village pigwoman

468 Don't Blame You

Zhao Yuanle shrugged.

"Anyway, you will be in charge of selling when the time comes, and I'll draw you a tenth of the shares."

As she spoke, she patted Zhao Yuankang on the shoulder meaningfully.

"You keep this money for yourself. After all, you are a person who is going to marry a wife, so you don't have to have some money from your own house."

Zhao Yuankang blushed and couldn't help coughing twice.

"What are you talking about..."

Zhao Yuanle: "Hey, big brother, what on earth do you mean? You can't let the woman rush to ask you, are you shameless?"

Zhao Yuankang frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said seriously: "Actually, Xiu'er is a pretty good girl, but she is too young."

Zhao Yuanle also nodded.

"It's a little small."

In modern times, that is the age of the first and second graders, and here I want to get married.

Zhao Yuankang: "I think she is too young."

Zhao Yuanle thought for a while, and said, "Actually, there's no rush. You can settle it first, and you can wait a few more years."

Zhao Yuankang: "This..."

Zhao Yuanle: "Okay, you hesitated, um, you must not like it, alas, you don't like returning your relatives, you scumbag!"

Zhao Yuankang was in a hurry.

"What, what are you talking about, what kind of scumbag?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Scumbags are bad, and scumbags are the scumbags inside men."

Zhao Yuankang: "..."

After a while of silence, he said in a low voice: "Although it was not careful, but I kissed it, and I will be responsible. As long as she has this intention, I will definitely not shirk it."

Hearing this, he looked at Zhao Yuankang's deliberate deliberation, as if he had made a big decision like a real man.

Zhao Yuanle resisted the urge to laugh and asked, "Really?"

Zhao Yuankang nodded solemnly.

"After all, it's my fault. Although there is nothing outsiders can see, she is an innocent little girl after all. If I get bored and keep quiet, I will be so useless."

Zhao Yuanle suppressed a smile, seeing Zhao Yuankang's appearance and tone, nodded slowly.

"Well, in fact, Xiaolan and I are also asking, she must have that meaning, someday I will find her, you two talk about it?"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yuankang immediately denied it with a frown.

"Who said in private that if she is a little girl, she still wants to be famous? I must have come to tell her parents on my own initiative."

Zhao Yuanle: "Huh?"

Zhao Yuankang looked serious: "It's my fault after all, I've thought about it for a long time these days, I still have to be responsible.

I'll admit my mistake myself. This time, if I make money, I'll buy the things. At some point, I'll come and confess to her parents. It all depends on her parents' attitude.

If you hit me and scold me, I won't fight back. "

Zhao Yuanle listened quietly, and seeing Zhao Yuankang's non-joking look, he suddenly felt deeply the gap between himself and people of this era.

But...she felt that Zhao Yuankang was really responsible.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yuanle said, "Okay, I'll give you an extra [-]% if you go to sell things this time, but if you want to do it yourself, you still have to ask your parents first, and then tell Sanniang about it."

Zhao Yuankang: "Well, I've been thinking about it these days."

Zhao Yuanle: "Hiss... I didn't see it."

She thought this person was silent, but in fact, he had already thought about what to buy when he proposed marriage and confessed his mistake.

just kissed...

Zhao Yuanle sighed in his heart, what a pure and innocent ancient man.

As a modern person, she really couldn't understand it.

Probably because Zhao Yuankang said this, Zhao Yuanle seemed particularly interested in going shopping in the next county, and soon packed up and was about to go out.

When Zhao Sancheng and He Ju heard the news, they couldn't help but persuade Zhao Yuanle to wait for two days.

Zhao Sancheng:

"The weather is too hot. If you go out, accidents are easy to happen."

Zhao Yuanle: "It's okay, I'm not afraid of people."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Zhao Yuankang. Zhao Yuankang coughed and said very manly that he was not afraid of the heat.

Seeing that the two people refused to listen to their persuasion, He Ju didn't say anything, but prepared things more carefully with Liu Xiaohong.

On the morning of leaving, Zhao Yuanle couldn't laugh or cry when he saw a handkerchief in his big backpack.

She opened the handkerchief, held the dust and looked at He Ju.

He Ju was serious: "It's good to take this with you, in case you don't get used to it."

Zhao Yuanle: "It's just the county next door. Where did the acclimatization come from?"

He Ju: "Take it with you, it won't take up space, go early and return early."

Zhao Yuanle smiled helplessly, put his backpack on his back, picked up the toilets and walked out.

Wu Lin followed behind and gave Zhao Yuanle a few pieces of paper, on which he had drawn the fan and freezer he wanted.

He repeatedly told Zhao Yuanle: "Don't be red and purple, it's too ugly."

Zhao Yuanlan whispered, "Red looks pretty."

Wulin snorted.

"Ugly to death."

Zhao Yuanle took the paper and said, "Okay, I'll pick a good-looking color for you, and the color of the freezer is also close to yours. For the rest of the colors, it depends on what Xiaolan and the others like."

Yao'er jumped around Zhao Yuanle's legs.

"I also like the same color as Wulin."

Zhao Yuanle: "Why do you call him Wu Lin?"

Yao'er looked at Wu Lin: "He said it himself, so let's call him by name."

Zhao Yuanle: "Okay, but you can't call other elders by name directly."

Yao'er nodded obediently.

Zhao Yuanle: "Okay, let's go."

Zhao Yuankang also mentioned things, and went to the entrance of the village with Zhao Yuanle.

At the entrance of the village, Zhao Niu'er had packed up his ox cart and was waiting for the two of them.

When he saw the things of the two people, he felt strange and envious.

"This thing is good."

He went to Zhao's house for dinner, and once he went to the latrine, it felt different, it was clean and tasteless, there were no mosquitos and maggots, how nice it was.

Zhao Yuanle: "Uncle Niu Er, are you really not going with us?"

Zhao Niuer patted the horns of his cow, and nodded with a smile: "No, there is something going on at home these days, lend me this bullock cart, don't worry, my cow is obedient and has a good temper, you just need to give it Just feed the grass enough."

Zhao Yuanle and Zhao Yuankang put these things on the ox cart, and then touched the horns of the ox, and found that the ox was indeed very docile.

Zhao Yuanle: "Well, don't worry, I will take good care of your cow."

Zhao Yuankang sat up, tried the bullwhip in his hand, and said, "If it sells quickly, we'll be back in two days."

Zhao Niuer: "Okay, before the sun comes out, hurry up and go, if it's too hot in the afternoon, find a cool place to rest for a while, it's best to go to the river and soak it in the river .”

Feeling Zhao Niuer's worry, Zhao Yuanle agreed with a smile, then got into the bullock cart and set off with Zhao Yuankang.

Zhao Niu'er stood at the entrance of the village and looked at it for a long time, until he could no longer see it, then turned and went home.

But Xiuerniang had been waiting there for a long time, and when she saw Zhao Niuer coming, she asked him with a smile on her face, "Where are they going? What are they doing?"

Zhao Niu'er: "I went to the next county to sell things, and I seem to want to buy some things when I come back."

Xiuerniang listened, her eyes filled with satisfaction.

"It's really capable, Kangkang can take his sister to do business."

Zhao Niu'er smiled: "This is not necessarily true."

He felt that Zhao Yuanle was more likely to lead.

Xiuerniang insisted that Zhao Yuankang was capable.

"It must be the elder brother taking care of the younger sister. Kangkang can also do it."

While the two were talking, a person next to him walked over with his head down, it was the little sister.

Seeing the bruises on the little sister's forehead and the corners of the eyes, Xiu Erniang sneered in her heart.

Asking for hardship, insisting on caring about the things of the past, leaving the big tree of the Zhao family behind, and even throwing down his own man's face and stepping on the ground, he must be beaten now.

Zhao Niu'er glanced at his little sister, and shook his head too.

"I don't understand."

Xiuerniang had already got the answer she wanted, so she said goodbye to Zhao Niuer and walked home under the shade of the tree.

She is in a good mood now.

Jiang Xiaomei was about the same age as her Xiu'er, so she was worried at the beginning.Now, this little girl has no way to compete with her daughter, who told her not to have a good mother like herself.

When Xiu Erniang returned home, she hummed a little tune and chose dishes.

Xiu'er packed up the dirty clothes here and was about to go out to do the laundry.

Xiuerniang hurriedly called her to stop.

"Now the sun is so hot, I can't wash my clothes, and I get tanned again.

Why did my mother tell you, now that you are a big girl, you should go out less, make yourself whiter, and look better, so that people like you. "

Xiu'er nodded obediently, put down her clothes, and went to the side to help her mother choose vegetables.

With a smile on her face, Xiu'er's mother looked at her eldest daughter, stretched out her rough fingers full of calluses, and lifted up a lock of Xiu'er's hair.

"Actually, you still look decent, but you usually don't have any good clothes, you don't eat well, and you're too thin. When you grow whiter and gain weight, you will definitely look good."

Xiu'er looked shy and lowered her head.

Suddenly, the smile on Xiuerniang's face disappeared and she sighed.

"Xiu'er, do you blame your mother?"

Xiu'er: "What?"

Xiu Erniang lowered her eyebrows, stopped the movement of her hands, and looked at Xiu Er with guilt in her eyes.

"Oh, it's all my mother's unbearable stomach, if I had given birth to a younger brother for you earlier, you wouldn't have suffered so much.

But there is no way, mother must give birth to a son, and she must be left for our family, so she gave birth to so many younger sisters for you.

In fact, I know that you are the most wronged. You have to help with things since you were young, take care of so many younger sisters, and let the younger ones eat.

Mother sometimes has a bad temper, and you have to be wronged. "

Xiu'er shook her head hurriedly.

"No, mother, I think our family is okay."

Xiuerniang sighed with a wry smile.

"Anyway, you all came out of my belly, no matter how tired or hard I am, I will not give you away.

I want to choose a good marriage for you right now, you have to grasp it by yourself, usually play with Kangkang more, have a sweeter mouth, and sometimes dress up better.

Wait for two days, when the millet is harvested, Mother will make you a new suit. "

Xiu'er lowered her head, her face flushed involuntarily.

Xiuerniang laughed again as she spoke.

"Do you like Kangkang?"

Xiu'er's voice was lower than that of a mosquito.

"He is nice."

She thinks Brother Kangkang is good-looking, soft-spoken, and caring for others. Before she went to help with work, he gave her water to drink first, and kept her resting to protect her from the sun.

Seeing her daughter like this, Xiu Erniang couldn't help laughing.

"Look, if there is no news, mother will not be ashamed and go ask you.

Hmph, who cares, if you don't snatch a good man, someone else will. My mother will definitely snatch it for you. I'll talk to you Aunt He.

You are diligent and obedient, and your Aunt He also likes you. "

Xiu'er: "But I can't read."

Xiuerniang paused, and stammered: "You, you are a girl, you don't need to recognize it, it's fine if you don't know how to read."

Xiu Er remembered

I came to see it at the pig farm, and said: "Mom, I see that Yao'er is there teaching the little children in the village to read, can I go there to help, learn some secretly, at least I can write names in the future."

Xiuerniang thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"You can ask Widow Yu... Oh no, you can ask Aunt Yu, she is easy to talk, so you can help her get a pig hair brush."

With permission, Xiu'er showed a happy smile, and Xiu'er's mother couldn't help smiling too.

At this time, a certain two people who were driving an ox cart on the road were confronting the docile ox.

Zhao Yuanle felt that the cow was really docile, but also really greedy.

I didn't see anything when I went to the county. Now that the owner is not around, I can't move because I have been eating grass on the side of the road.

Zhao Yuankang stood beside him, against the slowly rising sun, with a whip in his hand, quite helpless.

"You go, don't eat."

But the cow ignored him at all, and ate more happily.

Zhao Yuanle looked at it for a while, and suddenly there was a flash of light. He simply took the knife in his hand and quickly cut off all the surrounding grass.

The cow was taken aback for a moment, and finally started to move forward.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Yuankang shook his head.

"No way, you can't go all the way, you can just mow the grass all the way, so what's the point of going?"

Zhao Yuanle took a look at Zhao Yuankang, broke a stick from the side, got hay, sat on the cart, and hoisted the fresh grass in front of the cow.

The cow, who was still looking for fresh grass, saw it in front of him, so he took a step forward.

Zhao Yuankang: "Hey, this is a way."

Zhao Yuanle smiled: "Come up quickly."

According to this method, Zhao Yuanle gave the cow a mouthful of grass every once in a while, and finally walked quite a distance.

Passing a lotus pond, the two drove the ox cart to a shaded place to rest.

Zhao Yuanle took out his food and was about to share it with Zhao Yuankang when he saw Zhao Yuankang took off his shoes, jumped into the pond, and picked off a few big lotus leaves.

Holding the big lotus leaf, Zhao Yuankang tore off the stalk and the leaf in the middle, got a hat and put it on Zhao Yuanle's head.

"That way you won't get sunburned."

Zhao Yuanle took the rest and put it on his body.

"This is for me to wear."

Zhao Yuankang also tore off another lotus leaf, but found that he couldn't fit it.

Him: "This is too small."

Zhao Yuanle pouted towards the pond: "No, there is a big one in the middle, you go get the big one."

Sure enough, Zhao Yuankang left this behind and passed away.

In the lotus pond, there was not much water, and most of it was mud. When Zhao Yuankang was about to reach the middle, he suddenly jumped out with an eh.

Zhao Yuanle stood up, ran over, and saw Zhao Yuankang sitting beside him with one foot raised, observing.

Zhao Yuanle: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Yuankang washed his feet with water and sighed.

"It was a sharp stick that poked a hole in my foot."

------off topic-----

It's the end of the month, and there should be more updates tonight.


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