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Chapter 243 Who Did the Movie Emperor Offend?

With Ning Rui's lesson from the past, they almost told everything they knew.

Even his own younger brother can be beaten so hard, let alone a few scumbags of them.

"It was a man in his twenties, wearing a mask, we met him in the parking lot."

"Only he can contact us."

"The last time was at the scrap bike factory."

"He taught us how to skip classes, how to avoid teachers and parents, and what reasons to use."

"Sister, we are really not his accomplices. He said that he would give it to us if he brought someone into the gang... We have run out of pocket money."


Ning Rui and the three who were not in the group glared at the two who had spoken.

"Didn't you say to take us to play something new? You also said to pay for us yourself."

"I treat you like a brother, you use us like this!"

The two felt guilty and said in pain: "This is really hard to bear."

Ning Tang calmly memorized the news. It seemed that the person was very familiar with noble schools. He had either worked in the school or attended the school, and he was extremely vigilant.

Stay in one place only once.

Very short of money.

"Where did he ask you to go?" Seeing that they were about to fight, Ning Tan's face turned cold, "Want to fight? Don't you need me to accompany you?"

The raging flames dissipated immediately, and the angry people withered away.

"The tire factory."

"He said he didn't arrive before three o'clock, so he left."

That's why they were so anxious just now.

Ning Tan looked at the time, it was already 48:[-], and he couldn't catch up.

Not only that, the two people in front of them are estimated to be abandoned.

"Sister, are you going to arrest him?" A student asked in a low voice.

Ning Tan said indifferently, "The police will go."

She wasn't stupid enough to single-handedly catch drug lords, all kinds of things should be done by someone who is good at it.

Instead of taking risks by yourself, it is better to call the police and let the police investigate, so as not to miss more clues.

When it comes to major events, Ning Zhen will not let others pay for her heroism.

"You want to call the police?" The two cried bitterly, "Sister, please don't call the police, okay, we don't want to be arrested, money...we have money!"

"We can raise as much as you want!"

"Please, sister."

Seeing that his brothers were about to kneel and kowtow, Ning Rui couldn't bear it, and whispered with a swollen face: "Or you..."

Ning Tan gave him a cold look.


Ning Rui trembled and quickly lowered his head.

"If you went there just now, this is the end." Ning Tan asked, "Do you still think you can afford it now?"

Ning Rui hesitated to speak, and finally fell silent.

Police Ningchong must report.

She looked at the two teenagers who were crying heartbreakingly, and said seriously: "If you don't quit, your life will be ruined. When the police come later, tell the truth and say that someone seduced you. ?"

"No, no, sister, I beg you to let us go."

"We knew it was wrong."


When the police came, they saw six teenagers huddled against the wall, two of whom had obviously been shot.

"Thank you for your report." The policeman said seriously, "We will take care of this matter."

"This is what I should do." Ning Tan said seriously, "That person is very short of money. I suspect that he has preyed on many children of rich families. Please investigate."

Children aged fifteen or sixteen have the weakest minds.

Especially with a little money at home.

Easiest to be tricked into doing bad things.

"We understand." The policeman looked at Ning Rui, who was covered in injuries, and was surprised, "This is?"

"Oh, this is my younger brother." Ning Tan smiled slightly, "If you don't repent, I'll beat him up."


Although beating children is not recommended, the obvious reasons are more serious.

I can understand.

"You have to take care of it." The policeman walked up to Ning Rui with a wooden face, "Young man, your sister is doing it for your own good, stay away from pornography, gambling and drugs in the future, don't make mistakes, you know?"

Ning Rui was scared to pee when the police car came, and so were the other three.

No matter how much you yell at ordinary times, you can only experience the fear of facing the law when you actually see the police. The fear accumulated in your bones since childhood will come out slowly, and you can't suppress it.

Especially the moment when I saw my partner crying and being handcuffed and taken to the police.

The legs were too weak to move.

"I know, I know..."

"Close the team!"

The driver asked, "Ma'am, what is he going to do?"

Only Ning Rui was not taken away - because he was beaten badly.

"Can you stand up?" Ning Tan asked, crossing his arms.

Ning Rui hurriedly supported the wall and climbed up, afraid that she would punch herself in a rage if she got up late.

Ning Tan nodded in satisfaction, and threw the wallet that the students compensated him to him: "Go to the hospital and see for yourself."

"In addition, keep today's matter secret and see if you want to go back and get beaten again."

Ning Tong was about to close the car door.

"Hello." Ning Rui called out suddenly, and was stupefied the moment Ning Tan looked over, "Did you not divorce Qi Yijing?"

"Leave." Ning Tan raised his eyebrows, "I'm not allowed to date other rich men?"


The car sped away.

Holding the wallet in his hands, Ning Rui hesitated to speak, endured the pain and took a taxi to the hospital.

The doctor said he had a suspected fracture.

Ning Rui returned to Ning's house with a plaster cast on. The house was empty. His mother must have gone to a beauty salon again. The TV was on and Ning Wei's variety show was playing. She smiled softly and shyly, and showed sadness when talking about her family background.

She said she came from a poor background.

The host quickly comforted.

"Hypocrisy." Ning Rui was disgusted, and he pretended to be something even though he had been back for two years.

It's obvious that she enjoys being sought after by others, but she insists that she has to make money. How could the Ning family starve her to death? It's disgusting.

Looking at his plaster cast again, he was out of breath.

Why does he have a sister? !

When Ning Li arrived at Yu Yege's house, Pigeon was wearing peacock blue and was sitting on the sofa, with his chin on his palm and staring affectionately at the film king lying lazily on the opposite side.

Yu Yege was wearing a black shirt, unbuttoning three buttons sullenly, but his face was a little sickly pale.

A pair of eyes shining like diamonds looked at her: "Let me wait, you are still the eighth."

Knowing that he was late, the corner of Ning Tong's mouth twitched.

I remember it very clearly.

"Something happened on the road." Ning Chen explained concisely, "What's wrong? Show me."

"Ms. Ning." The pigeon leaned close to her affectionately, and the scent of the perfume almost overwhelmed her, "He's losing money anyway, so you can help me take a look first."

Ning Tan: "...Why don't you just look at him, I can't stand your eyes."

She can't stand it.

How can such a handsome face be so greasy?

Ning Tan took a look at the situation, took out his tablet to check, and frowned slightly: "All the nearby stores have been selling at a low price for two days, and it's still a bloody low price, a suicide attack... Did you offend someone?"

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