In the chicken coop next to him, Zhao Sancheng flustered as he jumped at the chicken.

He Ju stood aside, anxious.

"Oh, hurry up and grab it."

Zhao Sancheng looked at this aggressive rooster and rested for a while.

"How can this chicken react so fast, it can really jump."

The wings are fluttering, ready to fly.

Zhao Yuanle came here yawning, just in time to see the big rooster flying up to Zhao Sancheng's forehead, flapping its wings and then flying up to the orange tree beside it.

He Ju: "This chicken has never seen it fly so well."

Zhao Yuanle: "Usually I don't die, but now I'm afraid that I will be caught and killed, so I will fly away."

Zhao Sancheng was out of breath.

The chicken has been caught all morning, but it hasn't been caught yet.

He couldn't resist proposing.

"How about we catch another chicken?"

He Ju: "No, buying a house is a big deal. This chicken is the biggest and heaviest, so I want this one."

Zhao Sancheng was very helpless.

This chicken is the largest and heaviest, but it is also the most flexible and the least likely to be caught.

Zhao Yuanle looked at the rooster and felt that he could try it, so he turned over and caught the big cock while he was not paying attention.

Looking at the big cock thumping in his hand, Zhao Yuanle said hey: "Isn't this easy to catch?"

Zhao Sancheng and He Ju looked at each other.

After a while, Zhao Sancheng touched his head and sighed, "Lele, you're moving so fast."

He didn't even see clearly.

He Ju: "Whoosh, I caught it."

Zhao Yuanle was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed out loud: "Really."

Could it be... She is quick to react now?

Does this pig react quickly?

Thinking about the black bastard before, Zhao Yuanle felt that this was not impossible.

In this case, not only is she strong and thick-skinned, she has a good sense of smell and hearing, but she also has a fast reaction speed?

Then... isn't she invincible?

With this in mind, Zhao Yuanle handed the big cock to Zhao Sancheng, and then helped He Ju pack his things, with a sweet smile on his face the whole time.

He Ju and Zhao Sancheng looked at each other, and they both saw worry in each other's eyes.

This child...why is he so stupid all of a sudden, and keeps smiling like a fool.

When the things were almost packed, Zhao Yuanle also woke up the family members.

As for Wulin...

Zhao Yuanle: "I think you don't want to go to such a dirty and messy place in the city, so, just stay at home and watch the house. When Aunt Hong comes later, you just ask her to cook for you. Remember Take a good look at your home."

But Wu Lin held his own bowl and said seriously: "I still want to beg."

He thought about it, it was too hot and uncomfortable to stare at the kiln in this weather.

It's easy to sit there and talk, and the money comes quickly, which is very good.

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

Zhao Yuanlan: "You are good-looking and you can't be ashamed like this."

Yao'er sighed resentfully.

God is really too much, this person is good-looking and smart, why is there something wrong with his brain.

He Ju coughed and said euphemistically: "Forget it, our family is not short of money now, don't ask for it, it's really embarrassing."

Wu Lin looked at Zhao Yuanle, wanting to get Zhao Yuanle's answer.

Zhao Yuanle reached out and snatched all his bowls.

"Who's begging for a fine porcelain bowl? If you want to take it, it's a broken earthen porcelain bowl. You can't do it with this bowl."

Wu Lin: "A broken earthenware bowl is too ugly."

Zhao Yuanle: "So, don't bother you, the tool is not suitable, just be honest and watch the house, wait for us to come back, no one bothers you today, you can do it yourself

Just do what. "

After thinking about it, Wu Lin sighed.


Now the Zhao family was relieved, and the group packed up and set off with their belongings on their backs.

At the entrance of the village, Zhao Niu'er, the other old people of the Zhao family, and the old man Wang's family were already waiting.

Zhao Niuer's car can only accommodate a limited number of people. Considering Old Man Wang, Mrs. Wang, and He Ju who is already pregnant, the rest are Yao'er and Zhao Niuer's own children.

Zhao Yuanle and Zhao Sancheng carried things on their backs and walked with Zhao Yuanlan, Wang Gou'er, and Xiao Cricket.

It was still very cool in the morning when there was no sun, and a few people walked together talking and laughing.

Wang Gou'er took a self-made slingshot and picked up small stones along the way and beat them everywhere.

The little cricket followed behind, jumped several times, but failed to get the slingshot from Wang Gou'er's hand, and kept shouting anxiously: "Brother, play with me for a while, play for me too."

Wang Gou'er knocked out a small stone and wiped his nose casually.

"You are not sure, if you want to hit someone, I won't let you play."

Zhao Yuanlan was angry: "How many people are on the road this early in the morning? You are just bullying your brother."

Wang Gou'er was afraid that Zhao Yuanlan would be very angry, so he didn't refute. Anyway, he just didn't want to give the slingshot to the little cricket.

He looked at his slingshot and muttered softly.

"I did it myself, and it took a lot of hard work."

The little cricket pouted, as if about to cry.

Zhao Yuanlan directly took out her slingshot from behind and handed it to Xiao Cricket.

"No, my sister will play for you, don't want your brother's broken slingshot, hum, I still don't like it."

Zhao Sancheng was surprised.

"Didn't you say not to take it? Let your mother know that you will be angry again."

Zhao Yuanlan snorted: "I'll play secretly, so I won't let her know."

The little cricket took the slingshot and was so happy that she went to show off in front of Wang Gou'er, making Wang Gou'er jealous.

Zhao Yuanle watched from the side and smiled softly.

I didn't expect this slingshot to be popular until now. I can only say that the quality made at that time was too good.

The next time, it was Wang Gou'er who eagerly wanted to change with Xiao Cricket, who was so arrogant and arrogant, Zhao Yuanlan taunted Wang Gou'er.

Zhao Sancheng watched the children bickering with a smile on his face.

He thought, you still need to have brothers and sisters, it will be lively when there are many people.

The generation of his family is not very prosperous, so he now puts his last hope on Zhao Sicheng.

He hopes that Zhao Sicheng can marry a daughter-in-law who is particularly easy to bear, not to mention four, at least three.

After entering the county, when a few people went home, they saw Zhao Niu'er pulling an ox cart to help move.

Zhao Dacheng greeted people at the side, and when he saw Zhao Yuanle and others coming, he squeezed through the crowd with a few steps.

"Lele, hurry up, carry some things over there, your aunt and the others have already passed over, let's try to move these things over in a few trips."

Zhao Yuanle no longer has the idea of ​​preserving his strength. Anyway, he has already threatened the Wang family, and now is the time to show off his muscles.

She went straight over and carried a lot of things on her body.

She didn't stop until the door was too wide to pass, and then went out with her things on her back, walking on the street, letting passersby watch.

Yi Li, who was patrolling the street, saw this scene, and subconsciously touched his chest.

He understood now that Zhao Yuanle had restrained his strength in beating him before.

If he really tried his best, grass should grow on his grave now.

Thinking about it now, Yi Li happened to have nothing to do, so he walked over and started talking to Zhao Yuanle.

"Your family is really going to move here. If you come to the county in the future, you will have to watch me."

Zhao Yuanle gave Yi Li a blank look.

"Look at you

?Are you pretty?This yard is really good, our family just moved, and it has half a dime relationship with you. "

Yi Li smiled, and suddenly mentioned County Magistrate Wang.

"I heard that the Wang family has suddenly become more honest. Why do you think this is?"

He stares at the Wang family every day, and he is quite clear about what happened in the Wang family.

Zhao Yuanle smiled slightly.

"How would I know? It's probably because I have done too many bad things, and the ghost called the door."

Yi Li laughed out loud.

"Let me tell you... you've got a brain now."

Likewise, it started to make sense.

Zhao Yuanle: "I have always been very smart, but I was too kind and soft-hearted before. Now, my heart is a little harder."

Yi Li took up the conversation: "The strength is also much stronger. The big ones can hit people casually, and it seems that the skin and bones are also extraordinarily hard."

Zhao Yuanle just raised his eyebrows and didn't react much at all.

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

Now that her pig god power has reached its peak, there is really nothing to be afraid of.

Yi Li tut: "The skin is also thicker."

Zhao Yuanle stopped at the entrance of the alley with his things on his back, didn't bother to talk to Yi Li, and started to move things on his own.

Tang Siwen stood inside, and Zhao Yuanxi was also there. The two of them were holding light things, and led Zhao Yuanle to put the big things in the right place.

Yi Li thought about it, grabbed the guard next to him, and dragged them in to carry things together.

Seeing Yi Li offering to help, Tang Siwen burst into a smile, and hurriedly said thank you.

Zhao Yuanle's eyes were suspicious.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

She stared at Yi Li for a long time, and for a moment, she stomped on him hard.

"If you have any purpose, tell me quickly."

Yi Li gritted his teeth and hissed.

"If your foot cripples me, you will have to support me for the rest of my life."

Zhao Yuanle: "You don't look very good, but you think beautifully. Tell me, what are your plans?"

Yi Li: "What attempt? Why can't I just help my neighbor?"

Zhao Yuanle: "No."

Yi Li: ""

Zhao Yuanle: "Quickly tell me, what is the purpose!"

Yi Li snorted, rolled his eyes, and said: "To please you, who made you the celebrity in front of the nobles, who told you to be the person in the Chen family's fancy, I definitely want to please you, for the sake of For the benefit of my family, for my own future."

Zhao Yuanle frowned upon hearing this, and nodded in agreement.

"That's right, you're being honest."

Yi Li: "..."

Does this person really believe it?

How can you be so confident?

Sometimes he doesn't understand, but he is also very envious. A person with such a big heart should be very happy to be alive.

Zhao Yuanle didn't pay attention to Yi Li's reaction anymore, but moved things faster.

After moving things here, she ran back to the other side to start moving.

People on the road didn't see clearly, they just saw a shadow and felt the cool wind that followed it.

Because of the large number of people and the strength, today's move was completed very quickly, and the move was cleaned before noon.

Zhao Dacheng stood at the door, looking at the empty room, feeling very emotional for a moment.

"It's kind of embarrassing."

He obviously slept here last night, but suddenly moved away, and in a blink of an eye, everything was really gone.

This feeling is quite sad.

Zhao Yuanle stood at the intersection with the last big table on his back and urged Zhao Dacheng.

"Uncle, let's go!"

Zhao Dacheng responded, "I'll be here right away."

Slam the door shut, only

Leaving the wind in the alley behind, Zhao Dacheng followed Zhao Yuanle's pace and walked to the lively place over there.

Arriving here, Zhao Yuanle found that the room was much tidier.

Zhao Niu'er's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wang, and Zhao Yuanxi's aunt and grandmother, many women clean up together, and they do everything very quickly.

Zhao Yuanle turned his eyes, looking for Zhao Yuanlan's location, and saw that she was playing fruit with a slingshot with Wang Gou'er, and sighed helplessly.

Seeing this big table, Tang Siwen smiled and asked Zhao Yuanle to put the table in the hall.

At this moment, three tables have been set up in the yard, and Tang Siwen's natal family, people from the village, are sitting around.

Zhao Yuanle put down the table and saw Tang Siwen carefully wiping it with a clean rag.

She was a little curious.

"Why should this be placed in the hall? It's good to go to the yard, spacious and lively."

Tang Siwen smiled, and while wiping the table carefully, said: "Mrs. Xi is coming, and Miss Chen is coming. This table must be reserved for them."

Zhao Yuanle shrugged.

"The visitor is a guest, so what are you doing so special?"

Tang Siwen stared at Zhao Yuanle and shook his head.

"Oh boy."

Afraid that the newspaper reads more than one person, and is doing something that says everyone is equal.

There is no such thing as equality in this world, people are divided into different classes.

Don't think about this question, Tang Siwen asked two old people from Wu's family.

"The two old men were not invited?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Wu Lin's mother has bad legs and doesn't like to travel long distances. Wu Lin's father is worried about the pig farm and his wife, so he doesn't come, so neither of them will come."

Tang Siwen: "What about Jinfeng? I think you have a pretty good relationship, didn't you call her?"

Speaking of Jinfeng, Zhao Yuanle couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"She doesn't need to be shouted at. As soon as she got the news, she came home by herself, saying that she wanted to stay at home to watch Mrs. Wu Lin, and asked me to leave her a big hoof."

Tang Siwen couldn't help smiling.

"Let's just use the hooves. I bought many pairs of pig's knuckles early in the morning, and now I've cooked them all. I'll leave one for her later."

After finishing speaking, Tang Siwen looked at the table with satisfaction, put away the clean rag, and waved his hand.

"Go, go and help in the kitchen."

Zhao Yuanle: "Okay, do you have preserved eggs? I want to eat preserved eggs with chopped peppers, served cold, with some coriander."

Tang Siwen: "Yes, but you go to shred potatoes first, your knife skills are the best."

She loved hearing these words, so she jumped up and went to the kitchen to show off her knife skills.

He Ju was sitting on a chair, watching Zhao Yuanlan, who was playing and doing nothing, yelled several times but did not respond.

Zhao Yuanxi brought tea to He Ju with a smile.

"Sanniang, let Xiaolan play, anyway, there is nothing that needs her help."

He Ju drank the anti-natal tea specially made for herself, and couldn't help but praise Zhao Yuanxi.

"You are the most sensible and obedient." The in-law's family is almost found, and it is still the landlord's family.

very nice.

When the yard was bustling with activity, Yao'er had sharp eyes and saw someone at the door. He swung his short legs to the door and looked at the person coming.

------off topic-----

Make up for the chapters that were blocked yesterday.

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