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Chapter 251 The film king is tempted

Ning Li kept talking about it.

Suddenly, two tight-fitting men in black windbreakers approached her silently from behind.

The taller man nodded slightly to the shorter man, and stretched out his hand towards Ning Chan's eyes.

As soon as he passed through the hair, his wrist was caught suddenly, the wrist suddenly lost strength, and then he was pulled hard!

The tall man rushed forward.

"Bang!" It hit the greasy table directly, knocking down several chairs.

There was a sharp pain in the arm.


Ning Tan got up and stepped aside a second before he fell down. Her eyes were full of vigilance and coldness when she was babbling, her small face was not as careless as usual, it was so cold that it was not humane.

She clasped the man in black with her backhand in the posture of detaining a prisoner, and pressed the man's head hard with the other hand.


There was a crisp sound when the head and the table collided.

The guest next to him couldn't help but gasped.

It hurts to hear it!

"Who asked you to come? What do you want to do?" Ning Chen asked coldly.

The sudden change made the boss stunned. Wo Cao is so fluent, he must be a policeman.

Are these two criminals?

He quickly picked up the kitchen knife.

The little man finally came to his senses, and stepped forward in panic: "Miss Ning is me, us!"

Ning Tan was taken aback for a second.

This voice is a gecko, so the one she bet on is... Yu Yege?

She looked down, and she could vaguely tell from the outline of the mask that it was the film king.

"Let go...him." Gecko didn't dare to call out Yu Yege's name, he was in a hurry, "Let him go quickly, don't disfigure him, there is work tomorrow."

Ning Tong let go of her hand.

Yu Yege was finally free. Grinning his teeth, he took two breaths of cool air, rubbed his arms and neck, and his evil voice changed into a different voice, no longer so lazy and clear, but he couldn't hold back his unruly evil spirit: "Ning Chan, you attack me!" How cruel."

The arms must have been red, and the face must have been swollen.

He never suffered this kind of injury when he was filming.

"Who told you to sneak behind me." Ning Tong frowned, "It's scary, isn't it?"

"We saw you after a late night snack, and wanted to surprise you." Yu Yege didn't complain about the treatment he received. Compared to the lizard of the gecko, he leisurely pulled up the scattered chairs and sat across from Ning Chan. , tilting his head and smiling evilly, "I didn't expect you to surprise me."

"Good work."

What she did just now was stronger than many martial arts instructors.

But... what is she wary of?

Yu Yege did not miss the fear that flashed in Ning Tan's eyes when he questioned her just now, and the corners of his mouth under the mask curled up.

This is an enemy.

And look at this posture... the enemy is not easy.

Hmm, interesting.

Ning Tang rolled his eyes: "Is that a surprise? It's clearly a shock. If you play like this at night, be careful to be treated as a pervert. You two should be lucky that I didn't bring anti-wolf spray tonight."

"Boss." Qi Yijing snapped his fingers, "Bake five skewers for me as well."

And said to her as a matter of course: "You treat me as compensation for the psychological harm you caused me."


I really want to slap him to the west.

Not Bilian.

Seeing that they were acquaintances, the boss heaved a sigh of relief and put down the kitchen knife.

Ning Li took out [-] cash and handed it to the boss.

"Where are you going?" Seeing that she was leaving, Yu Yege rested her chin on her white fingers, obviously sitting casually, exuding a charm, teasing lazily, "Don't worry, no one will see, even if You won't be at a disadvantage."

"Why don't you suffer? I'm worse than you in appearance?" Ning Tan disdainfully said, "Besides, I have to find my boyfriend. I don't care about what happened just now, so take it easy."

In all fairness, Ning Chen has a very good looks.

Yu Yege was about to say that we are considered a man and woman, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, his movement of removing the chopsticks froze, the words stuck in his throat, and he casually asked, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Why haven't I heard of it?"

Ning Yi raised her eyebrows, it seemed that they were not familiar enough to tell each other such intimate things.

Strictly speaking, they are employment relationships.

He agreed to hype with Ning Wei, and she helped him revive his business empire.

"You don't know how normal it is." Ning Tan said, "Could it be that I have to spread the word? Let's go, you two take your time."

"Handsome, your squid and beef."

The barbecue is very fragrant, especially the squid sprinkled with seasoning, which is still sizzling.

But Yu Yege was tasteless, looking at the back of the girl walking away gracefully, his eyes under the sunglasses drooped, the bright light like diamonds dimmed a lot, and his heart was full of emotions.

Sour, not very comfortable.

Does this mean that he died before he left school?

In the next minute, a smile appeared on the slightly pale handsome face.

Just a boyfriend, not a husband.

With his charm, is it not easy to poach a corner?

"I didn't expect Ning Li to have a date. I think she's always alone and she thinks she's single." Gecko sighed, quite curious, "I don't know what her boyfriend looks like, can we meet later? arrive."

If they have been eating barbecue here, they should be able to see each other.

After all, Ning Tong is here, and her boyfriend must be nearby.

"Pack and go back to eat." Yu Yege got up lazily. Ning Tan would not let him see her boyfriend, otherwise he would not have left. He took the rest of the money from the boss, "Boss, have you met my sister?" Have you just made a boyfriend?"

"I've seen it, he's pretty handsome, and he looks nice."

The boss pointed enthusiastically: "I went to buy a doll for your sister."

Yu Yege looked in the direction of the doll shop, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up: "Got it."

He put it in his pocket, and walked over there coolly.

It doesn't matter if you don't tell him, he can see for himself.

The gecko carried a barbecue bag, and Yu Yege was almost gone: "Where are you going, wait for me."

Ning Tan left the barbecue stall and called Qi Yijing: "I'm home."

If he stays any longer, who knows if Yu Yege's coquette will do anything, or say something to Qi Yijing.

With Qi Yijing protecting her, he will definitely go to Ning Wei.

After getting into the taxi, Ning Tang sighed sullenly.

Not pleasant at all.

Qi Yijing's expression darkened when he received the call, a little flustered and annoyed, is she so angry?

Indeed, he had little respect for her.

"Sir, do you really don't want this big pink bear? It's a hot item, and many girls like it." The boss recommended it again.

Qi Yijing glanced at the huge pink doll bear, and the smile sewn with poor-quality thread seemed to be mocking him.

Second Master Qi fell into silence.


5 minutes later

Yu Yege walked into the store, looked around and saw no one there, and said to the smiling store owner, "Boss, I came here with my girlfriend during the day, and the wallet might have been lost in your store, can you adjust the surveillance to help me find it?"

"Go, go, go."

Not a big deal either.

The shop owner clicked on the monitor, Yu Yege stared at the screen, and successfully saw a man wearing a couple outfit with Ning Li, with a slender figure and a golden ratio comparable to a model. Through the monitor, one could see the man's extraordinary temperament.

Not an ordinary person.

It's a pity that the surveillance in the store is not complete, and the man's face cannot be seen clearly.

Yu Yege narrowed his eyes slightly, he seemed to be a formidable opponent.

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