Following the sound, Zhao Yuanle saw Xiaobai who was about to give birth.

Feeling Zhao Yuanle's arrival, Xiaobai was obviously relieved a lot, raised his head to look at Zhao Yuanle, and hummed twice.

Hearing the sound of pouring rain outside, Zhao Yuanle opened the door of the pigsty and walked over, spreading out the straw mats prepared on the side.

Xiaobai lay down obediently.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuanle took out the booklet from his body and turned directly to the pages about sow production.

At this time, several other people also followed.

He Ju hurriedly urged Zhao Sancheng.

"Go and boil some hot water, get a basin of warm water, and bring dry cloth and scissors."

Zhao Sancheng responded and went over to start the fire and boil the water.

Zhao Yuanle squatted beside Xiaobai, touched its head, and saw that its water had broken.

It said that within two quarters of an hour the first piglet would be born.

It was Zhao Yuanle's first delivery of a pig, and he was a little nervous, so he could only try his best to appease Xiaobai.

"Wait, when the water comes, you can give birth."

Xiao Bai was lying on the mat, looking quite calm.

After a while, Zhao Sancheng brought a large basin of warm water, some dry cloths and scissors that had been floated on the fire. Zhao Yuanle took these and concentrated on preparing to deliver the baby.

As if he had received the signal, Xiaobai began to exert strength with a grunt.

Soon, a piglet was born directly.

Zhao Yuanle blinked, but he didn't expect it to be so easy. After realizing it, he hurriedly hugged the piglet, washed the mucus off the piglet's body, cut off the umbilical cord, wiped it dry with a dry cloth, and put it aside.

Several people watching outside the pigsty all smiled.

Yao'er was in Zhao Sancheng's arms, looking straight into the pigsty.

Immediately afterwards, the next piglet was born, and Zhao Yuanle hurried over to continue delivering the baby.

One after the other, the piglet Xiaobai gave birth quite smoothly, with almost no pauses. Zhao Yuanle kept washing off the mucus from the mouth and nose, cutting the umbilical cord and drying it, without resting at all.

Zhao Yuanlan looked very emotional.

"It would be nice to have children like this."

It was born as soon as it was exerted.

Yao'er also nodded: "The sow is amazing."

In this way, Xiaobai gave birth to fifteen children in one breath before finally stopping.

Zhao Yuanle finally let out a sigh of relief after wiping the last piglet.

"My mother."

There is not enough space for this mat. There are a bunch of piglets lying there, some are black and some are white, and there is not a single one with flowers.

In this regard, Yaoer is very disappointed.

"It's useless to have a single flower."

Why can't black pigs and white pigs give birth to flowered pigs?

Zhao Yuanle smiled.

"Only flowery pigs give birth to flowery pigs."

He Ju: "Fifteen, our pigs are too powerful."

Zhao Sancheng agreed with a smile.

"That's right. The most I saw was fourteen. This one is fifteen. It's amazing."

Zhao Yuanle smiled and patted the hard-working Xiaobai.

"It's really hard for you."

Fifteen in one litter, it's really amazing, it's worthy of her pigs.

Xiaobai, who had just given birth, was a little weak, and after moaning twice, he bowed his head into the pig trough.

Zhao Yuanle reacted.

"Let's feed it quickly, get some good ones, and crack some eggs."

Zhao Yuanlan volunteered.

"I'll come, I'll come."

He Ju smiled and pulled Zhao Sancheng away.

"Let's go, the sow is taking care of the cubs, let Lele stay here."

Zhao Yuanle nodded.

"I'll just stay here and come out when I'm fine."

In the middle of the night, Xiaobai enjoyed Zhao

Yuan Le took good care of him, ate a good meal, and felt the blessing of the pig god up close for a long time.

After Xiaobai was full, these little piglets finally got milk.

Zhao Yuanle watched the spectacular scene of Xiaobai lying there, and fifteen little piglets piled up there to nurse.

"Being a mother is not easy..."

In the days to come, she must give Xiao Bai the best nutrition, otherwise, Xiao Bai will be squeezed dry by these little piglets.

The brochure also stated that if the sows cannot keep up with the nutrition after giving birth, they will eat the piglets, and she can't let this happen.

Before going to sleep, Zhao Yuanle filled the pig trough with food again, and beat a dozen eggs into it in one go before he was relieved.

After she lay down on the bed, she closed her eyes for a while before falling asleep.

In the dream, the Pig God really appeared, with a smiling pig face.

"Fifteen heads, that's amazing."

Zhao Yuanle also smiled.

"That's right, I found out that there are ten black heads and five white ones. The black ones are males and the white ones are females."

Pig God: "Oh, both sons and daughters."

Zhao Yuanle couldn't help laughing, and then asked about how powerful these little piglets are.

But the Pig God played tricks.

"This, you will know when you raise it."

Zhao Yuanle tried to guess: "Is it true that it grows really fast, has a bigger body, and the meat tastes better, the kind that is evenly fat and thin."

Pig God smiled: "Almost."

Zhao Yuanle: "Are all gilts especially fertile?"

Pig God: "Yes, they are very capable of giving birth and growing."

Zhao Yuanle was very happy in his heart.

"so good."

Pig God: "I can give you another small reward for giving birth this time. See what you want."

Zhao Yuanle didn't think about it first: "I want a lot of money."

Pig God couldn't help coughing.

"Don't look for money."

Zhao Yuanle could only helplessly spread his hands.

"Otherwise, I don't seem to be short of anything now. I just want to connect electricity to my home, but it will definitely cost a lot of money. I probably don't have enough money now."

Pig God: "Then do you want to purify the pig sculpture now? I can give you the pig sculpture and get a big piece of gold."

Zhao Yuanle's eyes lit up.


Pig God: "However, if you raise pigs in the future, you will no longer have gold, and your strength, energy and skin thickness will not increase any more."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yuanle gave up his mind.

"Then forget it."

She should earn money honestly by herself.

The Pig God thought for a while, and then he thought of Xiaohuazhu.

"Well, since it's a sow giving birth, I'll give you the benefit of making money. You don't have any shortage of fat and fast pigs, so I'll make Xiao Huazhu a little bit different."

Zhao Yuanle: "What else is amazing?"

Pig God: "Aren't these little pigs for flowers? Let them be like cows. Let them have a lot of pig milk after giving birth. You can make money from pig milk."

After listening to the pig god's words, Zhao Yuanle's eyes became complicated. When he looked at the pig god, his mood was even more complicated.

Good guy, why does she feel that this pig god is a bit dishonest?

Pig God: "Don't look down on pig's milk, lucky pigs, the milk produced is good, not to mention healthy, the taste is very good, it's good for drinking alone or making snacks.

Do you think milk is good?Let me tell you, pig milk is good, but there are too many pigs born in one litter, not enough for people to drink. This is my serious idea. If you raise more milk-producing pigs, there will be many ways to make money.

Just for the item of physical fitness, a lot of money is needed to buy it. "


Zhao Yuanle listen

Pig God's explanation, he believed a little bit in his heart, but his expression was still complicated.

Pig God: "That's all, that's all the reward, if you take good care of it, you will definitely not lose money."

Zhao Yuanle nodded reluctantly.

"I'll try my best."

As she said that, she couldn't help imagining the scene of milking the pigs. This... still looks very abnormal.

Pig God disappeared soon after saying this.

Zhao Yuanle slowly opened his eyes amidst the rooster crowing, and then sat on the bed blankly, with a complicated expression on his face.

It's so complicated that it's a little unnatural when you go to the pig farm and see the little flower pig.

There is no way, she went home after walking around the pig farm today, and basically stayed in the pig pen, adding blessings to the newborn piglets, and helping Xiao Bai recover.

After Liu Xiaohong came today, she looked at the bunch of little piglets from a long distance, and listened to the description of He Ju and others, with envy and surprise on her face.

"This sow is really competitive."

He Ju kept smiling.

"Isn't that right? It means that our family is so capable, read some small books by yourself, deliver this pig, and take good care of the piglets."

Wu Lin, who was reading at the side, glanced at the pigsty and shook his head helplessly.

He didn't want to talk to Zhao Yuanle or look at her these days, who made her stay in the pigsty all the time.

In the afternoon, Jin Feng came to Zhao's house and learned about the sow giving birth, and then told about the strange things she knew about the sow giving birth.

She had a lot of keys pinned to her waist, and excitedly talked about the strange incident of a village that gave birth to a piglet with a human face. When she was excited, the keys rang.

Yao'er was also listening carefully, and the sound of the key was right next to his ear, so he couldn't help but ask about Jin Feng.

"Auntie, why don't you have so many keys?"

Jin Feng snorted coldly when he heard this.

"For fear of thieves stealing things, you must put more locks"

In fact, she locked up all the food and everything of value in the house, so that the old thing would not be touched.

When she first got married, she still wanted to please her mother-in-law, but she was always scolded for being fat, and she was only given sorghum rice and wild vegetable dumplings for each meal, and she was hungry for a long time.

Now, it was her turn to take revenge.

Zhao Yuanlan couldn't help urging Jinfeng.

"And then, why does it have a human face? Has this piglet grown up? What did the mother-in-law say, and what did the doctor say?"

Jin Feng continued to talk, and the others listened attentively.

Zhao Yuanle passed by and chuckled lightly when he heard the gossip.

Does this involve metaphysics? ..

In fact, it is a simple atavism phenomenon, or a genetic mutation, where is there any pig essence?

Seeing Zhao Yuanle, Wu Lin silently took a step back.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuanle couldn't help frowning.

"Why are you hiding from me? I haven't hit you recently."

Wu Lin: "You always stay in the pigsty."

Zhao Yuanle rolled his eyes.

"Pigs like to be clean, what do you know?"

After speaking, she got into the pigsty again.

In the next few days, Zhao Yuanle basically stayed in the pigsty except for sleeping and teaching Yaoer some problems.

Thanks to Jinfeng's loudspeaker and the ability to tell gossip, many people in the village knew that the white pig of the Zhao family had happened.

Those who wanted piglets came to the door one by one, and after learning that the sows were all white and the boars were all black, they fell into hesitation.

Many of them think that white pigs are a good breed and grow fast, but they don't want to raise sows that are rarely killed for meat.

It was Zhao Niu'er who wanted the little white sow very discerningly.

His reason is also very simple.

In the future, sows can sell their litters for money, and his family is not in a hurry to kill pigs for meat this Chinese New Year.

In fact, Zhao Yuanle was quite reluctant to give it to his mother, so he only agreed to Zhao Niuer's side, and the rest was only given to his father.

She will raise the remaining gilts, and then breed them with this generation of good gene gilts to produce the best breeds.

Come to think of it, there should be no close relatives among her pigs.

After almost two or three days, the problem of where the piglets were was settled.

Zhao Yuanle left four males and four females for his family, and sold one female and six males.

When the piglets are weaned, they can come and catch them.

Generally speaking, it takes a month for a piglet to wean, but Zhao Yuanle's piglet only took seven or eight days to wean.

She calculated the weaning time and deduced that the growth rate of this wave of piglets should be three times or four times that of ordinary pigs, faster than their parents.

However, it is also possible that she has been blessed with a lot of luck. If you leave her, it may not be so fast, but it must be much faster than ordinary pigs.

On a sunny day, those who wanted piglets waited at the gate of Zhao's house.

A little piglet is basically about fifteen catties, and according to the price, it costs five yuan.

Zhao Yuanle seemed to know everyone, so the price was three yuan a head.

Zhao Niu'er gave the money most readily, and happily left Zhao's house with the little white pig in his arms.

The rest of the people also paid out one after another, all of them were smiling, after all, they took advantage of it.

Xiu'er's mother was the last one to hold the piglet, together with Xiu'er.

After all these people left, Zhao Yuanle directly brought Piggy over and refused Xiu Erniang's money.

Xiuerniang was a little embarrassed: "It's better to accept it, whoever said it was for nothing."

He Ju smiled.

"It's okay, take it, just don't let them know."

Jin Feng, who chatted with Zhao Yuanlan all day at Zhao's house, also agreed.

"Take it, Lele didn't ask me for money before, and I didn't want it because I didn't want to raise it."

Xiu Erniang was puzzled: "Why don't you want to raise it?"

Jin Feng: "My family just butchers pigs and never raises pigs."

Xiuerniang: "You also kill pigs, why don't you raise them?"

Asked this question, Jin Feng shook her head of course: "My brothers, how can it be my turn to kill pigs, I always settle accounts when I collect pigs and sell pork."

As soon as the words fell, Jinfeng suddenly realized.

She couldn't help looking at Zhao Yuanle.

Zhao Yuanle was taken aback: "Why?"

Jinfeng slapped her thigh.

"I know what I'm going to do, I'm going to sell pork."

She is very free every day now, and she really wants to find something to do.

So, why did she forget her old profession?

Selling pork, although she doesn't kill pigs, she is good at cutting and selling pork.

They have tofu Xi Shi, why can't she be a pork Xi Shi.

Zhao Yuanle froze for a moment, then nodded.

"It's good to sell pork. If you sell pork, there must be a lot of people buying it."

Zhao Yuanlan also agrees.

"That's right, you're fat, and it looks like you eat a lot of meat. When people see it, they think the meat you sell is good, so they want to buy it. Look at that skinny bamboo pole selling meat, who wants to buy it?"

Jinfeng: "..."

Let's just take it as a compliment.

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