village pigwoman

458 Breaking Corn

Wu Lin: "..."

He didn't want to move anything, and wanted Zhao Yuanle to come.

Can this be said.

But considering the flesh on his body, he still silently shut up.

Zhao Yuanle snorted, clapped his hands, went out and saw Zhao Yuankang who was still besieged by his aunts.

Zhao Yuankang thought he saw a savior, but he didn't expect that Zhao Yuanle just took the food and left.

Zhao Yuankang: "Lele, are you leaving?"

Zhao Yuanle reacted.

"Oh, by the way, aunts, quickly find me a sister-in-law. My brother is already this old, so the fat will not flow into the fields of outsiders. Work harder, you guys."

When the aunts heard this, they burst into laughter.

Among them, Xiuerniang was the loudest: "Okay, Lele, that's what you said."

If there is really no one, then she will start.

Zhao Yuanle: "Really, you all should introduce them. If anyone is found, the matchmaker will charge at least three silver dollars."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yuanle was squeezed away, and Zhao Yuankang was even more surrounded.

Zhao Yuanle snickered, took something and ran away, bumping into Jiang Xiaomei head-on.

She greeted with a smile: "Hey, little sister, have you eaten yet?"

Seeing Zhao Yuanle, Jiang Xiaomei showed her white teeth and smiled, but the next second she was hit by her own mother.

The little girl didn't even look at Zhao Yuanle, she just dragged Jiang Xiaomei away with a bad tone.

"Go home, what's so funny, let's go!"

Jiang Xiaomei didn't dare to resist her own mother, so she could only lower her head and go home with her own mother.

Zhao Yuanle glanced over there a few times, and laughed twice.

As for...

Why is this woman so vengeful?

Still hold grudges.

No matter... She doesn't bother to pay attention to such people.

With her things, she went to the pig farm first, and gave the most soft and sticky braised pork and wine and rice dipped in sugar to the old couple of Wu's family.

When she entered the pig farm, she saw Widow Yu who was collecting pig hairs.

Zhao Yuanle hurriedly said hello: "Auntie, I brought back a lot of dishes, you can take these stir-fried chicken with sour radish and shredded seaweed."

Widow Yu stood up from the pigsty and said with a smile, "Okay, it happens that there is no food tonight."

She came over and showed Zhao Yuanle the pig hair she made.

"There are more and more of them. The hairs of these pigs are growing fast, and the pigs are not bald."

Zhao Yuanle smiled.

"There are no bald pigs, only bald people."

Widow Yu corrected: "There are only bald men, I don't see women bald."

Zhao Yuanle laughed loudly: "That's right, it seems to be inherited from the ancestors, if the father is bald, the son should be bald too, fortunately our family doesn't have this.

When I show my brother his daughter-in-law in the future, I have to inquire carefully to see if there is any bald in this girl's family. "

Widow Yu couldn't help laughing, she poured the pig hair into a place, and took the dish from Zhao Yuanle's hand.

"I will return the bowl to you tomorrow."

Zhao Yuanle: "Okay."

As she spoke, she looked up at the pig farm.

Widow Yu followed suit and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I'm thinking, if it's too hot in summer, should we install an electric fan for these pigs, that is, a big ceiling fan, so that they won't get sick from the heat."

The widow felt strange.

"Where is there an electric fan for pigs? Besides, we don't have electricity here."

Zhao Yuanle: "I got the generator back, and it will be able to generate electricity in a few days. At that time, I will buy a big freezer, which can freeze things and make ice out."

There was surprise in the widow's eyes.


? ”

Zhao Yuanle: "Really, you just wait and see, but I have to go to the mountains to pick coal first, and coal can generate electricity."

Widow Yu didn't understand these things, so she said oh, and looked at Zhao Yuanle with admiration: "You are really amazing."

Zhao Yuanle chuckled and accepted the compliment for now.

After getting in touch with a group of pigs and taking a closer look at the little pig, Zhao Yuanle went to Jinfeng's house with the last hoof.

Before reaching Jinfeng's gate, she heard the rattling sound of a knife being sharpened.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that Jin Fengtian was still sharpening his knife when it was almost dark.

Zhao Yuanle: "Why are you sharpening this big knife?"

Seeing that it was Zhao Yuanle who had arrived, Jin Feng smiled and handed her a bench, and showed off his knife by the way.

Under the night, the knife reflected cold light, and it was sharp at first glance.

Jin Feng: "See, this is a good knife left by my father. I will go to my mother's house to get it back."

Zhao Yuanle: "Such a good knife, are your brothers willing to give it?"

Jin Feng: "If you don't dare to give it, whoever doesn't give it to me will make trouble."

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

Well, it's a good way to solve the problem.

Holding the knife, Jinfeng has already started to imagine the situation when she was selling pork.

"When the time comes, I will rent a shop, and my voice will be loud. The business will definitely be good, and I may become famous in the future. Pork Xi Shi, hehe."

Zhao Yuanle couldn't bear to hurt Jinfeng's imagination, so he laughed apologetically and gave her the big hoof.

"No, your big hoof, this is the worst boiled one for you."

Jinfeng took it, said thank you, and took the money out of his pocket.

"I should have sent favor money to your family, but you left too fast in the morning, and I missed it."

Zhao Yuanle: "No, no one else wants it either. I mainly treat you to a meal and have a good time."

Jinfeng still gave the money to Zhao Yuanle.

"Then you take it, save your money well, and do big things in the future."

Zhao Yuanle: "Hey."

She didn't expect Jinfeng to have such awareness. ..

After accepting the money, Zhao Yuanle and Jin Feng said goodbye after a few words.

At this moment, Zhao Liniang, who was in the room, came out.

Zhao Liniang is very haggard now, her hair is also gray, she looks straight at Zhao Yuanle, and there seems to be a malicious smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Do you remember your mother?"

Zhao Yuanle was taken aback, and looked at Zhao Liniang.

She felt that Zhao Liniang probably didn't know about time travel.

At this time, Jin Feng had already yelled at Zhao Liniang fiercely, and then turned to look at Zhao Yuanle: "Don't pay attention to her, she is pretending to be crazy all day long, I want to see how she can do, you go back quickly."

Zhao Yuanle went back alone, walking on the soft dirt road, he couldn't help but think of the original mother.

I still have no impression, and I can't remember the face clearly.

With a sigh, she gave up.

Looking at the eared rice in the field, Zhao Yuanle gently stroked it with his hands.

"I hope there will be a good harvest this year."

Tonight, Zhao Yuanle slept soundly.

Early the next morning, when Zhao Yuanle woke up to take a shower, he saw Wu Lin who was busy working.

She couldn't help but praise it.

"Well, you have to work hard. Success is 90.00% talent and [-]% sweat."

Zhao Yuankang yawned and came out of another room. He hadn't woken up yet. The mosquitoes were so right last night that he was bitten badly without a mosquito net.

Looking at Zhao Yuankang's blushing face, Zhao Yuanle couldn't help laughing.

"You, if you don't know, you think you're sick."

Zhao Yuankang touched his face, and looked at it through the mirror at the washbasin.

After squatting, he said helplessly: "This mosquito is so poisonous. I remember that mosquitoes were not so poisonous before."

Zhao Yuanle: "Flower mosquitoes are the most poisonous."

Zhao Yuankang: "There were no flower mosquitoes at all before, but only in the past few years, maybe they were brought by those Western devils."

Zhao Yuanle didn't refute. She remembered that some mosquitoes seemed to be invaded from outside, so she nodded and went in to make breakfast.

After breakfast, before the sun rose, Liu Xiaohong came.

Liu Xiaohong: "Hey, your third mother and the others haven't come back yet?"

Zhao Yuanle: "My brother and I came back first."

Liu Xiaohong glanced at Zhao Yuankang, smiled and praised: "What a decent young man."

Zhao Yuankang smiled triumphantly, and pushed Zhao Yuanle.

Zhao Yuanle rolled his eyes, picked up the back sash, the rope, and the paddle, and dragged Zhao Yuankang out together.

Zhao Yuanle: "Cook more rice at noon today, my brother and I are going to break the corn."

Liu Xiaohong: "Okay."

Zhao Yuankang was dragged by Zhao Yuanle to walk on the ridge of the field. He looked at the rice fields one after another with open arms.

"What a beautiful view."

Zhao Yuanle chuckled.

"After a while you will know what a good scenery is."

Leading people to the large corn field, Zhao Yuanle rolled up his sleeves and started to do it.

Zhao Yuankang also followed suit, much slower than Zhao Yuanle.

He didn't understand a little.

"Why are you getting faster and faster."

Zhao Yuanle: "Is there?"

Zhao Yuankang: "It was normal when I planted rice seedlings before, but now I can't see the movements so fast."

Zhao Yuanle perfunctorily dropped the sentence "Practice makes perfect", and even accelerated the speed.

Zhao Yuanle picked off the overcooked corn one by one, and weighed it in his hands.

Zhao Yuanle: "It's so light."

Much smaller than what she's seen in modern times, and a lot of them appear to be floral, not just yellow.

Zhao Yuankang didn't think so.

"These corns are very good this year. They are quite big. How big do you need to be?"

Zhao Yuanle gestured, and took out a corn: "Look at this, it's not much longer than my slap, I thought it could grow a foot long."

Zhao Yuankang cut his voice.

"You are dreaming, it is still one foot long, where is it one foot long? Don't you know how old it was in previous years?"

Zhao Yuanle didn't say a word, quietly pawing the corn.

Zhao Yuankang was also chopping corn, but Zhao Yuanle overtook him too much, so he simply cut the poles with a sickle behind him.

Zhao Yuanle: "These poles can be broken and fed to cows, or used as fertilizer."

Zhao Yuankang: "These used to be good things for burning fires, but now we can't use them at home, so let's feed them to pigs."

Zhao Yuanle directly refused.

"I don't want it, I want to feed it with corn."

Zhao Yuankang was not in a good mood: "Look at this pig baby, hum, then take it to the nest."

One of the two broke quickly, and the other cut the pole in a leisurely manner.

After Zhao Yuanle finished breaking the corn, he began to carry it back on his back.

After going back, she poured the corn on the ground, got into the house and found a cloth bag the size of a mosquito net.

Liu Xiaohong held the chicken feeding bucket and asked curiously, "What is this for?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I use this back, more at a time."

Holding this large piece of cloth, Zhao Yuanle finished memorizing the corn after a few sloppy passes.

After pouring the last bag of corn on the dam, Zhao Yuanle nodded in satisfaction.

After Liu Xiaohong finished feeding the chickens and ducks, she came over to help spread the corn to dry.

"I'll help you bask in the sun, you go and call your brother back, such a big one

Sun, come back and rest. "

Zhao Yuanle: "Don't be afraid, there are still things to do."

With that said, she got into the house, took a sickle for herself, and was about to go out again.

At this time, a person came over.

Xiu'er was holding a sickle and wearing a straw hat. She stood at the door and called Lele.

Zhao Yuanle was very surprised.

"How did you come?"

Xiu'er's eyes flickered, and she smiled again: "My mother called me to help you get the corn."

Zhao Yuanle looked at Baomi in this field: "I've done it all, now I'm going to cut the poles, there's no need."

Xiu'er: "Then let me cut the pole for you."

Zhao Yuanle: "But you are busy with so many things at home, can you help me?"

Xiu'er smiled and nodded: "My family's affairs are almost done before, now I'll help you, let's go."

Seeing what Xiu'er said, Zhao Yuanle did not refuse, and talked and laughed with Xiu'er.

On the way, Zhao Yuanle glanced at the big sun, and his eyes fell on the straw hat on Xiu'er's head.

"This straw hat is very new."

Xiu'er: "This is a new straw hat, my mother specially gave it to me, afraid I'll get sunburned from work?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I'm not afraid of getting tanned."

Xiu'er envied: "Yes, that's great."

The two were talking and came to the place where Zhao Yuankang was working.

Zhao Yuankang saw Xiu'er coming, and greeted with a smile.

"Xiu'er, don't do it, let Lele do it, she is not afraid of getting tanned or tired."

Zhao Yuanle: "Hmph, I'm not afraid of beating you. Hurry up and try to finish everything this morning."

After finishing speaking, she took the sickle and did it.

Soon, the poles in this piece of land will be cut off.

Holding the sickle, Xiu'er said in surprise, "It's really amazing."

She felt that it was too easy to do things with Zhao Yuanle. She didn't do much, and it was over.

Zhao Yuanle pinned the sickle to his waist, picked up the rope and began to tie the poles. After a long load, he went home.

Only Zhao Yuankang and Xiu'er are left here.

Xiu'er was a little embarrassed, but Zhao Yuankang didn't think there was anything wrong. He asked Xiu'er to rest and drink some water, while he started to tie the poles aside.

Where Xiuer had the nerve to rest, she tied the poles with Zhao Yuankang.

Zhao Yuanle came back, got the tied poles and left.

So, Zhao Yuankang and Xiu'er tied the pole for a long time together.

While pinching the meal time, Zhao Yuanle went home with the corn stalks for the last time, and called the two of them.

"No more, come back and have dinner together, Xiu'er don't go back, just eat together at my house."

Zhao Yuankang packed up his things and turned around to call the hesitant Xiu'er.

"Go, let's go home and eat."

The two, one in front and one behind, walked behind Zhao Yuanle's back carrying a lot of poles, and went home together under the scorching sun.

By this time, the family members had already returned.

Looking at these mature corns, Zhao Sancheng has already started to carefully choose the bench feet for yard corns.

Taking a hammer, he nailed a piece of corn-yard wood into it.

"There are two fewer nails this year, and fewer people."

Yao'er squatted aside, and said in a milky voice, "Third Uncle, I want a small one too."

Zhao Sancheng smiled: "No, your hand is for writing, it will wear out."

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