"Wrong!" Ning Tan was terrified, and his soft voice was mixed with crying, "I will never make fun of you again, really."

She couldn't bear the third round of ravages.

This old bastard shows no mercy!

Didn't she just laugh at him twice.

Ning Tan regretted and felt wronged.

Qi Yijing stopped his movements, and didn't intend to just let her go. He stared at her quietly with dark eyes, and tiny drops of blood dripped from his skinny lips, which was extremely sexy and dangerous: "Who am I?"

Ning Tan couldn't pronounce those two words.

"Hehe." A low laugh overflowed from his lips, with an inexplicable coolness, and the arms around her waist slowly tightened.

Ning Tan was shocked and couldn't care about anything else.

"Husband, you are my husband!"

"Not father?" Qi Yijing stared at her, pondering, "Huh?"

Ning Tan wanted to cry but had no tears.

That's not what she said.

It was the little sister who said it!He was already older than her, her little sister Tong Yan Wuji had a keen eye for pearls.

"No." Ning Tan shook her head like a rattle, "You are my husband."


Qi Yijing was very satisfied hearing the word "husband". The fly in the ointment was that she didn't do it voluntarily. She glanced at her red neck, her eyes deepened, and she licked the blood from the corner of her mouth: "Where did you ask me to kiss last time? Huh?"

Ning Tan: "..."

Is this to calculate the general ledger?

She was so wronged, obviously he was the one who lined up for the merry-go-round, and it was Xiao Chen who recognized him, and everything has nothing to do with her, why is she the one who bears the consequences in the end?

Dou E is not as wronged as she is.

"I, I don't remember." Ning Tan looked away.

Qi Yijing approached, and a man's hormonal breath came over his face: "Really?"

Ning Li swallowed, wanting to bend down and get out from under his arm.

It's a pity that the second master Qi had noticed it long ago, and directly mentioned her, killing her thoughts, tightly imprisoning her in his arms, and slowly slipped his other hand into the sportswear.

The cold palm pressed against the warm skin immediately caused dense pimples.

Ning Tan trembled, the electric shock was transmitted from the big palm to his mind, and his whole body began to go weak.

Also very frightened: "You, you... this is a playground, not a home."

She tries to use environmental reminders.

Doesn't he care about this the most?

It's a pity that it's useless, Qi Yijing has held back too much anger these days, accumulating time and time again, not to mention the kiss was so devoted just now, how could he let her go so easily.

He has to teach her a lesson.

"This is a temporary exit." The mellow magnetic voice was hoarse and inexplicable, like those dark and surging pupils, "No one will come in."


It's over, it's over, Qi Yijing was really driven crazy.

Ning Tan wanted to cry but had no tears.

"I was wrong." She humbly begged for mercy, her palms suddenly climbed up, she exclaimed, and her begging voice softened a few degrees instantly, "I will never laugh at you next time, and I will listen to you from now on... ah... ..."

"Admit your mistake sincerely, and insist on not changing it, right?" Qi Yijing bowed his head, exuding a dangerous aura, and kissed her neck, "It's too late."


Ning Tan suddenly suffocated, and subconsciously tensed up.

Hands gripped his clothes.


The sound of footsteps coming and going outside was accompanied by exchanges and discussions, including Xiao Chen's voice.

No one would have thought that across the door, someone was bullied to the point of crying.

Someone unintentionally looked at the temporary exit. There seemed to be two figures in the small crack of the door. Their tall bodies leaned against the wall, bowed their heads and kissed the collarbone, tightly intertwined.


Ning Tan was carried out on her back.

Eyes are red.

If you look closely, you will find that her clothes seem to have been carefully arranged, especially around the neck.

Qi Yijing satiated with wine and food, looked at the guide calmly and calmly: "Well, go to the movies after dinner."

Look at the hammer!

She didn't read it!

Ning Tan wanted to beat him to death on the spot, not to mention his dry mouth, and the pain in his collarbone - he actually bit her.

Is it a dog? !

There is no way to have fun in the future!

Obviously other people's dating is not like this.

Ning Tan was buried on the background of Qi Yijing, and the sadness in his heart flowed like a river.

Maybe it's an addiction.

When watching movies at night.

Second Lord Qi glanced at the couple who were kissing furtively in front of him, calmly took Ning Tong into his arms, and in Ning Tong's vigilant eyes: "Do you want a Coke?"

Ning Tan was not full because he got angry while eating, and he was thirsty after eating half a bucket of popcorn by himself: "Drink."

She reaches for a Coke.

Qi Yijing's eyes were slightly deep, and he didn't pass the Coke to her, but took a sip by himself, then kissed her red lips and passed it to her.

Ning Tan: "???"

Where the hell did you learn the showmanship!

She really wanted to push him away angrily, but Qi Yijing didn't give her a chance and left with self-knowledge.


5 minutes later

"Are you still drinking?"

"Don't drink, get out!"

People in front, back, left, and right all looked over.

Ning Tan blushed, and glared viciously at the calm Qi Yijing.

It's all this bastard's fault.

Because of Qi Yijing, Ning Tang didn't watch the whole movie much, and the second master Qi didn't come here for the movie.

"Do you still eat supper?" Qi Yijing asked.

Ning Tan was aggrieved, and really wanted to say no to eating, lest he have any conspiracy.

But I'm really hungry.

"I'll eat by myself, stay away from me!" She was angry.

Qi Yijing calmly followed behind.

Well, it made her very angry this time.

But that's okay...he's willing to suffer the consequences.

From the corner of his eyes, Ning looked at him and followed him silently, the anger in his heart dissipated a little, and he walked to Qi Yijing's least favorite barbecue stand to sit down with a vengeance, and the table was still very greasy.

Sure enough, Qi Yijing frowned slightly when he entered the area of ​​the barbecue booth.

When he saw a store Ning Li had chosen, his brows frowned even deeper.

It's so dirty here.

You don't need to think about how many bacteria are baked in this environment.

"Boss, here are ten skewers of squid!" Ning Tan shouted, "There are also ten skewers of beef, ten skewers..."

"One or two?" The boss looked at the man standing three meters away from the stall but kept staring at Ning Jing, and asked hesitantly.

Ning Tan: "One."

"I don't know that person."

The boss saw that there was a conflict between the two, and while grilling the barbecue with a smile, he winked at Qi Yijing: "My girlfriend is going to coax you when she is angry, she is giving you a chance, go and coax her."

Rushing not far away, Nunuzui said, "There's a doll shop over there, buy a big doll to cuddle with."


Qi Yijing could vaguely see the storefront, struggling in his heart, this is not something to be coaxed, the environment here is really unacceptable to him.

will be sick.

Ning Tan sat on the stall with a cold face.

After a while, Qi Yijing walked towards the doll shop.

Seeing that he had actually left, Ning Tan stared wide-eyed.

Eat it up and run away?

Well, she remembered!

Sure enough, old men are unreliable.

"Smelly Qi Yijing, old bastard, rogue pervert..."

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