When Qi Yijing returned to Huijingxuan, the inexplicable uneasiness in his heart made him frowned slightly.

Why did she suddenly return to Huijingxuan?

There was no one at the gate of Huijingxuan. On the way back, Qi Yijing asked them to leave temporarily for 10 minutes. As for the reason... Erye Qi hesitated for a second, holding back his shame and dragging the huge pink car from the back seat of the taxi. object.

Inferior plush is extremely smelly and sheds.

He held the doll expressionlessly and walked inside, like an emotionless walking machine.


Ning Tan sat on the carpet, sucking on the freshly soaked instant noodles.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, she reluctantly gave Qi Yijing a look.

Seeing the action of sucking noodles, he was stunned.

The object of entry is not Qi Yijing, but a super big pink doll bear.

It is estimated to be three meters.

The people behind were completely blocked, if it wasn't for the fact that they could still see the shoes, Ning Tan would have almost screamed out: Hey, where did the big bear come from!

Xiong Jing changed shoes at the entrance exquisitely, and walked in with a slightly clumsy step.

Walking to an open area, a head sticks out from behind Xiong Jing, as if looking for someone.

The clumsy movements are made by the calm second master Qi, and they don't look funny, and the strong contrast makes him a bit cute.

That's right, it's cute!

When he stretched out, he met the stunned Ning Tan, and Qi Yijing, who was only slightly frowning, froze for a moment, feeling very uncomfortable.

Why is she in the living room?What are you eating...instant noodles?

Qi Yijing's sharp eyes fell into the cloudy bowl, and his face turned dark immediately.

It's worse for your health than grilling.

Won't she let the chef cook?

Seeming to have found a position, Qi Yijing naturally put Xiong Zai down and asked with a cold face: "You eat garbage again..."

Before the words were finished, Ning Tan put down his chopsticks and threw himself at the doll bear, jumping happily into the pink bear's arms.

"What a big bear!"

Soft and comfortable.

The most important thing is big!

Qi Yijing didn't expect that she would like this ugly ugly bear so much. Seeing her laughing so happily, the words of reprimand fell down her throat, and her cold face eased.

Barely agree with what the shopkeeper said—girls have no resistance to furry things.

In fact, Ning Li is not very bearish, the reason why she is so happy is because it was a gift from him, and he made changes for her.

The aloof President Qi walked into a shop where you could buy a bear with just a watch on your body.

Not only that, but he came back in a taxi with this tacky bear.

This should be put in the past, it is considered impossible to happen.

Not only that, Qi Yijing would also mock harshly: the aesthetic needs to be improved.

"Did you buy it to apologize to me?" Ning Li hesitated a few times, staring at him with sparkling eyes.

Apologize... Second Master Qi is a little uncomfortable, he really doesn't like this term very much, he has never confessed to anyone in his life, and he never thought that he would have this day.

It's like he never thought he would ride a taxi in cheap clothes...

Unknowingly, he made countless exceptions for him.

Looking at Ning Tan who was full of joy, Qi Yijing was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly: "Yeah."

One word is already his limit.

After saying this word, Qi Yijing found that the apology was not as unacceptable as imagined.

Especially after seeing her smile.

"Then I will barely forgive you for its sake." Ning Tan snorted, "Don't bite me again, or ten bears won't be able to save you."

Qi Yijing didn't speak.

"Let me give you a name." Ning Tan rubbed the doll, "What should I call it, Dafan? Qi Dafen?"

The corner of Qi Yijing's mouth twitched, silently remembering one very important thing: when there is a child in the future, Ning Li must not be named.

Otherwise, he and the child will regret it for the rest of their lives.

"Why don't you call it Cuihua, how about Fenhua...Qi Yijing, don't touch my instant noodles!"

Sorry to be late.

Seeing that he was found, Second Master Qi took out a few tissues and threw them into the bowl.

Ning Tan: "..."

Heartache, heartache to the point where I can't breathe!

"I only ate two bites, you are wasting food." She complained.

In particular, there are two ham sausages in it.

Pay her instant noodles!

"I'll ask the chef to make you a late-night supper. Eating bubbles will cause you to suffer from poor health." The expensive man was calm and composed, his handsome face darkened for a second, and a low magnetic voice slowly escaped from his thin lips, "I'm really overwhelmed." , you can bite me."

Ning Tan: "???"

She is not a dog.

When she is like him, does she have rabies and likes to bite people.

"I never bite." She was angry.

"Huh?" Qi Yijing murmured, the ending turned up, and his slender index finger tapped his thin lips, meaningful, "Then who bit this?"


It was forced by him!

Qi Yijing rolled up his sleeves, and there were a few fresh scratches on his forearm.

The indifferent voice is seductive.

"And who caught this? A wild cat on the roadside?"

Ning Li blushed, and couldn't help but think of the scene at the playground. She was really... glaring at Qi Yijing from embarrassment: "You still have the face to say, I'm so annoying, I don't want to eat, I'll go upstairs to sleep!"

She really didn't understand how the staid and cold Qi Yijing became like this.

What about his principles?Is he conformist?

It's fine to talk explicit, but to touch her every now and then.

So depraved!

Ning Tan didn't know whether Qi Yijing was infected by her or if this was his true face.

In short, I'm so angry... I can't tease him casually in the future, after all, Qi Yijing told her with his actions that he will take revenge, and he will come true.

Qi Yijing saw Ning Tang hiding in the bedroom, a smile flickered in his cold eyes.

He speaks harder than anyone else, but once he actually acts, he is faster than anyone else.

In the huge living room, low laughter and ravings sounded, accompanied by petting.

"It's delicious and fun."


Ning Tan, who is so picky and loves to play, lay on the bed, angry and annoyed.

There was a faint pain in the collarbone, just now he should have retaliated, let him taste the taste of being bitten!

If she did that, she should really be eaten up.

Ning Chun was annoyed and desperate.

She couldn't swallow this breath!

So angry!

Ning Li angrily decided to file a complaint with Bai Zixing and the two of them, but neither of them answered the video or responded to the message.

"Nani?" Ning Tan was depressed, "We lost contact together, we don't want to play like this."

Make another try.

Ning Tan changed the phone again.

Just when the phone was about to be automatically hung up, the phone was connected, and the other end seemed to hit the ground, panting heavily, and the pure voice was several times more charming than usual, mixed with unspeakable pain: "Hey, Xiao Chen."

"What's wrong with you?" Ning Tan instantly sensed something was wrong.

"I, I..." Bai Zixing got up, stepped on the high-quality carpet and ran forward, but his footsteps were very unsteady, and panting, he said, "I've been tricked."



The mobile phone seemed to have fallen to the ground, and noisy footsteps could be vaguely heard.

and obscene shouts.

"Sister Zixing, stop playing hide-and-seek with brother."

"Come out."

Ning Tan's expression changed: "Taotao, Taotao!"

No more responses.

Bai Zixing tried his best to run up the stairs, but the more he walked, the more dizzy his eyes became, and he even faintly turned black.

In the blur, she grabbed an arm, and the other party froze, and then wanted to push her away.

"Help me, please, please, help me..."

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