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Chapter 239 The Whole World Knows He Has a Girlfriend But He Doesn't

She whispered to Ning Tong, "I will secretly prepare another copy for you."

Everyone: "???"

In fact, sister-in-law, the scene is much quieter than you imagined, and their hearing is not bad.

It doesn't have to be so obvious to start a small stove.

Ning Tan: "..."

Just give her back the broken Three Views, thank you.

"Thank you, thank you." Everyone took the gifts from Ye Tao one after another, saying congratulations while being surprised.

"I'll go, the limited model of Phantom!"

"Mine is a membership card."

"My bag is..."


Men mostly buy models and watches, while women buy designer bags and membership cards.

As the gifts were opened one by one, everyone was dumbfounded.

Is this gift too big?It's not that they haven't made a date before, at most they just treat them to a meal and give them some special products... Do you want Ye Zhu to be so grand.

"Sister-in-law, grand!" They all applauded.

"As long as you like it." Tang Tang blushed slightly, "A little gift."

In particular, Xiao Chen's gift was even more generous, it was a car pick-up coupon.

Xiao Chen was so excited that he almost screamed.

Cars! !

He hit the lottery!

If the president wasn't here, he really wanted to slap himself twice to see if this was a dream.

"Xiao Chen, is there any water?" Ye Tao asked after his hands were finally freed.

Ye Tao accompanied Tang Tang to buy these things. At that time, he had only one thought - the princess is really stingy with money.

The pick-up ticket was within Ye Tao's expectations, strictly speaking, it was a special product of the Tang family.

"Yes, Ye Zhu, I'll get it for you right away." Xiao Chen suppressed his excitement, "President, what do you need to drink?"

"No need." Qi Yijing refused indifferently.

Looking at the excited crowd, he frowned slightly, and for the first time fell into doubt——did he pay them a low salary?A little gift is enough to make me happy.

Suddenly he looked sideways at Ning Chan, his deep eyes flashed with deep thought.

"Sure enough, she is a beautiful woman. She is not only beautiful but also kind."

"Ye Zhu, you have found a treasure... Sister-in-law wishes you a long life."

"Pfft..." Ye Tao, who just unscrewed the lid and took a sip of water, sprayed it out.

What sister-in-law?What long time?

What are these people talking about!

"You must call us when you drink wedding wine."

"In the future, when Ye Zhu bullies you, just tell us! Even if we are treated like wearing shoes, we will let you, sister-in-law, decide!"

"It's just..."

Tang Tang stood next to Ning Tan with a blushing face, and looked anxiously at the shocked Ye Tao. In fact, she was not sure whether to agree to him or not.

But they are so enthusiastic.

Are you very optimistic about them?

"What are you talking about?" Ye Tao thought that Tang Tang was at a loss and didn't know how to explain it, so he hurriedly said, "Did you misunderstand something? Miss Tang just followed me..."

"What can I misunderstand, isn't this your girlfriend?" A secretary winked, "Are you trying to say this is your sister? Ye Zhu, don't worry, we won't gossip about you."

"Don't explain, we all know."

"There is nothing between you~" everyone teased.


Ye Tao was in a mess in the wind, and his whole body was not well.

all know?How many people know?When did you know?

The whole world knows that he has a girlfriend, but he doesn't know it? !

Tang Tang's face was hot, and he lowered his head shyly and grabbed the hem of the skirt.

Ning Tan had a deep meaning: "It's hidden."

"Hand over the job well before leaving." Qi Yijing remained expressionless.

Ye Tao: "..."

For some reason, even if you have a girlfriend, you will be forced to resign.

President, please listen to my explanation!

"No, that's not the case..." He tried to defend himself.

I don't know who made a fuss and pushed Tang Tang towards Ye Tao, who quickly hugged him.

"Oh!!" Everyone was excited, "Look at this subconscious movement, tsk tsk... Ye Zhu, stop making excuses."


Next to Ye Tao is Qi Yijing. If he doesn't hug Tang Tang, Tang Tang may get a shadowless kick.

He just had no choice!

Tang Tang looked up, blushing, and stared at him shyly.

"Kiss one!" I don't know who took the lead to encourage.

"Yes, it's a housewarming gift for Xiao Chen."

Everyone applauded and cheered in unison, and the scene was extraordinarily spectacular.

"Kiss one, kiss one!"

Ye Tao: "..."

Ma Dan swore that he would wear enough shoes for this group of people before leaving.

This is Miss Tang's family, if you kiss him, don't even think about messing around.

Tang Tang's heart was beating very fast, thumping, shy and sweet, he was a little dizzy, and he grabbed Ye Tao's suit nervously.

"Don't make a fuss!" Ye Tao was angry.

It's a pity that it's useless for him to get angry again, the atmosphere is here, especially the president is watching.

Qi Yijing didn't say a word, which was equivalent to invisibly emboldening them.

I don't know who took out the salute.


Ribbons were flying all over the sky.

"Kiss one, kiss one!"

Seeing that Ye Tao's face was blushing, Tang Tang thought he was embarrassed and shy, his big eyes were full of shyness, and after thinking for a second, he took the initiative to kiss him on tiptoe.

Princesses always have to be brave.

"You..." Ye Tao was furious, and was about to give a serious warning when his mouth was sealed.

The sweet face is magnified in front of my eyes.

Ye Tao's eyes widened in disbelief: "!!!"

"Wow!" Everyone exclaimed in unison.

Sister-in-law is too powerful.

"Crack clap."

Ning Chen was in a weird mood, especially weird, and looked at the two of them complicatedly.

She tugged at Qi Yijing and muttered: "Do you think Ye Tao looks like a man from a good family who was molested?"

Second Master Qi, who didn't like to watch the excitement, nodded indifferently in the noisy environment.

After Tang Tang kissed her, she shyly carried her skirt and ran into the house.

Ye Tao stood where he was, as if he had lost his soul.

"Sister-in-law, don't go and kiss again, I'll take a picture for you."

"Sister-in-law is shy, it's okay, I'm not shy." The man put his arms around his girlfriend and gave her a kiss. After kissing, he looked at his colleagues proudly, "A daily show."


Deceiving too much!

Isn't it just a kiss?Who wouldn't.

Those who brought their girlfriends showed off one after another.

"Jiaojiao come out." Xiao Chen couldn't bear it anymore.

This is his home, his home field.

"Here we come." My girlfriend came out upon hearing the words, "Here we come, what's the matter?"

Xiao Chen gave a wall-dong kiss.


The scene was very lively, some people were jealous like lemons and others were happy.

Probably because of hormones, someone said: "The president also kisses one! If you kiss today, you will grow old forever!"

Qi Yijing who was cue raised his eyes lightly, and glanced at the speaker.

The man froze on the spot.

Everyone was full of admiration, brother, you are so brave.

"Okay, let's go in." Xiao Chen smoothed things over, "It's time for dinner."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Everyone wanted to slip away, but a deep voice sounded from behind, cold and unquestionable.

"and many more."

They secretly scolded the person who spoke, making jokes about who is not good for the president, and turned around with apologetic smiles, and the audience was shocked by this turn.

"President... hiss!"

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