Ning Tan looked left and right, and when he was about to take out his mobile phone to contact Qi Yijing, a young man came over with stinky tofu, with a strange tattoo on the back of his hand.

It's Baili Monday.

"Ning Tan, are you looking for someone?"

Ning Li's smile faded incredulously: "Looking for my friend, what a coincidence, you're coming out to play too, where is Tang Tang?"

First, I went to the Qishi Building to meet Qi Yijing, and now she appeared near her.

What a coincidence.

"Well, it's Saturday." Baili Zhou nodded vaguely while biting stinky tofu, "Tang Tang was asked out, where is your friend, do you want me to help you find it?"

"Are you going to the underwear shop?" Ning Li raised her eyebrows.

Baili choked on Monday. Although it is very open now, let's forget about the underwear shop.

He raised his stinky tofu: "Do you want to eat stinky tofu? The owner of the shop is my friend. I invite you."

Friends... Ning Tan's face froze.

She almost dragged Qi Yijing over just now.

Why did he say this? He just wanted to invite them to eat stinky tofu or he had ulterior motives... Ning Li stared at Baili Zhou, who grinned at her, showing his big white teeth.


"Next time." Ning Tan raised the bag in his hand, "I'll go find my friend first, you eat slowly."

"Okay." Baili Zhou Yi didn't bother him sternly, planning to leave after drinking the soup.

At this time, several playful youths were playing and chasing, and the one who ran in the front turned around and made a provocative face, which made his companions even more angry.

"You sixth son, stop for me!"

"Come chase Dad, hee hee..."

The young man didn't look at the road, and ran straight into Baili Zhou, who was drinking soup, was knocked sideways towards Ning Li.

Ning Tan, who had just taken two steps, felt a burst of gravity on his shoulders.

She was in pain: "Hiss."

After Baili moved his nose on Monday, suspicion flashed in his eyes, and then he turned his head away: "Ning Tong, are you okay?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Several high school students blushed and apologized.

"We didn't mean to."

"We will pay you for your stinky tofu."

Half of the soup spilled on the ground, and half on Baili Zhou.

Fortunately, Ning Jing was not affected.

"I'm fine." She rubbed her shoulders, "It's just a little pain, but you, go back and change your clothes."

"There's no need to pay, I've eaten it all. It's just that you have to watch the way in the future."

"Definitely." The students thanked embarrassingly, and left quickly.

Baili looked down at his soup-stained shirt on Monday and shrugged: "It's okay, I bought it on 9.9 anyway, I'll just go buy another one."

Ning Chen nodded, turned and left.

Baili Zhou fanned the stench on his chest with his hands, staring at her back, his eyes flashed with thought.

No smell at all.

But the runes he left behind are obviously gone, and he definitely didn't feel wrong last time... He has met everyone Ning Chen knew one by one, but he was not a single one.

There are no exceptions anywhere in Los Angeles.


"What's the problem?" Baili Zhou raised his chin and frowned.

He considered whether to tell Ning Li directly, so that the news would come sooner.

The phone rings.

Baili took out his cell phone on Monday, looked at the caller, lost his thoughts in an instant, and picked up the phone while walking to the stall selling cheap shirts: "Hey, Master, are you going to the village? When... I know..."


Ning Tan found Qi Yijing in a milk tea shop that had no business at all. He was sitting in a corner by the window, frowning and looking outside. If he looked closely, he still felt a little distressed.

Xiao Chen was actually on this street.

If he hadn't walked fast, he would have been recognized.

Second Master Qi tried his best to maintain the little bit of principle and arrogance that remained.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" Ning Tong was angry.

Walking without saying a word, walking alone, they are out on a date!

Embarrassment flashed across Qi Yijing's handsome face, and he really wanted to make up a reason to fool him, but he looked at his little wife who was staring at him, silent for a second, and finally said the truth: "Xiao Chen is also on the street."

"He has a big mouth. My image today is really... not very good at seeing people."

Ning Tan: "..."

Abandoning her because of that awkward image?Is it so shameful not to wear a suit? Is there obsessive-compulsive disorder in cleanliness... For a moment, Ning Li didn't know what to laugh at.

She knew that Qi Yijing was not used to this kind of dress, and she didn't like it.

He is as rigid as an old machine, unable to accept any change.

Save face.

After complaining a few words, Ning Tan snorted: "Forget it, I won't argue with you this time, and there will be no next time. Alright, let's go to the amusement park."

Qi Yijing asked in a low voice: "No more shopping?"

It was only half way through, and although he wasn't used to this kind of occasion, he wanted to make her happy.

"Don't go shopping anymore." Ning Tan tugged at him, his eyes sparkling, "I prefer amusement parks, are you afraid of heights?"

"will not."


Half an hour later, Qi Yijing paid the price for his answer and deeply regretted it.

He was half-pushed and pulled onto the roller coaster, falling vertically from a height of 60 meters, his hair was blown messy, and the screams of the tourists next to him made him frown severely.

It's noisy!

If I knew it earlier, I should book the venue.

Amidst all the screams, Ning Tan's cheers were particularly loud.



She tilted her head against the wind: "Qi Yijing, we're taking off!"

Qi Yijing: "..."

He only felt that the eardrum had been hurt like never before.

After getting off the roller coaster, a bunch of tourists bent over and vomited.

Qi Yijing supported Ning Chan who was unsteady on his feet. Ning Chan's face was strangely red, and he could not stand still and simply leaned into his arms, his eyes were full of excitement: "Is it fun?! Do you feel your heart beating faster?"

Qi Yijing remained expressionless: "This kind of project is meaningless and dangerous."

Not at all calm like someone who's just been through a devil's roller coaster.


Why come out to play and be criticized.

"But it's very meaningful to play with me, and the couple who ride the roller coaster together will be together forever." Ning Tan smiled, "Today is very commemorative, is there any?"

Qi Yijing doesn't think that this kind of commemorative value that threatens the safety of life is unnecessary.

They will be together forever without sitting.

They are already married.

"Bungee jumping!" Ning Tan saw someone jumping high not far away, "I'm going..."

"You don't want it." Qi Yijing interrupted indifferently, glanced at the high platform that was at least 100 meters away, his eyebrows twitched fiercely, and his gentleness became undeniably strong, "It's too dangerous, don't go!"

Glancing around, Qi Yijing's eyes fell on an item, and satisfaction flashed in his eyes: "I'll take you to play with that."

Ning Tan followed his gaze, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.


That's something for kids!

Did something go wrong? !

Elementary school students don't like this.

"I don't do bungee jumping, and I don't want to do this, okay?" Ning Tan tried to dissuade him.

Qi Yijing acted as if he had never heard of it, and went to line up with firm steps.

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