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Chapter 253 Weighing the pros and cons

Qifeng stared stiffly at Bai Zixing whose face was flushed abnormally, her eyes were blurred and she couldn't recognize who he was, she just kept begging, arousing love and affection: "Please, please save me, please..."

He had no choice but to let her go, but she came to his door again.

The secretary reminded in a low voice: "Master, Miss Anna is still waiting for you."

When they came here today, they found that Miss Anna was in Guancheng and recognized them.

As a result, the plan had to be temporarily changed.

"Don't forget how you told Miss Anna."

Qifeng froze, he naturally remembered that he coaxed Chick Anna, saying that he came here specially for her, and the fate between them was God's will.

As a last resort, he took her on a date for a day.

He also promised to give her a surprise in the evening.

Chick Anna was domineering, she had inherited her mother's cruelty and ruthlessness, he managed to get her to choose him among all the candidates, and if he was absent at this time, it would take a lot of effort to coax her.

That was the thing he hated the most.

After weighing the pros and cons, Qi Feng coldly shook off Bai Zixing.

Anyway, she hangs out at the bar, and it won't change this time.

"Help..." Bai Zixing was thrown to the ground, extremely embarrassed, with pain written all over his face.

She wanted to get up, but she sprained her foot because of the fall.

I vaguely saw a cold figure leading the person away, and disappeared around the corner without any nostalgia.

Bai Zixing was confused and scared.

"Sister Zi Xing." The second generation of the rich caught up with her and looked at her with pity, "Look at you, what are you running, my brother is so distressed that his feet are so sprained, my brother just wants to relive the relationship with you when I was a child."

"Come on, brother rub it for you."

The rich second generation held Bai Zixing's ankle, seemingly gentle, but in fact his face was full of wretchedness and calculation.

Although the Bai family is going downhill, the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse.

Bai Zixing is the only daughter in the Bai family, as long as he marries her, the Bai family will be in his pocket.

Besides, Bai Zixing is not ugly, he is the type he likes.

Thinking about it, the rich second generation laughed out loud: "Brother will definitely treat you well."

Bai Zixing's thinking ability was already extremely slow, she wanted to struggle, but she had no strength at all, and growled with red eyes: "Get out!"

"Go away, don't touch me!"

The rich second generation clicked his tongue twice to hug her, but Bai Zixing grabbed his arm and bit it hard, and immediately let out a pig cry: "He has a strong temper, brother is happy... ah!"


Stand up and give Bai Zixing a slap.

The heavy slap made Bai Zixing's eyes sparkle, and he almost fainted.

The corners of the mouth were overflowing with blood.

"Bitch, don't be shameless!" The rich second generation cursed, looking at his bloody wrist, his expression twisted, "It's still arrogant to fall into my hands, let's see how I make you regret it!"

He stopped hugging Bai Zixing and dragged her forward.

Bai Zixing's whole body ached, and his consciousness began to collapse due to the pain.

fear... anger...

The rich second generation swiped the room card, threw her on the bed, and rushed towards her while undressing.

No... Bai Zixing struggled with the last bit of strength left, but it was useless, she couldn't even throw the quilt away with that little strength.

The rich second generation pressed her on the bed and kissed and touched her: "Struggling, why don't you stop struggling? Isn't it proud?"

The rough treatment not only tortured the body but also the heart. Bai Zixing was in extreme pain, staring at the ceiling desolately, tears slowly falling from the corners of his eyes.

Why, it was obvious that she finally touched happiness.

Xiao Chen, save me...


"Move, baby, it's so boring if you don't struggle." The rich second representative had a distorted expression.

Suddenly the back was hit hard!

Someone punched him hard on the shoulder.


It seemed to be the sound of broken joints.

"Ah!!" The rich second generation screamed again and again.

The next moment, he was grabbed by the back of his collar and pulled violently, and fell to the ground in embarrassment. A pair of limited edition expensive leather shoes came into view, and further up, there was an extremely gloomy face with fierce and cold eyes.

The rich second generation trembled at the sight.

"You, who are you?"

Qi Feng glanced at Bai Zixing who looked like a rag doll on the bed, his heart was inexplicably suffocated, the haze on his face became heavier, and he laughed: "Hehehe..."

The sinister smile is like a poisonous snake.

"Who told you to touch my prey?" He pinched Fu Erdai's chin, and it only took a light pinch to crush it.

"I, I warn you, my father is Zhou Zhe, he won't let you go if you do anything to me." The rich second generation flinched while warning without confidence.


It wasn't the jaw that was broken.

but fingers.

Qifeng stepped on the back of Fu Erdai's hand, and amidst the screams of Fu Erdai begging for mercy, he crushed it a little bit, and it hurt a little bit after being crushed.

"Ah! I was wrong! I was wrong! Ah!"

The corner of Qifeng's mouth curled up cruelly, and he stepped on the other hand.

When the rich second generation almost fainted.


The rich second generation even crawled and rolled out, and the secretary was shocked when he saw his injuries.

Is the young master crazy? !

This word seemed to have stimulated Bai Zixing, hope appeared on his numb face, and he tremblingly asked, "Qi, Qi Feng?"

Qifeng stared at her gloomyly.

She is very embarrassed, very pitiful, very attractive... distressed.

Since he can recognize him with every word, why is he so stupid to be tricked?Or is this her playing hard to get? !

Bai Zixing felt very uncomfortable, his face was flushed, and it was extremely difficult to breathe. He could only see the shadow in front of his eyes, and his thoughts were disintegrated inch by inch.

She cried for help: "Brother Qi Feng, Qi..."

Qi Feng's pupils shrank, his eyes were gloomy.

"Master." The secretary wanted to remind, "Anna..."

"Take her to the mountain and light the fireworks." Qifeng ordered coldly, looking at Bai Zixing who was curled up in pain, his fists were tightly clenched and then slowly released, sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

He raised her small face, with dark eyes: "Don't call me brother, do you understand?"

Bai Zixing's eyes were full of confusion and pain.


Ning Tong immediately called Bai Zhi, and Bai Zhi answered the phone quickly: "Ning Tong, why..."

"Something happened to Taotao! Go find her quickly."

"What?!" Bai Zhi was terrified and angry.

The phone was hung up instantly.

Ning Chen's heart clenched tightly.

"Where's Miss?" Bai Zhi rushed out of the reception room, calling the manager over with red eyes, "Where's my niece?! Didn't you look at her?!"

The manager looked downstairs.

Bai Zixing, who was originally sitting by the bar, disappeared.

Suddenly dumbfounded.

Wasn't it there half an hour ago?

"I, I don't know..."

"Monitoring, adjust the monitoring! Quick!"

The surveillance was tuned out as quickly as possible. When Bai Zixing was distracted, someone changed her to a glass of wine, and then... went up to the eighteenth floor.

The above are all distinguished guests, and there is no monitoring.

"Go, knock on my door one by one!" Bai Zhi lost his mind.

He was afraid that another accident would happen to Bai Zixing.

"But above..."

"I'll go as soon as I say!" Bai Zhi yelled.

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