village pigwoman

465 small house

Zhao Yuanle thought carefully about Zhao Yuanlan's worries, and did not quite agree.

"What you said is possible, but not likely."

Zhao Yuanlan: "Why might it not be big?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Then do you think Xiuer is such a person, and is Xiuerniang also such a person?"

Zhao Yuanlan: "No, but they are poor, and we are poor."

Zhao Yuanle shook his head.

"Actually, it wasn't much worse before. Our family is good, and life is much better now, but we are all farmers in the village.

We are not a family of scholars, nor are we a family of officials, nor are we a family of princes and nobles.

So yeah, we're just a little richer.

Anyway, I don't mind helping Xiu'er's family, provided that Xiu'er's family is reasonable.

Helping Xiu'er's younger sisters dress better and eat better, it's nothing, I'm happy to spend the money.

Don't you feel sympathy when you see Xiu'er's younger sisters? "

Listening to Zhao Yuanle's words, Zhao Yuanlan was silent for a while, then sighed.

"That's fine..."

After she finished speaking, she muttered softly again: "I was thinking that we should quickly save money and become homeowners, so that we can live a good life in the future."

After Zhao Yuanle heard this, his eyes were in a trance for a moment.

Now is the first year, so, will there be a war in more than 20 years, or will there be a war in a few years?

Or are there things that may never happen again?

Seeing that Zhao Yuanle was in a daze, Zhao Yuanlan called out to her sister, Zhao Yuanle finally came to his senses, and then gave Zhao Yuanlan a task in front of him.

"You are so powerful, when the time comes, go and find out what Xiu'er's family means, and then, just to see what brother means.

This matter, we have to be happy with each other. If brother doesn't like it, we can't force it.

Anyway, we usually take care of Xiu'er's family, and I will sell pig hair brushes here, or I can find jobs for Xiu'er and her younger sisters, as long as the wages are higher. "

Zhao Yuanlan: "Okay then, I'll go and find out."

The two discussed it outside, and went back to the house together, just in time to bump into Zhao Yuankang who was kicked out of the house by He Ju to report the letter.

Zhao Yuankang was tangled in his heart. He felt that it was not good for him to leave now, but he couldn't stand He Ju's request.

He doesn't dare to disobey the current He Ju, everyone in the family coaxes the current He Ju.

Zhao Yuanle: "Are you really going to leave? When will you come back? You have to keep an eye on your pencil sharpener."

He Ju: "Come back after delivering the letter, and tell me your mother and father's reaction by the way."

Come back after you go... Zhao Yuankang thinks it's okay.

After Zhao Yuankang went out, Zhao Yuanlan also went out quickly.

Zhao Yuanle packed up his things here, left homework for Yao'er, and went to the place where the power station was built with Wu Lin.

This is a flat land on the air vent, and there are not many crops and people living around it. You can only see people's houses after making a detour.

Zhao Yuanle looked here, and then looked at his home and the pig farm.

"I said, you chose an isosceles triangle position, it's so far away from the pig farm and home."

Wu Lin: "It's not good if you get too close, there's a lot of dust."

Zhao Yuanle: "But, it's a bit far away, and people have to watch it, who will watch it?"

Wu Lin: "I'm not coming."

It's dirty and hot here, so he doesn't come here.

Zhao Yuanle: "Then you have to find a young man, and he has to be a little smarter, otherwise you won't be able to figure out what's wrong with this machine."

Wu Lin: "I can make a timing belt with a big bucket attached to it, and I can send coal in after a while.

The people who watch the house only need to wait to add coal when there is no more coal in the bucket

Charcoal will do, oh, and it's enough to get the ash out when it's full. "

Zhao Yuanle nodded, and said again: "But we still need a young man with good physical strength, this generator is not cheap, if someone comes to steal it, it will be miserable.

But this person can't stay up all night, it seems that he has to find two more. "

Just as Zhao Yuanle was speaking, Wu Lin's eyes fell on her.

He felt that Zhao Yuanle was the safest to see generators in these ten miles and eight villages.

Zhao Yuanle: "Me? No, I don't want to sleep here every day, I have to sleep at home."

By the way, I also want to give some blessings to the pigs at home.

Furthermore, the family certainly did not agree with her living here alone.

Although she doesn't care about reputation or anything, she still has to think about her sisters and others at home.

Wu Lin: "Find someone by yourself, and get the electric poles first."

Zhao Yuanle looked at the open space, and tentatively said, "Then what, don't you think, there seems to be a lack of a room for a generator here?"

Wu Lin: "Let's fix it then, I'll draw the blueprints for you, and you find someone to fix it."

Zhao Yuanle turned around and beckoned Wu Lin to go back together.

"Go back first, draw the blueprints, and I'll find someone to buy bricks and tiles, and try to get the house done within two days, including the generator, so that electricity can be connected the day after tomorrow."

The two acted separately.

But before Zhao Yuanle took action, Wu Lin had already told her about how many materials she needed.

Zhao Yuanle took the money and went out.

In the afternoon, she walked back carrying a lot of bricks by herself, just in time to meet Zhao Sancheng returning from herding cattle.

Zhao Sancheng: "Is this the power station to be repaired?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Yeah, I haven't finished it yet, I'll finish it after moving two more times, and I'll build the house with mud tomorrow."

Zhao Sancheng: "This kind of small house is still easy to repair. It doesn't need to lay a foundation or anything. It's so convenient. Tomorrow, Uncle San will come with you and keep it for a day and finish it."

Zhao Yuanle smiled and nodded.

And when she came back for the second time, the old man Wu was already sitting in his room.

He held carpenter's tools in his hand, saying that he wanted to help repair the house together tomorrow.

The confident old man in the afternoon showed off the tools in his hand.

"Lele, don't buy nails or anything like that. It's expensive. I'll get those wooden shelves for you. The storage is quick and easy. You don't need a single nail."

Zhao Yuanle: "That's good. To buy nails, I either go to the town or the county. It's rare for me to run away. Now is the right time."

Here, Yao'er came out again holding the small notebook at home, and looked expectantly at Zhao Yuanle: "Sister, I'll keep the accounts."

Seeing this, He Ju's eyes were full of smiles.

"Hey, our youngest is the smartest and most sensible."

With a whoosh, as He Ju was speaking, a small object fell into Yao'er's arms, and Zhao Yuanlan walked out of the room, followed by Liu Xiaohong.

Yao'er took out the things in his arms, and saw that it was a wooden piglet wrapped in webbing, he couldn't help showing a pleasant smile.

"It's beautiful, thank you, Miss."

Zhao Yuanlan blew on her own bangs, and looked at Liu Xiaohong beside her: "Don't thank me, Aunt Hong, Aunt Hong taught me."

Yao'er obediently said thank you to Liu Xiaohong.

Liu Xiaohong: "Oh, what a big deal, Yao'er is so polite."

After finishing speaking, she looked at the sky and hurried into the kitchen to cook.

Zhao Yuanle also went in and started to boil water to take a bath.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered something, and walked towards Liu Xiaohong slowly: "Aunt Hong, I remember, you said before, that miracle doctor..."

Upon hearing this, Liu Xiaohong's face became unhappy.

"What a miracle doctor, another liar."

Zhao Yuanle: "Huh?"

Liu Xiaohong: "Didn't I promise you to come here, so I didn't have time that day, so I didn't go, and I forgot to tell you, and I didn't ask me when I saw you later, and I didn't ask you either.

I think it's okay to go next time.

But not long after, my relative told me that the miracle doctor was a liar, cheated those people of their money, and ran away!

There is no cure for all diseases. I just made some anesthetics. After taking it, it doesn't hurt, and I think I'm cured.

The one who begged for a baby is also a fake. It looks like it, but it is actually a ruthless drug that ruined the body. "

These answers are as expected by Zhao Yuanle, but now she is curious about one thing.

"Which one discovered it? There were so many people before, but no one discovered it?"

Liu Xiaohong: "It's from other places. Someone was cheated, and they chased him back to make trouble for him. When the person behind him ran away, these people realized it.

In fact, something was wrong before, but they didn't want to believe it was fake, so they kept silent. "

Zhao Yuanle tutted his tongue: "Sigh, if there really is something so useful, it's impossible that so many people don't know about it now.

I think useful things and methods are either expensive or rare. It is impossible to be simple, cheap and effective, and only a few people know about them. "

Liu Xiaohong nodded while cooking.

"Yeah, I'm just counting on my own luck now. If God rewards me with a baby, it will be fine."

Zhao Yuanle: "Relax, there will be, or you can go to the hospital to have a look together."

Liu Xiaohong: "Hospital? We have money, so we don't go to the hospital."

Zhao Yuanle: "Go and have a look, maybe the hospital really noticed something."

Liu Xiaohong was still unwilling, because she couldn't trust any hospital doctor.

"What if they give me bad injections? I've heard that some people almost died after receiving injections from the hospital."

Seeing Liu Xiaohong's reaction like this, Zhao Yuanle didn't insist anymore. After boiling the water, he went to take a shower and wash his hair.

After taking a shower, just in time for dinner, Zhao Yuanle talked about going to the power station at the dinner table.

"Are you looking for one person, or are you looking for two people?"

He Ju couldn't help frowning.

"Huh? Not only do you need coal, but you also need someone to watch it? It costs so much money, why don't you just don't need this, as this hot weather will pass after a while, just forget about the electric fan."

She didn't want to spend so much money at all, just change the electric fan.

Zhao Yuanle looked at Wu Lin, who was eating leisurely by himself.

She could only sigh.

"No, you have to do what you promise to others. People can't break their promises, so just find one person to watch."

Zhao Sancheng, who was buried in his meal, raised his head: "Why don't you let old man Wang watch."

Zhao Yuanle: "He's getting old."

Zhao Sancheng: "Yeah, he's getting old, the cow is dead, and now he's tired of doing things, and the dog is young.

Simply, let him guard and give him some money every month, so that they can save some money for the dog and cricket to beg his wife. "

Zhao Yuanle: "This..."

He Ju also agrees.

"Let's find old man Wang. It's not easy for him. I rely on him to support my two grandchildren."

After finishing speaking, she couldn't help but add another sentence: "Actually, it's best not to do this."

Why do you spend so much money?

Zhao Yuanle: "Then find Old Man Wang."

Zhao Sancheng: "I'll discuss it with him later."

Zhao Yuanle: "Actually, it doesn't take much effort over there, just add some coal on time, and watch it at night to avoid someone stealing things."

Zhao Sancheng: "Okay, the old man is sleepy, just right, he can also do other things there by the way."

Zhao Yuanle: "Tell him, look at this, it's only three yuan a month."

He Ju: "Three yuan? That's fine, it's quite a lot."

Zhao Yuanle: "You can have a holiday when the farming is busy, and tell him not to worry about harvesting the millet."

Zhao Sancheng: "Okay."

The candidates are determined, and so are the wages.

Zhao Yuanle carried something and walked over there.

When she was there with Huang Niba, Zhao Yuanle felt that she was quite smart. She had seen these things a few times before, and now she knows how to do them, and what she did was not bad.

So Wu Lin is still too perverted, she belongs to the category of normal intelligence.

After Zhao Yuanle worked alone for a while, Wu Lin also came over with a blueprint, a hat, and a robe that fully covered the wind.

Zhao Yuanle: "...what are you doing?"

Wu Lin: "I don't want to get tanned, this robe is breathable and can cover the sun."

His various studies have found that clothes are the most sun-blocking, and it is not easy for people to get tanned.

After speaking, he walked over and began to draw lines, and then fixed points.

Zhao Yuanle didn't bother to talk to him, and did his own thing.

After a while, Zhao Sancheng came along with Old Man Wang and Old Man Wu.

All three of them had tools in their hands, and they came over and started to help.

There is great power in numbers, and Zhao Yuanle's power is exceptionally strong.

In her fast and non-stop work, the other three also speeded up unknowingly.

To build a house without a foundation, lay bricks, get pillars, get a roof, and install ordinary doors and windows. The speed is very fast. Before the sun sets in the afternoon, everything will be done.

Holding his own wooden ruler and plane in his hand, the old man in the afternoon looked at the small house rising from the ground, feeling a sense of accomplishment in his heart, and at the same time praised Zhao Yuanle: "It's still Lele who is so good, these logs are just right for me. , otherwise how could I make it so fast."

Zhao Yuanle: "Hey, really?"

Wulin snorted.

He felt that the things Zhao Yuanle made were very rough, not as good as his. Fortunately, he didn't live here, so he could bear it.

Hearing Wu Lin's snort, the old man Wu rolled his eyes at him, and snorted too.

His son was not at all likable.

Fortunately, the Zhao family is good and doesn't care about it, otherwise, his son would have been beaten to death long ago.

He knew that it was his son who was clamoring for this thing, electricity, fan, and some kind of freezer.

As an old father, he could only do his best to help.

Here, Zhao Yuanle admired the small house with satisfaction, then turned and went home.

"I'm going back to move the generator."

When the generator comes, Wu Lin installs the coal feeder, pulls the wires, adds coal, and the electricity can come.


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