village pigwoman

466 Chicken Duck Fish Meat Goose

Zhao Yuanle carried a load of coal and a heavy generator and rushed along the road, and soon came to the house here.

Zhao Sancheng and others were resting and chatting outside. When they saw Zhao Yuanle coming, they beckoned her to go and rest for a while.

Old Man Wu: "Let this room hang out for a while, and move things in later."

Zhao Yuanle heard the words, put down the things, and sat together under the ventilated tree to rest.

At this time, Wu Lin was sitting alone on the other side, reading some book in his hand.

The old man Wu took a look, then looked at Zhao Yuanle with a smile: "He didn't make any trouble these days, did he?"

Zhao Yuanle: "No, he is reading every day now, so he has no time to make trouble."

The old man in the afternoon sighed with relief: "If I knew he likes to read, I would get him some more books."

Zhao Yuanle: "He is indeed smart, and generally very smart people are somewhat abnormal."

Old man Wu: "I would rather he be stupid, stupid is better, normal is better.

It's also strange, my mother and I are not very smart, why is he so smart. "

Zhao Yuanle: "I can't say for sure, just like he is so smart now, most of the babies born in the future will become normal again."

At noon the old man cut his voice.

"He still has a baby? Who would marry someone like this?"

Hearing this, Old Man Wang smiled.

"Hey, Lao Wu, don't think that your son is not good. I've heard my old lady say it many times. Many people have inquired about him, and many want to marry him."

Zhao Sancheng also agreed.

"That's right, they said, if he is like this, he can become a big star in the future, that is, making movies. Do you know what movies are?

Lele and the others have seen it in the county. They can show all the people who are moving and what they are doing on a white cloth. "

In the afternoon, the old man fanned himself with the straw hat, and shook his head: "I don't know, what the hell, in my life, I just hope that my son won't cause any trouble.

When I'm dead, I don't have to worry about it anymore. "

Zhao Yuanle couldn't help looking at Wu Lin while listening to the three chatting, but Wu Lin didn't respond at all, just reading his own book.

Zhao Yuanle knew he could hear it, but he didn't care.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yuanle also sighed.

I don't know what will happen to Wu Lin after reading all the books he can read, but fortunately, science is endless, so Wu Lin doesn't have to worry about being bored in the future.

After waiting for the cool breeze from the south to blow for a while, after noon the old man confirmed that he could go in, Zhao Yuanle moved the generator in.

Here, Wu Lin put away his books, took a saw and began to cut wood, and quickly produced a wooden thing, which is what he called a conveyor belt.

Put another big bucket on it, and as soon as he unbuttoned it there, the belt began to rotate.

But after a while, the tape will stop.

Zhao Sancheng: "Why did it stop?"

Hearing this, Wu Lin turned around manually, ignited the coal and put it into the generator, and then stood aside wrapped up tightly.

After a roar, the generator quickly worked.

Zhao Yuanle saw the wire plug hole next to it, and Wu Lin had already taken out a small iron block made of steel with wires attached to it.

He put the small iron block in the groove where the wood turned on one side, and when the wire was inserted on the other side, the small iron block began to rotate.

Zhao Yuanle: "Yo..."

What a craftsman.

Before it was over, Wu Lin went over, pressed a switch on the wire, and told everyone: "There are three gears, fast, slow, and medium. The power consumption is different, the amount of coal added is different, and the speed of this rotation is also different. .”

Zhao Yuanle nodded: "Oh!"

Beside Zhao Sancheng and others looked at each other in blank dismay.

They don't understand very well.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuanle explained to the three of them.

"That is, if we only use a few electric fans, we will only use this one; if we use more, plus the large freezer, we will use the middle one.

If you have anything extra to use, turn this up to max.

As for why, it is also easy to understand, the faster the belt turns, the more coal is sent in, the stronger the firepower, the more electricity. "

The three were stunned.

Old man Wang: "That's it, this is simple, and an old man like me understands it, so it's so convenient."

He was originally prepared to be a coal old man, shoveling coal here every day, but he didn't expect that it didn't require much physical strength from him to use electricity directly.

At this time, Wu Lin held the shovel and looked at Old Man Wang.

"Shovel the ashes and open this, and shovel the leaked ones, every half an hour, shovel once."

Old man Wang nodded: "Then I'll move the coal ash to your home, right?"

Zhao Yuanle: "No need, you just pile it here, I will recite it when the time comes, if you use it in your field, you can also get some over there."

Old man Wang showed an embarrassed smile, and his wrinkled face relaxed.

"I'm sorry about that, I'll take your money for a month to do such a little thing, it's too fun."

Zhao Yuanle: "Oh, how much can you recite in one trip? You can recite only one reel, and at most one pick. I can recite several times of your recitation at once. How convenient it is."

Old man Wang nodded.

"Okay, I'm sure I'll take care of this for you. I'll bring my gongs and drums. If there's anything stolen, I'll beat the gongs and drums, and you'll know."

When the old man heard this, he couldn't help but said, "Why don't I get a dog over here."

Old Man Wang: "Then ask for a puppy."

Zhao Yuanle had a sudden thought: "How about I bring a little pig here? This pig must be obedient."

The old man in the afternoon was quite clear about how obedient the pigs raised by Zhao Yuanle were, and he also agreed.

Unexpectedly, the old man Wang firmly refused.

"I don't want it. That pig looks scary, especially the wild boar's cub, which has tusks and such a big pig face, it makes me panic."

Zhao Yuanle: "Ah..."

She has always thought that her pig is very cute, and it looks good when it grows up, and it is very majestic.

Who knows, old man Wang is still afraid.

That being the case, Zhao Yuanle didn't insist anymore.

"Then catch a puppy and come back."

Just don't want her pigs.

Old man Wang: "Just catch Erlangshen in your family, that dog is obedient and good-looking."

Zhao Yuanle: "This was arrested by a family on the mountain. How could I go to the mountain and ask again?"

Now, the matter was settled, Zhao Yuanle put up the pole and pulled the wire, and the coal fire in the generator could be temporarily extinguished.

Old man Wang wanted to go home to move the bed and things, so Zhao Yuanle left Wu Lin here first, and went to move the bed with Old Man Wang.

Several people were walking on the road, and there was still a faint white smoke floating above the small house, which looked similar to cooking smoke.

After returning to the village, Zhao Yuanle followed Old Man Wang and soon arrived at Old Man Wang's house.

Mrs. Wang had already packed her things. When she saw Zhao Yuanle coming, she smiled and took Zhao Yuanle there.

She couldn't help but praise Zhao Yuanle.

"Lele is really good. He can do anything. You can get the electricity that is only available in the county."

Zhao Yuanle smiled: "It was also done by others, not by me alone."

Mrs. Wang still praised her with a smile, and gave Wang Gouer a side by the way.

"Hurry up and fetch some water for my sister. Hmph, I don't even wink at all. It's such a big lump, it's worthless."

Wang Gou'er wiped his snot and entered the room.

see that snotty

hand, Zhao Yuanle: "..."

She smiled, and stopped Wang Gou'er: "Forget it, I'm not thirsty, it's over now."

Old man Wang picked up his gong and drum, followed behind Zhao Yuanle, and winked with Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang understood and nodded.

When Zhao Yuanle and Old Man Wang left, Wang Gou'er swallowed his saliva and looked at his grandma.

"Grandma, are you having roast goose tonight?"

Mrs. Wang glared at Wang Gou'er: "You just know how to eat it. This is for the workers to eat. You and your brother can eat two yuan when the time comes. Do you understand?"

Wang Gou'er nodded: "Okay, I don't pinch my legs and wings, I will just eat two pieces."

Mrs. Wang patted Wang Gou'er's head in satisfaction: "Oh, yes, that's the way it should be. Be sensible, lest others say it."

The little cricket on the side listened to the conversation, glanced at the dead goose hanging in the room, swallowed his saliva, and sighed.

When will he be able to eat enough meat like Xiaolan's sister's family?

Do you want to wait until grandpa pays wages?

There are still many days left.

Seeing his younger brother like this, Wang Gou'er couldn't help but walk over to comfort his younger brother: "It's okay, my brother will give you an extra piece of food at that time, and when my brother grows up, I will earn money for you to buy meat to eat. You are full of meat."

The little cricket nodded, and handed the slingshot in his hand to Wang Gou'er: "Hey, brother, I'll play with this for you first."

Wang Gouer nodded in satisfaction.

"That's right."

This brother is really sensible.

And here, after Zhao Yuanle installed the things, he met Yao'er who came to report the letter with his short legs.

Yao'er: "San Niang said, we had dinner tonight, and she told Aunt Hong to kill a chicken."

When Old Man Wang heard this, he couldn't help but slapped his thigh.

"Oh, we've already killed geese, so why kill chickens?"

At this time, the old man Wu who was asking his wife to kill a fire duck came over.

Finally, this meal, chicken, duck, fish, goose, all arrived.

Regarding this fish, Zhao Sancheng praised his buffalo for a long time.

Zhao Sancheng: "I saw there, that hole, it seemed there was a fish, so I leaned over it, and the cow stepped on it with one hoof. Hey, it's so smart."

Old Man Wang agreed.

"Cows understand human nature. They are actually smarter than dogs."

Then, the old man Wang began to tell various stories about the old cow in the countryside.

Several children sat in rows, listening intently.

Zhao Yuanle and Liu Xiaohong were busy in the kitchen together, while Mrs. Wang sat beside her, looking at the biogas stove and feeling: "This is so light, and you young people are enjoying a lot of happiness."

Zhao Yuanle: "Then Granny Wang, if you want to live for decades longer, you should also enjoy these new things more."

Mrs. Wang laughed, revealing a hole where a tooth was missing.

Zhao Yuanle was a little surprised when he saw this.

"This tooth fell out?"

Mrs. Wang nodded: "Well, a few days ago, your Sanniang gave us a bowl of stick bone soup, and I saw some bone marrow in it. I wanted to eat it, but I gnawed out one of my teeth. "

Zhao Yuanle: "Ah..."

She thought that only people in their seventies and eighties would lose their teeth.

Mrs. Wang didn't take it seriously, she just looked forward to the future of Wang Gou'er and Xiao Cricket's two grandchildren.

"I, I just want to live another ten years. It would be great if I saw my little grandson begging for a wife. It would be the best. If I see that both of them have children, I'll just listen to Zuzu."

Zhao Yuanle: "It's definitely possible."

Liu Xiaohong also agreed.

"I see that your old man is in good health and looks good. As long as you pay attention not to fall, you will definitely be able to see it."

Mrs. Wang smiled happily, put a handful of peeled white garlic in a bowl, and wiped her hands.

"I'll go back and dig some sauce. This roast goose needs that kind of sauce to taste better."

The two watched Mrs. Wang leave with a smile. Liu Xiaohong held the cleaned fish and looked at Zhao Yuanle: "What are you going to do with this?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I want to eat whole fish."

Liu Xiaohong: "Then get the whole fish, I'll change it to a flower knife."

Zhao Yuanle: "The chicken is still fried with sour radish and pickled peppers, and the duck is roasted with rice wine and konjac.

Then fry shredded lettuce, stir-fry shredded pork with soaked fungus, and it's almost the same. "

Liu Xiaohong: "No soup? I brought two preserved eggs."

Zhao Yuanle's eyes lit up.

"Oh, I want a cucumber and preserved egg soup."

Liu Xiaohong understood, and narrowed her eyes with a smile.

"I love this too."

Dinner is all set, and what is born is to chop vegetables and stir-fry vegetables.

Outside the kitchen, in the yard, under the cool night wind, Zhao Sancheng turned on the brightest biogas lamp, and a few moths fluttered around.

Below, Yao'er was seriously talking to Xiao Cricket about the methane lamp.

Zhao Yuanlan competed with Wang Gouer with a slingshot.

When the dishes were almost finished, Zhao Yuanle washed his hands, wiped them off on his apron, and went out to stand at the door, taking a breath of the cool wind outside.

He Ju who was sitting by the side said, "Go and carry Miss Wu Lin back here."

Zhao Yuanle: "Okay."

At this moment, she suddenly thought of the widow Yu.

"San Niang, let me call Aunt Yu."

He Ju was slightly taken aback, and quickly nodded again.

"Call it." After all, they are all on the side of the pig farm, so it's a bit embarrassing not to call.

Zhao Yuanlan listened, and jumped over: "Then shall I call Aunt Jinfeng?"

He Ju: "Go and shout."

Zhao Yuanle rolled his eyes, and suddenly said, "What about Xiu'er's house?"

He Ju: "Shout it too. Anyway, I cooked a lot of rice today. Before, Xiu'er's father helped to bring the mud, but it didn't go there."

Zhao Yuanlan and Zhao Yuanle looked at each other and coughed: "Then I'll go and shout."

When Zhao Yuanle passed by, he asked Widow Yu to have dinner with Wu Linniang on his back.

Yu the widow was surprised from the beginning, and quickly nodded with a smile.

These days, she has experienced many things, especially the little sister's disturbance, she completely understands one thing.

No matter how she abides by women's morals and how she does well, those who are not satisfied are not satisfied. Those people are either targeting her or want to find pleasure from her.

No right or wrong at all.

So she doesn't need to care too much, just have a clear conscience.

She also lives by working with her hands now, so why is she inferior?

With such thoughts in mind, Widow Yu simply smiled and walked over with Zhao Yuanle.


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