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Chapter 242 Beat Ning Rui

The students turned their heads and saw Ning Chan, who was outstanding in appearance, and started molesting her.

Only Ning Rui's face changed, and he grabbed the schoolbag nervously.

Why did Ning Tong appear here?

"Yo, where is the beauty from?"

"Does sister want to play with us?"

"Hahaha...It's a pity that sister, you are too tightly dressed, we don't like it."

Ning Tong looked at the group of rude students coldly, and his eyes fell on Ning Rui.

Knowing that I have a guilty conscience proves that there is still salvation.

"Don't talk about it." Ning Rui scolded his partner unhappily, "Don't tease her."

"Why, you fell in love with it?" The good brother winked at him.

"So you like this one."

"Let me let you, let me let you, do you want the brothers to help you get WeChat?"

He doesn't want Ning Chen's WeChat, let alone this one.

"Ning Rui." Ning Tong said coldly, "Go back to school."

Ning Rui said angrily: "You want to take care of it?"

He viciously warned: "Ning Tan, you'd better keep what happened today in your stomach. If you dare to complain to your parents, I won't let you go."

The students looked at Ning Rui in surprise, is this really his sister?But isn't his sister the famous gentle goddess Ning Wei?

There is also a sister.

The corner of Ning Tong's mouth curled up coldly, and he was quite bold enough to threaten her.

Ning Haitian didn't dare to speak to her like that.

Disobedient children how to do?Just a good meal.

"Stop them." Ning Tong said to the driver, "Don't let any of them go."

The driver nodded and pulled out the electric prod from the co-pilot.

Standing in the way, he pressed the electric baton expressionlessly.


The students had never seen such a battle before, and they were all terrified.

"You, don't come here..."

"Be careful and call the police!"

"Call the police, do you dare?" Ning Tang snatched the schoolbag of a haggard student. The student tried to resist, but the driver looked at him, and the student let go of the schoolbag aggrieved.

Ning Tong took out a packet of powder from his schoolbag, held it between his fingers, and sneered, "Who will go in first if you call the police?"

"We haven't turned 16 yet." A student said stiffly, "It will be fine."

"Our family is rich!" He comforted himself.

It turned out to be confident.

Ning Tan sneered: "Then what if I sue you for abducting my brother?"

"By the way, I'm quite rich too."

The students were guilty and scared. After all, they were too young to withstand the beating, and all of them were as white as paper.

They just want the thrill and don't want to go in.

"Ning Tan, what on earth do you want to do?" Ning Rui's face was as red as a pig's liver, "You are not my own sister, so leave me alone!"

"Let us go."

Ning Tan looked at him with a slight smile on his brows, but it made people feel chills.

Ning Rui was inexplicably guilty.

But when he thought of losing face in front of his brothers, he became furious and glared at Ning Chen angrily.

"If it's not for grandpa's sake, do you think I'm willing to take care of you?"

"Do you know that if you smoke this thing, you will spend your whole life paying for that vanity curiosity? Do you know how many anti-drug police officers die every year?!"

Ning Tan stared at Ning Rui closely.

"You are not only ruining yourself, but also ruining their family!"

Ning Rui was suffocated by the questioning, and said in a desperate voice: "So what? I didn't ask them to be policemen, didn't they get paid?

Besides, I will bear the consequences myself, so you don't have to worry about me. "

His parents didn't care about him like that.

This fake sister who hasn't been together for a few days has a lot of things to do.

Embarrassing him and threatening him, no wonder the family doesn't like her.

Live it!

Ning Tan's pupils shrank when he heard the words "not getting paid", his face turned from calm to cold, staring at Ning Rui who knew the consequences but didn't care.

She smiled, a very cold smile.

"Do you have to go?" she asked.

Ning Rui was a little startled by her sudden laughter, and said stubbornly: "Yes, mind your own business, and send me in together if you have the ability!"

"I can't do this." Ning Tong shook his head, and when Ning Rui thought he had the handle, he clenched his hands into fists and pressed, the knuckles creaked, "But I can let you go or not."

What do you mean?

The students were confused, but Ning Rui had a bad feeling.

In the next second, Ning Tan walked up to Ning Rui, smiled at him, grabbed his collar and slammed it on the ground!

"you want……"


Ning Rui's whole body was thrown to the ground like a sandbag, staring at his eyes.

Teeth were bleeding.

A few students showed panic, and at that moment they had only one thought - luckily they don't have a sister!

The student tried to escape, but the driver blocked the way without any blind spots.

They could only swallow and squat obediently to watch Ning Rui being abused.

Ning Tan stepped on Ning Rui's back: "Tell me, is it wrong?"

"You..." Ning Rui's face was distorted in pain, he touched the corner of his mouth, it turned out to be blood, and roared angrily, "How dare you hit me? I'm right! The fault is that you are meddling in my own business!"

He got up and wanted to hit Ning Chan, but Ning Chan unceremoniously raised his leg and stepped on it.

Stepped hard on the back.

Ning Rui screamed in pain, "Ahhh..."

"Is it wrong?"

"No! I'm going to court to sue..."

"Slap!" A clear slap.

"Is it wrong?"

"No." His tone was no longer so firm.


The students looked at Ning Rui, who was kicked in front of him with a bruised nose and swollen face, and at Ning Chan who approached with a smile, all of them wanted to cry but had no tears.

It's scary, Ning Rui, just admit your mistake.

This is a demon!

Ning Rui also wanted to admit his mistake, and he thought about it when he was kicked away for the second time, but Ning Li didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

"Is it wrong?"



When he was kicked far away once, Ning Rui, whose face was swollen like a pig's head, admitted tearfully: "Wrong, I was wrong!"

"I was really wrong!"

Ning Tan stopped in his tracks: "Where did you go wrong?"


Ning Rui hesitated for a few seconds, Ning Tan strode towards him, Ning Rui leaned towards the brothers in horror, the brothers were extremely frightened.

Brother, don't come here!They are also afraid!

When Ning Li was about to start exercising again, Ning Rui cried, "I shouldn't have done this kind of thing, I shouldn't have mocked the police, and I shouldn't have scolded you, you are my sister, sister, I was wrong, don't beat me up Woo..."

"So you know all about it." Ning Tong sneered, "Then what are we going to do in the future?"

"I'll change it... As long as you don't hit me and I don't do anything wrong again, I will donate money to them. I, I will become a policeman in the future, really!"

Ning Rui curled up in the corner, shouting like a beggar that he would change his past.

After Ning Tan was sure that he was really convinced, his eyes fell on the five students lined up in a row.

The students trembled and cried uncontrollably.

Repeatedly promised: "Sister, we are also wrong, we will also become policemen in the future, don't beat us."

"We will never spoil Ning Rui again."

"Stop embarrassing the police." Ning Tong sneered, and squatted in front of those emaciated students, "I ask you, who gave you this thing?"

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