village pigwoman

452 Pinch when you meet

Yi Li stood at the door, his tall body bent down, squatting in front of Yao'er.

"Go in and tell your sister that there is a distinguished guest."

Yao'er blinked a pair of bright eyes, looked past Yi Li, and landed on Ming Hongyan who was behind him, and was stunned for a while.

Although this person is not as good-looking as Wu Linchang, but he looks too unusual.

For the first time, the young Yaoer realized the deep meaning of the word temperament.

Ming Hongyan walked up to Yao'er with a smile, and also bent his body.

"You are her younger brother, you look very similar."

Yao'er blinked, with a curious voice: "Who are you?"

Ming Hong said: "I am your sister's friend."

Hearing this, Yi Li's expression was a little strange, and he chuckled inwardly.

Friend... From Ming Hongyan's mouth, it's a bit strange.

Yao'er stood in front of the two of them and waved his little hand.

"Then come in, my sister is inside."

With that said, Yao'er turned around, trotted in, and found Zhao Yuanle who was talking to Tang Siwen.

He spoke anxiously.

"Sister, your friend is here."

Zhao Yuanle squinted his eyes, and his first reaction was that Chen Moying was here.

But when she looked over, she bumped into Ming Hongyan's smile.

Zhao Dacheng was the first to react, and hurried over to salute Ming Hongyan, but Ming Hongyan stopped him instantly.

Ming Hong said: "Today I just came to congratulate you as a friend, there is no need to be formal."

Zhao Dacheng was excited and excited, his voice was a little unsteady, and he nodded quickly after hearing this.

"Yes, you said yes."

Tang Siwen also came to his senses here, hurried over with a chair, and told Zhao Yuanxi to make the best tea at home.

Although Zhao Niu'er, Old Man Wang and the others didn't know clearly, just looking at Ming Hongyan, they knew that they were not ordinary people. They all stood up and dared not speak again.

Zhao Yuanlan was hitting Wang Gou'er with a slingshot, but now her fist was frozen in mid-air.

Tang Sixue recognized Ming Hui's words, suppressed the joy in his heart, and stepped forward with a smile: "Your Excellency's visit to the humble house really makes this place flourish."

Ming Hongyan smiled lightly.

"You don't need to call adults, everyone is more casual."

Zhao Yuanle nodded in agreement.

"That's right, be casual."

Hearing this voice, Ming Hongyan turned his head and squinted at Zhao Yuanle.

Zhao Yuanle's heart skipped a beat.

She knew that Ming Hongyan's visit this time was definitely not a simple congratulation.

There is a high has something to do with her cleaning up the Wang family.

Under Ming Hongyan's eyes, Zhao Yuanle felt a little guilty, and suddenly she thought of her father, and looked at Zhao Sancheng.

"Third Uncle, did you tell my father about this? Doesn't he know about it?"

Zhao Sancheng was taken aback.

"This... isn't it you who said it? I thought you said it."

Zhao Yuanle pretended to be surprised: "Why is this? I always thought you were going to talk about it. What should I do? Otherwise, I run fast, so I'll go find him now. The place where they built the railway seems to be not far from the county."

Zhao Sancheng rubbed his head: "Then, you go?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Yuanle ran out from here with a whoosh.

When passing by the door, the red belly gave way quickly.

Ming Hongyan glanced leisurely at the door and smiled.

Is it necessary to be so guilty?

is he scary

The red belly glanced at Zhao Yuanle's leaving back and frowned slightly.

so fast…

What did this Zhao Yuanle eat? He was really talented, and he seemed to be getting better and better.

And she doesn't seem to know it yet.

Zhao Yuanle, who was running on the street, stopped after a while.

She didn't seem to be particularly clear about the place where the railway was built.

At this time, Zhao Ercheng, who was on vacation, specially bought some delicious food, and happily walked to his elder brother's residence.

The gate is closed.

Zhao Ercheng was carrying something, and knocked on the door suspiciously, but no one answered.

A child playing in the corner smiled and told Zhao Ercheng: "Doctor Zhao has moved, who are you? Why don't you know?"

Zhao Ercheng was stunned.

What?move place?

Why doesn't he know?

After a while, Zhao Ercheng could barely react, and then looked at the children playing here.

"So, where did they move to?"

The child thought for a while, and said, "It seems to be the Ministry of Public Security. I heard that they bought a big yard, which is as spacious as cattle."

Zhao Ercheng: "Really..."

After asking, he casually gave these children a few pieces of candy, and then walked towards the Ministry of Public Security with the things.

The two father and daughter met by chance in the middle part.

The moment he saw Zhao Ercheng, Zhao Yuanle suddenly felt even more embarrassed.

Because Zhao Ercheng's eyes were too resentful.

Zhao Yuanle walked over with a smirk, and when he saw the things in Zhao Ercheng's hands, he showed a very exaggerated smile: "Ah, Dad, you bought a lot of food."

Zhao Ercheng: "Have you moved?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Oh, this brother must like to eat."

Zhao Ercheng: "You didn't even tell me?"

Zhao Yuanle: "I like to eat this too."

Zhao Ercheng said with grief and indignation: "I heard that there are people from other villages. Everyone in the village has called me, so they forget me?"

Zhao Yuanle had no choice but to shrink his neck, his tone very unassuming.

"Isn't this... calling you?"

Zhao Ercheng was even angrier.

"It's already noon!"

Zhao Yuanle: "We haven't eaten yet, we just finished moving and are about to come to you, really.

Yesterday my third uncle and I said that we came to see you, how could we forget you. "

Zhao Ercheng was dubious, but for the sake of his family affection, he could only choose to believe in the end.


Zhao Yuanle: "I swear!"

Zhao Ercheng snorted.

"What an oath, what a big deal."

Zhao Yuanle showed a flattering smile: "I knew that father is the most generous, a man, and he is not stingy at all."

Zhao Ercheng snorted, carried his things and headed towards the Ministry of Public Security together with Zhao Yuanle.

Along the way, Zhao Yuanle smiled flatteringly and acted like a dog.

Zhao Ercheng is still very useful for this. It seems that it was only ten years ago to please his daughter like this.

Later, when the daughter grew up, she didn't stick to her father at all.

During Zhao Yuanle's rainbow fart, the smile on Zhao Ercheng's face never faded, and the two arrived at the new house.

When Zhao Yuanle saw the carriage parked beside him, his heart skipped a beat.

This carriage, this smell in the air...

Mrs. Xi must be here.

Sure enough, when she and Zhao Ercheng arrived at the door, they saw Mrs. Xi who was confronting Ming Hongyan.

Chen Moying stood aside helplessly, it seemed that she didn't want to persuade her anymore.

Yi Li mixed in with Zhao Niu'er and the others, enjoying the excitement.

Chen Xiaoyun and Zhao Yuanxi stood together, looking not very anxious.

Among them, Mrs. Xi was the most excited, and Tang Siwen was the most worried.

Zhao Yuanle grabbed Zhao Ercheng and said in a low voice, "Father, let's not talk about it first."

rush in. "

Zhao Ercheng: "This is..."

Zhao Yuanle: "Let's take a look first."

At this moment, among the crowd, Mrs. Xi snorted coldly and stared at Ming Hongyan fiercely.

"What the hell do you mean!"

What kind of bullshit friend, but also came here in person, and took the first step, what sinister intentions.

Ming Hongyan fanned himself with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's not interesting, I just want to celebrate the housewarming of acquaintances."

Mrs. Xi: "Acquaintances? They didn't even invite you, why are you still in a hurry?"

Hearing this, Tang Siwen became even more anxious and lowered his head.

Don't mention it, she didn't dare to invite the nobleman, but now that the nobleman came by herself, how dare she say this.

Ming Hongyan asked back: "Then Mrs. Xi got the invitation?"

Mrs. Xi: "I don't have the habit of asking for invitations."

Ming Hong said: "In this case, I asked verbally when I came, isn't it the same? Is there a big difference if you ask early or late?

Then, Mrs. Xi was sure that she was the first to be invited, or she felt that the first to be invited was very different. "

Madam Xi frowned impatiently.

"What a mess, let me tell you, you come here uninvited, and you don't even have a seat, so I won't sit at the same table with you."

Tang Siwen: "..."

She really didn't prepare too much, the best table is only one.

Tang Sixue stepped forward with a smile.

"If your lord doesn't dislike it, just sit at the same table with you."

When Mrs. Xi heard it, she let out a hey.

"What kind of hospitality are you showing here? You have a place to speak here?"

Tang Sixue: "I..."

Chen Moying suddenly opened her mouth and went straight over, "Mother!"

At this time, Mrs. Xi looked impatient.

"Mother, what mother? Let me tell you, now that you are in good health, I won't spoil you."

Chen Moying: "Mother, you should think about Master's family anyway. You make such a fuss and make people feel embarrassed."

Mrs. Xi came to her senses at this moment and looked around.

"Where's Lele? Where's her? I'll sit at the same table with Lele. I haven't seen you for a while."

Hmph, when the time comes, Ming Hong says that he will sit at the other table, so don't try to compete with her.

Zhao Yuanle, who was watching the play at the door, froze, and when he was pulling Zhao Ercheng to move to the side, Zhao Ercheng lost his balance and fell over the threshold.

A bunch of people over there looked over.

Zhao Yuanle lowered his head and pulled Zhao Ercheng up, looked at everyone, and smiled awkwardly.

"It's all here..."

Zhao Ercheng looked at Zhao Yuanle, trying to explain.

"Father squatted here for a while, and his legs became numb."

Zhao Yuanle: "..."

You don't need to say this...

Mrs. Xi walked over with a smile, and affectionately took Zhao Yuanle's hand.

"Oh, Lele is much prettier again."

Zhao Yuanle: "No, no."

Mrs. Xi: "It seems to have grown a little taller?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Where is it?"

Mrs. Xi: "Come, come sit and talk together."

Zhao Yuanle tried to pull his hand away from Mrs. Xi.

"I, I have to help in the kitchen."

Mrs. Xi: "It's really capable. It can go up to the hall and go down to the kitchen. But don't worry now. I heard from your aunt that the dishes are almost ready."

Zhao Yuanle looked at Tang Siwen, Tang Siwen silently looked at Zhao Dacheng, Zhao Dacheng: "..."

What's the matter with him...

Chen Moying stepped forward and sighed.

"Mother, my cousin wants

Come. ”

Mrs. Xi was on alert for a moment.

"What? She's here today? Why don't I know."

Chen Moying: "I heard it from my father by chance. It seems that my cousin said it. I won't tell you."

Mrs. Xi was extremely vigilant.

"Don't tell me?"

If you don't tell her, it must be the case, and there is definitely a bigger problem.


The dead man dared to hide things from her. Could it be that he had other thoughts?

After thinking about it, Mrs. Xi let go of Zhao Yuanle's hand.

"Lele, I have something to do and I'm leaving first. You young people will talk more together then, and then come here as a guest."

After finishing speaking, Madam Xi hurriedly led the servants to leave.

Chen Moying looked at the back of her own mother leaving, the corners of her eyes were full of helplessness.

One thing down one thing...

As soon as Mrs. Xi left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Zhao Ercheng silently moved away with his things.

Zhao Yuanle gave Chen Moying a thumbs up.

"You are great."

You have to be your own son, and know your mother better.

Chen Moying smiled gently.

"No way, you have to be prepared."

Tang Siwen: "Okay, let's all sit down, eat some snacks first, and the hot dishes will be served later."

Zhao Yuanle: "I'll help."

Tang Siwen pushed Zhao Yuanle away.

"No, you greet the guests."

She doesn't know how to greet these distinguished guests.

Chen Xiaoyun smiled and looked at the few people.

"Come here."

Chen Moying: "Go?"

Zhao Yuanle was slightly stunned: "Ask me what I'm doing, fuck you."

Chen Moying listened to the expected words, chuckled lightly, and sat down.

Zhao Yuanle also sat down beside Zhao Yuanxi.

Ming Hongyan followed and sat beside Chen Moying.

Zhao Yuanle ate peanuts with chopsticks, but Zhao Yuanxi beside her was too nervous to eat.

Suddenly, Zhao Yuanle remembered something and looked at Chen Moying.

"Where's Xiaofu and Laicai? How are they? I should ask my aunt to call them. I forgot."

Chen Moying: "They are very good. Xiaofu has learned a lot of words now. She will go to school when the school starts next semester."

Zhao Yuanle: "That's good."

The voice fell, and the table fell silent.

Seeing this, Chen Xiaoyun talked to Chen Moying, and then Zhao Yuanxi, so as not to make the atmosphere too cold.

It wasn't until the dishes came that the atmosphere got better.

Zhao Yuanxi couldn't wait any longer and got up to sit at another table.

Chen Xiaoyun was also there.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuanle followed suit.

Soon, only Chen Moying and Ming Hongyan were left on the table, but soon Tang Sixue sat down.

Zhao Dacheng, Zhao Ercheng, and Zhao Sancheng also passed by. In the end, Zhao Niuer and Old Man Wang also sat on it.

Yi Li saw that there was still space over there, so he also moved over.

On Zhao Yuanle's side, there were a bunch of children.

Chen Xiaoyun was teasing Yao'er with Zhao Yuanxi, while Zhao Yuanlan looked over there curiously, and then asked Zhao Yuanle many things.

Zhao Yuanle had no choice but to crazily feed Zhao Yuanlan vegetables in order to gag Zhao Yuanlan's mouth.

This meal ended in an atmosphere that was either weird or not, normal or abnormal.

After eating, the girls helped to clean up the table and chopsticks, while Zhao Dacheng and others continued chatting aside.

Zhao Yuanle glanced over there, but did not

Material met Chen Moying's eyes.

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