The man screamed and was heartbroken over the silver dollars that had been taken from him.

And Zhao Liniang was beaten out of breath by the furious Jin Feng.

Zhao Yuanle looked around at the spectators, with a cold face, he scolded angrily.

"I don't want any conscience to watch the fun!

What kind of shit housework?

Think of yourselves, your daughters!

It's obviously a matter of selling people, so just a family matter?

Today you watch her liveliness, tomorrow others will watch your liveliness!

Do you think you are so smart?How stable do you think you are?

Others are being bullied to the face. People from a village, people who have lived with her for so many years, saw that she was going to be sold, but they didn't react at all. Hmph, your hearts are really hardened. "

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yuanle picked up this so-called goddaughter of Zhao Liniang.

"You still count the time, you tipped them off, what's the matter, and there's still a share?"

Looking at Zhao Yuanle's appearance, this man was also terrified.

"What are you going to do?"

Zhao Yuanle said coldly: "Didn't you come here not according to the law, but according to your rules?

Well, I have my rules now too. "

The man didn't say anything, just stared blankly at Zhao Yuanle.

Zhao Yuanle slapped him across the face.

"My rule is to strike directly when you don't want to be reasonable. Whichever of you can beat me has the final say!"

At this time, the old woman whose eyes were rolled by Zhao Yuanle came over with a dark face, swung the crutch in her hand and slapped Zhao Yuanle on the forehead, speaking plausibly.

"I'll beat you to death, you little white-eyed wolf, rebellious boy, I'll beat you to death! You little Beige hoof!"

Zhao Yuanle turned around and saw that the old woman was still puffing out her chest.

She opened a pair of dead fish eyes, put her feet on her feet, and pointed her nostrils at Zhao Yuanle.

"What are you doing, I'll beat you if I beat you! Your father doesn't even dare to speak, and he still wants to buy me good food and wine!"

She didn't believe that Zhao Yuanle dared to hit her as an old man.

Anyway, she rolled her old bones on the ground to see if Zhao Yuanle would not be scolded to death.

Zhao Yuanle took a deep breath, smiled slightly, and said a word to the old woman.

"You old bastard, if you want to offend Bego and ask for a beating, I'll give you everything."

As soon as the words fell, she restrained the strength in her hands, and slapped the old woman's face with a slap.

Everyone was stunned, and there was silence for a moment, except for Jinfeng next to him shouting to kill Zhao Liniang.

He Ju covered her mouth in surprise, she didn't expect that Zhao Yuanle could really do it.

The old woman fell to the ground, slapped her thighs and began to cry like an opera.

"Ah! You beat someone to death! Zhao Yuanle is a rebellious and unfilial person who kills thousands of swords and cuts off his head!"

With a slap, Zhao Yuanle slapped again, and the old woman's crying stopped abruptly.

Zhao Yuanle still had a smile on his face.

"Swear again."

The old woman just tried to open her mouth.

Zhao Yuanle's slap was raised, and she quickly shut her mouth, not daring to cry, nor would she not cry.

People around looked at Zhao Yuanle with a smile on his face and felt cold sweat on his back.

Zhao Yuanle looked at the group of people around him, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"Not calling now?"

To put it bluntly, they are all bullying.

As long as she is unreasonable, these people will not dare to provoke her.

If you give some benefits on weekdays, you don't have to worry about making people angry, and there will naturally be people who please you.

It turns out that the so-called obstinate rules and thousands of years of etiquette are not even farts under absolute force.

You have to be a ruthless person.

Zhao Yuanle couldn't tell what was going on in his heart, so he walked over slowly and grabbed the anger

Jinfeng with one arm.

"Okay, don't kill people, just breathe out."

Jin Feng stared at Zhao Liniang viciously.

"So I thought, when you die, at least I'll make a funeral for you. Since you're so dark-hearted, just wait for me!"

She will not remarry now, but still wants to live with this old thing.

She wants to see what kind of waves this old thing can make in the future.

At this time, the men from the village also came.

The headed old patriarch, after listening to the story of the people on the side, his face darkened.

The old woman who originally wanted to sue the old patriarch was directly scolded by the old patriarch.

"You are confused!"

The old patriarch frowned in disgust: "You are really an idiot, you let bullies from outside come to our village, that Jinfeng, after all, is also a member of our village, who said you just sold it to the casino?"

The old woman: "Then Zhao Liniang is the elder, and the daughter-in-law here..."

The old patriarch hurriedly stopped.

"She, Zhao Liniang, is an elder? She also has no right to sell someone.

If this is sold, what kind of woman will our village ask for in the future?Who dares to marry?

People from casinos can come into our village to kidnap people at will. In the future, they will follow suit. The women and girls in our village will be sold at a price?

What kind of bullshit family affairs, she dares to go beyond our village! "

The old patriarch scolded everyone present, especially Zhao Liniang, and then praised Zhao Yuanle, saying that Zhao Yuanle had saved the face of the village.

The people in the village were originally afraid of Zhao Yuanle, but now that the village chief said it, some people really thought that Zhao Yuanle was right, but he was just a little fierce.

The scene has almost stabilized like this.

The old patriarch's eyes fell on the goddaughter of the foreign village, and there was a flash of cruelty in his eyes.

"Which unscrupulous woman from outside came to our Zhaojia'ao to plot, right?

In the past, this unscrupulous mother-in-law was tied up and thrown into the ancestral hall for one night, and then went to her in-laws to settle the score tomorrow.

Hmph, the women in my own family don't care about it, and go to other villages to harm people. "

The woman screamed and cast her eyes on her godmother for help, and now Zhao Liniang was also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, so she didn't give her goddaughter a look at all.

The woman had to be tied up and taken away, and was beaten twice on the way.

At this moment, the scene became quiet, and the old patriarch coughed twice, telling the story that no one was injured in this year's water grabbing victory.

He especially talked about Zhao Yuanle's contribution.

"Looking at Zhao Er in the past, and seeing Zhao Er's daughter this year, you all have to thank their family, and think of the villagers in everything, don't follow those dizzy-headed ones, thinking about scheming people every day.

We are one in one village, do you know that? "

Everyone hurriedly agreed, and the way they looked at Zhao Yuanle became different.

Zhao Yuanle didn't respond to this, and walked towards his family.

He Ju breathed a sigh of relief.

"My mother, you really want to scare me to death."

Zhao Yuanle: "You're the one who scared me to death. Look, you have a big belly, so why come to see the excitement?"

He Ju touched her belly when she heard the words, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Fortunately, you came back earlier. If it had been at the usual time, Jin Feng would have been driven away long ago."

There just happened to be no men in the village, who would dare to stop these casinos?

Zhao Yuanle: "Zhao Liniang is too confused."

He Ju nodded.

"She's too much."

Zhao Yuanlan put Yao'er down, feeling infinite emotion in her heart.

She decided that she must not marry Xiaocunli in the future, it was too scary.

After Liu Xiaohong finished watching this episode, Zhao Yuan

Le felt more admiration.

Yao'er remained silent, with deep thoughts in his eyes.

Today, these things really gave him a lot of insight, and he also believed in something more firmly.

He has to study more seriously.

Zhao Sancheng also came over, looking at He Ju's stomach worriedly.

"It's hot here, hurry up, let's go back to cool off."

He Ju smiled sweetly, nodded, and asked Zhao Sancheng to help him go home, not forgetting to call the rest of the family.

Just as Zhao Sancheng helped He Ju to go there, the old patriarch spoke to Zhao Sancheng.

"Come and have a drink at night, this time your family has contributed a lot."

Zhao Sancheng looked at He Ju for the first time, and after He Ju nodded with a smile, he nodded at the old patriarch.

"Okay, I'll be there then."

Zhao Yuanle went back with his family, and looked back at Jinfeng and Zhao Liniang.

Zhao Liniang's hair was all messed up, and her face was extremely flustered.

Zhao Yuanle sneered inwardly.

She said, why is Zhao Li so ruthless, and still thinking of killing people, it turns out that Zhao Liniang is not a good person.

Jin Feng watched the others leave, and when there were no more people around, her expression changed and she pushed Zhao Liniang into the room.

Zhao Liniang's voice trembled.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Jinfeng sneered.

"When I married into your family, I spent a lot of dowry on you? How did you serve you at the beginning? Huh?

You take Joe, you play the role of mother-in-law, you make things difficult for me, how much have I suffered from you?

For more than ten years, you actually want to sell me, and you still engage in these calculations. "

Zhao Liniang endured the uneasiness in her heart, and tried to explain to Jin Feng's cold and scary eyes.

"You should pay off my son's debt, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Jin Feng slapped him across the face, and then slapped him hard again, gnashing his teeth and said: "You wait for me, the days will be long in the future, I think you can live a long time, you don't want me to retire Come on."

From today onwards, she wants this old godmother to suffer all the grievances and difficulties she has suffered. In another position, she wants to see how long this old thing can last.

At this time, when Zhao Yuanle and others returned home, He Ju went into the house to find clothes for Zhao Sancheng.

According to what she said, at such a good time, when everyone eats together, they must dress better.

According to the usual rules of the village, He Ju asked Liu Xiaohong to find some meat and vegetables, and asked Zhao Sancheng to take them there later.

Taking advantage of this moment, Zhao Yuanle went into the pigpen to have a look.

The pregnant Xiaobai ran over with her big belly.

Zhao Yuanle calculated that a pig usually takes three to four months to conceive. This pig not only grows fast, but also gives birth to cubs fast. Now it has been broken for a month or so, and its belly is ready to give birth.

It should be this time, and it will be born.

Zhao Yuanle reached out and touched Xiaobai's stomach.

"I'll fight for the pig king. When the time comes, there will be more babies in one litter. It's better to be good in everything."

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuanle thought of Pig God.

There was a reward for Xiaobai when she was pregnant, but now that she is pregnant, what kind of reward will she get?

After staying with Xiaobai for a while, Zhao Yuanle patted it on the head, got up and left.

In the room, Liu Xiaohong fanned Yao'er, expressing emotion for Yao'er's cleverness.

She smiled and asked, "Is Yao'er the smartest among these kids?"

Yao'er sighed sadly.

"I don't play with them at all, they don't study, they just play around, making mud pellets to dig out bird nests."

Liu Xiaohong: "They are not material for studying."

Yaoer: "There is no distinction between teaching and learning. Everyone should learn."


Xiaohong was taken aback for a moment, she was a little embarrassed.

"Oh, look at me, a big bastard, I don't understand what I'm talking about."

He Ju: "Lele taught him this, and I don't know what it means."

At this time, Zhao Yuanlan sighed heavily beside him.

She saw everything today from the beginning to the end, and there was only worry and fear in her heart.

With so many people, they can actually watch a big living person being sold, and no one can do anything.

Zhao Yuanle saw Zhao Yuanlan's state, and walked over to put her arms around her shoulders.

"Don't sigh, it's useless to sigh, it will get better in the future."

Zhao Yuanlan frowned helplessly: "How can it be better?"

She felt that these people had the same idea, and could they change what they said?

Zhao Yuanle smiled.

"Yes, you see, I hit that old thing today and no one dared to say anything, so no matter how stubborn my thoughts are, they won't stay the same forever.

Still have to look at reality. "

Zhao Yuanlan: "I also want to become stronger."

Zhao Yuanle: "Yes, you have to hold the ability in your hands, so that you can support yourself in the future, and you don't have to rely on anyone. If you don't rely on anyone, you will be tough when you speak."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yuanle's eyes fell on Yao'er.

She thought of the little children next door, and a group of children from her own village.

These children seldom go to school. Apart from looking at the appearance of their own adults and dealing with the behavior of the people around them, they can no longer get other education.

So, from generation to generation, certain ideas are deeply ingrained.

Although there are new-style schools in the county, there must be few people in the village who send their children there.

Zhao Yuanle thought about it carefully, walked out of the yard, looked at the pig factory over there, and had an idea in his heart.

Maybe, I can set up a small school in my own village, without paper and pen, just a sand table and a small blackboard, and at most some small benches.

I don’t need to teach too much, basic arithmetic and basic words are enough, and I don’t need too much time every day. By the way, I will tell some educational stories in compulsory education textbooks.

I don't know how much it can be changed, as long as it can have a little effect.

Coincidentally, she now has to make brushes and spends a lot of time in the village.

You can try it, if you can’t fix it, just don’t do it, and the cost is not high.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yuanle looked at a green field with slightly yellow rice ears, and took a deep breath.

"It's going to be busy."

Let's talk about it after the busy season has passed.

On the second day, Zhao Liniang's goddaughter was sent back to her original village. Jinfeng's family finally came.

The village has been gossiping about this matter for several days.

And these days the sun was shining brightly, and finally, on a sultry night of low pressure, it rained heavily.

The lights in Zhao's house were on, and Zhao Sancheng sat at the door in relief, listening to the sound of rain, and burst into laughter.

"Good job."

It's been raining really well.

He Ju puffed out her stomach, with some worry in her eyes.

"I don't know if Xiaohong has arrived home."

Zhao Sancheng: "It should be here, anyway, they took the hats and coir raincoats, so they can't get wet."

On Zhao Yuanle's side, Yao'er and Zhao Yuanlan fought the landlord together, feeling the coolness outside the house, and they were in a good mood.

Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat, and she heard the sound from the pigsty.


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