village pigwoman

448 Can't Save

Wang Yucheng is in so much pain that he can't speak now, and the people next to him are also in pain.

Zhao Yuanle continued to sneer at the side.

"Oh, I didn't know it, and I just slapped it because I was scared, what can I do? Right?

What do you think about this matter, Yi Weiwei?

according to the law, by kidnappers to condemn them.

Or ask about the situation, ask them why they got drugged and stunned me, a big girl with yellow flowers, what are they trying to do? "

Yi Li clicked his tongue twice, walked to Wang Yucheng's side helplessly, lowered his head and sighed: "You said you have nothing to do and why did you provoke her?"

Can this be provoked? That fist can kill people.

In the past, the county magistrate's son was able to bully others, but now Ming Hongyan is here, and county magistrate Wang is always acting with his tail between his legs. How can Wang Yucheng have any power to rely on.

Wang Yucheng endured the pain in his body, stared at Zhao Yuanle viciously, and could only hold back a word.

"Find me a doctor quickly! Find my father!"

Yi Li shrugged and gave the person next to him a wink. The person next to him got the signal and turned to go out.

Zhao Yuanle drank tea by himself, and smiled with Yi Li.

"Would you like to listen to me to talk about the specific process, this is a big case, involving the county magistrate."

Yi Li glanced at Wang Yucheng gloatingly, sat down leisurely, took a pen and paper, and spread it out to write.

Zhao Yuanle said everything, only when he was talking about beating someone, he killed himself because he thought he had encountered a bad person, Wang Yucheng was a big face, and she couldn't recognize it before he beat him.

Wang Yucheng, who was lying on the side, couldn't help gritting his teeth: "You fart, why should I smear ink on myself when I have nothing to do!"

Zhao Yuanle smiled slightly and glanced at Yi Li.

Yi Li held the pen and paper and shook his head.

this brain...

Wang Yucheng reacted immediately.

Yi Li looked at the people around him, and said, "That is to say, Mr. Wang admits that everything Miss Zhao said is true, but he just disagrees with the big painted face?"

Wang Yucheng suddenly fell silent.

Zhao Yuanle smiled: "Anyway, I'm telling the truth. If I found out that it was you, Prince Wang, I would definitely not do anything."

Wang Yucheng suddenly said: "I don't know how you came to the place where I eat and rest. I wanted to wake you up, but who knew that you beat someone as soon as you opened your eyes. It's like a dog biting Lu Dongbin."

Zhao Yuanle: "Oh? Do you want to admit it?"

Wang Yucheng: "What evidence do you have? Personal evidence, physical evidence? Do you have it? Isn't this all your family's words."

Zhao Yuanle didn't care, he just smiled.

"I'll check it out then."

Anyway, her goal has been achieved.

Wang Yucheng's kick from her was a real death.

This lesson is enough.

Yi Li put away the pen and paper, took two sips of tea, and chatted with Zhao Yuanle.

"What are you doing at the power station alone?"

Zhao Yuanle: "Oh, I think our village can also be connected to electricity, so I went to ask, it is impossible to pull the line from here to the village.

Then I asked about the price of the generator, and found that the price is not only expensive, but also difficult to buy, which is very troublesome. "

Yi Li: "Do you have to turn on the electricity?"

In fact, he doesn't think there is anything wrong with electricity, isn't it just a light, and at most an electric fan.

Zhao Yuanle sighed.

"There is someone in my family who wants it. In order for him to work hard for me, I can only satisfy him as much as possible."

Yi Li: "That Wulin?"

Zhao Yuanle nodded: "Otherwise, who else is there?"

Yi Li thought about it, and said in a low voice: "Actually, there is more than one generator in our county."

Zhao Yuanle: "Huh?"


Li: "As far as I know, there is also a generator. You can ask him for it from that nobleman. I don't know if he is willing to give it to me."

Zhao Yuanle smiled.

"It's good to have."

She felt that someone as generous as Ming Hongyan would not refuse to give it, right?

At worst, she will pay for it directly, saving a lot of time.

Watching the two talking to themselves, Wang Yucheng felt very angry.

But the pain in his lower body was so bad that he could only grit his teeth and hold back.

He didn't know how long he waited like this, but finally, he got his doctor and his own father.

County Magistrate Wang walked in wearing an official uniform, without looking at his son lying on the ground.

Wang Yucheng called Dad.

County Magistrate Wang glanced over with a cold and bored look.

This pair of sons and daughters are really going to piss him off, they are useless except to cause trouble for him.

When he was in a state of desperation, he got into trouble again.

Yi Li looked at County Magistrate Wang calmly.

"Magistrate Wang, let the doctor show these people first."

He was very curious about how Wang Yucheng was injured.

Zhao Yuanle sat aside and had no unnecessary reaction when he saw County Magistrate Wang.

County Magistrate Wang glanced at Zhao Yuanle, feeling very upset.

The little peasant girl, when she saw him coming, she still sat majestically, with such great prestige and great face?

I really thought I found a backer...

The more he thought about it, the more angry county magistrate Wang felt.

Ever since Ming Hongyan came here, he has behaved like a man with his tail between his legs. He didn't know how much blood was let out, and he didn't know how much anger he suffered.

Now, even a person like Zhao Yuanle can treat him like this!

And several people here moved to the next room together, and the doctor showed it to Wang Yucheng first.

Looking at it, the doctor's face changed, and there was a look of panic in his eyes.

Seeing the doctor's reaction, Wang Yucheng's face darkened, and he hurriedly asked, "What's going on!"

Forget the pain, there must be something wrong, he doesn't even have a child.

The doctor lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Why don't you move these people out first, and the old man will take a look."

Ever since, the three short-legged ones were rudely moved to the other side.

The doctor really looked carefully this time, and made a careful inspection.

The more he inspected, the more frightened his face became, and the uglier Wang Yucheng's face became. In the end, he even directly asked County Magistrate Wang to come in.

County Magistrate Wang went in impatiently, and felt a little distressed seeing his son's miserable appearance.

The doctor at the side hesitated, but finally told the truth.

"Young master, the key point, is seriously injured, I'm afraid it's..."

County Magistrate Wang's heart skipped a beat.

"Afraid of what?"

The doctor spoke the result tremblingly under the two dead eyes.

"I'm afraid... no longer capable."

"What!" County Magistrate Wang couldn't help raising his voice: "What do you mean!"

The doctor lowered his head and said it directly.

When Wang Yucheng heard that it was impossible for him to have children in the future, and that he was really cut off from descendants, he froze for a moment, and then let out a roar of rage.

"Kill her! I'm going to kill this Bego!"

County Magistrate Wang is also angry now.

This was his only son, and it was born to his real wife. The first child was actually killed by Zhao Yuanle and killed him.

It shattered the cup next to it with a slap, and County Magistrate Wang's face was frighteningly black.

Zhao Yuanle listened carefully to the voice inside through a wall, with a gloating smile on the corner of his mouth.

deserve it...

Make this person think badly, watch her straight

Take people to waste.

This man deserves to be cut off from his children and grandchildren.

Since Wang Yucheng had this idea and put it into action, he was no longer worthy of pity.

Yi Li on the side looked at Zhao Yuanle, speechless: "You are really ruthless."

He heard the movement inside and knew the general idea.

Zhao Yuanle: "What is this? Isn't he living a good life? Many girls will hang themselves if they lose their innocence. He still has a life. He should be grateful."

Yi Li touched his nose and chuckled lightly.

He also felt that Wang Yucheng was to blame, and he was happy to see the Wang family jokes, but after all, County Magistrate Wang had been the county magistrate for so many years, so it was quite easy to deal with Zhao Yuanle or the Zhao family.

Looking at Yi Li's eyes, Zhao Yuanle knew what he wanted to say.

So she spoke first: "Don't talk about revenge or not. He will come if he has the courage. I want to see what he can do."

As long as the Wang family takes revenge, she will directly break into the Wang family to fight back.

According to her current ability, even if the Wang family had a hundred guards, it would be useless.

As long as she thinks about it, she will strike ruthlessly, there is no one in Bailing County that she can't deal with.

Yi Li listened to what Zhao Yuanle said, but didn't say anything more.

The two of them waited until Tie Qing, the magistrate of Wang County, came out with a face.

He knew exactly what was going on and how the specific process was going. Now, he knew even more that Yi Li would not be on his side, and he had no way to retaliate in the open.

Now, he can only endure it.

Looking at Zhao Yuanle's confident face, County Magistrate Wang confirmed one thing in his heart.

He has made up his mind now.

Without Yi Li's expected difficulties and settlements, the county magistrate Wang directly regarded the incident as a misunderstanding, and took Wang Yucheng home without any trouble for Zhao Yuanle.

Yi Li frowned as he watched the group leave.

"Shouldn't be."

The county magistrate suddenly just let it go like this?

Zhao Yuanle snorted coldly.

"Let's forget it? His son doesn't have to be punished for plotting something wrong?"

Yi Li gave Zhao Yuanle the head.

"Come on, you, don't pretend, this time the county magistrate Wang doesn't care, it's already very rare."

Zhao Yuanle snorted, his eyes full of contempt.

"His own son did something wrong, and he still wants to care about it? Do you really think that he is a county magistrate and can be a tyrant?

As long as his family is human, others deserve to be killed by his son?


Yi Li: "Didn't you teach him a lesson too, it was a very serious lesson.

I advise you, let your family be careful.

Who knows what tricks they will have. "

Zhao Yuanle: "I see."

Finally, going through the process again, Zhao Yuanle returned home and directly told what happened today.

When Tang Siwen heard this, he almost fainted.

Zhao Dacheng: "You mean, that Wang Yucheng is real..."

Zhao Yuanle nodded.

"Yeah, whoever made him think about doing bad things first, he deserves this result. They don't treat others as human beings, so I can only teach him a lesson."

Zhao Yuankang: "Then County Magistrate Wang, I'm afraid he wants to retaliate against us."

Zhao Yuanxi was also worried.

"Yes, our family is in the county."

It's so easy to take revenge on them.

Zhao Yuanle smiled.

On the way here, she had already thought of a countermeasure.

"I'm not afraid of [-], just in case. Although County Magistrate Wang should not dare to do anything now, no one can say for sure. So, I think we can change places."

Zhao Dacheng:

"Lele, it's not good to leave your hometown."

Zhao Yuanle: "What is leaving home, I mean, change the street."

Tang Siwen came back to his senses.


Zhao Yuanle looked around and shook his head.

"The location here is remote, and people come here only by word of mouth. The place is not very big, and it's a bit dilapidated.

I think, you can change the place, like that lively place, that bright place.

Well, the area around the Ministry of Public Security is very nice. When I came back, I saw a house for sale there.

That house, facing south, is quite big, with a spacious front and an even wider rear, which can raise a cow, and has its own well, which is quite good. "

In this way, in the vicinity of the Ministry of Public Security, it is effective to guard against the magistrate Wang's tricks.

There is also a well in your own home, which is safer.

Tang Siwen: "You child, how much does this cost?"

Zhao Yuanle: "It's only about a hundred silver dollars. I have money, so I can buy it directly, and then move, and I can put it back in a day or two."

Tang Siwen: "But..."

Zhao Yuanle: "It's nothing to worry about. How many years have I lived in this house? Now that we have money, we can change it if we can.

Maybe, the eldest brother can't find a wife, because people think our house is too bad and the place is not good.

Let's buy a new house now to show off our financial resources, and maybe the eldest brother's daughter-in-law can be found. "

Zhao Yuankang: "..."

Can't we not mention this?

When Tang Siwen was told this, her heart was moved instantly, and she also felt that this statement made sense.

"I think it's possible. The first thing a woman wants to do when she gets married is to look at the house. Of course, the requirements for where to live are high.

Besides, before we had no conditions, we could only live in this remote place. Now that we have the conditions, why are we still squatting in this remote place? "

Zhao Dacheng stroked his beard, feeling a little moved.

But he still said worriedly: "Lele, is this money really enough?"

Zhao Yuanle patted his chest: "It's not like you haven't seen those golds before, so what are you afraid of?"

Zhao Yuanxi spoke.

"Move somewhere. There is no well here."

Several people discussed and quickly adopted Zhao Yuanle's opinion.

Zhao Yuanle: "Since everyone has no objections, I won't go back today. I will buy a house tomorrow and transfer the ownership directly."

Zhao Yuankang: "Aren't you going back to get the money?"

Zhao Yuanle took out the banknote from his body.

"Just in case, I always carry an emergency bank ticket with me."

Zhao Yuankang couldn't help giving Zhao Yuanle a thumbs up.

"You are great."

One hundred silver dollar bills, just carry them with you, and you won't be afraid of losing them.

Zhao Yuanle: "I'm not afraid of losing my things."

She can find it directly by smelling it.

In the evening, the Zhao family had a heated discussion about buying a house and moving, and the discussion lasted until midnight before going to sleep.

Just when Zhao Yuanle was about to fall asleep, he heard the sound of tiles in the silent night.

In the middle of the night, her eyes snapped open.

someone is coming…

so fast...

Then she, take advantage of this time to beat the Wang family well.


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