village pigwoman

463 Slap Man

When the widow Yu froze, the villagers tacitly reserved the seat for the widow Yu, just in time for the widow Yu and the little sister to meet.

The little girl stared at the widow Yu resentfully, shamelessly biting every bite.

"I don't even know what a woman like you is doing alive, which one is the one to die, no parents, no relatives.

Marrying will kill the man, and the son will also be killed, and you will be cut off from him!

If I were you, I would have hanged myself with a rope, whether I threw myself into the river or drank the poison myself, I would never live in this world anyway.

You are fine, not only live a good life, but also dress up beautifully to seduce men.

You shameless bitch!Singing is different, don't be shy! "

The little sister scolded everything she wanted to scold in her heart, and she just felt happy for a moment. She looked at the blue and red complexion of the widow Yu with satisfaction, and there was a triumphant smile on her face.

Jin Feng and Zhao Yuanlan on the side looked at each other and understood each other.

Hearing only two sounds, Jin Feng clapped her hands, walked to the middle, and pretended to ask Zhao Yuanlan.

"Xiao Lan, you definitely don't remember the widow's man, you were only so old when he died."

Zhao Yuanlan: "I don't know, what's the matter?"

Jin Feng: "I think back then, some people were eager to get married, to die, to live, to go on a hunger strike, and they were willing to post it to that man.

But if others look down on her, they are willing to marry someone else.

This person is really mad. He has held grudges for more than ten years, and he is still holding grudges now. "

Zhao Yuanlan's dazed look was a little fake.


Jinfeng: "Yes, don't you believe it?"

Zhao Yuanlan: "Oh, let me tell you, why do some people worry so much about other people's family affairs, other people's fathers, she can't afford to be in a hurry.

It turned out that it was to hold a grudge. "

The people in the village were already familiar with each other, but now that Jin Feng mentioned it, the eyes of each of them became meaningful.

Lao Jiang's face is now lost.

He was so angry that he was about to pull his wife away.

Unexpectedly, the little girl seemed to have been poked in a sore spot, she became even more excited and scolded people, pointing her nose and scolding.

Jin Feng sneered.

"Hey, look, some people don't just hold grudges, they know how to bully widows."

Just as Zhao Yuankang was about to nod in agreement, he suddenly reacted.

"Auntie, aren't you a widow too?"

Jin Feng: "..." It seems so, she completely forgot about it.

The little girl also reacted, and spat at Jinfeng.

"If you talk nonsense with your mouth, my mother will tear your mouth apart! You old hen who doesn't lay eggs!"

Jin Feng rushed over directly, grabbed the little sister and began to yell and curse.

"What kind of stinky and shameless person are you? Don't you know about your old shit?"

Zhao Yuanlan stood aside, clenched her fists and shouted for cheer, but was hit by He Ju.

He Ju frowned and gave her a look.

"Go in!"

Children, who have been involved in adult affairs all day long, still know what these things are like.

Zhao Yuanle stood aside and watched the show, his eyes fell on Widow Yu.

"You just watch?"

Widow Yu stood aside and watched, her expression had regained her composure. After hearing Zhao Yuanle's words, she was taken aback and hummed softly.

"I'm too lazy to argue with this person."

Zhao Yuanle: "Aren't you angry?"

Widow Yu smiled directly.

"Why are you angry? Can't you just watch the excitement?

I'm not angry, I was scolded and waited for me to be angry, I have a clear conscience, why are you angry? "

Hearing this, Zhao Yuanle couldn't help but nodded to Widow Yu.

"That's good too."

Don't care what others say, just be happy.

But well...

Zhao Yuanle noticed that the so-called aunt was about to sneak away, so she strode over and grabbed her directly.

"Exactly, you are here now."

Dong Cui was in pain, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Zhao Yuanle smiled, and then looked at his Sanniang.

"Sanniang, what did they say when they were making trouble?"

He Ju stared at Dong Cui, and spit out the words that impressed her at the beginning.

"They said that your mother died to give birth to a son for the Zhao family, so our Zhao family owes them.

So, when the whole family waited for the meal to be finished at the funeral, they smashed our family's things, and they also made a fuss during the burial, begging for money.

Hmph, shameless, wanting to save face, ran to your mother's house and snatched away all her valuable belongings.

What are you talking about, you can't trust us, they will keep your mother's things first, and wait for you and your brother to grow up, and return them to you.

At that time, before your mother's first seven days, they began to divide her clothes, and those clothes that could not be divided were all torn up without leaving a single piece. "

Zhao Yuanle: "Oh, that's right. Back then when they said they were keeping things, how many things they took away and how much they tore up, do you remember clearly?"

He Ju nodded quickly.

"Your aunt and I remembered it clearly at the beginning, we wrote it all down, and I'll turn it over to you."

After finishing speaking, He Ju ran into the house to search for things, and soon came out with a well-preserved piece of white paper.

At this time, Jin Feng had completely suppressed the little sister, but no matter how the little sister called for help, Old Jiang was watching from the side, not bothering to move at all.

Zhao Yuanle took the list from He Ju, and took a look at it.

"No, these are not dowries."

He Ju: "It's not. Your mother's dowry is all rotten. Your father saved money to buy these things for her. They are shameless and insist on taking them away."

Zhao Yuanle nodded, and picked up Dong Cui.

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. It's just right. I'm an adult now, and I'm coming back today. Let's go, auntie, I'll take you back to your mother's house."

Where did Dong Cui have a chance to refuse, Zhao Yuanle directly picked her up and walked out.

He Ju couldn't help calling Zhao Yuanle: "Lele, wait a minute."

Zhao Yuanle turned around and waved his hands.

"Oh, Sanniang, don't worry, I'm fine."

Unexpectedly, He Ju took out a big stick from the side.

"Take it, and when the time comes to hit someone, use this to beat someone, so as not to cause any trouble, just don't beat him to death."

Zhao Yuanle was stunned.

It turned out that it wasn't to persuade her not to hit people, but to ask her to hit people after holding the stick.

Seeing Zhao Yuanle take over the big stick, He Ju touched her stomach regretfully.

"Oh, if I wasn't pregnant now, I would definitely go with you."

At this time, Zhao Yuanlan jumped and followed behind Zhao Yuanle.

Zhao Yuanle: "What are you doing?"

Zhao Yuanlan had a flattering smile on his face.

"Sister, take me to watch the fun together."

Zhao Yuanle: "No, I will be distracted to protect you when the time comes."

Zhao Yuanlan: "I can help you."

He Ju, who should have been extremely disgusted with this matter, also agreed at this time, and helped persuade Zhao Yuanle to bring Zhao Yuanlan along.

"Take your sister, I can't go, let her watch those people get beaten."

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

She didn't want Zhao Yuanlan to waste her time.

Whoosh, she mentioned Dong Cui and ran away.

Zhao Yuanlan was stunned for a while, and then saw that Zhao Yuanle had already run away

, I can only stamp my feet in complaint.

"Oh, don't take me again."

She could only turn around to watch the fight between the little sister and Aunt Jinfeng.

Zhao Yuanle carried the list in his arms, picked up Dong Cui and ran on the road, and the alarm clock started to recall the way to the so-called grandma's house.

Dong Cui, who was being carried by Zhao Yuanle, was in pain and discomfort, and simply passed out.

When she woke up, she saw Zhao Yuanle standing in front of a group of Dong family members.

Dong Cui's mother, an old woman with white hair and hooked nose, confronted Zhao Yuanle with malice in her cloudy eyes.

Zhao Yuanle looked at the people in front of him, and numbered them one by one according to his memory.

"Just you, my uncle who always bullied my mother when I was young?"

Dong Dalang, who was pointed out, felt angry.

"You little dead girl, who are you talking to? Believe it or not..."

Then there was a scream, Dong Dalang was slapped by Zhao Yuanle, and he fell to the ground.

Dong Dalang's mother and Zhao Yuanle's grandmother were about to hit her with a cane at this moment.

"You damn girl, you..."

Zhao Yuanle slapped again.

"Old godmother."

The other Dong family members couldn't stand it anymore, so they wanted to show Zhao Yuanle some color.

"You little Bego..."


"You little bastard..."

Two slaps.


A direct slap.

Before the rest of the people could speak, they saw Zhao Yuanle walking over and slapped themselves.

She slapped her one by one, fast and ruthless, and she fell to the ground all at once.

At this time, the children of the Dong family stood there tremblingly, not daring to speak.

Zhao Yuanle pointed to the boss among them: "You,"

She pointed at the others, all of whom had disgusted the original Zhao Yuanle.

"All of you who have scolded me before, line up and slap me one by one."

Unexpectedly, these words are really useful, and these children really started to line up one by one.

The head of the Dong family who just arrived saw such a scene.

The head of the Dong family, who was still full of energy, scolded Zhao Yuanle angrily.

"You stop me!"

Zhao Yuanle turned his head and stood in front of this man, looking down at him.

"Who are you?"

The head of the Dong family: "I am the head of the Dong family. Aren't you the niece of the Dong Dalang family? What are you doing!"

Zhao Yuanle: "You are blind, I beat someone."

The head of the Dong family: "You! Why are you beating people in our Dong family's village!"

Zhao Yuanle: " about that?"

The head of the Dong family: "If you have the ability, you can find me, the patriarch. I am in charge of this village, and I represent..."

Before he finished speaking, he was also slapped by Zhao Yuanle.

Zhao Yuanle: "Don't think I won't beat you because you're old and ugly."

After finishing speaking, she shrugged and spread her hands: "This is what he asked for, and I can't help it."

Everyone who was slapped down by Zhao Yuanle: "..."

Dong Cui was the first to be beaten, and now his eyes are dull.

What a shame she is, she is the first to meet Zhao Yuanle like this...

However, fortunately, she was beaten early, and now she can make a little noise.

After thinking about it, Dong Cui said in a hoarse voice, "What are you going to do?"

Zhao Yuanle took out the list on his body.

"This is what you snatched from my mother back then, now, give it all back to me!"

Dong Dalang stood up and just refuted a word.



Yuan Le kicked him, and hit him twice with the big stick in his hand.

She looked as usual, but it made the Dong family's scalp tingle.


Dong Dalang shut his mouth and did not say another word.

At this time, other people who dared to come from the village, some strong men also came to Zhao Yuanle with sticks.

One of them said: "Don't be too arrogant, you dare to come to our Dong's village to beat people, you think I, Dong Hu, is a vegetarian, you..."

Before the words were finished, before everyone could react, Dong Hu was beaten countless times by Zhao Yuanle with a stick, and the stick was almost gone.

Dong Hu was stunned and in pain, and was silent for a while.

Zhao Yuanle: "Are you a vegetarian?"

Dong Hu: "..."

Seeing this, the men around exchanged glances and went up together.

Zhao Yuanle knocked these people to the ground with a stick like a carrot.

At this time, in front of the Dong family, although there were people from all over the place, they were extremely quiet.

Zhao Yuanle sat on a stone pier beside him, holding the list and looking at everyone.

"Hurry up and return the things to me!"

Just as Dong Dalang was about to get up and say something, Zhao Yuanle hit him with a stick, causing Dong Dalang to scream.

"You don't return the things, don't you, don't even try to escape today."

As she spoke, she took a stick and started beating them one by one.

Dong Dalang's daughter-in-law couldn't bear it at first, got up and ran into the house, rummaging through the old things.

She is holding earrings and good cloth.

"That's all. I used those cloths. Now I'll pay you for this."

Zhao Yuanle: "Not enough, it's been a few years, give me double the cloth!"

Listening to Zhao Yuanle's unfriendly voice, Dong Dalang's wife entered the room again trembling.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuanle picked up the stick and walked towards the next one. At this moment, the Dong family members hurriedly got up and began to search for things, leaving only Mrs. Dong not moving.

Zhao Yuanle walked over, looked at the stick in his hand, and then at Mrs. Dong.

"With your bones, I can knock it apart with three sticks, that's not okay."

When Mrs. Dong heard this, she was a little surprised.

It seems that Zhao Yuanle still has a little respect for the elderly...

But then, Zhao Yuanle picked up a stick and hit Mrs. Dong.

"Then I'll give you two sticks."

Mrs. Dong let out a scream and covered her legs.

"Ouch, my mother, my leg!"

Zhao Yuanle: "Be patient first, there is still a stick."

Seeing Zhao Yuanle's unhesitating movements, Mrs. Dong crawled in to find something under the fear of physical pain.

Not long after, everything on the list came back, and there were a lot more.

Zhao Yuanle: "Gold, silver, jewelry, cloth, and miscellaneous items will be converted into three years' interest before I make up for it, otherwise..."

The head of the Dong family struggled to stand up.

"You, you are not afraid that we will sue the officials."

Zhao Yuanle shook the list in his hand: "What's wrong, I deserved it, and it's all skin trauma, you go and sue me, I'll see if you win, if you win, I'll pay you the money I sent beggars! "

When the head of the Dong family heard this, his eyes darkened with anger and he passed out.

When Mrs. Dong finally brought up a silver hairpin, the items on the list were considered finished.

Zhao Yuanle glanced at these people, and suddenly smashed his fist on the stone mill, smashing it to pieces.

"I'll give you one more chance! Don't hand in everything again, hum..."


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