village pigwoman

443 water rush

The sky was very bright, and the sun had not yet come out. A group of people in front were walking in a hurry, and Zhao Yuanle followed behind unhurriedly.

When the team walked to the next village, they saw that the men from the next village were already waiting there. After the two teams met, they had a discussion and soon started to move forward again.

After going on like this, they finally reached the big village upstream, where a group of people stopped at the entrance of the village and finally saw the source of water.

The bottom of the ditch is blocked by stones, and the accumulated water is very deep. At this moment, it flows to the nearby rice fields through the waterwheel and the small drinking canal.

Seeing the rice fields where others were full and the rice growing vigorously, the faces of the people in the two villages turned dark.

These people have water, and this year's harvest is reliable, so what about them?

The people in this village do everything well every time, and they don't leave any water for the village behind.

At this time, there was no one passing by at the entrance of the village, and no dog ran out to yell.

The people in the village were not surprised at all, it seemed that the people in this village were ready.

An old man from Zhaojiaao stood up, holding a cigarette stick in his hand, and yelled at the inside. After cursing, he turned around and waved his wrinkled old hand.

"Why are you standing still, dig up all the rocks and mud for me, I see them storing water, what a fart!"

At an order, several people jumped down the ditch and started rocking with sticks.

At this time, people in the village started to move. A few big and strong men took the lead and rushed out, and the big dog behind them also ran out.

One of the middle-aged men came out, swept through the crowd, and found that Zhao Ercheng was not there. He breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression suddenly became extremely arrogant.

The man's face was full of flesh, showing a mouthful of big yellow teeth, and he swiped the stick in his hand arrogantly.

"Leave it all to me! Which one of you dare to move it to have a look! This is the water in our village, which one dares to get it!"

The old man in Zhaojiaao frowned and looked at the big man.

"What nonsense are you talking about, this is from your village? Then the other villages are waiting to be killed?"

The big man snorted coldly.

"Who told you to live downstream, it must be our upstream that uses this water first."

Zhao Sancheng stood up, usually honest, his face was quite fierce at this time.

"Let me tell you, Liu Dahan, we must have this water today, if you dare to block it, it will not give us the other two villages a way to survive, and if you don't give us a way to survive, then we will fight you desperately!"

Liu Dahan didn't take Zhao Sancheng seriously at all, and there was a little irony in his eyes.

"Hey, now it's your turn, Zhao San, to come out and speak? Are you capable of calling your brother over? Why don't you still want to fight us with Zhao Ercheng?

Pooh, old man, looking back at Zhao Ercheng's face, I gave you a face, didn't he? "

The old man of the Zhao family held the cigarette stick tightly in his hand, and said threateningly: "Zhao Ercheng went to repair the railway, he is not dead, you made us anxious, we will call someone back tomorrow!"

A young man suddenly walked out beside Liu Dahan.

Zhao Yuanle hid in the dark and took a look. She thought this young man looked familiar?

Many young people followed this person.

At this time, the old man of the Zhao family was obviously a little panicked.

He remembered that at least one railway repairer went out from every family in every village. Where did these angry young people come from.

At the side, Zhao Niu'er suddenly leaned into the ear of the old man of the Zhao family and said, "This is the group of bastards who know how to steal and mess around in the street all day long. They definitely didn't go to repair the railway this time. It is estimated that they were all called by Liu Dahan. .”

The old Zhao family looked over there and couldn't help frowning.

Originally, he calculated that the people in his own village plus the village next door were similar to those in this village, at most there were a few fewer people, but the difference was not that big anyway.

Now... I'm afraid it's a two-digit loss. If we really want to fight, I'm afraid we will suffer a lot.

The young man in the lead had a hostile expression on his face, and he was laughing loudly at the moment.

Zhang, a pair of slender eyes don't take a serious look at people.

He crossed his arms and folded his chest, looking disdainfully at the people in front of him.

"Zhao Ercheng and the others are building the railway, it's a critical time, at least they won't be back for half a month.

Do you want water?That's ok, when he comes back, we'll release the water. "

Zhao Sancheng gritted his teeth.

"Wait for half a month, and the rice will be dry! So many people will lose all their food for a year. Your hearts are so dark!"

The young man sneered twice.

"We don't want water? Why should we give it to you? Who doesn't want the rice at home to grow better? If you live downstream, you deserve it."

He was not at all afraid of Zhao Ercheng's reckoning later, because even after this period of time, Zhao Ercheng would only have one day off, and he would be fine if he escaped.

Zhao Sancheng was very angry, and so were the other people in Zhaojiaao. The people from the neighboring village were all holding weapons in their hands, and they seemed to want to fight.

The old man of the Zhao family has not given any news.

I'm afraid I can't win this fight. I don't know if I have to eat well, and I don't have any water. The gain outweighs the loss.

He feels that the situation is not right now, so he can calm down a little and withdraw to discuss it first.

That Liu Dahan saw what the old man of the Zhao family meant, and laughed even more, and even motioned for the dogs on his side to come forward and bark.

Zhao Sancheng is so angry.

It's a dog fight!

The barking dog rushed over, and the old Zhao family standing in front of him lost his balance and took two steps back.

The old man pointed at the group of people with trembling fingers.

"Don't do anything wrong, this water belongs to one of your villages? Why don't you use it for us?"

The people on Liu Dahan's side laughed sarcastically.

The arrogant young man spread his hands indifferently.

"Who told you that you don't occupy the land, and there are few people. If you can't beat them, you only have to be in the back row."

Hearing this, Zhao Yuanle, who was hiding in the dark, sneered, walked out slowly, and said loudly: "Then if I beat you up and call you father and mother, then you deserve it, whoever called me born with great strength , if you can’t win, you will only be beaten.”

Following the sound, Zhao Yuanle walked in front of everyone in Zhaojiaao.

Zhao Sancheng was the first to react, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull Zhao Yuanle back.

"What are you doing! You're a girl who ran over to beat you, why don't you beat me, go back!"

When Liu Dahan saw Zhao Yuanle, he didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all. Many people behind him laughed with him.

"Haha, don't you have any men in Zhaojiaao? My mother, I laughed so hard, call a little girl, your ancestors' skins will be embarrassing!"

Amidst the smiles of the crowd, the arrogant young man's face became serious.

With wary eyes, he touched Liu Dahan next to him.

Liu Dahan didn't respond, just smiled there.

Others in Zhaojiaao also asked Zhao Yuanle to go back.

Zhao Niuer earnestly said.

"Lele, hurry up, it will be bad when you really hit it."

Great strength belongs to great strength, Zhao Yuanle's thin skin and tender flesh are not suitable for fighting.

He felt that it would be better for Zhao Yuanle to bring his own wild boar.

At this time, the leader of the barking big dog, seeing that Zhao Yuanle seemed to be the smallest, rushed over directly, with his paws facing Zhao Yuanle's face, and his open mouth facing Zhao Yuanle's throat.

Liu Dahan saw it, but didn't move.

He knew that Zhao Yuanle was Zhao Ercheng's daughter, and he heard that she was quite strong.

Hmph, his cousin had his leg broken by Zhao Ercheng when he was grabbing water before. This time, Zhao Ercheng's daughter will have a long memory, let's see if he dares to come to this scene.

Zhao Sancheng rushed forward with a stick, but unexpectedly, his foot slipped and he fell down with a sound.

He raised his head in horror, looking at the big dog that was jumping at Zhao Yuanle, his back was sweating.

Zhao Yuanle heard someone move behind her, she smiled slightly, and clenched her fists at the big dog that rushed over.

With a bang, Zhao Yuanle directly punched the head of the big dog that was rushing towards him.

Almost instantly, the dog was sent flying back like a reverse shell, and directly hit Liu Dahan. Liu Dahan subconsciously hugged his dog.

However, a shock from his chest brought him straight to the ground.

People on both sides saw the person and dog being beaten into the air, and there was a deathly silence.

Zhao Yuanle touched his fist, glanced at the man's condition, and shrugged.

"I thought it was awesome."

She only used a little effort for this punch.

People from the opposite village saw their own being beaten, and one of them stepped forward to check, and saw a big dog whose head had been beaten flat.

Liu Dahan saw that his dog was dead, and his chest hurt again. Just as he opened his mouth, a mouthful of blood spewed out.

Zhao Yuanle was a little surprised.

This is vomiting blood...

She couldn't just beat someone to death with one punch.

Liu Dahan glared at Zhao Yuanle fiercely and roared angrily.

"You little Bego! Hit her!"

Zhao Yuanle raised his eyebrows.

She felt that the big man's voice was very loud, so it should be no big deal.

That being the case, she also knew how hard she was going to use to hit someone.

Affected by the tragic image and voice of Liu Dahan vomiting blood, someone in this village really came towards Zhao Yuanle.

If there is a leader, the people behind will naturally follow.

People from the two villages here hurried over when they saw this.

Zhao Yuanle sneered. Facing these vicious men who wanted to deal with her, she didn't give much glances, and just punched them one by one, picking places that were painful and not easy to cause major accidents.

Seeing this, the people in Liu Dahan's village quickly began to besiege Zhao Yuanle.

Someone gritted his teeth and slammed a stick at Zhao Yuanle's forehead, but his hands went numb from the shock.

Zhao Yuanle patted his head, turned his head to look at the person who directly led the head, with a sneer on his face.

"My heart is so dark."

As soon as the voice fell, she kicked over directly, only to hear a click, and the man fell to the ground screaming, clutching his broken leg and howling.

Zhao Yuanle's eyes turned cold, and he rolled up his sleeves as he looked at the group of besiegers.

As a result, Zhao Jia'ao and the people in the next-door village just watched Zhao Yuanle punch one by one, knocking down all the big guys in the village to the ground.

At the end of the beating, it was almost Zhao Yuanle who chased the remaining people who were about to run, grabbed one and punched one, fell down and cried, and then caught the next one.

The dog who was barking and biting next to him was not spared, and was beaten by Zhao Yuanle, limping and running around.

In the end, the arrogant young man was left. He looked at his own people who were lying on the ground, and directly raised his hand to admit defeat.

"I didn't do it, I really didn't do it."

Zhao Yuanle strode forward, leaving an afterimage in front of everyone.

When everyone reacted, Zhao Yuanle had already arrived in front of this person.

She smiled coldly.

"You didn't do anything, but you mouthed it."

After finishing speaking, she slapped twice, she slapped her forehand and backhand twice, and the man's face suddenly swelled up.

Looking around, Zhao Yuanle clapped his hands and put down his sleeves, seeing no one who could fight.

"That's it, you dance like this when my father is not here, I thought how capable you are.

Let me tell you, if you dare to block the water again this year, I will go to your village and drag you out one by one and beat you again.

Hmph, this time it's pretty easy, next time... it's not about breaking an arm or a leg.

so simple. "

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yuanle turned around gracefully, walked back, and faced the surprised fellow villagers with a smile.

The old man of the Zhao family swallowed, his voice trembling a little.

"I said, Miss Zhao Er, you... are a bit powerful."

Zhao Niu'er shook his head: "No, she is too powerful, even stronger than her father."

In the ditch, two people who wanted to move stones couldn't help but make noise after watching the show.

"Patriarch, this stone is so heavy that the two of us can't lift it."

When Zhao Yuanle heard this, she went straight over and let the two of them come up. She grabbed the stone tied to it and gritted her teeth.

With a clattering sound, the originally blocked ditch water gushed out, and the dry mud surface behind was quickly submerged by water.

Zhao Yuanle pulled out the stone, looked at it, and nodded: "The size of this stone is just right, and it's just finished blocking."

The person next to him: "This is the stone they specially found, and they block it every year."

Zhao Yuanle chuckled, and took the hammer from the person next to him.

"Get out of the way."

The two quickly jumped to the other side.

Zhao Yuanle took a hammer and went down several times with the hammer, smashing the big rock into several pieces, and smashing the remaining pieces so that the stone could no longer block the water.

Seeing the waterwheel on the side and the small ditch for water diversion, Zhao Yuanle kicked the waterwheel over and the small ditch was also blocked.

After doing this, Zhao Yuanle looked at his third uncle.

"Is it done now, can I go home?"

Zhao Sancheng was stunned for a moment, and looked at the old man of the Zhao family.

The old man has regained his composure now, with the cigarette stick in his mouth, and he waved his hand with a smile.

"Okay, let's go back, if they dare to block again, we will fight again."

Zhao Yuanle jumped over with a rope and hammer, came to Zhao Sancheng's side, and laughed twice.

"Third Uncle, how about it, I'm good."

Zhao Sancheng couldn't suppress the smile on his face, but he still disagreed.

"Don't do this in the future. Your aunt and the others know that if they want to scold you to death, they will scold me as well."

Zhao Yuanle: "Hey, there's nothing wrong with me, so just scold them if they scold them."

Zhao Sancheng smiled, and walked behind with Zhao Yuanle, speaking in a low voice through the rest of the village.

"If you come out alone, they will hate you alone, and you will offend more people."

Zhao Yuanle didn't care about this at all.

"What are you afraid of, how many of them are so courageous, dare to go all out and do something?

Even if there are some who show up, I will deal with them twice more, and naturally no one will dare to show up later, and besides, they don't care about it in the first place.

I think it's better to be a villain, be more vicious, lest anyone else make any plans. "

Zhao Sancheng smiled helplessly: "You..."

When the large army returned to the village, Zhao Yuanle and Zhao Sancheng were already prepared to be scolded by He Ju.

However, under the big cherry tree at the entrance of the village, it is not what everyone thinks it is.

Zhao Yuanle: "Why is there no one at the entrance of the village today?"

Zhao Niu'er was also surprised.

"Shouldn't be."

Everyone, Yingfa, knew that they were grabbing water today, and when they saw the water flowing down, they should all be waiting for someone at the entrance of the village.

What about this person...

Zhao Yuanle looked around with his ears pricked up, and walked towards the house. Unexpectedly, there was only Wu Lin reading a book at home.

Zhao Yuanle couldn't help asking: "Where are people?"

Wu Lin didn't lift his head.

"Going to watch the fun."

Zhao Yuanle: "Where do you go to watch the fun?"

Wu Lin: "Jinfeng's house."

Zhao Yuanle turned around and ran to Jinfeng's house.

Zhao Sancheng held the stick with a puzzled look on his face.

"Where is this going?"

Wu Lin: "Go and watch the excitement."

Zhao Sancheng: "Huh?"

And Zhao Yuanle was running to Jinfeng's house quickly.

Sure enough, there are already many people around here.

In front of the house, in the center of the crowd, stood beside Zhao Liniang the former goddaughter. The two of them were coldly looking at the gagged and bound Jinfeng.

A group of women watched, including some elderly people.

Liu Xiaohong was protecting He Ju, and also stopped He Ju from going forward.

Zhao Yuanlan picked up Yao'er and poked her head to look, with an anxious expression on her face.

Zhao Yuanle walked over and saw the center, a few men who were not good at first glance, and one of them was pulling out an IOU.

"Be a witness, big fellow. This is the money that Zhao Li owed me before he died. Now this Mrs. Zhao Li is in charge. If she sells Zhao Li's wife to us to pay off the debt, this account will be written off."

With that said, the man put the IOU in Zhao Liniang's hands.

Jin Feng was tied up, her face was flushed red, and her barely movable soles were crazily pawing at the ground.

She tried to scream, but she couldn't scream at all, and her eyes were full of despair.

She never imagined that this old thing would be so cruel, and the goddaughter of Lianhe would find someone to sell her, when there was no one in the village and she couldn't find a helper.

He Ju thought about helping Jinfeng speak, but she dared not approach her with a big belly.

Liu Xiaohong couldn't say anything, Zhao Yuanlan was a child again, and Yao'er was even younger, how dare she go up against these casino guys.

There were a lot of people watching the excitement in the village, and a lot of people couldn't bear it, but they couldn't say anything.

Because the old man in the village spoke up, this is a family matter of the Zhao family.

Jinfeng married into the Zhao family, she was a member of the Zhao family. Now that Zhao Li is dead, Zhao Liniang has the right to dispose of her, or sell her, or marry someone else, and no one in the village has the right to say anything.

At this moment, no new era, no laws are as effective as the old rules and village elders.

The feudal etiquette from the old days to the present has firmly gained the upper hand.

Zhao Yuanle watched this scene from the crowd, his eyes fell on the helpless struggling Jin Feng, his eyes were very cold.

She suddenly wanted to laugh.

Zhao Liniang was really calculating, and she even brought her goddaughter with her, specially picking the time when the whole village went to grab water and when she was not at home.

Looking at the crowd around the audience, there were those who disapproved, but none stood up for Jin Feng.

The leading man looked at Jin Feng and was not very satisfied.

According to his original calculation, Zhao Li had to keep paying back the money, and Jin Feng had to follow suit.

Who knew that Zhao Li was a short-lived ghost, and when he died, the Zhao family spent almost all the money on a funeral.

Now, there is only one golden phoenix left.

There is no beauty, so I can only sell it to some old widower or something, or sell it to the mountains to make a fortune, and I have to give it to that person.

Thinking about it makes him feel bad.

After Zhao Liniang tore up the IOU, the man looked at the people he was carrying.

"Let's go."

It takes three or four people to move this fat woman.

"Where are you going?"

Zhao Yuanle slowly walked out from the crowd.

The man stared at Zhao Yuanle in a daze.

This beauty... I'm afraid it can be sold for hundreds of silver dollars.

Zhao Yuanle stared at him appreciatively, with a cold expression on his face.

Zhao Liniang has a bad heart.

The goddaughter next to her glared at Zhao Yuanle and made a shrill voice.

"This is our family's business, why are you an outsider interfering!"

Zhao Yuanle didn't even bother to talk to this person, she looked directly at the man in charge.

"Are you the one who runs the casino in the brothel?"

The man looked at Zhao Yuanle and smiled.

"Little girl, what's the matter, what are you doing?"

Zhao Yuanle: "You are brave enough. If you dare to abduct and sell people in front of so many people, you are not afraid of going to jail."

Zhao Liniang spoke.

"From the Zhao family, don't mind your own business. This is my daughter-in-law. The king of heaven is here, so I have the final say."

Zhao Yuanle laughed out loud.

"You are such a big man, you have the final say? Such a big man, you sell it if you say so?"

Zhao Liniang spoke loudly, not feeling guilty at all.

"Isn't it up to me? It's none of your business! Who are you!"

The old woman in the village also spoke.

"Zhao Er's family, don't speak up, it's none of your business."

Zhao Yuanle rolled his eyes directly.

"Then who are you? If I say mine, it's none of your business!"

Old woman: "Hey, what are you talking about!"

Zhao Yuanle: "I said you are an old meddler, what? Are you deaf before you die? Or are you blind and blind?"

With that said, Zhao Yuanle went straight over, slapped away the people standing in front of him a few times, and removed the rope on Jinfeng's body and the thing blocked in his mouth twice.

Jinfeng, who was free, jumped up in an instant, rushed directly to fight with Zhao Liniang.

"I beat you to death, you old godly woman. I fought hard with you. Are you plotting against me? I won't beat you to death today!"

The goddaughter next to Zhao Liniang wanted to help, but was frightened by Zhao Yuanle's look.

Just when the goddaughter was about to speak, Zhao Yuanle went straight over and slapped her twice.

"Go to your mother's black-hearted woman, the bully has come to our village, I won't give you any color today!"

After Zhao Yuanle finished playing, his eyes stabbed at the man who ran the casino.

"Let me tell you, I'm afraid you made a mistake with your idea today. As long as I go to report you, this casino, I will be finished. Now, if you are sensible, get out of here."


Zhao Yuanle clenched his fists, showing a fierce temperament on his body.

The man looked at the scene, turned his mind for countless times, and quickly made a decision.

He asked people to come forward and snatch silver dollars from Zhao Liniang's goddaughter.

Man: "For the sake of seeing people die, I don't want this account."

But I still have to get back the money I gave before, and I can’t lose money.

These people looked at the men gathered over there, and quickly ran away at a faster speed.

Zhao Yuanle sneered as he looked at the man whose silver dollars had been robbed.

"Housework? Did you get paid?"


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