Among a group of parents in their 50s and [-]s, Qi Yijing's tall and straight figure is so out of place.

Ning Li wanted to cover her face.

So humiliating.

It would be fine if Qi Yijing had another starting point, at least romantic, but his starting point is just because the carousel is safe.

Queued for half an hour.

Before going up, Qi Yijing looked at Ning Chan with deep eyes and motioned for her to come over.

Ning Tan really wanted to pretend not to see it.

Qi Yijing stared at her.

The two stalemate silently.

In the end Ning Tan gave up and walked over sadly: "I stopped sitting on this thing when I was six years old. If you want me to sit on it, you can come with me."

Immediately, President Qi frowned, looked at the childish wooden horse, and then at himself, his brows were so frowned that a fly could almost be crushed to death.

A handsome face full of disgust.

He couldn't imagine that picture.

It is even more unacceptable.

"Can you get on?" the employee urged, "It's about to start."

Ning Tan was about to jump off the wooden horse.

Thinking of the dangerous bungee jumping, thinking that the rope might break suddenly, thinking that he might lose his wife on the first date... All kinds of thoughts flooded into his mind, Qi Yijing stopped Ning Chan, and made an extremely difficult decision, Shen Sheng Said: "I'm going!"

When faced with the choice of tens of billions of contracts, Qi Yijing's heart was not so heavy.

Under countless eyes.

He stepped on the platform stiffly, and sat on the wooden horse, with almost nowhere to rest his two long legs.

There are children in front and behind.

Ning Tan never thought that Qi Yijing would make such a sacrifice in order not to let her go bungee jumping.

Looking at his limbs that were so stiff that they were out of shape, Ning Tan was not so angry anymore, but instead felt sweet, with a brilliant smile on his face.

"Wow wow wow!" The little girl in front suddenly started crying, "My sister has daddy to accompany me, and I want daddy too, daddy..."

Qi Yijing's expression froze again.

dad? !

He is a little bit older than Ning Li, but how does he look like her father? !

How old is he?

Ning Tan laughed unceremoniously: "Pfft, you really look like a father."

Qi Yijing's face darkened.

"I'm sorry, Tongyan Wuji." The little girl's father smiled with them and taught his daughter, "He is not my sister's father, he is my sister's boyfriend."

"I am my sister's husband." The cold voice corrected seriously.

The little girl is confused, what is her husband?

The little girl's father laughed dryly.

Ning Tan laughed until tears came out: "You are so childish."

Qi Yijing was expressionless, he was just telling the truth.

During the speech, the carousel started to spin, accompanied by music, at an extremely slow speed.

Qi Yijing's two long legs were bent, and his posture was very uncomfortable, but what made him die even more was still behind.

"Boss, it's really you!" An exclamation sounded.

Holding two barrels of popcorn in his arms, Xiao Chen stared in shock at the carousel, the noble man who was completely incompatible with the warm style of painting, and almost didn't pop his eyes out.

It turned out that the person on the street just now was really the president.


Qi Yijing's face froze suddenly, he never expected to escape the first day of the junior high school but not the fifteenth day, and looked at Xiao Chen with cold and unkind eyes.

Isn't there a representative from Africa? He thinks Xiao Chen is quite suitable.

"Xiao Chen, who boss are you calling?" A few secretaries squeezed over with their girlfriends, teasing, "When did you change jobs? Why don't you tell me, where did you jump... What a fool!!"

They couldn't help talking about the quintessence of the country.

Are they blind?

Why is the man on the merry-go-round so much like their mature and stable president, with exactly the same figure, exactly the same facial features, and even the same ruthless eyes...

No no not necessarily an illusion.

How could a high-flying CEO be in such a noisy place, wearing cheap clothes, riding a childish carousel among a bunch of kids.

Must have hit the face.

The moment Qi Yijing appeared, his stiff face was already about to crack.

He did such a naive thing, and the employees saw it.

The extremely cold eyes fell on Xiao Chen.

Very well, you are the representative of Africa.

Xiao Chen shuddered, facing the sneering president, an inexplicably bad feeling rose in his heart.

It seems that he... shouldn't have found out the president.

The merry-go-round stopped, and Qi Yijing walked calmly and led Ning Chan away expressionlessly. Only Ning Chan knew how irritable he was at the moment.

There were chattering voices from behind.

"Do you think that was the president just now?"

"No way... The president never wears clothes that cost less than 50 yuan, so he must be a face bumper."

"But next to him is the lady."

It can't be two strange faces.


After walking out of the passage.

She stared at Qi Yijing's red ears, and couldn't help but hugged her stomach and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, no more, Qi Yijing, this is called self-inflicted evil."

Forced her to sit on the merry-go-round, now it's all right, the majesty of Mr. President is gone.

If we let her go bungee jumping, there will be no such thing.

Today is the anniversary of the death of Qi Yijing.

Qi Yijing looked at Ning Tong with a blank expression as she burst into tears, and after she had almost laughed, she led her to the dark temporary exit next to her.

"Why don't you talk?" Ning Tan stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his eyes, "Don't be stimulated to restart, it's actually not a big deal, everyone... huh!"

The wrist was tightly grasped, Qi Yijing suddenly pressed her against the wall, her tall body was extremely dominant, completely covered her, bowed her head and kissed the red lips that liked to tease him fiercely.

Shut up those harsh words!

He kissed hard, like venting his anger and teaching him a lesson.

The temporary exit was very dark, and Ning Tan was completely enveloped by his aura. He could only see a pair of strong pupils filled with anger. All the oxygen in his chest was taken away, and his mind gradually began to feel dizzy.

"Well..." She moaned, trying to remind him that she was wrong.

Qi Yijing let go of her slightly, and Ning Tong, who was finally able to catch her breath, took a big breath, but after two seconds her red lips were sealed again, and Ning Tong's eyes widened.



Two seconds cd is too fast!

Qi Yijing kissed her hard, the kiss went deep, and the red lips were ravaged so painfully, Ning Chen bit his thin lips in pain.

The smell of blood spread in the mouths of the two.

Qi Yi seemed to want to swallow her into his stomach. In the dark environment, his domineering aura gradually climbed up, making him so mysterious and dangerous.

Ning Tan tried to hit him, but his hands were pinched tightly.

Every inch of my body felt weak.

In the end, Qi Yijing slowly let go of her, took the limp person into his arms, stared at her who couldn't bear it, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Will you still make fun of your husband in the future? Huh?"

There was mist in the corners of Ning Chen's eyes.

Wrong, she was really wrong.

She didn't have the energy to answer him at all.

Qi Yijing narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Don't say? Then..."

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