Ning Tan and Qi Yijing were sprayed with ribbons and manners.


Ning Chen was caught off guard.

Qi Yijing never thought that this group of subordinates would dare to mess with him like this.

Forget about the ribbons, there are still shiny fragments that fell into the hair and clothes of the two of them.

In an instant, Second Lord Qi's face was as cold as an Antarctic ice cave.

He stared at a bunch of froze smiling faces in front of him with extraordinarily terrifying eyes.

Ha ha

No one expected that Qi Yijing would come, and what's worse, they even sprayed ribbons on the CEO with severe cleanliness... Oh my god!It's over!

Where to apply for the next resume quickly flashed in my mind.

"Boss, President..." Xiao Chen stood up against the pressure and swallowed, "Let me take off the ribbon for you."

Yaoshou!Didn't Madam say that the president won't come? !

Ning Li was also confused. Didn't Xiao Chen say that he only gathered with a few friends? Why are most of the secretarial staff there?There are even several executives among them.

She wished she could disappear as if covering her face.

Two people's hearts: it doesn't feel too bad!

Xiao Chen tremblingly reached out to pull the ribbon.

Qi Yijing stares at death.

Don't touch him with taped hands.

"...Don't get me wrong, we want to fix Ye Zhu and his girlfriend." They quickly explained.

Ning Tan was surprised: "Ye Tao has a girlfriend?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, the terrified crowd noticed her... Holding the CEO's hand?hiss!

Who is this? !

Everyone was shocked on the spot.

Ning Tan instantly became the focus, feeling a little uncomfortable, and wanted to let go of the arms he was holding.

Qi Yijing glanced at the crowd coldly.

Everyone quickly looked away, lowered their heads, and pretended to go in.

"My girlfriend said that he saw Ye Zhu go to buy underwear for her girlfriend." Xiao Chen said, "I'm going to know the size."


Ning Tan and Qi Yijing looked at each other in shock.

Ye Tao can hide so well?Even knowing the size of underwear, the relationship must have crossed that step... God...

Qi Yijing frowned, Ye Tao followed him every day and never heard of him having a girlfriend.

This kid hides deeper than him.

"Are you sure?" Ning Tan couldn't help asking.

Although it really has a lot of ingredients, Ye Tao... is really unbelievable.

Xiao Chen had a complicated expression: "I'm not sure. He will bring his girlfriend over today. Whether it's true or not will be known later."

Why don't we get the ribbons first?

Ning Tan knew that Xiao Chen was afraid, so he took off the ribbons and sequins on Qi Yijing's body with understanding, and warned Qi Yijing with his eyes.

Don't show embarrassment to others about their housewarming!

Qi Yijing: "..."

It was obviously him who was attacked.

Second Lord Qi tried his best to control his disgust, and handed the gift box to Xiao Chen with a blank expression, and said in a cold voice, "Congratulations."

"Thank you, President, please come inside quickly." Xiao Chen hurried to pick it up.

Qi Yijing led Ning Tong into the room.

The noisy crowd sat upright, as if they were not here for a dinner, but for a certain test site.

The things on the table were also cleaned up and tidy.

Ning Tan: "..."

In fact, there is no need for it, Qi Yijing is not that scary... right?

Qi Yijing glanced at the crowd, sat down on the vacated sofa as a matter of course, and looked at the crowd indifferently without saying a word.

Invisible pressure spread.

Someone's head started to sweat.

Ning Tan: "..."

Well, she takes back what she just said.

Qi Yijing is an atmosphere killer.

"Shall we go and see the new house?" She eased the atmosphere.

Qi Yijing frowned slightly, what's so good about the house?

Ning Tang smiled slightly.

Qi Yijing reluctantly stood up, Xiao Chen hurriedly took them to introduce his house, Xiao Chen was like a real estate agent, so humble...

"The president's side is the bathroom..."

"Huh." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and discussed in low voices.

"Who is that beauty? The president's girlfriend?"

"She dared to stare at the CEO. She felt that it was not as simple as a girlfriend. Moreover, she was not afraid of the CEO at all. It was so admirable."

"Do you think her figure looks familiar?"

"...The president is here!"

Everyone quickly stopped discussing, and some even ran to the kitchen to help, or went to the balcony to pretend to see if Ye Tao's car was coming.

Qi Yijing's sense of oppression is overwhelming.

Ning Tan sighed: "Qi Yijing, go to the door and wait for Ye Tao."

Qi Yijing frowned, and was about to refuse to be a doorman. These people's poor psychological quality has nothing to do with him, and it's not because he made them afraid of him.

He did nothing.

"As long as you go, I'll go back and warm your bed." Ning Tan threw out a huge temptation with a smile.

Qi Yijing's eyes dimmed for a second, he was silent for a moment, and walked towards the door with graceful steps.

It happened that he wanted to care about the private life of the special assistant.

Under the peeking of everyone, they found that the president walked to the door... standing and waiting.

And the beauty who was suspected to be his girlfriend walked towards the kitchen.

"Ma'am, you are so awesome!" Xiao Chen gave a thumbs up.

To actually instigate the president to be the doorman.

Ning Yi coughed twice, isn't this to make up for them... I have to make up for Qi Yijing when I go back, alas.

"Can I help?" she asked the people in the kitchen.

Everyone in the crowded kitchen shook their heads in unison: "No, we have enough people, go eat melon seeds."

In case the president comes after me later, it will be Wang Zha.

The corner of Ning Tong's mouth twitched, and he reluctantly grabbed a handful of melon seeds and walked towards the door.

Underestimated Qi Yijing's lethality.

"Put out your hand."

Qi Yijing stared at her for a second, then raised his big hand with slender knuckles.

Ning Li smiled and shared half of the melon seeds with him.

"Have you never been to a staff party before?"

Qi Yijing was furrowing his brows over the melon seeds that had been touched by countless people, but Ning Li was so energetic that he could only suppress his obsession with cleanliness: "Yeah."

"I'm going to treat each other badly."

"..." I really have a clear understanding of myself.

The corner of Ning Tong's mouth twitched, not knowing whether to pity the people in the room or herself.

At the same time the elevator opened.

"Ding dong."

The one who came out first was Ye Tao, who was carrying a bag full of bags.

Followed by a girl.

Ning Tan's eyes lit up, girlfriend?

"President, madam." Ye Tao was taken aback, "Are you here too?"

Qi Yijing nodded indifferently: "Yes."

When the girl behind heard Ning Chan, she ran out happily: "Ning Chan, you are here too."

"!! Nest grass!!"

Qi Yijing was also surprised, looked at her with a slight frown, and whispered a lesson: "Don't swear."

A single swear word is not enough to express Ning Chen's shock at the moment. Looking at Tang Tang with a bright smile, and looking at Ye Tao who is confused, she only feels a hundred thousand words of grass and mud horses galloping past.

There were [-] mocking faces towards her, full of malice...

How could it be Tang Tang!

She thought of all kinds of possibilities, such as a blind date, a company, or a childhood sweetheart at school... But she didn't think of Tang Tang.

How long have they known each other? !

"Are you here?" Xiao Chen and the others came late.

With Qi Yijing, they didn't dare to boo, they could only tease Ye Tao with teasing eyes.

Ye Zhu, you have a good eye~

It's just that this beauty is a little familiar.

"This is a gift I prepared for you." Tang Tang blushed under their stare, and pointed at the thing in Ye Tao's hand shyly, "I don't know what you like, so I just picked something."

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