village pigwoman

447 has a "kidnapper"

However, the generator should not be a good buy.

Zhao Yuanle looked at this person and asked this question.

There was a bit of complacency in this man's expression.

"That's right, you can't buy this in Rongcheng, you can only go to Dongzhu, and you can't buy it in stock. You have to order it first, and you don't know how many checkpoints you have to pass when it is shipped to us.

That is to say, some noble people greeted those people now, without asking for any kickbacks, or making things difficult. "

Hearing this answer, Zhao Yuanle felt that buying a generator might be useless.

The issue of money is not a problem anymore, it will be troublesome to go to Dongzhu to find someone to book.

Most of these things come from the West, plus the time of booking and the time of delivery, it will take at least a month or two.

With this effort, the summer is over.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yuanle sighed and waved his hand at this person: "Forget it, I'm going back to discuss it with him."

The man snorted and continued to load coal into it.

"Little girl, it's easy to think."

Five or six hundred silver dollars, it's strange to get it out.

Zhao Yuanle turned and left. Walking on the road, he felt being followed again, and heard some small voices in the hiding place, so he couldn't help frowning.


Which one is it?Who is it?

The first thing she thought of was the county magistrate Wang's family, and it's not impossible for the young lady of the Yi family.

When Zhao Yuanle took the remote section with no people, these people started to move.

Zhao Yuanle didn't need to look back, he could tell how many people were there and how fast they were by just distinguishing the sounds he heard.

Three people, coming from different directions from behind, seem to...

Zhao Yuanle narrowed her eyes, and she seemed to smell a somewhat familiar smell.

It's the smell of datura flower powder, another name, it's the smell of datura flower, it has a very good anesthetic effect, and it's often used as a drug.

It seems that these people are still prepared.

Zhao Yuanle originally wanted to turn around and punch these people to the ground, but now, he wanted to pretend and see what these people were up to.

So, when these people rushed out from behind her and sprinkled the rich daphnia pollen on her ears and nose.

It's time to test your acting skills.

Zhao Yuanle showed panic, then coughed, then waved his fists indiscriminately, then swayed slowly, finally closed his eyes, and fell to the ground.

After she closed her eyes and fell to the ground, she heard the sound of relief from the three of them.

One person stretched out: "It's fine if you're dizzy. Hurry up and tie her up. Remember to wrap it up a few more times."

After the words were finished, several people tied up her hands and feet with thick hemp ropes, and covered her head with a piece of cloth.

Zhao Yuanle snorted coldly in his heart.

These people are too cowardly. Before she was acting, the three of them were far away from each other for fear of being touched by her. Now that she is tied up so firmly, these people even covered their heads and eyes.

so cowardly...

Carried by these people, he was thrown into the carriage. After a long period of bumps, he made a detour and finally stopped.

Zhao Yuanle was still listening to the sound and remembering the way by feeling, but later found that his head seemed unable to handle such a complicated matter, so he simply ignored it.

After stopping, Zhao Yuanle listened with his ears, and found that the environment here was not very quiet, and he could vaguely hear the voices of passers-by.

She hadn't heard clearly yet, the three people here sent her into a room, and shut the door with a snap to block out the vague sound.

In the quiet room, Zhao Yuanle felt that the hood on his head was taken off.

A familiar sneer sounded.

Wang Yucheng glanced at Zhao Yuanle's face, and sneered with disdain.

"Hmph, if you grow a little more beautiful, you won't be able to tell your own weight.

Dare to compete with Yuxiang. "

As he said that, Wang Yucheng couldn't get angry when he thought of the pig that day.

"What a shitty village girl, do you really think the Chen family takes you seriously? Still want to climb a branch and become a phoenix?"

Wang Yucheng looked at Zhao Yuanle coldly, feeling very contemptuous in his heart.

In his opinion, Zhao Yuanle, or the mud-legged people from the countryside like Zhao's family, are nothing more than grassroots, not only inferior to him, but also inferior to his family's dog.

That day, his sister, him, and his family were punished by such a grassroots man who didn't care about his death. It was a great humiliation.

Looking at Zhao Yuanle coldly, Wang Yucheng stretched out his hand and fetched the rich-smelling Yangjin pollen next to him.

If you can't get used to it, you can't get used to it, but he can tell from the bottom of his heart that this Zhao Yuanle not only looks pretty good, but also has a good figure. It would be a pity if those people ruined it.

So, he reluctantly...

Just as a thought came to his mind, Wang Yucheng, who wanted to kill Zhao Yuanle again, suddenly stopped.

The powder in his hand trembled and spilled all over the floor.

Zhao Yuanle opened his eyes and looked at Wang Yucheng with a sneer in his eyes and a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Yo, what is this for?"

Wang Yucheng was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized again.

The current Zhao Yuanle, no matter how strong he is, cannot break the rope, so he is safe.

Just when he was about to call the people outside the house to be on the safe side, he heard Peng Peng twice.

Zhao Yuanle broke the ropes directly with force, and her pigskin broke the ropes, and there was a little red mark.

Other than that, there are no traces.

Wang Yucheng's eyes almost flew out.


Zhao Yuanle suddenly reached out and grabbed Wang Yucheng's neck.

"Me? What's wrong with me?"

She only needed to move her fingers a little, and Wang Yucheng's face immediately turned a liver-colored color, her throat was stuck and she couldn't speak, nor could she make any sound.

Zhao Yuanle looked at him with a sneer.

"I thought you would be good for someone like you? That's it? Do you only use the trick of destroying a woman's innocence?

What do you think?

Do you think that as long as I lose my innocence, it's useless? "

That could be very wrong.

Wang Yucheng really thought so. He felt that as long as Zhao Yuanle lost her innocence, those two nobles would not care about her at all.

But at this moment, his breathing was blocked, so he could only pick Zhao Yuanle's hand with his hands, but found that he couldn't move it at all.

When Zhao Yuanle exerted a little force, his eyes went dark and his neck was almost broken.

The corners of Zhao Yuanle's eyes were filled with sarcasm.

"You don't think you can really get it, do you? If I don't want to know who deliberately pretended to be unconscious, the few people you photographed are not enough for me to slap."

Wang Yucheng had difficulty breathing and was unable to refute Zhao Yuanle's words at all.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Yuanle let go of his hand.

As if he had received an amnesty, Wang Yucheng breathed in the air frantically, and pushed Zhao Yuanle away.

Zhao Yuanle didn't resist either, but took two steps back, keeping some distance from Wang Yucheng.

Wang Yucheng had just recovered his breathing, but his face was still full of panic. Just because of habit, he subconsciously scolded him, and then brought out his identity and talked about his county magistrate's father.

Zhao Yuanle touched his ears impatiently, not listening to Wang Yucheng's words seriously at all.

Seeing this, Wang Yucheng was angry and scared.

"What have I done? Do you have any proof? I just happened to meet you, a country girl who steals."

Without witnesses, or without physical evidence, Wang Yucheng was not afraid of Zhao Yuanle suing the officials at all.

Zhao Yuanle looked at Wang Yucheng quietly.

She is thinking about a question.

What if, if she captures Wang Yucheng and sends her to the Ministry of Public Security, and everything follows the law, what will happen?

There is a high probability that because she has not been treated badly, nothing will happen to Wang Yucheng.

Even if someone upholds justice, this Wang Yucheng can bite him to death and refuse to admit it, but she can't help it.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yuan laughed happily.

Now, she doesn't want to reason at all, and she doesn't want to talk about rules.

Here, at this time, is not suitable for reasoning.

Wang Yucheng: "Presumptuous!"

After the words fell, he hurriedly called the names of the three people outside the door.

The three rushed in immediately with knives and sticks.

Seeing the sober Zhao Yuanle, the leader was quite worried, but he still had to bite the bullet.

Wang Yucheng was on the side, and soon returned to his usual posture.

Thinking about this person's disgusting thoughts and actions, Zhao Yuanle quickly decided on one thing.

Before Wang Yucheng could say anything else, Zhao Yuanle rushed over in a swish. In Wang Yucheng's surprised state, he used enough strength to cut off his children and grandchildren.

After being dazed for a few seconds, Wang Yucheng screamed fiercely, lay on the ground and began to roll, his eyes were flushed, and his forehead was covered with veins.


He felt that he might be broken...

Here Wang Yucheng's dog legs looked at each other, the leader seemed to still want to catch Zhao Yuanle, but only saw Zhao Yuanle swishing, and then the three of them could only scream.

Zhao Yuanle kicked all three of them in the legs, and all three of them now have broken calves.

Seeing the miserable appearance of these three people screaming, Zhao Yuanle felt no pity in his heart.

She stepped on the daphnia powder under her feet, and then crushed her feet several times with the soles of her feet.

"You guys, one has a crooked mind, three dog legs, since that's the case, I'll let you have a taste of it."

Wang Yucheng screamed and threatened Zhao Yuanle.

"Damn you! I'm the county magistrate's son, you idiot want to die!"

Zhao Yuanle spread his hands, with a provocative smile on his face.

"That's great, county magistrate, do you think I'm afraid of moving your father out?

Let me tell you, call your father and I will fight together.

Cut, do you really think of yourself as something? "

As he said that, Zhao Yuanle went over and kicked Wang Yucheng a few more times.

"So what if I beat you, if you have the ability to get someone to arrest me, ask your county magistrate's father to come and see if he dares to come and see if he can.

Look at how I broke all these people's legs. "

After saying this, Zhao Yuanle hooked the corner of his mouth, took the ink and brush next to him, and painted Wang Yucheng a big black face, then tied the remaining ropes around these people, and dragged the four of them to run outside.

Once outside, Zhao Yuanle began to yell.

"There is a kidnapper here, I caught the kidnapper, who saw the guard?"

Hearing this, Wang Yucheng looked at these people, and remembered his embarrassment now, and the words he wanted to say about his identity stuck in his throat.

Zhao Yuanle preached like this, and dragged these people to the Ministry of Public Security.

Inside the Ministry of Public Security, Yi Li looked at the people in front of him and felt his scalp go numb.

What kidnapper?

Who is this not Wang Yucheng?

He also drew a big black face, and brought Wang Yucheng and other cronies with him...

Yi Li frowned, and looked at Zhao Yuanle helplessly.

"you really…"

Zhao Yuanle looked innocent.

"What's wrong with me? I'll catch the kidnapper for you and get you a performance. If you don't thank me, what are you doing with this face?"

Yi Li didn't believe Zhao Yuanle's nonsense at all, it's no wonder that Zhao Yuanle couldn't recognize Wang Yucheng.

However, now Zhao Yuan

Le, just killed her with one bite. These are a few kidnappers who wanted to kidnap and sell her because of her beauty, but she subdued her.

Even if she pretended not to know Wang Yucheng, she couldn't tell that it was Wang Yucheng, and insisted that he was a kidnapper.

Zhao Yuanle was serious.

"These are all kidnappers, especially this one, who wanted to do something to me and was beaten by me. Yi Baowei, you must punish these people severely."

What county magistrate's son, what revenge?

She didn't know, she just thought that she was kidnapped by a kidnapper, and in a panic, in order to protect herself, she accidentally injured these people.

For the rest, she doesn't know anything.

Wang Yucheng, who had lost all his sons and grandchildren, was dying of pain, with anger in his eyes.

During this period of being treated as a kidnapper in embarrassment, he wished to execute Zhao Yuanle, a commoner.

Yi Li rubbed his temples and let out a long sigh.

"He's not a kidnapper. He's the county magistrate's son. You've seen him before."

As he spoke, he asked someone to bring water and a clean cloth towel to wash Wang Yucheng's face clean.

Zhao Yuanle was a little pretentious, and pretended to cover his mouth.

"What? Why is this the county magistrate's son? How did the county magistrate's son become a kidnapper? Is your family short of money?"

Wang Yucheng took a deep breath, pointed at Zhao Yuanle and was about to say something.

Zhao Yuanle complained again.

"Tell me about you, you, why didn't you say anything along the way?

I was stunned and in a daze at the time, so I beat you all up. There was nothing I could do about it. Why didn’t you explain it yourself, didn’t you say it? "

The three people whose legs were broken saw Zhao Yuanle's face changing, and wanted to tell the truth, but they got stuck in the moment of speaking.

They can't explain anything at all.

Zhao Yuanle looked at Yi Li with a smile.

"It's up to you, right? Why don't you come and interrogate these guys and find out why they stunned me."

Yi Li silently looked at Zhao Yuanle.

He felt that Zhao Yuanle was really capable of pretending now, that he could really pretend to be confused while pretending to understand.


fair enough.

He knew where Wang Yucheng was injured by looking at Wang Yucheng's face and movements, and he could tell that this person was seriously injured.

At this time, Zhao Yuanle only had to pretend to be stupid, killing himself without knowing it and hurting someone out of self-protection.

I don't know who it is, and he hurt someone in self-protection, and he knew it was the son of the county magistrate, and he beat him up.

These two things are completely different concepts.

Although everyone knew it well, on the surface, the county magistrate Wang had no reason at all, and Wang Yucheng was even more wrong.

Yi Li's smile was meaningful.

"So, you didn't recognize who it was, and mistook it for a kidnapper, so you did this cruel thing?"

Zhao Yuanle smiled: "Didn't you just know this when you came here? Who knew that this was the son of the county magistrate, and I didn't know it. The heavy attack was also because of fear."


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