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Chapter 240 A Secretly Hidden Team of 2

The sound of gasping became heavier and heavier.

Qi Yijing didn't have any bells and whistles, and very calmly lowered his head and kissed Ning Chan, as if this was something so common that it got into his bones, but he stared at Ning Chan throughout the whole process, and never let go of his interlocking fingers.

The indifferent eyes became gentle because they were filled with love.

The temperament of the whole person is no longer cruel and ruthless, but has a human touch.

Ning Tan's smile was like a flower, bright and dazzling.

The two stand together so well, one is indifferent and the other is bright, as if they were born to exist for each other.

Compared with their fancy show of affection, this seemingly ordinary kiss crushed them for some reason.

Probably because the gentleness and determination emanating from the invisible will match the firm determination of this person to the end.


"It's so handsome." Someone made an envious voice, "I announce that today's champion is the president!"


"Ye Zhu is second!"

Ye Tao who was cue looked up in a daze, the second master was getting tired of his wife again.

Qi Yijing let go of Ning Tong, the two looked at each other and smiled, Ning Tong pouted: "As compensation, I will eat stinky tofu later."

"...Eat." Qi Yijing's mouth twitched, but he still agreed.

Even if she doesn't agree, she will act like a baby to make him agree.

Everyone's eyes stared like copper bells:! !God, is this still the cold-blooded and ruthless president? ! !

Going to eat stinky tofu?

You must know that any smelly food should not appear on the 33rd floor. Someone once ate a pack of instant noodles and was scolded by the president.

And now, the CEO who regards instant noodles as junk food wants to eat stinky tofu? !

It's over, it's over... President, you're over, you're in love.

Qi Yijing took his wife by the hand, glanced at everyone indifferently, then looked down at Ning Li, who was smiling satisfied, with a deep handsome face, and then glanced at Ye Tao next to him, sneered silently, with his thin lips parted, overflowing with cold and proud Voice: "Introduce yourself, this is my wife."

"As a meeting gift, everyone's salary will be doubled this month."

The second master of prayer, Shi Shiran, led the speechless Ning Tang into the room, exuding a noble aura, showing off in a high-profile manner.

The people who had just been shocked by Ning Chen's identity subconsciously gave way.


Double wife? !No, no, double salary? !


"Wife..." Someone came back to his senses and murmured, "I thought Ye Zhu had a girlfriend which was already a big news, but who knew that the CEO directly sent a depth charge."

One found a girlfriend quietly, and the other got married quietly.

Terrible for these two!

Ye Tao, who was cueed again, raised his head, still hadn't recovered from the trance state of being kissed by stealth, subconsciously said to everyone: "Go to the company tomorrow to sign a non-disclosure agreement, this matter is not allowed to be revealed, understand?"


Everyone walked into the room slowly, leaving Ye Tao standing there blankly.

Discussion with you and me.

"No wonder she dared to give orders to the president just now, but she looks so young, is she an adult?"

"How can you get married if you are not an adult?"

How can the president be so insane.

"By the way, do you think Ye Zhu's girlfriend looks a little familiar?"

"Star? No such star."

Tang Tang was well protected and did not come out to socialize, but she looks a lot like her father, so it makes people feel familiar.

The chairman of the Tang family is often on the news.

The senior leaders have complex expressions. It seems that this trip was not in vain, but would it be bad to know too much?

They are all hidden players!

Everyone formed three tables.

Tang Tang volunteered to sit next to Ning Tong, and Ning Tong noticed that although she was blushing, she was not flustered, but it was Ye Tao who hadn't come in yet.

"When did you know Ye Tao?" She asked thoughtfully.

"It was at the Qishi Building that time." Tang Tang blushed.

Ning Tan: "Then how did you get on?"

"He secretly likes me." Tang Tang whispered, "He told others that I was his girlfriend. I found out by myself. I haven't considered whether to agree to him, but he is very nice."

It is better than Qi Yijing.

"Don't tell me."

Ning Tan: "..."

She was seriously pregnant with this girl and misunderstood something.

And what's so good about Ye Tao, she scolded Tang Tang to be autistic the first time they met, she forgot all of this.

"Did you ask him?" Ning Tan was thoughtful, "Could it be too soon? You have only met a few times, are you really calling?"

I have known each other for no more than ten days, and I fell in love with it.

It's not love at first sight.

Wouldn't it be unscientific.

"Not fast." Tang Tang took it for granted, "When love comes, you must catch it quickly, or you will regret it."

"Fate does not talk about science!"

"..." It makes sense and cannot be refuted.

Ning Tan glanced at the door, Ye Tao was still standing there numbly.

Qi Yijing looked calm and was very happy to watch this good show.

He held a chopstick of meat for Ning Chan, and said in a low voice, "Eat first."

"Where is Ye Zhu?" Xiao Chen noticed that Ye Tao was not there, "I'll call him in, you guys eat first."

Ye Tao stood there numbly, thinking about what happened just now.

He was molested.

He kindly brought Tang Tang here for lunch, but was molested.

"Ye Zhu." Xiao Chen teased, "I'm still thinking about it, I went in to eat, and you can kiss as you want when you go back."

The kissing word reminded Ye Tao of the feeling just now. Although it was on the verge of triggering, the feeling was soft and seemed pretty good.

And... what was he thinking!

Ye Tao quickly returned to his senses, with a sullen face: "Got it."

He pretended to be calm and walked into the house.

Xiao Chen hesitated to speak, that, Ye Zhu, you are now on the same page.

"Pfft." Ning Tan directly laughed out loud.

Where did this wooden man come from.

"Be careful of choking." Qi Yijing frowned, warned Ye Tao and then looked at Ye Tao, his handsome face showed disgust.

I can't sit still after a kiss.

Shame on him!

Tang Tang said it seriously just now, but now he dare not look at Ye Tao, his hands holding the chopsticks are sweating a little, and he lowers his head shyly.

Ye Tao saw Tang Tang at first glance, and thought uncontrollably: Why did she kiss him?

This dinner was not as serious as imagined, but full of excitement.

"Walk slowly."

"See you tomorrow."


Xiao Chen waved his colleagues away one by one, Ye Tao did not forget to remind the non-disclosure agreement, but he prostituted himself several times while talking.

"Ye Tao." Ning Tang smirked, "You take your girlfriend back."

Ye Tao froze instantly.

Tang Tang grasped the hem of her skirt shyly.

It's over, she's going to face Ye Tao alone.

Fortunately, she was already prepared.

When the lights came on, a luxury car drove in, and the butler wearing white gloves got out of the car. He was surprised to see Qi Yijing, so he first said hello to the two of them: "Second Master Qi, Madame Qi."

Turning to Tang Tang and smiling: "Miss, I'm here to pick you up."

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