet, wiped it clean and took a bite. Looking at the fineness of the gold inside, he couldn't help but nod.

"Good face

Sure enough, there are no fakes. "

This amount of gold bracelet, the style is also very beautiful, it is a good thing.

According to her estimated weight, a bracelet is more than two taels, more than three taels, and a pair, let alone five taels of gold, if exchanged for silver dollars, it is definitely more than fifty.

With a smile on his face, Zhao Yuanle put the gold bracelet close to his body.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, she said that she let Wu Lin earn the price difference of more than 200 silver dollars, and she really earned two hundred in one trip.

Zhao Yuanle was not only happy about making a lot of money, but also feeling quite emotional in his heart.

These people are so fat.

After thinking about it, she hugged the money and fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, when she woke up, the money was the first thing she saw, and she immediately felt better.

But when she washed up, put on her clothes, and knocked on the door next door, what she saw was Zhao Yuankang with serious dark circles.

Zhao Yuanle: "Did you not sleep well?"

Zhao Yuankang nodded weakly.

"I was afraid that someone would steal something, and I was always worried at night, so I didn't fall asleep."

Zhao Yuanle: "Okay, don't worry now, let's have breakfast together."

The breakfast was brought up by Xiaoer, a few side dishes, two bowls of porridge and steamed buns.

The two of them ate very deliciously, and they discussed where to buy things while eating.

Zhao Ankang knows the places that sell things here best.

"Go to the east, find a new street, walk in, there are shops selling western goods, and the ones selling electrical appliances are in the innermost.

I remember, the fan, the small one, is capped at ten silver dollars, and the big one, whose head can turn, is only fifteen.

I don’t know if there is a large freezer. The freezers there seem to be of the same style, boxy, with a single door. If you don’t think it’s enough, you can buy two.

This freezer must be quite expensive, more than 30 silver dollars each, and if it exceeds 35, don't buy it first. "

Zhao Yuanle listened to the price and nodded with a relaxed expression.

After finishing the last porridge, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Much cheaper than I thought."

Zhao Yuankang was startled.

"It's still cheap!"

Zhao Yuanle: "Yes, this generator is very expensive. I thought it might be as expensive as the generator, but it turned out to be much cheaper than I expected."

Zhao Yuankang laughed dumbfounded, and then tried to explain.

"The generator is different after all. It is custom-made and difficult to transport. This fan freezer is much more fortunate. Those things can be disassembled and installed by ourselves.

In fact, our silver dollars are quite valuable, and they are very useful for buying Western goods. "

Zhao Yuanle felt a burst of emotion when he heard this.

"There are times like this."

Ever since she could remember, she always had the impression that green bills are good, people's money is expensive, and the price of our things is cheap.

At this time of love, buying Western things here is buying cheap goods.

Feeling emotional for a while, Zhao Yuanle packed up and went out.

Zhao Yuankang followed, and then went to the side of the ox cart to take care of the ox.

According to what Zhao Yuankang said, Zhao Yuanle turned many corners, asked two people, and finally arrived at a western shop selling electrical appliances.

The boss was very enthusiastic about Zhao Yuanle, he picked up his gadgets and started selling them.

Zhao Yuanle smiled, glanced around, and spotted what he wanted to buy.

She was not given any choice at all. The fan freezers here are all the same, very rough, and they are basically usable, and no effort has been made on the appearance at all.

That fan, with big iron leaves and an iron cover outside, was not willing to paint at all.

The freezer here probably considers heat preservation. The outer layer is leather, but the color of the leather is also very down-to-earth.

The boss followed Zhao Yuanle's eyes and started to introduce this thing.

He emphasized one point.

"Girl, if you want to buy this thing, you have to calculate the electricity bill, the daily electricity bill is quite a lot, it's not the same thing as a light bulb.

Moreover, your family has to live in the part of the county where the nobles live, and the wires in that part are well connected, so that the electricity can be supplied. "

Zhao Yuanle smiled and opened the order directly.

"I want seven fans and two freezers."

The boss was stunned, and couldn't help turning his head to count the ones he put out.

He was a little worried.

"Girl, did you buy it on purpose? There are only so many in my store, and you want all of them?"

Zhao Yuanle didn't say much, and just paid for it.

"You just say, I'll give you a chance to bid as much as you want at the lowest price. If it's right, I'll buy it directly, and if it's not right, I'll leave."

The money was right in front of his eyes. Hearing Zhao Yuanle's words, the boss rolled his eyes quickly, and after some entanglement in his heart, he gritted his teeth.

"Seven silver dollars for a fan, thirty silver dollars for a freezer."

Zhao Yuanle: "Seventy-seven 49, plus sixty, a total of one hundred and ninety-nine, you give it away.

In my bag, there are exactly one hundred silver dollars.

You can do it, I will give you the bag directly, you just order it. "

The boss was a little embarrassed, and just as he said something poor, he saw Zhao Yuanle put away the money bag.

He quickly changed his words.

"Okay, okay, miss, wait a moment, sit here, I'll make you good tea, you drink some water, I'll ask the guy to wrap it up for you, and then deliver it to your door."

Zhao Yuanle sat down and smiled: "I'm from another county, just pack it up, don't need to deliver it to your door."

The boss greeted the buddy to come and make it, and took the time to show a smile to Zhao Yuanle.

"I said, I haven't seen you yet, miss."

As he spoke, he took the money bag and turned around to ask for points.

Zhao Yuanle: "Just order it here, I'll watch too."

The boss nodded and counted money in front of Zhao Yuanle.

After counting to one hundred, the tea was served.

Zhao Yuanle took a few sips of tea and wrapped the thing up. She picked it up with one hand, threw it on her back, and went straight out, bewildered by everyone in the store.

The boss stood behind and sighed.

"Big fish."

After finishing speaking, he directly asked the buddy to close the door, and even gave him a reward.

"It's a holiday today, take a day off and go back to eat something good."

Zhao Yuanle walked in front, and a smile appeared on his face when he heard the movement behind him.

She carried the things back and put them on the bullock cart.

Zhao Yuankang asked: "Go back?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Wait, you watch first, I'll take a stroll around the county and go back after I do some shopping."

And this time around, Zhao Yuanle focused on things.

One is a place for dim sum, the other is a butcher shop, and the third is a place for selling pens, ink, paper and inkstones.

In these three places, she bought things separately, and bought some Wucha cakes from Wucha County and other snacks. With a bunch of things on her back, she met Zhao Yuankang when the sun was about to set.

After paying for the accommodation, Zhao Yuanle carried the hay, drove the ox cart, and set off home with Zhao Yuankang.


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