"Hello." Ning Tan greeted with a smile.

Qi Yijing looked cold and nodded lightly.

Tang Tang lifted her skirt and got into the car: "Ning Chan, I'm going home first, bye!"

The luxury car drives away slowly.

Ye Tao stood there at a loss.

Ning Tan patted him on the shoulder and sighed, "Oh."

"Old Six, you're useless if given a chance."

"It's all right now, my girlfriend is flying."

Ye Tao: "..."

Ma'am, don't think that I won't dare to do anything when the president is around.

Well he dare not.

"Master President, let's go eat stinky tofu." Ning Li looked up at Qi Yijing.


The CEO really wants to skip the middle process, actually.

But the President is very patient.

"Ye Zhu." Xiao Chen said, "You've been drinking, do you want me to call a taxi for you?"

Ye Tao felt that he was so awake that he could no longer be sober.

Even a little numb.

Is that a fake bar?

After everyone dispersed, Xiao Chen's girlfriend said enviously, "These two couples are really talented and beautiful, especially your president and wife, who are more handsome than big stars."

"That's right, I told you earlier that you didn't believe me."

"By the way, why did your colleague recommend me to see a doctor for constipation?"

"... Wife, please forgive me!"


Ning Tan took Qi Yijing to the night market, successfully made a stinky tofu, then returned to the car, and smirked at the second master Qi who was frowning: "Do you want me to warm your bed now?"

She smells all over, so be careful not to wash it clean.

Qi Yijing looked indifferent: "It is a bad habit to break your promise and gain weight, I will not condone you."


How can you say such things in a serious manner.

Also bad habits.


That night, Second Master Qi slept in the master bedroom as he wished, but he was not happy because - someone lay on the bed and played with his mobile phone for an hour and then moved his position.

"The bed is warmed up for you, I'm going to sleep in the guest room, bye!"

"Or do you want to do something to me?"

Qi Yijing was destined to be unable to say this answer, even if he wanted to, he couldn't say it nakedly, so he could only watch Ning Tong run away in silence.

For the first time in his life, Qi Yijing reflected on whether his thinking was too rigid.

In a sense, the bed was warm.

But Second Lord Qi's face turned dark until the next day.

After Ye Tao took the wrong document three times absent-mindedly, Second Master Qi sneered: "Do you need me to call Tang Tang over for you and ask her to return her soul to you?"

The word Tang Tang is like a switch.

"Excuse me, President!" Ye Tao admitted his mistake nervously, "I'm in a bad state today, and there won't be a next time."

He quickly changed the file back.

But this day is destined to be absent-minded, because colleagues in the company came to congratulate him one by one.

I don't know which big mouth said it.

Have the ability to talk about the private affairs of the president!

"Ye Zhu, this is the procedure on the first floor."

"Okay, I'll go down."

Ye Tao went downstairs with the documents and seals. As soon as the elevator door opened, he saw a figure in a gorgeous princess dress and white lace gloves, talking to the front desk with a sweet smile.

"Hello, I'm looking for Ye Tao."

Hearing the sound of the elevator, Tang Tang subconsciously turned his head.

Ye Tao quickly hid behind the others, and frantically pressed the elevator.

When the elevator door closed, Ye Tao felt as if a century had passed.

"Looking for Ye Tao's special assistant? Please make an appointment here."

Tang Tang, who didn't see anything, looked away, a little shy: "I'm his girlfriend, do I need to make an appointment?"

"Yes, Assistant Ye is very busy."

Tang Tang was disappointed: "...then I'll wait for him to get off work."

Ye Tao, who asked the front desk about the situation, seemed to be splitting apart. He just helped Tang Tang buy underwear once, and she fell in love with him?

This unscientific!

The wife has been taught a lesson for a long time since she likes the second master.

"Ah, cut." Ning Tong sneezed fiercely, "Who is missing me? Qi Yijing?"

Thinking of Qi Yijing's helpless look last night, and this morning's obviously unhappy but pretended indifference, Ning Chen wanted to laugh.


Bullying an old-fashioned husband is so much fun.

Ning Li bit his pen and thought.

"Have you heard that Senior Brother Xiang Yang and Qi Rou got engaged last night?"

"real or fake?"

"Why are you lying to me? I still have photos."


Ning Chan looked complicated.

"Ding ding."

The phone rang twice, the first time was a message sent to her by actor Yu Yege.

A store failed to meet expectations and even lost money. I asked her when she would be free to do after-sales service.

"How is that possible." Ning Tong frowned, "The situation near that store makes it impossible to compensate."

The other one is a friend request, with an extremely voluptuous profile picture, and the remark is: Pigeon.

Yu Yege's good friend.

Ning Chen clicked through.

Pigeon: Hey beauty, thank you for your generous help last time.

Ning Tan: You're welcome.

Pigeon: I heard from Yege that you know how to read faces?Can you show me, my fortune is very bad recently, how much money do you need?

Ning Tan's face darkened, and Ning Wei actually told Yu Yege directly that she knew how to read faces.

She had told her early on that she couldn't say that.

Thinking that Gezi had helped him, Ning Tan corrected him and agreed: I'm not looking at physiognomy, I'm studying finance, so I'll meet you at Yu Yege's house this afternoon.

Pigeon: wait for the beauty.

I also took a picture of an obediently waiting emoji, he is a handsome man...

The corner of Ning Tong's mouth twitched.

She went back to the dormitory to take Xiang Yang's notes to the student union, and asked someone to return them to him, and then went to the classroom to pack up her things.

It's Friday today.

Inadvertently glanced at Yao Qian's position.

It seems like she hasn't been to school for a long time.

"Ma'am, where are you going?"

"Go to this place."

The driver glanced at the address and nodded, stepped on the accelerator and chose a secluded road, which was free from traffic jams and would be faster.

Just pass by a few schools.


Something hit the roof of the car.

Immediately, a few students came out over the wall, clapped their hands and looked for their schoolbags.

The driver's face sank and he stopped.

Ning Tong pulled down the car window to take a look, and found an acquaintance sitting on the top of the wall, and hadn't jumped off - Ning Rui.

"Ning Rui, hurry up." The students urged, "It will be late later."

"What are you afraid of, jump quickly."

These students are all well dressed, all famous brands, which is normal - this is a noble school.

But what made Ning Tan feel wrong was that the two or three people who yelled the most were very thin, abnormally thin, their eyes were black and blue, and they looked extremely haggard.

However, the eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Are you sure there is?" Ning Rui hesitated.

One of them took out a bag of fine powder: "Why are you lying to me? Look at this, come down quickly. If you don't come down, we will leave."

Ning Tang's pupils shrank.

Ning Rui gritted his teeth and jumped off the courtyard wall.

"What are you guys doing?" the driver was reprimanding.

"It's up to you." The students curled their lips and threw out their wallets, "We will compensate you how much."

"Don't waste your time, let's go."

The students were about to leave after joining hands when a cold female voice sounded.


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