village pigwoman

450 to buy a house

Four people came, and Zhao Yuanle dealt with them one by one. She took the four people to the Wang's house again, and beat and threatened the master of the Wang family, so that someone would not dare to have any wrong thoughts. .

(3600 words omitted here)

After doing this, Zhao Yuanle clapped his hands and left the Wang family.

The cool night wind blew slowly, and Zhao Yuanle, who was in a good mood and very relaxed, felt his heart skip a beat when he smelled the wind.

This is the taste of... red belly.

Sure enough, he is a master...

Zhao Yuanle couldn't help admiring in his heart.

If it wasn't for the fact that she was just at the downwind, and there was this gust of wind, then she really didn't notice Chibelly's stalking.

From the looks of it, Ming Yan must have known what happened today, so he lined up.

He didn't know if he was going to stare at her, or at the county magistrate Wang's house, but when he saw her coming, he stared at her.

it doesn't matter...

Zhao Yuanle pretended not to know, and happily returned to her home. After going to bed, listening to Zhao Yuanxi's steady breathing, she fell asleep.

Early the next morning, she was woken up by Tang Siwen.

She yawned big, sleepily.

"Ma'am, even if you want to change houses, it doesn't have to be so early."

Tang Siwen: "The yard you mentioned is so good, what if it is bought by someone else?"

Zhao Yuanle sighed while putting on his clothes and shoes.

"Where are there so many local tyrants? Ninety percent of the people in our county can't afford the money to buy a house. If you can afford it, don't buy it. We don't have to worry at all."

Tang Siwen: "Since you have decided to do it, then do it as soon as possible. You can go back to break the corn when you are done. Remember to call your elder brother back and let him do more work."

Zhao Yuanle put on his clothes and shoes, stood in front of Tang Siwen, and nodded.

"Okay, let's get started then."

Negotiate the price with the house seller first, then buy the house and go through the procedure.

After buying it, pack up the things here, move to the other side, and add any furniture that is missing.

Zhao Yuanle doesn't need to worry about buying a house and negotiating the price. Tang Siwen is a more experienced person.

The original 120 silver dollars was changed to 95 by her.

Once the price is finalized, it is necessary to go to the county to apply for a certificate.

Tang Siwen and Zhao Dacheng were very disturbed, and both of them were very worried.

Only Zhao Yuanle didn't take it seriously and pulled people over.

"Don't worry, no one will make things difficult for us."

If someone dared to make things difficult, she would just take advantage of the dark and windy night to beat him up again.

Under the leadership of Zhao Yuanle, the two dubiously completed the process very quickly.

Not only did these people not make things difficult, but they were also extremely efficient, making them confused.

The three of them were walking on the street, Tang Siwen looked at the voucher in his hand, his brows never opened.

" can it be so convenient."

Zhao Yuanle hooked the corner of his mouth.

"It should have been like this. They were too loose before."

Zhao Dacheng stared at Zhao Yuanle from the side, but didn't say anything.

He felt that this matter had nothing to do with Zhao Yuanle, but since Zhao Yuanle didn't talk about it himself, he didn't ask.

Amidst Tang Siwen's astonishment that this matter was settled quickly, Zhao Yuanle had already started to go shopping.

"Mother and Uncle, since we are going to move to a new house, let's buy some new things. I think these are good."

Tang Siwen pulled Zhao Yuanle away.

"No, we've spent so much money, we need to save some money, we can't just waste it when we have money, everything at home can be used, and then we can set up two tables and set off two strings of firecrackers."

Zhao Yuanle: "But..."

Tang Siwen: "What's the matter? I said that if you don't allow flowers, you won't allow flowers."

, go, go back quickly, I will get angry if you spend money indiscriminately. "

After the words fell, Zhao Yuanle was dragged away by Tang Siwen.

Looking at the dazzling array of products in the store, Zhao Yuanle, who was so eager to shop, could only sigh.

Back home, Tang Siwen took out the voucher in front of everyone in the family, and described the layout of the yard with others.

She couldn't help but patted Zhao Yuanxi's hand.

"In the back there, you can live in the two connected rooms. When Lele and Xiaolan come, they will have other places to sleep, so they don't need to be crowded together."

Then, she looked at Zhao Sicheng again.

"Forty percent, just live in that well-lit room, which is ventilated and close to the inside, so it's quiet."

Zhao Yuankang came over excitedly.

"What about me, mother? What about me?"

Tang Siwen rolled his eyes and said, "You live in the one next to the firewood house. That house can withstand construction. It's the most suitable for you to live in."

Zhao Yuankang was helpless, with a sad face, and touched his head.

"Isn't there another good house, why don't you let me live in it?"

Tang Siwen: "One is vacant. When the family comes to live, it will be reserved for Yao'er in the future. The other is for Tiantian. This child will grow up in the future and will have his own house."

Zhao Yuankang: "I'm not your eldest son?"

Tang Siwen: "You run around all day long, you don't have a family and you don't go home, why should I leave you a good house, okay, okay, don't bother me, just go."

Zhao Yuanle sighed while watching the show.

"Brother, I advise you to find a wife."

Zhao Yuankang was not in a good mood: "Look for it, where is it so easy to find, that means you can find it just by looking?

It's as if your marriage has been settled. "

Zhao Yuanle: "Tsk tsk, I don't want to, but you can't. The difference is quite big."

After mocking Zhao Yuankang, Zhao Yuanle began to pack his things.

"I'll go back before dark and tell my family that they can come together tomorrow."

Tang Siwen nodded.

"Be careful on the way. When you get back, ask Sanniang if you have any relatives to call. I'm often not in the village, so she doesn't know."

Zhao Yuanle: "Okay."

After packing up his things numbly, Zhao Yuanle said goodbye to his uncle's family and walked straight home.

She walked home very fast, and reached the entrance of the village before the sun set.

Looking up at the horizon, Zhao Yuanle sighed at the purple afterglow.

"It's so pretty."

At this time, the sky has high visibility, looks clear and clear, and the colors of the clouds are more vivid.

But the railway is being repaired, the coal mine is being dug, and the power station may be expanded.

With such a weather, there may not be many days to see him again in the future.

If we want to develop, there will be pollution. At this time, the level of technology cannot give consideration to both parties. Some processes must be experienced.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yuanle walked home with his things on his back.

At this time, Liu Xiaohong had already returned home, He Ju was sitting at the door to rest, and Zhao Sancheng was grooming the buffalo.

Zhao Yuanle called out to San Niang and San Shu, put down the things he was carrying, and immediately talked about the important matter of buying a house after passing by.

Of course, she selectively omitted a part of the matter with the Wang family.

He Ju and Zhao Sancheng were stunned when they heard this, Zhao Yuanlan was the first to react, rushed out of the room, and excitedly asked about it.

"What, what? Did you really buy a house, have your own yard, and move to a new house? Or is it on that busy street? On the street where you can buy a lot of food and things when you go out?"

Zhao Yuanle nodded.

"That's right, it's on that street. The stamps for the transfer of ownership are stamped and the certificates are all done. Let's all go to the city tomorrow to have a look. By the way

Then I called some relatives and friends who needed to be called, the aunt said, and set up two tables in that room. "

Zhao Yuanlan couldn't be happier.

"Great, I can eat!"

Although the food waiting for me on weekdays is also delicious, but the noodles are still more tempting.

He Ju was still in a daze, unable to react in his head.

"You only went to the city for a day or two, why did you buy a house and move?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Oh, the world is unpredictable, buy it if you buy it, why not buy it if you have money."

Zhao Yuanlan also nodded fiercely.


Zhao Sancheng, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"Then invite those close relatives in the village to have a meal together tomorrow, and then buy two strings of firecrackers to set off."

Zhao Yuanle: "Okay, then it's settled."

Zhao Sancheng said again: "Lele, why don't you ask your father? It's a big deal. Ask him if he can come back. He can't be the only one in the whole family."

"Oh, I see." Zhao Yuanle laughed.

She almost forgot Zhao Ercheng.

Somewhere, someone who was rushing to work in the cold weather sneezed.


Can he still catch a cold in this weather?

But it doesn't matter if I catch a cold. I finish my work today, and I just go home when I have a holiday tomorrow.

At this time, at home, He Ju and Zhao Sancheng began to discuss calling for people and shopping. Zhao Yuanlan acted as an errand delivery man, and when he got the order, he rushed to the village to call for people to say hello, for fear that others would not know that he bought it. new house.

He Ju puffed out her stomach, and refused to listen to Zhao Yuanlan's yelling, with a helpless look on her face.

"One day you know how to show off outside, and you can't hide anything."

Zhao Sancheng comforted He Ju with a smile on the side: "It's okay, anyway, everyone in the village will soon know about it, so just call her out."

He Ju rubbed his stomach and let out a long sigh.

"Don't be as virtuous as his sister, the young one. It's better to be like Yao'er, smart and sensible."

Zhao Sancheng: "It's all good, I like all of them, and Xiaolan is pretty good too."

He Ju rolled her eyes.

"Xiaolan is what you are used to. I have said it many times. Xiaowa can't get used to it. She has been the youngest for many years, and everyone in the family let her, so she developed this temperament. Hmph, see if you get married in the future. Disliked to death by her mother-in-law."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Zhao Yuanle appeared from behind.

"It's better for a girl to have a stronger temper, so as not to be bullied, it's better to be angry at her mother-in-law than to be bullied by her mother-in-law.

Besides, Sanniang, you are so good at judging people, so you can just show Xiaolan a good look when the time comes. "

He Ju: "I'll show you first, I think Mo's is fine."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yuanle turned around and entered the room.

"Oh, is there any food left? I'm starving to death."

In the house, Yao'er was asking Wulin a question, when he heard the voice, he ran out hurriedly, and called his sister happily.

Zhao Yuanle touched Yao'er's head.

"Are you reading a book and doing a test?"

Yao'er nodded, then pointed to the kitchen: "There are yellow peppers in it, and pork ribs stewed with yam."

Zhao Yuanle listened, swallowed his saliva, went in and began to heat up food for himself.

Wu Lin also came out of the house, stood at the door and asked Zhao Yuanle about the electric fan.

Zhao Yuanle said everything he asked.

"If we want to use electricity, we have to buy a generator ourselves. The price is not cheap, starting at five or six hundred. I bought a house for my aunt and the others before. If I buy a generator, I don't have much money on hand.

So, you have to pay something yourself. "

Wu Lin: "What."

Zhao Yuanle thought for a while, and said: "When the time comes to install the generator and connect the wires, you shouldn't have

problem? "

Wu Lin looked indifferent.

"It's simple."

Just a few wires, very simple.

He was studying the mechanics part during this time, and he had already mastered the electricity part.

Zhao Yuanle nodded.

"Well, you can handle the technology yourself, and I'll handle the money, but I need at least three hundred silver dollars in emergency money.

In other words, you can earn me at least two hundred silver dollars now, so that I can buy a generator with peace of mind. "

Wu Lin listened to Zhao Yuanle's words, thought for a while, and blinked.


But Zhao Yuanle didn't let him steal or rob, so he only had to beg for it.

Anyway, he is so good-looking, sitting there with a bowl, there should be a lot of people throwing money at him, and he will earn two hundred silver dollars soon.

Well, when the time comes, he will bring a nicer bowl over there.

Zhao Yuanle was a little puzzled when he heard this.

"How do you make money? No stealing!"

Wu Lin glanced at Zhao Yuanle lightly.

"I will bring my own bowl to the county to ask for it. Many people should give me money."

Hearing this, Yao'er frowned her little bushy eyebrows with an expression of disbelief.

Zhao Yuanle was silent for a long time.

Wu Lin was not idle either, and turned around to find his own suitable bowl.

It's quite dirty outside, so you should choose a good-looking one that matches him, but don't choose the best one or the one that is inconvenient to clean.

Zhao Yuanle finally came to his senses and grabbed Wu Lin.

"You can really embarrass me, beg for food? Can't afford you?

I have a way to make money, I just need your help. "

Wu Lin turned his head and looked at Zhao Yuanle: "How can I help?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Our family made the porcelain-faced latrine squatting, which is very useful. Those noble families don't have it, and ordinary people don't have it. When the time comes, I will get the materials, and you will watch by the side and control the time. That's it."

This kind of thing is rare, and it can make a fortune for those rich people, and then buy some medium-priced ones, and sell it to many small rich families in the county for another profit.

The whole family has done this before. She can knead clay, but Wulin has to supervise the firing to ensure the quality and success rate of the product.

Hearing that Zhao Yuanle said that only supervision time is needed, Wu Lin agreed.

Yao'er: "What about the flusher?"

Zhao Yuanle: "It's not easy to do flushing, it's troublesome to do, let them get the water there, and just scoop up the water and flush it after serving."

After hearing this, Yao'er still felt a little bit superior.

"Then our family enjoys it the most."

Some people don't have it, not even the nobles, but their own family has it.

This matter was finalized, Zhao Yuanle heated up the food, ate and washed, it was already dark, and she was a little tired, and fell into a deep sleep as soon as she lay down on the bed.

On the second day, the rooster did not crow, but screamed. Such a scream woke up Zhao Yuanle from his dream.

------off topic-----

It was updated yesterday, but it failed the review and was blocked.

So in this chapter, I will summarize the content of the previous chapter and go straight to

There is another chapter today, which can be regarded as compensation for yesterday.

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