village pigwoman

459 Moving Coal Up the Mountain

Zhao Yuanle walked over from the side, picked up the hammer, took the bench, tapped the frame twice, and handed it to Yao'er.

"Take it, it's not easy to do farm work, you are a farmer, you should do it."

Zhao Sancheng: "He is so smart, he will study in the future."

Zhao Yuanle: "What's wrong with reading? You don't do anything when you study? Those who only know how to read are called nerds. We are smart, and we need to develop morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and in an all-round way."

He Ju rubbed his stomach and asked curiously, "What is morality, intelligence, physical fitness, and art?"

Zhao Yuanle: "That is, you have to be smart, read a lot of books, be able to do some arithmetic, solve life problems, have a good body, be able to do labor, and have aesthetics.

Aesthetics, that is, he needs to know what is beautiful, be able to draw something, write something, and have some talent. "

"Oh, my mother." He Ju exclaimed: "Then this one can do everything, it can do everything."

Zhao Yuanle: "You don't need to know everything, just know a little bit."

After hearing this, He Ju sighed with emotion: "It's difficult, only our youngest son is smart and sensible."

At this moment, Wu Lin came out of the room suddenly, with a little seriousness on his plain face.

"I can teach him beauty."

There is no one who knows beauty better than him.

Zhao Yuanle: "... Go read your book, the generator won't be able to generate electricity within three days, see if I can buy you a fan freezer."

When Zhao Yuanlan heard the freezer, she immediately moved to Zhao Yuanle's side.

"Freezer? With that thing, can we make iced milk tea at home, and what kind of sorbet, sorbet or something?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Yes, yes, you know how to eat, so hurry up and help me, let's see Xiu'er!"

Zhao Yuanlan happily jumped over to Xiu'er and started to work.

Liu Xiaohong came out with a rice spoon and ordered people to eat.

"Don't be busy, let's eat quickly, it's been a long time, I should be hungry."

Zhao Yuankang finished the last one, called Shang Xiu'er and his younger sister, and went up the steps to eat together.

Zhao Yuanle arranged the dishes and chopsticks, and urged several people to wash their hands.

Xiu'er stood at the door, thought for a while, but still refused to come in.

"I'd better go home."

Zhao Yuanle swished over, pulled Xiu'er in, and got her to sit in front of the table.

"The rice has been scooped up for you, what did you say to go back? Don't worry, I have greeted your mother, she knows."

At this time, Zhao Yuanlan nodded in agreement while reaching out to touch the surrounding air.

"Xiaolan, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Sancheng looked at his daughter suspiciously.

Zhao Yuanlan stood for a while, and after her eyes got used to it, she said, "I walked in from the sun dam, and I felt as if my eyes were blind, and it was dark inside."

Zhao Yuanle: "I'm not like this."

Her eyes are powerful now.

Zhao Yuankang: "I have this, how normal is this, come and eat quickly."

Zhao Yuanlan walked over, drooling looking at the food on the table.

"It's delicious."

Stir-fried pork belly with small peppers, egg custard topped with minced meat in soy sauce and green onion, leftover shredded kelp with fat glutinous hoof, and a large plate of fried green vegetables.

Next to it is a small plate of bright red moldy tofu, and at the end is a bowl of stir-fried chicken offal with sour radish.

Picking up the full white rice in front of her, Zhao Yunlan started the cooking mode again.

Sitting there, Zhao Yuanle looked at the delicious food his family was eating, feeling inexplicably fulfilled in his heart.

She felt... Making money is all about spending, making a family live a good life like this, making a group of people happy, is much better than guarding a pile of gold by yourself.

Xiu'er sat between Zhao Yuanlan and Zhao Yuanle, stretching out her chopsticks and only daring to pick up stir-fried vegetables.

Although it's just stir fry

She thinks the dishes are very fragrant and delicious, not only oily, but also the aroma of soy sauce, dried chili and minced garlic, which taste very fragrant.

Zhao Yuanle noticed this, picked up meat and vegetables, and scooped egg custard into Xiu'er's bowl.

Xiu'er: "No need, give it to my brother."

Zhao Yuanle: "What are you afraid of? It's not like you don't have nothing."

Zhao Yuanlan raised her head from the bowl and nodded accordingly.

"Xiu'er, you have a lot of sisters, so take advantage of this opportunity to eat more at our house. When we get back, we won't even be able to eat rice, let alone meat."

Hearing this, Xiu'er quietly lowered her head and ate silently.

Both Zhao Yuanle and He Ju gave Zhao Yuanlan a hard look.

Zhao Yuanle: "Eat yours, don't talk if you can't talk."

Zhao Yuanlan: "I'm telling the truth..."

Zhao Yuanle: "Eat your meal!"

Xiu'er whispered: "It's okay, Xiaolan is telling the truth."

Zhao Yuanle didn't say a word, and gave Xiu'er more meat to eat.

After lunch, Xiu'er rushed to wash the dishes again, but was coaxed out by Liu Xiaohong pretending to be angry.

In the main room, Zhao Sancheng and Zhao Yuankang were making pencil sharpeners together, while Yao'er was reading a book.

Zhao Yuanlan took out the Toba shuttlecock and pulled Xiu'er over.

"Come on, let's play shuttlecock. The sun is shining now. You can go back after a break, otherwise you will be busy again."

She knew that Xiu'er couldn't finish her work every day.

Xiu'er looked at the scene in front of her, and saw He Ju sitting there, drinking tea comfortably to raise her baby, and couldn't help but think of the scene when her mother was still digging in the field when she was about to give birth.

She was inexplicably sad and envious.

Why is she the oldest and the older sister?

If she was the youngest and a boy, she would have lived a lot more comfortably.

Seeing Xiu'er in a daze, Zhao Yuanlan pulled her.

"What are you doing?"

Xiu'er came to her senses, grabbed her straw hat and walked out.

"I'm going back, the chickens and ducks at home haven't been fed yet, and the pigs, the little piglets are eating too much."

Zhao Yuanlan: "Ah..."

He Ju: "Ah, what, you think Xiu'er is as lazy as you."

At this time, Zhao Yuanle came out of the house with a pole and a bag.

Yao'er raised her head upon hearing the sound: "Sister, where are you going?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I'll go to the mountain to pick up some coal and come back."

He Ju: "Our family doesn't need to burn firewood anymore, so what are we doing with coal? To burn that latrine basin made of yellow mud?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Alright, it's also for the generator."

He Ju: "The sun is so bright, it's already noon, and it will be dark when you come back, so go tomorrow?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Tomorrow I have other things to be busy with, so let's go get it done today."

She didn't know how long she would have to wait for Wu Lin to get the electric poles.

He Ju: "But the sun is too big."

Zhao Yuanle: "I'm not afraid."

After finishing speaking, she went out with her things, and Xiu'er followed and walked out together.

The two walked under the grapefruit tree, and saw Erlang Shen lying in the shade and sleeping with his tongue out.

Xiu'er: "It seems to be a lot hotter this year."

Zhao Yuanle: "Really?"

She was not impressed.

Xiu'er: "Fortunately, we got water at the beginning of this year. Everyone didn't have much water in the end. Fortunately, it rained. Otherwise, Guzi would have been miserable this year."

Zhao Yuanle: "It's difficult to watch the sky and eat."

Even in modern times, people still depend on the weather most of the time, and their ability to resist disasters is still insufficient.

The two were talking, and when they reached the entrance of the village, they were about to separate.

Just when the two were about to separate, Zhao Yuanle suddenly stopped and looked at Xiu'er: "Xiu'er, if your mother has

What's the matter, you can tell my Sanniang directly. "

When Xiu'er heard this, she blushed suddenly and stuttered for a while.

When Zhao Yuanle saw this reaction, most of the guesses in his heart were correct.

She thinks that this kind of thing still depends on the two parties involved.

And... She thinks that Xiu'er is quite young, and it's not appropriate to talk about marriage.

Soon, Zhao Yuanle walked out of the village and stopped thinking about it.

And because of the big sun, there were no gossiping people at the entrance of the village. Zhao Yuanle walked through the entrance of the village this time, feeling much more comfortable.

When she reached the main road, she looked over and saw no one on the road.

The trees on the side of the road were listless, their branches and leaves were all wilted, and a layer of heat waves could be seen half a foot above the roots of the trees and the ground.

Zhao Yuanle was a little surprised.

She always thought that it was very hot in modern times and cool in ancient times. Who knew that it was not cool in ancient times, and it was quite hot when it was hot.

Relying on his pigskin, Zhao Yuanle started to run wildly on the deserted road.

Without worrying about anyone seeing it, she used all her strength this time, so quickly she could only hear the wind in her ears, and even looked at the leaves next to her with afterimages.

Going up a lot faster than before, Zhao Yuanle braked when approaching the uphill road, and then walked into the mountain road.

Without a watch, she has no way of estimating her own speed at this time.

Considering that the running speed of the wild boar is forty kilometers per hour, she should not be lower than this.

Walking happily in the mountains, Zhao Yuanle sped up his speed again, nimbly jumping forward on a good road in the mountains and forests.

From time to time, there were a few birdsong in the quiet mountain forest. Zhao Yuanle felt that he was very free in the green forest alone, and he was very happy to run.

After reaching the checkpoint of the coal mine, she finally returned to her normal appearance and walked in front of the checkpoint guard.

Since Zhao Yuanle had stayed here for a long time before, this person also knew Zhao Yuanle, so he let him in without asking any further questions.

"My lord happens to be here today."

Zhao Yuanle: "I'm not looking for your adults."

The man: "Then what are you doing?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I buy coal."

The man couldn't help laughing.

"I'm afraid that won't work."

Hearing this, Zhao Yuanle was puzzled.

"Why, I heard that coal is already being produced now?"

The man shook his head.

"Our coal must be shipped out first, and it must be given to other places first."

Zhao Yuanle: "Huh?"

The man smiled and said again: "You can ask the adults yourself, maybe the adults will make a special case for you.

It’s really not that I’m telling you a lie, even if we work here, we can’t buy the coal we get out, we can only take the unqualified waste coal slag back, and then burn the mud into briquettes ourselves. "

Zhao Yuanle nodded: "Okay, I understand."

She is going to find the adult now.

Chifu was looking at the ledger when he heard Zhao Yuanle asking outside.

Putting down the ledger, he walked out directly.

Seeing the bare belly, Zhao Yuanle cut straight to the point: "I want to buy coal."

The red belly is no surprise.

To have a generator requires coal.

He nodded to the person next to him.

"Take her there, you can sell her as much as she wants."

Zhao Yuanle rolled his eyes, showed a big smile, and asked, "Can it be cheaper?"

Red belly: "One yuan per load, cost price."

Zhao Yuanle: "A [-]% discount?"

Red belly: "No."

His master ordered him not to give a discount.

Zhao Yuanle: "I may want a lot, will I get a discount if I buy more?"

The red belly couldn't help but hum softly.

"It's only a small change for you, the money owed to the Xi family for the construction of the railway, I don't know how many tens of thousands of catties of high-quality coal have to be sent to pay it off.

You can get [-] catties of coal a month with one load or two loads per day?

Now dozens of truckloads of coal are sent out here every day, and there will only be more in the future. What do you count as a fraction? "

Hearing these words, Zhao Yuanle couldn't help pursing his lips.

"It's difficult, you talk too much, you still stab me, okay, then I will buy five loads first."

Chibu listened and stared at Zhao Yuanle.

"It's such a hot day, it's still a mountain road, five hundred catties, can you walk back?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I know it well."

As she spoke, she looked at the person next to her and said, "Lead me to get coal."

The man was astonished, but he could only be cautious.

"Come here."

Zhao Yuanle followed, and when he saw the people working, he not only asked a question: "It takes so much effort to transport so much coal down the mountain."

The man pointed to the other side.

"Do you see that big wooden frame? It's framed on a big rock. It's connected to the cableway to go down from the mountain stream to the bottom of the river. The coal will be transported down."

Zhao Yuanle let out a hey.

"Then my coal can also go on the ropeway."

The man smiled: "It can't work now, we all leave in batches, this is a troublesome thing, and it won't work out for a while, why don't you come next time?"

Zhao Yuanle replied with an excited face.

After getting [-] catties of coal, Zhao Yuanle leaned on his back, looking bigger than himself, like a matchstick pushing a plum.

When she went down the mountain, she stood naked at the intersection and glanced down.

Seeing how he was walking like flying, his worries were really unnecessary.

It seems that his master's vision is not generally accurate.

After handling the coal, Zhao Yuanle returned home before dark.

After returning home, she happened to bump into Zhao Sancheng who was leading the cow home.

The pregnant buffalo has a big belly. When it saw Zhao Yuanle and made way for Zhao Yuanle, its steps were a little wobbly.

Zhao Yuanle was afraid that the bull would accidentally step on the ground and fall.

She: "Third Uncle, how long will this cow live?"

Zhao Sancheng: "There is still one or two more months. It was very good at that time, neither cold nor hot."

Zhao Yuanle: "Give it to Grandpa Wang after birth, right?"

Zhao Sancheng nodded.

"Yes, he is old and the dog is still young. If there is no cattle, he will not be able to plow the fields and pull things in the future."

Zhao Yuanle: "By the way, Grandpa Wang is with you over there. Isn't there a family over there that is not a relative? Are you still not moving around?"

Zhao Sancheng looked blank: "What, I don't know."

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

Forget it, she can count on Zhao Sancheng to know the gossip.

The two talked about other topics and returned home together.

He Ju was urging Zhao Yuanlan to embroider things at the door, while Yao'er was carrying a bunch of small fish from nowhere.

Zhao Yuanle put down the coal first, and asked about the string of small fish in Yao'er's hand.

"What is this for? For food?"

Yao'er shook his head: "No, this is for cats."


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