Mrs. Dong was about to kneel down and beg for mercy for Zhao Yuanle.

"Oh, it's really gone. Isn't this all on your list? That's all, we paid double."

Zhao Yuanle didn't believe it at all, and was about to hit him with a stick.

Mrs. Dong hurriedly urged her family to look for her.

"Go and find everything she touched when she was a child!"

She was really afraid of the current Zhao Yuanle, why was he so unreasonable and so ruthless when he beat someone up.

The point is that they have nothing to do with Zhao Yuanle.

No wonder, no wonder the Zhao family can suddenly get up again, the feeling is that Zhao Yuanle has become the overlord.

Zhao Yuanle sat on the side with Erlang's legs crossed, while cleaning up the children who had bullied her, while urging the Dong family to find something quickly.

The Dong family almost turned over the land of the house, found out all the things they got from Zhao Yuanle's mother, and brought them to Zhao Yuanle.

After a while, it was true that there was nothing left. Mrs. Dong looked at Zhao Yuanle hopelessly: "There really is nothing left."

Zhao Yuanle: "Look again!"

Mrs. Dong sat down on the ground, almost crying.

"It's really gone, if you want it again, do you want us to give you our lives?

We are just greedy for money, but we never harmed your mother. Your mother died in childbirth by herself. "

Dong's parents-in-law at the side also wiped away tears.

"That's right. We're just shameless and don't care about affection, but we still haven't done anything harmful."

Seeing that the Dong family really couldn't find anything, Zhao Yuanle also sighed.

"Hmph, let you go this time, you were the ones who didn't want to have a conscience, and you were the ones who severed the relationship.

Now, no matter how greedy I am, I will hold back everything. If anyone who doesn't have eyes dares to provoke me again, what kind of filial piety and rumors are they trying to threaten me...

Humph, Dong Cui is going to end, next time I will directly break my leg, and next time I will break my waist, I will do what I say! "

Dong Cui: "..." She couldn't cry anymore, she was the one who hated the beating the most.

Now no one in the Dong family dares to refute, they all seem like quiet quails, they just hope to leave quickly.

Zhao Yuanle carried all these things on his back, picked up his stick, turned and left.

Seeing Zhao Yuanle's arrogance, the patriarch of the Dong family dared not speak up.

As soon as Zhao Yuanle left, he scolded the Dong family.

"Just cause trouble for the people in the village, this time, you will pay for other people's medicine!"

Mrs. Dong cried and yelled, and slapped her eldest daughter-in-law beside her with a forceful slap.

"It's all about you, a bereaved star, what kind of bad idea did you come up with, which caused the family to lose so much!

You were the one who provoked them back then, otherwise our family would be the ones taking advantage today, so it wouldn't be Zhao Da's turn! "

The eldest daughter-in-law was also very angry when she was beaten, and couldn't help but refute. As a result, the two mother-in-law and daughter-in-law also quarreled, and the scene was extremely lively for a while.

Zhao Yuanle didn't know the excitement of Dong's village, but he only knew that he had gained a lot today.

Now she has earned a lot of money, and looking at these things, she feels that there is a lot. Back then, her father was generous enough.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuanle couldn't help recalling the appearance of his own mother, but found that it was still vague.

"Hey, I've brought everything back for you, why can't I still not see you clearly?"

At this time, there is no photo. After traveling for so long, she really doesn't even know what her mother looks like.

Looking at the sky, Zhao Yuanle also speeded up and ran home with his things on his back.

In the Zhao family, He Ju looked at the cold food in front of the table, then looked outside, and was still waiting for Zhao Yuanle.

Zhao Yuanlan sat on the side and called mother.

"Should I warm up this dish? It's cold. How can my sister eat it when she comes back?"

He Ju: "Don't worry, it will be hot when she comes back. Are you hungry? Bear with it for now."

As she said that, she looked at Yao'er: "If Yao'er is hungry, eat first, don't be hungry, kid."

Yao'er shook her head firmly.

"I'm going to wait for my sister to eat together."

At this time, Wu Lin had finished his meal, washed his dishes and went back to the house.

He also hoped that Zhao Yuanle could come back soon, so that his poles could be fixed quickly and the generator could work quickly.

Then, the electric fan and the freezer can all be used.

Zhao Sancheng came over with a rice bowl, and Quan Heju ate some first.

He Ju reached out to remove the rice bowl and sighed.

"It's all right, Lele should be all right, what if the Dong family comes to Yin?"

Zhao Sancheng: "It's okay, Lele is amazing. If you dare to go alone, you can come back well."

Zhao Yuanlan rested her chin on the table with both hands.

"It would be even better if my sister beat up all the Dong family members. Don't let that old woman go. She was the one who made the most trouble back then."

He Ju: "Hmph, I'm not old enough to die."

Yao'er looked at He Ju, then at Zhao Yuanlan, her little eyebrows were furrowed and never let go.

He really hates the people in his grandmother's family, so he has done so many things.

Fortunately, he had expected it before.

At this time, footsteps sounded outside the door, and Zhao Yuanle stepped into the door carrying something on his back, followed by Erlang God wagging his tail.

Yao'er was the first to rush over and hugged Zhao Yuanle's thigh.

"Sister, it's good that you're fine."

Zhao Yuanle proudly put all the things in front of the Zhao family, and picked up Yao'er.

"What's the matter with your sister and me? Not only are we fine, but everything we need has come back, and we've even cleaned up the Dong family."

Really starving now.

She hurriedly put down her things, washed her hands and was about to eat.

He Ju: "Don't worry, the dishes need to be heated up, let's check these things first."

Zhao Yuanle: "Come on, some things are double, because I asked them to give me these things at three years' interest."

He Ju snorted: "Can it still be like this?"

Zhao Yuanle: "That's right. They have so many things, just to buy land. The rent is [-]% a year. Why don't they pay interest."

Zhao Yuanlan strongly agrees.

"That's right, sister, you're right, that's how you should ask them for it."

He Ju laughed straight after hearing this, and couldn't help but praise Zhao Yuanle for being amazing.

Zhao Yuankang stood aside and went over to heat the dishes silently.

Seeing this, Zhao Sancheng followed, and then patted Zhao Yuankang on the shoulder: "You boy, marry a wife earlier."

Zhao Yuankang's complexion changed, he coughed awkwardly and skipped this topic.

Here, He Ju took Zhao Yuanlan and Zhao Yuanle to make a lot of things together, and Yao'er took the list and wrote down one by one.

In the middle of the match, Yao'er called to stop.

"It's already matched with what's on the list."

Zhao Yuanle: "Well, the rest is for nothing."

He Ju was puzzled: "Why are there so many? Are they all your mother's?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Yes."

Zhao Yuanlan was even more puzzled.

"Sister, how do you know something that is not on the list? Oh, I see, you cheated out of it with a few words, right?

Sister, yes, you are so powerful, teach me. "

Zhao Yuanle laughed and snorted.

"I don't know how many there are, I just keep saying there are more, and I just sit there, just like you guys still have something hidden.

These Dong family members are really thieves, they take one or two Xiaodong each time

Xilai fooled me, every time he said no more, I didn't believe it, I didn't leave, they kept looking for it.

Later, they really couldn't find it, so I just let it go. "

Zhao Yuankang, who had cooked the dishes, came out, and when he heard these words, he felt something: "No wonder, I said, when we went to school, those teachers always knew what we hid, so they lied to us. what."

Zhao Yuanle: "Does it mean that if they look at you or extend their hand, you will be guilty of guilt?"

Zhao Yuankang: "Yes!"

Zhao Yuanle sighed with emotion.

It turns out that it has been the same throughout the ages.

Smelling the aroma of the food, Zhao Yuanle couldn't help speeding up.

"Hurry up and finish eating."

He Ju and Zhao Yuanlan also speeded up, recording one thing after another, and finally there was only a small wooden box left.

This small wooden box looked old at first glance. Zhao Yuanle reached out to touch it, and it was quite heavy. After sniffing it carefully, he found that there was still a faint fragrance emanating from it.

"What is it?" She opened the small wooden box in doubt, and then saw a small wooden sculpture lying inside.

She was surprised: "Why is this?"

Several people came over to take a look, and saw a black wooden pig lying inside.

Zhao Yuanle: "It's a pig."

He Ju: "I haven't seen this before, it seems that your mother didn't bring it here."

Zhao Yuanlan: "Why is it a pig? Could it be that Er Niang knows that Second Sister will make money by raising pigs in the future?"

Zhao Yuanle looked at He Ju: "Sanniang, is my mother a pig?"

He Ju: "How is it possible? You are a dog, how could your mother be a pig? Who gives birth at such an old age, your mother is not a pig."

At this time, Yao'er couldn't help but raised her little hand.

"Sister, I'm a pig."

Zhao Yuanle: "You are only 12 years younger than me, aren't you also a dog?"

Yao'er: "But, I was already counting the year of the pig at that time, so I belong to the pig."

Zhao Yuanle spread his hands: "Okay, then do you want this thing? Maybe Mother prepared it for you, but I didn't have time to give it to you. Do you want it now?"

Yao'er nodded, took the object, held it in his little hands and observed it for a while.

"But this one has no rope, no holes, how can I carry it on my body?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Do you want to wear it on your body?"

Yao'er nodded: "Yes, this is my mother's thing. When I was telling the story today, I found that many of them had things from their mother. What kind of amulet, small lock, but I don't have any."

Hearing this, He Ju blamed herself.

"Oh, it's me, I didn't remember..."

She has been very busy all these years by herself, she has to take care of her children, and she is also busy with family affairs, so she forgot to get a small thing for Yao'er to carry with her.

Yao'er held up this small piece of wood and asked everyone.

"How do I carry this with me?"

Zhao Yuanlan volunteered: "Come on, sister will make you a net, Aunt Hong taught sister, keep it nice."

When Yao'er heard this, he happily gave the wood to Zhao Yuanlan.

"Okay, thank you, miss."

He Ju: "Okay, let's eat."

As she said that, she turned around and gave Zhao Yuanle a complaining look.

"Why don't you even remember what your younger brother belongs to?"

Before Zhao Yuanle said anything, Zhao Yuanlan who was beside him cut.

"Mom, you didn't remember it yourself, and you have the nerve to say that others didn't give your brother a lock."

He Ju: "..."

She is so angry, this daughter will only talk back and make trouble.

Ever since, she found a familiar feeling and directly gave it to Zhao Yuanlan.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yuanlan was stunned: "Oh

, I almost forgot the last time I was beaten. "

Yao'er: "36 days ago, at night, you robbed me of my chicken legs and ate them."

Zhao Yuanlan: "Wow, I haven't been beaten for a month."

He Ju: "..."

Zhao Yuankang laughed out loud.

Zhao Yuanle: "Tsk..." This kind of thing can be celebrated to show off and be happy?

Zhao Yuanlan ate this meal very happily, and said that she wanted to fight for the next two months without being beaten.

And He Ju is also in a good mood, she wants Zhao Yuankang to go home tomorrow and tell Tang Siwen the good news.

After so many years of anger, it finally came out today.

After this meal, He Ju really started urging Zhao Yuankang to go back early the next morning.

Zhao Yuankang has something on his mind now, and he doesn't really want to go back to the county right away.

"Wait a while."

He Ju: "I'm done with work, why do you keep it? Don't you still have to run your business to make money? Go back quickly and bring a letter to your mother."

Zhao Yuankang: "The millet hasn't been confiscated yet, so you're done?"

He Ju: "Could it be that you have to stay for another month?"

Zhao Yuankang: "This... isn't there still a pencil sharpener here? I haven't finished the pencil sharpener yet."

He Ju: "We'll just finish this and send it to you. You should go back soon."

Zhao Yuanlan was at the side, his eyes full of gossip.

Zhao Yuanle also walked over and touched Zhao Yuanlan.

"Stop pretending, I know everything, what does Xiu'er mean?"

Zhao Yuanlan didn't pay attention, choked on saliva, coughed for a while, and then looked carefully at Zhao Yuanle.

Zhao Yuanle glanced outside.

"Go out and talk."

Zhao Yuanlan lowered his head and followed Zhao Yuanle out.

Under Zhao Yuanle's persuasive gaze, Zhao Yuanlan told everything she knew.

Zhao Yuanlan: "Xiu'er, she said she listened to her parents, as long as her parents asked her to do, she would do."

Zhao Yuanle frowned: "What does mother mean?"

Zhao Yuanlan fell into deep thought, thought for a while, and then sighed.

"I don't think it's very good. I don't really want Xiu'er to marry my brother."

Zhao Yuanle was a little surprised by this sentence.

"What? Aren't you on good terms with Xiu'er?"

Zhao Yuanlan: "It's very good, but I have thought about it seriously, Xiuerniang is not very good, she just prefers her youngest son.

Although Xiu'er is fine, she only listens to what her parents say.

How poor and tired her family is, with so many mouths, it will take a long time until her younger sister and brother grow up.

You said, if she and her brother are really engaged, can our family not take advantage of her family? "

Zhao Yuanle let out a hey yo.

"Do you still think about it a lot?"

Zhao Yuanlan: "That's right, it's okay to give something at ordinary times, but it's different to be a relative and help raise children.

Moreover, our two families are so close, can Xiu'er watch her natal family suffer?We are also embarrassed.

But I don't want our family to raise her children for nothing, so it's better not to get married. "


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