Yao'er was walking on the road alone with his things. He was small and his steps were small, but his speed was quite fast.

When he was walking in the middle of the road, a figure suddenly appeared.

Zhao Yuanle's heart skipped a beat, and subconsciously rushed over to stop Yao'er behind him, and looked up at the person blocking the way.

I saw a middle-aged woman with a silver hairpin on her head, brand new clothes, and a rather ruddy complexion standing in front of her.

This person's original target was Yao'er, but now seeing Zhao Yuanle, he patted his chest in fright.

"Oh, I was scared to death, but fortunately I didn't hit it."

Zhao Yuanle looked at this person vigilantly, feeling a little familiar.

The man sized Zhao Yuanle up and showed a not-so-sincere smile.

"Oh, this is Lele. I haven't seen her for a few years. She has grown up so much. She was a little girl before, but now she is a big girl. The longer she grows, the more beautiful she is."

Zhao Yuanle couldn't help frowning, Yao'er hid behind Zhao Yuanle's legs, and looked at the person in front of him vigilantly.

The middle-aged woman bent over, leaned over, and reached out to touch Yao'er.

Yao'er got out of the way all of a sudden.

She was a little embarrassed, and pretended to be emotional.

"Oh, my youngest son has grown up so much. Unfortunately, I have never seen what my mother looks like. Oh, my poor sister."

Hearing this, Yao'er understood.

Although he didn't have a good impression of this woman, but this woman seemed to be a relative of his mother?

When Zhao Yuanle heard this, his face became even more unhappy, and he snorted coldly.

"Who are you? What kind of relatives are you messing with? Who knows you?"

When the woman heard this, displeasure flashed in her eyes, but she endured it and tried her best to smile.

"Oh, I'm your aunt, your mother's sister, you child, you have a bad memory."

When Yao'er heard this, she quickly retorted: "My sister has a good memory. If she says she doesn't know you, she doesn't know you, and I don't know you either. Who are you?"

"Oh, look at your child, you are so young, you can speak very well, I am your aunt, you have never seen me, it is normal that you don't know me."

As the woman spoke, she looked at Zhao Yuanle and Yao'er for a while, and she was very sure of what she had heard.

Sure enough, the Zhao family got rich.

Yao'er didn't have a good impression of this woman, and couldn't help but refute what she said.

"You said you were my aunt, so why haven't you seen me for so many years? If you haven't seen me for so many years, what kind of aunt are you?"

The woman saw that Yao'er was quite fierce, so she looked at Zhao Yuanle.

"Lele, you must know me, auntie. I hugged you when you were young. Do you remember your cousin?

They like you and treat you well. "

At this moment, Zhao Yuanle was frantically searching for the so-called memories of this aunt in his mind.

It doesn't matter if you don't turn it over, you will get angry if you turn it over.

What a shit aunt, what a shit cousin.

This aunt bullied her mother when she was a child, and this cousin loved to bully her back then.

Seeing that Zhao Yuanle's face turned colder, the woman was also very disturbed.

Obviously in her memory, Zhao Yuanle was a child who was easy to bully, why now, he looks so fierce, very difficult to talk to.

Zhao Yuanle opened his mouth coldly, lowered his eyebrows, and gave the aunt a sharp look.

"I haven't visited the door for several years, what are you doing now?"

Seeing that Zhao Yuanle had recognized someone, the woman also breathed a sigh of relief, and laughed: "Oh, isn't my aunt busy these years, and now I have time to visit you, your grandma is not in good health, otherwise, she will come too. "

Zhao Yuanle sized this person up and down, and rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I came to see people empty-handed."

A moment of embarrassment for a woman

Embarrassed, began to cry poor.

"Oh, you don't know, Auntie has had a hard time these years..."

Before he finished speaking, Yao'er interrupted it with a high-pitched voice.

"You still have a silver hairpin on your head. You are fat and you don't do anything at first glance, and you say something bad. You are a liar! You are a big liar!"

The woman stopped in embarrassment, and cast a displeased glance at Yao'er.

Zhao Yuanle: "What I'm talking about is that when my mother died, you stole a lot of things. I still remember it. Why, my mother's money is all spent, and now you want to come and make trouble?"

Hearing this, the man seemed to be prepared, and started to cry as soon as he wiped his nose.

"Oh, what nonsense have you heard? This time, I came here specifically to tell you what your mother said."

Zhao Yuanle chuckled.

"Really, then you should talk about it, what my mother wanted to say at the beginning, just say it here, whatever you want to say."

The woman looked at the Zhao family over there, and said: "I used to say, I want to talk to your family members, why are you talking nonsense with the children, and I haven't brought the children to see it for so many years, it's true."

As she said she was about to leave, Zhao Yuanle directly stood in front of her.

"Just say it here, I'm listening, what are you going in for?"

Woman: "Why, let me go in and drink some water."

Zhao Yuanle: "Isn't that what you said? My family members don't know how to be human. What if I add food to your drinking water at that time, right? What are you doing in there?"

The woman was angry, and just about to say something, a person walked over.

Zhao Yuanle couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw the little sister who appeared here.

This person really is, popping up at this time.

The little sister smiled when she saw Yao'er, but when she saw Zhao Yuanle, her face was not so pretty.

Little sister: "I heard that you cut down our tree?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I'm going to tell you guys, I want to discuss the price."

The little girl snorted.

"What a shame you have, our tree, why do you just cut it down? Do I agree? Do you think that if you have money, you can just move things from other people's house?"

Zhao Yuanle also felt that what she said was right, she hadn't thought about it.

So, she nodded: "Yes, we didn't think about it, but now the tree has been cut down, you can take the tree back and make us pay for it, or sell it to us."

The little girl was taken aback.

She didn't expect Zhao Yuanle to admit it directly.

But she quickly reacted and said, "I don't want you to lose money, but you can also want this tree. You have to give me an apology."

Zhao Yuanle: "Sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have cut down your tree without your permission."

But the little sister said: "It's not this, you apologize to me about the widow, and I won't pursue the matter about this tree."

Zhao Yuanle directly vetoed it.

"One size fits one. I was wrong about this, and you were wrong about that. I won't apologize to you for that."

The little girl's face was ugly, and the woman behind her couldn't help pushing her.

"Speak the truth."

The woman's voice was very low and she covered her mouth, but Zhao Yuanle still heard her.

Zhao Yuanle frowned, looking at the little sister with increasingly impatient eyes.

Well, she said that her ancestral family, which she hadn't contacted for 800 years, suddenly came here. It turned out that someone recruited them.

The little girl wanted to say something at this time, but she saw Zhao Yuanle immediately picked up Yao'er, turned around and went back to the village, with plausible words in her mouth.


Little sister: "Hey, you kid! Your father didn't teach you well, did he?"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yuanle suddenly turned to look at the little sister.

"Your parents didn't teach you well, did they? Are you a bastard on your ancestral grave? Are you such a badass?

It's none of your business, what the hell! "

The little girl paused and looked at the woman, who quickly explained: "It's not me, I didn't say anything."

Zhao Yuanle didn't want to hear any explanation at all, so he went home with Yao'er in his arms.

As soon as she got home, she let He Ju into the house directly.

He Ju: "What are you doing?"

Zhao Yuanle: "My aunt is here, she must have no good intentions, San Niang, you are pregnant now, you should go in first."

When He Ju heard this, she regained her spirits.

It happened that I didn't complain today, so it's not Zhao Sancheng's fault, and now there are still people coming to my door.

Zhao Yuanlan happily inserted the embroidery needle into the ball of thread and jumped up.

"I called Aunt Jinfeng."

Yao'er got down from Zhao Yuanle's arms, and looked at He Ju in puzzlement.

"Sanniang, do I really have an aunt?"

With a dark face, He Ju snorted coldly: "Shameless bastard, dare to come to the door!"

She rolled up her sleeves, walked out with her belly out, and happened to bump into Zhao Yuanle, the aunt and little sister.

When they first met, He Ju spat at this person.

"You old lady Dong, you still dare to come to the door, don't you, tell me! What do you want to do!"

The so-called old lady Dong, who was Zhao Yuanle's aunt, Dong Cui, also rolled up her sleeves and put her hands on her hips.

"My mother still wants to ask you, what nonsense are you talking to the child, and you are still slandering our family, right? You take my sister's son as your own, and if you can't have a son yourself, you rob someone else's son.

Hmph, I know all about it, Lele is very capable now, your Zhao family doesn't find a good marriage for her, and you keep giving her a bad reputation in public, just to squeeze her dry!

What a fucking black heart, stealing someone's son, and treating my sister's daughter as a coolie, your family is black-hearted! "

He Ju was so angry that she cursed loudly.

"You put your mother's bullshit, your man poured the dung bucket into your mouth, didn't he, and beat you upside down, what a shameless family!

How did you make a fuss about my second sister-in-law's funeral? You came here to grab the dowry as soon as she died. You were devastated. For so many years, you never said you saw the child!

Why, now that we know that our family has one, I want to come here. Let me tell you, if my mother can let you take away another needle, my surname will not be He!

Even if I feed it to dogs and livestock, even if I throw it to the roadside begging for stuttering, I won't let your house smell a bit! "

Dong Cui swept over He Ju's stomach in a strange way.

"Hey, let me say, how can you speak so confidently! Feelings are like thinking that you are pregnant with a golden egg.

Pooh!You are a life without a son.

If you still want to have a son, dream about it!You are an unlucky mother-in-law who came here specifically to reject Zhao Sancheng's queen."

As soon as the words fell, Dong Cui was slapped and slapped three times by Zhao Yuanle, her face was burning with pain, and she was stunned.

Zhao Yuanle stood aside and shook his hands.

"What a stinky mouth, it stinks even if I touch it with my hand."

Hearing the sound of arguing, Zhao Yuankang, who had just come out of the latrine, saw this scene.

He stood at the door, a little unclear about the situation.

"What happened here."

He recognized this person, he seemed to be a relative of Erniang's family.

Dong Cui finally couldn't bear it anymore, his eyes were vicious for a moment.

"Little Beige, you look just like your mother. You, who was struck by lightning, dared to hit me!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Yuanle kicked over.

"I dare to kick you."

Dong Cui got up, jumped and cursed: "You little bastard...you..."

There was another slap, and Dong Cui felt severe pain in his mouth, and with a single click, one of his teeth was actually knocked out.

she hurts like hell

, and was so angry to death.

The little girl exclaimed, "How could you..."

Zhao Yuanle glanced over.

The little girl was terrified in her heart, and the rest of the words fell silent.

Zhao Yuanle: "Get lost!"

Before Dong Cui left, he stretched out his hand and wanted to open his mouth, but Zhao Yuanle raised his hand, and ran away in an instant.

The little sister also followed.

At this time, the onlookers in the village gradually gathered, and among them, Jin Feng easily squeezed out relying on her huge tonnage.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Zhao Yuanlan also followed behind: "I'm coming too!"

She wanted to see how much this shameless aunt was arguing.

But when the two squeezed in, they only saw Dong Cui who was swollen into a pig's head and could not speak well.

Jin Feng's face collapsed in an instant.

"What, it's just like a pig's head."

How challenging can this be.

Zhao Yuanlan complained to Jinfeng: "I told you to run faster."

Jin Feng: "I can't run away from me."

Zhao Yuanlan: "Let you eat less!"

Jin Feng: "Oh... I was so happy for nothing."

She thought she could quarrel.

Suddenly, Lao Jiang's voice came from the crowd. He walked over with a straight face and pulled the little girl over.

"go home!"

Then he changed into an apologetic smiling face for a moment and looked at Zhao Yuanle and the others.

"I'm really sorry, I don't know about it, she's confused, I'll take her away.

By the way, I know about the tree you cut down. It's just a tree, just cut it down. "

But the little girl pulled her hand out of Lao Jiang's.

"What are you doing!"

Lao Jiang also turned dark.

"You foolish bitch, you are shameless and I want more. If you make such a fuss, how will I behave in the village in the future? How many jokes do you want others to see!"

He is also helpless to his daughter-in-law.

I don't know why I have to get angry with a child, this is also against that, and the relationship with the Zhao family has become like this.

This time the Zhao family bought a big house in the county, but their family couldn't go there, which made the villagers laugh secretly for countless times.

This bitch is as if her brain is flooded, she insists on going against the Zhao family, he is really mad!

Little sister: "What's the matter with me! Who sees the joke!

I only remember their mothers, those of you who read jokes, who remembers! "

She looked at Zhao Yuanle: "Your mother has only been dead for a few years, and you just want to find a stepmother for your father. It's not good to match anyone, but you have to match the widow, the opera singer.

You wolf-hearted thing, unfilial daughter! "

Widow Yu, who hurried over, froze for a moment when she heard this.

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