village pigwoman

467 market price

Zhao Yuanle carried Wu Lin's mother on her back, and Wu Lin's mother put her hands on Zhao Yuanle's body in embarrassment.

"It's really bothering you."

Zhao Yuanle: "What kind of trouble is this, you are so light."

Wu Linniang: "Actually, I can use crutches myself, but it's a bit slow."

Zhao Yuanle: "That's not enough, we're going to eat soon, we have to go over and eat while it's hot."

Widow Yu walked aside with a smile on her face.

When the three of them arrived, Xiu'er's family also arrived. Zhao Yuanlan and Jinfeng came over knocking melon seeds together. It seemed that they were discussing some gossip again.

In the yard, Zhao Sancheng laid out the big tables in the house, there are two tables in total, plus a small table with short legs for the children.

Zhao Yuanle washed his hands and went to the kitchen to help serve the dishes. When he passed by the small table, he took a second look, but he didn't find Xiu'er's sisters.

When she took the food out and put it on the table, she didn't see Xiu'er's sisters outside.

She couldn't help asking: "Where are the little ones? Why didn't they come?"

Xiuerniang hugged her youngest son and said with a smile, "I asked them to look after the house."

Zhao Yuanle: "What kind of house are you looking at? Even if it's housekeeping, one is enough. Why don't you come here?"

Xiuerniang smiled embarrassedly.

At this time, Widow Yu came to Zhao Yuanle's side and whispered: "She has a lot of children in her family, so she must be too embarrassed to come. You can save some food for her and let her take it home."

Zhao Yuanle sighed softly.

"What's the matter with our family, come here, how much can a child eat."

Widow Yu couldn't help smiling: "It's all like this, no one is ashamed to bring so many children to dinner together."

At this moment, Zhao Yuanlan pulled Xiu'er who was standing beside her to sit down.

"Xiu'er, you sit with me."

Xiu'er sat down slowly, and couldn't help looking at Liu Xiaohong who was busy.

"I'll go and help."

Zhao Yuanlan: "Don't worry, I'll ask you something first."

Xiu'er: "Huh?"


Zhao Yuanle sat on the other side, next to Widow Yu, and Jinfeng sat on this side.

She seemed to be eating, but actually listened to the conversation between Zhao Yuanlan and Xiu'er with her ears open.

It can be heard that Xiu'er is very embarrassed, and the meaning behind the words is also to listen to her own mother.

Hearing this, Zhao Yuanle began to eat seriously, and was not going to continue listening.

Jin Feng, who was next to him, was talking to Zhao Yuanle about selling meat while eating.

"I think your power station is good. When you buy a freezer, can you buy a bigger one. If I have unsold meat in the future, I can freeze it.

They said that frozen meat is not easy to spoil.

You can lend me the freezer for a while, and I will give you a cheap meat price in the future, and I can also get you some offal. "

Zhao Yuanle nodded.

"It's ok. Anyway, we don't have much to put away at home. Even if we want to make desserts, we will have to wait a few months."

Jinfeng: "Dessert, what kind of dessert?"

Zhao Yuanle: "It's similar to the milk cakes in the county."

Jinfeng was happy, her eyes lit up: "Sure, I like to eat this."

Zhao Yuan gave her a white look: "Eat, eat, eat, you see that you are so fat and you still eat, and you said to lose weight, where did the weight go?

You are definitely gaining weight again. "

Jinfeng sneered and was able to eat with her head down.

Zhao Yuanle: "You can't eat desserts. There's a lot of sugar. Eating too much sugar is the easiest way to gain weight. When the time comes, there will be red pimples on your face. It's so ugly."

When Jin Feng heard this, he shook his head quickly.

"That's it."

The widow Yu next to her heard this, and asked curiously: "Why do you have to wait a few months? Because

Is it hot now?Do you want to wait until it cools down? "

Zhao Yuanle coughed.

"Because it will take two or three months before milk is available. To make desserts, you need milk. Without milk, you can't do anything."

Widow Yu: "Oh, you have to wait for one of your buffaloes to give birth to have milk, right? But a cow probably can't do much."

Zhao Yuanle coughed twice, didn't admit it, but didn't deny it either, just said to continue eating.

She really has to think about one thing now, how to get this pig milk out?

I heard people say that this pig's milk can only be eaten... This is too bad.

She had to think of a way during this time, to get something to milk the pigs.

What makes money is secondary, the key point is that pig milk is good for health, so you have to drink it for your family.

With this question in mind, Zhao Yuanle got into the room after eating, took out a pen and paper, and began to think about what to do.

In the kitchen, He Ju was stuffing vegetables for Xiu Erniang.

"Take these back and give them to the little ones. They are growing their bodies. I have told Hongmei about these dishes. They are clean before they are eaten."

Xiu Erniang was very grateful in her heart, after some pushback, she accepted it embarrassedly, and hurriedly asked her youngest son to say thank you.

He Ju looked at the son in Xiuerniang's arms, feeling very envious in her heart, and couldn't help pinching her cheeks with her hands.

"You're so sweet, Bai Jing."

Xiuerniang: "That's right, I've never been exposed to the sun, so I'm white."

The two said goodbye after a few more words. He Ju looked at the backs of Xiu'er's family and suddenly stopped Jin Feng who was about to leave.

Jin Feng paused, feeling a little uneasy.

Should we talk about her losing weight again?

He Ju called Jinfeng to stop, and brought her a bowl of meat and vegetables,

"Take it."

Jinfeng smiled: "Oh, why are you being so polite when you say this."

He Ju was angry: "It's for your mother. She is your mother after all, and she's getting old. Even if she does something wrong, it's enough to torture her during this period. I'd better treat her a little bit better."

Jin Feng held the bowl, and when she heard this, she snorted coldly.

"Her? Do you know? Before your second sister-in-law's natal family came over, not just my little sister."

He Ju: "What?"

Jin Feng: "Think about it, the little sister has not married yet? The second sister-in-law married so early, how did she know so clearly, it wasn't Zhao Li's dead mother who set the bridge, and the two discussed it together.

One day I found out that something was wrong with her, and I asked about it later. "

He Ju's angry face immediately collapsed.

"Dead woman, don't give it to her, you take it back and eat it yourself."

When Jinfeng heard this, she took the bowl happily and came.

At this time, there was only one widow left.

He Ju looked at the widow Yu and smiled.

"I'm bothering you these days. I heard that Lele wants pig hair. You keep looking for pig hair for her every day."

Widow Yu smiled lightly, looked directly at the person in front of her, and nodded slightly.

"Yeah, I'm happy to do it, I have nothing to do anyway."

Seeing that the widow Yu was no longer timid, He Ju liked it more in her heart.

She nodded too.

"Actually, you are still young, and you look good. I can conceive at my age, and you can still have children. If there is something suitable, I still need to find a partner for the rest of my life."

Widow Yu smiled: "It depends on fate." She doesn't care if there are two people alone.

Now she has enough money, is free, has people to talk to, and usually has things to do, so there is nothing wrong with her.

Seeing that the widow did not refuse, He Ju nodded with a smile, and wanted to bring food to the widow back here.

Widow Yu refused with a smile, and went into the kitchen to help Liu Xiao


He Ju looked at the back of Widow Yu and sighed.

"People are still fast, but their fate is not good."

Just as she was sighing, He Ju suddenly saw Zhao Yuanlan walking towards the door, and she hurriedly called her, "Why are you going?"

Zhao Yuanlan: "There is a Dingding cat outside, I'm going to catch it."

Yao'er followed behind with a long pole, turned her head and called San Niang.

He Ju: "Go back to the wild! Don't you help wash the dishes!"

Zhao Yuanlan: "Oh, I'll help my brother catch it."

When she was done, she turned around and left.

Yao'er laughed and hurried to follow.

He Ju sighed, and turned to look at Zhao Yuanle's room.

"Still obedient."

At this moment, Zhao Yuanle barely drew what he was thinking.

She thought, if it can only be used on the mouth, then there is no need for something like a milking machine.

She vaguely remembered that this thing could be powered, and it should be made by using the principle of air and pressure.

If you do it yourself, the most needed material is rubber.

Plastic bottles can be replaced by others, but there is no substitute for rubber mouths.

Good rubber must be imported.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yuanle put away the drawings.

It seems that she has to go to the county to ask, and it will cost another sum of money.

When she and Wu Lin had a good discussion, the next time she went to the county, she bought everything she needed.

Electric fans and large freezers can be arranged.

Wanting to discuss it quickly, Zhao Yuanle, who was in a hurry, grabbed Wu Lin who only wanted to study, and then laid out her own drawings, and then explained the needs of this thing.

"So, do the math, how much rubber is needed for a pig's milking machine."

Wu Lin thinks about it, he doesn't even need a pen, he can figure it out.

"Three millimeters thick rubber, the size of a quarter square meter."

Zhao Yuanle: "You do it?"

Wu Linyun and Zhao Yuanle took a look: "You will?"

Zhao Yuanle laughed and said, "It's not that I can't do it, but you must have done well."

Wu Lin: "If you have rubber raw materials, you can use a machine to do it directly without cutting.

If this is the case, prepare me at least three hundred catties of steel, as well as cutting knives, for the machine tool, I need a special room, and molds..."

Zhao Yuanle quickly stopped him.

"Okay, you, just buy it directly, no need for any machine."

Wu Lin was still a little disappointed, he glanced at the book about machinery in his hand, and tried to fight for it again.

Zhao Yuanle directly blocked his mouth with his hands.

"Don't ask for it, I won't get it for you, it's too expensive, I won't open a factory."

Wu Lin sighed, and when he turned back to the house, he reminded Zhao Yuanle by the way.

"It will probably rain tonight, and the porcelain toilets that are drying out can be sold."

Zhao Yuanle nodded, ran out, saw the dragonflies flying around in the low sky, and knew it in his heart.

"It's really going to rain."

On the other side, Zhao Yuanlan and Yao'er, together with Wang Gou'er and Xiao Cricket who hadn't returned home, were flying around dragonflies with poles.

Zhao Yuanle: "Why are you grabbing this?"

Holding the net bag, Yao'er took the time to turn her head and replied: "Play."

Zhao Yuanle: "Don't catch them, they are beneficial insects."

Zhao Yuanlan: "One bug and two bugs..."

As she said that, she gave Wang Gou'er next to her another smack.

"I told you not to run around, and you are blocking me again. What are you doing to me all the time, it's so annoying."

Wang Gou'er was not annoyed, he sniffed his nose, and said nothing, he should continue to follow.

On the second day, Zhao Yuankang came back, bringing the reactions of Tang Siwen and Zhao Dacheng.

When Zhao Yuanle saw the red-headed rope specially given to him by his aunt, he knew that his aunt should also be very happy.

And Zhao Yuankang, who was sitting on the bench drinking water, brought news of Zhao Ercheng after drinking the water.

"Second Uncle said that he will be on vacation again, this time for two days, and he will come back."

Zhao Yuanle: "Then did he say how the railway is going?"

Zhao Yuankang: "It should be okay to repair, there is no problem, and the repair is fast, so they have a holiday."

Zhao Yuanle nodded, and asked about the freezer fan and rubber.

Zhao Yuankang didn't quite understand Zhao Yuanle's purchase of rubber, but seeing that Zhao Yuanle insisted on buying rubber, he thought about it and said, "No one in our county has this thing. When I went to the next county, I saw it. I'll take you to the next county."

Zhao Yuanle: "Are there big fans and freezers in the next county?"

Zhao Yuankang nodded: "Why not? The county next door is much bigger than ours. They have what we don't have."

When Yao'er heard this, he suddenly said solemnly: "Our county will definitely be better in the future. Our county has a railway."

Zhao Yuankang smiled: "Then the county next door also has it, and it works."

Yaoer: "There are coal mines in our county."

Zhao Yuankang: "Then do you know if there are any mountains in the next county?"

Yao'er snorted: "Anyway, our county will definitely be better in the future."

Zhao Yuankang stopped arguing with Yaoer and nodded with a smile.

"Yes, that's what you said."

Listening to this conversation, Zhao Yuanle had other thoughts in his mind.

Since the county next door is big, there must be more rich people, and more people must buy her porcelain toilets.

Simply, she went to the next county to buy things and sell them again.

After thinking about it, after eating, Zhao Yuanle called Zhao Yuankang and asked him to look at these porcelain toilets and set the price according to the market.

Zhao Yuankang looked at these things and stretched out his hand to touch them.

"The quality is still good. Take one home for me sometime."

Zhao Yuanle: "You can choose whatever you want, but this security is not very good. We need to change the floor of the toilet."

Zhao Yuankang: "It's okay, those who can afford servants don't care about such trivial matters."

Zhao Yuanle: "Then tell me, how much can you sell this for?"

Zhao Yuankang stroked his chin and thought about it seriously.

"I think these two kinds, finer ones, must be more expensive, at least...ten silver dollars?"

Zhao Yuanle: "What? Are you sure?"

Isn't this the price to grab?

As an old fritter running around, Zhao Yuankang chuckled twice: "You don't understand, you are so rare, rare things are sold at a high price, besides, what's the point of being expensive if it's been used for so long?

These less delicate ones, I think, are four silver dollars one, and ten silver dollars three.

You see, this one is particularly good, and it is used for the most valuable status in the family, and the other ordinary ones are used for the ordinary ones, so you can buy more. "


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