village pigwoman

460 Circumstances

Zhao Yuanle: "Cat?"

Yao'er: "Yes, Sanniang said that the cat at home is pregnant with a cub."

Zhao Yuanle was stunned, she almost forgot that she had a cat at home

The cat is out of sight all day, and she sometimes doesn't see it once a month.

He Ju: "This cat likes to run outside, but the mice in the house are still very clean."

Zhao Yuanle: "Maybe it's because there are no mice in the house, so it keeps running outside."

Probably because her daily routine and activity area are perfectly separated from this cat, so she seldom see each other for so long.

Yao'er picked up the fish and walked into the house, and put it on a small plate in He Ju's room.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuanle couldn't help looking at He Ju: "San Niang, is this cat sleeping in your room?"

He Ju: "Yes."

Zhao Yuanle: "Then where does it shit and pee?"

He Ju: "Outside, this cat likes to be clean."

Zhao Yuanle: "Oh, then you'd better pay attention, don't touch any cat feces and cat urine."

He Ju nodded, and couldn't help talking about how powerful this cat is.

"When I was so young, I was able to catch such a big mouse. Now it's even better. At one point, there were eight mouse tails next to the rice bowl, a total of eight."

Zhao Yuanle nodded in agreement.

At this time, Zhao Yuanlan suddenly came over.

"Mother, which cat is this cat looking for? What kind of kitten will it have?"

He Ju shook his head.

"Then I don't know."

The appearance of the black cat with different pupils suddenly flashed in Zhao Yuanle's mind.

She thought it would be great if her cat could have a different pupil.

However, cats with different pupils are all chimeras, which only occur when encountering accidents, and are not stable genetic genes.

So, it depends on luck.

Zhao Yuanle smiled, looked forward to the color of his cat, and then picked the coal into the room where the sundries were placed.

Wu Lin followed up with tools in his hands, and came to ask her to give her a little more time.

"One more day."

Zhao Yuanle: "All right."

Just as Wu Lin turned to go back, Zhao Yuanle suddenly stopped him.

"Did you see the part about coal?"

Wu Lin: "What do you want?"

Zhao Yuanle picked up a piece of black coal casually, squeezed it with his hands, and asked it before his nose.

"A lot of coal, not only charcoal in it, some harmful things will float out after burning.

I wonder if there is anything about this in these books, and then I will look at the quality of these coals, and then when repairing the power station, I will get a suitable device to avoid polluting the environment after generating electricity. "

Wu Lin: "I'll go and have a look."

Zhao Yuanle: "Okay, if you get this done, I'll buy you a big freezer."

Wu Lin didn't say anything, just took a look at the tool, and said abruptly: "The generator doesn't ask for money."

Zhao Yuanle: "...It still cost money."

Wu Lin: "Buy me the biggest freezer."

Zhao Yuanle: "...All right."

A big freezer is just a big freezer. How big can a freezer be today? It’s just that big, almost the same style.

After finishing the rest of the work, Zhao Yuanle soaked comfortably in the big bathtub for a long time before going to bed.

For the remaining few days, Zhao Yuanle wandered around the pig farm every day, picking pig hairs everywhere, getting in touch with his own pigs, and sometimes gathering the children in the village together, telling stories and teaching them.

Of course, in addition to telling stories, they are also threshing corn.

Now there is no machine, so it can only be done by hand, plus small tools nailed to the stool legs.

He Ju held a straight iron awl in a small shaukei, cut a path on the corn, and then threw it to others to break it.

Yao'er took her own small bench and liked to sit next to Zhao Yuanle and thresh the corn.

Because Zhao Yuanle's movements were fast, many corn grains would soon accumulate under her feet and legs.

Yao'er likes to be together, let a pile of corn grains cover him up, like a hill.

The children in the village are also carrying their own corn in a dustpan on the side of the pig farm, listening to stories while working.

Yao'er listened to it for a few days and basically memorized everything Zhao Yuanle said.

In the afternoon, after Zhao Yuanle put away the corn grains spread out to dry, he went home with the legs of the stool and carried a baby on his back.

Yao'er yawned on Zhao Yuanle's back, and his hair was covered with fine crumbs of corn cores.

"elder sister."

Zhao Yuanle: "Huh?"

Yao'er: "I can tell all these stories."

Zhao Yuanle: "Haha, you are smart."

Yaoer: "I think I can teach them."

Zhao Yuanle hummed, and half-jokingly said: "That's good, you come and teach them."

Yao'er regained his energy all of a sudden, reached out and patted his chest.

"Okay, I'll teach tomorrow. I know sister, you have to teach five characters for a story, and you can teach ten more, and I can do it too."

Zhao Yuanle smiled meaningfully.

"Well, my sister believes in you."

The two returned home and put down their things one by one.

He Ju urged: "Yaoer, go take a bath quickly, the water is ready."

After saying that, she took the clean clothes and went to bathe Yao'er.

Yao'er is serious.


He Ju: "Don't want what?"

Yao'er took the clothes, got into the bathing place by himself, stuck his head between the cracks in the door, and said seriously: "I want to take a bath by myself, I don't want others to bathe me."

He Ju couldn't help laughing.

"What are you doing? I have washed you since childhood."

Yao'er frowned tightly and shook his head fiercely.

"No, I'm going to take a bath by myself. I'll take a bath by myself in the future. I'm a boy."

He Ju: "I'm still your third mother, you're just a brat."

Yao'er closed the door directly, and even brought a small bench to fix the door bolt.

He Ju leaned over worriedly.

"What are you doing, you're so small, if you fall, let Sanniang come in, or let my sister wash it for you."

Yao'er's crisp voice came from inside.

"I don't want it, I want to wash it myself."

Zhao Yuanle couldn't help laughing beside him.

He Ju glared at Zhao Yuanle.

"Why are you laughing? He's so small and your tub is so big. How can he wash it?"

At this time, Yao'er's voice came from inside.

"I don't use a big bathtub. I'm afraid I won't be able to get in even if I crawl. How can I wash it?"

Zhao Yuanle: "That's right, how can our youngest son be so stupid and smart, he washes it in a small basin."

He Ju glared at Zhao Yuanle angrily: "Okay, really, my brother is not worried at all."

Zhao Yuanle shrugged.


She yelled twice at Yao'er inside.

"Remember, wash in a small basin, just fill it with half of the water."

Yao'er's voice came from inside along with the sound of water.

"I know, sister."

He Ju also worriedly told her, but Yao'er told Sanniang to leave quickly.

He Ju turned around and couldn't help sighing.

"I took a shit

It's the size of a diaper, let's talk about it now. "

Zhao Yuanle: "The child is grown up."

He Ju: "How old is this? You can't talk about men and women until you are seven years old."

Zhao Yuanle pulled He Ju away.

"Okay, okay, rest here."

While Zhao Yuanle was indifferent to reading, and He Ju looked over worriedly from time to time, Yao'er took a bath, put on his clothes, opened the door and walked out.

The white and tender arms and legs creaked on the small wooden clogs.

Holding his dirty clothes in his hand, he looked back at the bathing place.

"I can't lift that basin."

Zhao Yuanle went over and poured the water from the bath into a bucket beside him.

"All right."

Seeing that Yao'er was intact, He Ju breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and praised Yao'er for his ability with a smile.

Zhao Yuanle clicked his tongue.

That is Yaoer, who can stabilize He Ju, who is extremely unstable during pregnancy, and she only likes to praise Yaoer when she is stable.

This is what is special about true love.

At this time, Zhao Yuanle suddenly thought of Zhao Yuanlan.

"Where's Xiaolan? Why isn't she at home?"

He Ju snorted coldly.

"She, after learning the simplest stitches, ran around to show off, I really don't know which one she followed.

How can there be such a show-off in our family? "

When Zhao Yuanle heard this, he touched his nose guiltily.

"Yeah, I don't know that either."

Zhao Sancheng who was outside the door smiled honestly when he heard this.

"Maybe she followed someone from your natal family. There is really no one in our family like her."

He Ju rolled her eyes.

"There is no such person in my natal family."

Zhao Sancheng couldn't help but refute.

"Your cousin, that one can show off, and the pumpkin grows bigger. You have to compare it, as if no one has ever seen a big pumpkin."

He Ju was dissatisfied.

"Originally, that pumpkin is very big. We are all farmers, isn't it better than this? Can this be called showing off?

Didn't you have bigger horns than other cows before? "

Zhao Sancheng: "That's not it, that's different."

He Ju: "Why is it different?"

When the two were arguing, Zhao Yuankang suddenly jumped over.

The attention of several people was quickly attracted by Zhao Yuankang.

He Ju: "Kangkang, what are you doing?"

Zhao Yuankang held his closed hands in front of Zhao Yuanle.

"Come on, I'll give you something nice."

Zhao Yuanle was puzzled, but still opened his hand.

Zhao Yuankang gently opened his hand, and a firefly flew out.

He hurriedly urged Zhao Yuanle to close his hands.

Zhao Yuanle caught the firefly with surprise on his face.


He Ju: "Isn't this a bright animal? It's still there at this time. Where did you catch it?"

Zhao Yuankang: "I caught them in the grass over there, and they flew out by themselves. You can catch them every time."

Yao'er's short legs couldn't help jumping.

"I want it too, brother, I want it too."

Zhao Yuankang slipped his hand a little more, and put another firefly into Yao'er's little hand.

Yao'er aimed his eyes at the gap in his little hand, looked inside curiously, and opened his mouth wow.

"It's so bright."

At this time, Zhao Yuanlan ran back from the outside with a needle and thread.

"Oh, there are so many bright animals. I want gauze, and I'm going to catch them."

Zhao Yuankang: "Me too."

The two went out again.

He Ju sat aside and smiled lightly.

"Really, just like a child."

Zhao Yuanle: "It was just a child."

He Ju: "What kind of child? A child is only called a child at a certain age. After reaching ten years old, he is a young adult. When I was this old, I took care of a lot of things at home."

Zhao Yuanle: "Oh, let's not talk about this."

She gave the firefly to Yao'er, turned around and went in to take a bath.

At night, when Zhao Yuanlan and Zhao Yuankang came back, they looked strange.

Zhao Yuanle asked casually.

"How much are you holding?"

Zhao Yuanlan looked at Zhao Yuankang and shook her head.

"I didn't hold much, almost stepped in the mud."

He Ju: "The shoes haven't been ruined, have they?"

Zhao Yuanlan: "Oh, no, I'm going to take a shower."

Zhao Yuankang also found an excuse and went back to the house.

Zhao Yuanle stood on the spot, looking at the two, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, gossip shining in his eyes.

There is a problem, there is absolutely a problem.

But, she is not in a hurry, she will inquire about it tomorrow.

On the second day, Zhao Yuanle got up in the morning and saw Zhao Yuanlan get up early.

She was so surprised.

"Yo, is the sun coming out in the west?"

After Zhao Yuanlan had washed her face and tied her hair up, she smiled, and there was something wrong at first glance.

Zhao Yuanle approached with a smile.

"Tell me, what happened last night?"

Zhao Yuanlan's eyes flickered and she bit her mouth, looking very hesitant. After hesitating, she seemed to have made a decision.

"It's nothing."

Zhao Yuanle narrowed his eyes.


Zhao Yuanlan insisted.

"It's all right."

Zhao Yuanle made some calculations in his mind and stepped out of the way.

"Okay, it's okay, it's okay."

Zhao Yuanlan was surprised, but seeing that her sister didn't ask, she was relieved and went back to her room.

Zhao Yuanle stood behind and glanced at Zhao Yuankang who lived there.

She felt that Zhao Yuankang must know something too.

During breakfast, Zhao Yuanle held back and didn't ask any questions or say anything.

After breakfast, Yaoer took the initiative to go there to tell stories.

Zhao Yuanle: "Okay, you go today, my sister is going to cut down trees."

Zhao Sancheng raised his head suddenly: "What tree to cut?"

Zhao Yuanle pointed to the tall straight tree not far from his house.

"That one, use it as a telegraph pole."

It couldn't be more appropriate.

Zhao Sancheng was in a hurry.

"Can not be done."

Zhao Yuanle: "What's the matter?"

Zhao Sancheng: "This is your future dowry."

Zhao Yuanle was surprised.


Zhao Sancheng: "The three trees here were all planted when you were born. When you get married, they will be cut down for your dowry. The best wood cannot be cut down."

Zhao Yuanle: "Ah..."

She didn't seem to have the slightest impression of it.

Zhao Sancheng pointed to these trees.

"This one belongs to Xi'er, this one belongs to you, and the shortest one belongs to Xiaolan."

Zhao Yuanle: "Okay, then cut down my tree."

Zhao Sancheng still disagreed.

"No, there is only one tree per person, and if you cut it down, it will be gone."

Zhao Yuanle: "Oh, it's okay, I won't marry in the future, so let's cut it off."

As soon as the words fell, she was hit by He Ju.

He Ju: "What are you talking about?

! ”

Zhao Yuanle stuck out his tongue and discussed, "Why don't we buy another one later?"

Zhao Sancheng disagreed, and it was difficult for him to disagree.

"No, this tree is not allowed to be cut down."

Zhao Yuanle: "Then what about the telegraph pole?"

Zhao Sancheng said directly: "Go chop someone else's."


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